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Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb.

(7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. My friends finally flew to Australia. They ……………………… about going there for months.(plan)
2. I ……………………… to yoga classes since September. It helps me deal with school pressure.(be)
3. Don´t phone between 3.00 and 4.00.I………………… mother by then.(visit)
4. Paul likes fish but he …………… eat meat now.(want)
5. I didn’t do any of the dinner because I…………never……………before.(cook)
6. While I was doing shopping, someone………………… my car.(steal)
7. Listen! Someone………………… the street!(cry).
8 . Unluckily,the football match.........................before we got to the stadium.(begin)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a Perfect Simple or Continuous tense.
1. Phil ………………………………………… (play) guitar since he was 11 years old. He practises at
least two hours a day.
2. I ………………………………………… (speak) to Dana until she apologised. Now, we are in touch
on a daily basis.
3. We ………………………………………… (work) on the project for months when it was suddenly
4. My parents ………………………………………… (look for) a second-hand car for ages, but they
can’t seem to find one that suits them.
5. I ………………………………………… (sleep) well in ages. It’s so frustrating!
6. Thank you for this beautiful watch. I ………………………………………… (want) one like this for a
7. I was so disappointed. By the time I got home, everyone …………………………………………

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If you …………………… (meet) anyone in the world, who …………………… you ……………………
(like) to meet?
2. If you …………………… (be) there last night, you …………………… (be) shocked.
3. Hurry up! We …………………… (miss) our flight if we …………………… (not leave) now.
4. As soon as you …………………… (find out) what we’re doing tonight, …………………… (let) me
5. I wish people …………………… (think) before they speak . It’s so easy to insult someone.
6. If you …………………… (go) to Boston, you …………………… (visit) my cousin, George. He’ll be
happy to see you.
7. Most people believe that they …………………… (achieve) happiness if they ……………………
(have) more money.
Rewrite the sentences using both passive forms.
1. My boss has offered me a job promotion.
2. Most people believe that hard work is necessary for success.
3. This company doesn’t give many benefits to its employees.
4. An anonymous donor gave our organisation a generous sum of money.

Combine the sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets. Make any necessary changes.
1. I work in a restaurant. It encourages customers to pay it forward.
2 This café is always crowded. It serves excellent coffee.
3. My friend can afford expensive clothes. Her salary is very good.
4. This the university. Albert Einstein studied there.
5. The customer forgot her phone. She had been sitting at this table.
6. The cakes were delicious. My sister baked them last night.
7. We go on holiday during the Christmas break. Our restaurant is closed then.

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