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The impact of iron load bearing structures in architecture

Marius Hârţa1, Victor Gioncu†

Str. Telegrafului, bl.D6, ap.7, Timişoara, 300125, România,

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the importance that the development
of load bearing structures can have in the development of architecture and construction and to identify
solutions for a positive harnessing of the potential of load bearing structures.
As the study reflects, iron load bearing structures have liberated architecture from load bearing constraints,
being in fact the primary engines in the development of architecture and building construction. However, the
erection speeds facilitated by these new load bearing structures and by the industrialization, the demand to
rapidly satisfy the pressing utilitarian requirements of the new industrial society, as well as the short-
sightedness of the architects, has led, in most cases, to a gradual deterioration of the built environment. In
this context, the solution to capitalize on the potential opened by iron structures, in order to improve the
quality of the built environment, was to equally take into account the technical, economic, social and cultural
The conclusions point out that only interdisciplinary collaboration and maximum openness in the design
process are able to best harness the potential of the load bearing structures in favor of a better built
environment, much more adapted to the complex human needs.

1 IRON AS LOAD BEARING MATERIAL IN (Mignot, 1983). The design of such buildings, based
ARCHITECTURE on intuition and experiment (Mainstone, 1975), was
most often assumed by engineers, by specialists, by
1.1 Iron as auxiliary load bearing material the ones that controlled the means and reasons of the
Upon historical analysis, the use of iron as a load new construction system. The historical styles that
bearing material can be traced back to ancient times marked the architecture of the time continued in
(Fletcher, 1896). Up to the 18th-19th century, this overwhelming majority the rules of the formal
use was limited to an auxiliary role, insignificant in language established by the masonry constructions,
determining the building forms. Its participation as architects not being interested in exploring the
load bearing material could be, at most, intuited in potential of the new material. Remarkable examples
changes of proportions and exceeding of the usual of exploiting and exposing of iron load bearing
limit of the spans. Notable changes will come only structures in architecture remain very rare. As
with the industrialization of the production processes exceptional synthesis between rational and sensorial
and, implicitly, the availability of large amounts of thinking, these examples are based on the intuition,
ferrous materials on the building material market. understanding and desire of capitalizing equally on
the load bearing and expressive potential of iron
1.2 Iron as independent load bearing material (Harta, 2011). Quantitatively insignificant
The end of the 18th century marks the emergence of exceptions, the merit of such examples resides in
the first buildings that, counting on independent iron creating a precedent. Thus, by the middle of the
load bearing components, and even on global iron 19th century we can at most discern a parallel
load bearing systems, materialize novel spatial and existence and development between iron structures
formal realities (Hitchcock, 1958). Such spaces and and architecture. Significant gestures trying to
forms appear rather as a consequence of harness the possibilities of iron load bearing
pragmatically solving the functional requirements structures into a spatial-formal language will be
raised by the industrial and commercial buildings observable only some decades later.
1.3 Repositioning of architecture toward (Jencks, 2002; Puglisi, 2008). No matter if we are
structure talking about design, industrial production or
industrialized building process, the architectural
With the consolidation of the utilitarian, iron based,
solutions adopted, apparently against any reason,
building systems, architecture changes its position
provide a continuous challenge, fully sustaining the
toward the load bearing structure. At the end of the
evolution of science and technology.
19th century, first consistent attempts to establish
expressive solutions that harness the potential of the
new material are to be witnessed. They are to be
seen mainly in commercial buildings, where, beyond
the utilitarian requirements, the need for
representation plays an increasingly important role, The characteristics which can be regarded as
as made evident in the examples of the Chicago defining for the iron load bearing structures,
School (Condit, 1952). Given the primacy that the characteristics derived primarily from the properties
load bearing structