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The Easter Pageant

The kids at Community Church are in trouble. They cannot find Jesus anywhere.
How can they celebrate Easter if Jesus is gone? Find out how they solve this
mystery, and how they learn where Jesus went.

Mr. Jenkins – Sunday School Superintendent

Ms. Smith – Church Janitor

Ms. Helpings tine – Sunday School Teacher

Sunday School Kids (9) Can use more if you have kids available. Just assign them the
parts that are repeated.

Easter Bunny

Use the same children who play the roles of the Sunday school kids.


Mr. Jenkins and Ms. Helpingston

Mr. Jenkins: (Sitting at desk) What should we plan for the kids this Easter?

Ms. Helpingston: We do the same things every year. Why not have the Easter bunny
come for the kids and invite the parents for a family picture. We could let the kids
present a couple of those songs they have been practicing in kid’s worship. They are
sounding pretty good… know.

Mr. Jenkins: I don’t know………what would people think…….you know some do not
believe in the Easter bunny coming to church.
Ms. Helpingston: Well…….we did have Santa come last year and he told them the true
meaning of Christmas. The kids had a blast and everyone enjoyed the big party we
had…..even the elderly seemed to have a good time.

Mr. Jenkins: Why not! Let’s do it. Can you organize all this?

Ms. Helpingston: Sure…..that’s my game….I mean…….my name…….organization!


Ms. Smith, Mr. Jenkins, and Ms. Helpingston

Ms. Smith: Why these teacher leave so much stuff……stuff……stuff………..and more

stuff. Where do they put it all. (Going through a large box dumping out stuff) Hmmmm.
What’s this? Ha! A baby doll that has been here for years. I know what to do with that.
Why its arm is broken. (Puts all in a bag and ties it shut)I’ll take care of you later. (Puts
the bag to side of stage)

(Sweeps floor while humming) How does this church get so dirty on one Sunday? I’ll
never know. Look at all these left over bulletins. Hump! I think too many copies are
being made.

Mr. Jenkins: Hello there, Ms. Smith, I did not know that you were still here. It takes a
long time to clean this hugh place, I guess. Here let me help you with that bucket.
(Whoa! This IS heavy) Does the church board know that you are required to lift such
heavy loads?

Ms. Smith: It is a price of cake. I am used to it, that’s how I got these here muscles over
the years all this mopping and sweeping.

Mr. Jenkins; I guess so….don’t work too hard. (Exits)

(Dust desk and straightens it)

Ms. Helpingston: Hi there, Ms. Smith. You sure do a good job cleaning this church. We
are so grateful for all you do.

Ms. Smith: That’s mighty kind of you, I kind of enjoy it. (Humming)

Ms. Helpingston: What is that you are humming?

Ms; Smith: One of the songs I heard the kids singing…….it has such a catchy beat….I
find myself singing it at home.

Ms. Helpingston: What do you plan to do for Easter this year?

Ms. Smith: Probably eat my usual meal – alone at home listening to my favorite music.

Ms. Helpingston: You need to come over and eat with us. We will be having a big dinner
and would love to have you.

Ms Smith: I’ll think about it.

Ms. Helpingston: I’ll see you later; I have got to pick up cupcakes for the monthly
birthday party tomorrow at church for the kids. (Exits)

Ms; Smith: She sure is a nice teacher. Those kids must love her. (Exits)

Sunday school class scene

(Kids are seated in semi circle in chairs)

Kid 1: Are you in the Easter Pageant this year?

Kid 2: I don’t think I can; we are going to my grandparents this year.

Kid 3: I am……….I will be the Easter Bunny.

Kid 4: Where is Ms. Helpingston? She is not normally late for class.

Kid 5: I think she was talking with Mr. Jenkins.

Kid 6: He is soooo cool! He gave me a $1.00 for the pop machine last week on my

Kid 7: He gave me a bag of candy on my birthday.

Kid 8: He always gives the kids a gift on their birthday.

Kid 9: Here she comes…….

(Ms. Helpingston enters and sits at desk)

Ms. Helpingston: Good morning class!

ALL: Good morning!

Ms. Helpingston: We are going to go over our last practice for the Easter Pageant. We
have a surprise for you all later today.

All: Tell us…..what is it?

Ms. Helpingston: Not now……..(finger on lips) be patient. Ok, now let’s have you all line
up here for the first song. (Kids get into choir group to sing) Remember who we are
singing for?

ALL: God! (And some will say) Jesus!

Choir: Kids (Use whatever song they know well)

Ms. Helpingston: That is wonderful! (Claps her hands) Now go on with your parts. (Each
child will go to the microphone as they read their part)

Kid 1: The high priests and religion leaders were looking for a way they could catch
Jesus and kill him. They decided that it would not be done during Passover Week. "We
don't want the crowds up in an uproar," they said.

Kid 2: Jesus was eating dinner when a woman came up carrying a bottle of very
expensive perfume. Opening the bottle, she poured it on his head. Some of the guests
became angry because they felt it was wasteful! “This perfume could have been sold for
the poor,” they said.

Kid 3: But Jesus said, "Let her alone. Don’t give her a hard time? She has just done
something great for me. You will have the poor with you every day for the rest of your
lives. You will not have me with you every day.”

Kid 4: Judas, one of the twelve disciples, went to the high priests, and told them he
wanted to betray Jesus. They couldn't believe their ears, and promised to pay him a lot
of money. He started looking for just the right moment to betray Jesus.

Kid 5: Jesus knew it was time to prepare for the Passover. He told his disciples to go
into the city where they would find a man carrying a water jug. They were to follow him.
and he would show them a room where everything would be prepared for a Passover
feast. When Jesus entered the city the people cried,

ALL KIDS: (walk in a circle around chairs where they are at and chant wave palm
branches) Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to the King! Hosanna, Hosanna! Hosanna!
Hosanna to the King!

Kid 6: After the sun went down, Jesus went to have dinner with the disciples. While they
were eating, Jesus told them that one of them was going to betray him. They were
shocked except Judas.

Kid 7: Jesus took the bread (Have several kids come forward holding a whole loaf of
bread) then he blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to them. Then he said, “This
bread stands for my body, and this grape juice stand for my blood that I will shed for
your sins and all the sins of the whole world.”
Kid 8: Peter was so upset and he blurted out, "I will never, never, never be ashamed of
you.” Then Jesus told Peter, “Before the rooster crows three times, you will betray me.”

Kid 9: They came to a special garden, and Jesus told his disciple to wait for him while
he went to pray. The disciples fell asleep, and even when Jesus woke them up they fell
asleep again. Jesus prayed for God to get him out of this pain that he was about to
suffer, but that he would submit to God’s will no matter what. Judas along with some
other leaders found Jesus in the garden. Judas came up and kissed Jesus as he
betrayed his one and only true friend.

Ms. Helpingston: That was wonderful! It is time for our next choir song. Remember who
we are singing about.

ALL: God….(Some say) Jesus!

Choir: Kids (Stand in choir order and sing a song pertaining to topic that they know well.
Return to chairs following the song.

Ms. Helpingston: You all are doing such a great job; but we’d better get moving along
(Looks are her watch)…we have only a short time before the bell rings.

Kid 1: The soldiers led Jesus to the Chief Priest who found nothing wrong with Jesus.
Pilate asked Jesus if he was the King of the Jews. Pilate told the people that every year
they let a prisoner go free. They could let Jesus go free or let Barabbas go free. “Which
one do they want to go free?” The people shouted, “Nail Jesus to a cross. We do not
want him here any longer.”

Kid 2: Pilate gave the crowd what they wanted, letting Barabbas go free and turning
Jesus over for a terrible beating and to be crucified on a cross.

Kid 3: The soldiers took Jesus and dressed him up in purple clothes and put a crown of
thorns on his head. Then they began to mock him, and hit him with a club. They spit on
him, and knelt down in mock worship. After they had their fun, they took off the purple
clothes and put his own clothes back on him. Then they marched him out to nail him to
the cross.

Kid 4: They nailed him to the cross and placed on it these words—the king of the Jew.
Two criminals were hung on crosses on each side of him. One of them repented and
went to heaven to be with God. At 12:00 p.m. the sky became very dark. Jesus took his
last breath. At that moment the temple curtain ripped right down from the top to the
bottom. When the Roman soldier saw what happened he said, "This has to be the Son
of God!"

Kid 5: Jesus was taken down from the cross and buried on a grave. Mary, his mother
was so sad to see all this happen to Jesus….who she loved so much. After Sunday was
over, they decided to go to the tomb to see him. When they got there, the stone had
rolled away and they were frightened. Where was Jesus?

ALL Kids: Where was Jesus?

Ms. Helpingston: Where was Jesus?

Kids 6: We can’t celebrate Easter if we cannot find Jesus.

Kid 7: Yeah! How do we find him? Who can tell us where he went? Do you know Ms.

Ms. Helpingston: I know someone who will tell you where Jesus went.

(Easter Bunny enters)

Easter Bunny: Why is everyone so sad on this lovely Sunday morning?

Kid 8: We cannot find Jesus! He was buried in the grave and disappeared. Do you know
where he went?

Easter Bunny: Hmmm……Baby Jesus came a long time ago…..and he is missing?

Ms. Jenkins: (Enters to pick up garbage bag) Did I hear Baby Jesus is missing. (Digs in
bag and pulls out doll) Can you use this? The arm is broken, but it can be mended.

Easter Bunny: This is a problem. (Takes the doll) Well…here is what I know. Jesus was
born as a baby and grew up, some mean people crucified him on a cross and he died.
He was buried and arose from the grave.

Kid 9: But where did he go?

Easter Bunny: There is no need to be alarmed. The man at the tomb was an angel who
told them that he has risen. The angel showed them the empty tomb where Jesus body
had lain. Jesus went back to heaven after he appeared several times to the disciples
and some other people. He is preparing a place for all those who confess their sins and
turn in faith to Him.

ALL Kids: What a relief! Now we can celebrate Easter!

Ms. Helpingston: Thank you so much Mr. Bunny. Would you like to join us for our Easter
Dinner next Sunday? We would love to have you come and I am sure the kids would
like to get a picture with you along with their parents.

Easter Bunny: Sure! I’d like that very much! Merry Easter!

Ms. Helpingston: You kids have done so well today, let’s close with our last song.
Choir: Kids sing “Alive, Alive Forevermore

Mark 14-16 used as references. © Jeanne McIntosh. February 2010. All rights reserved.

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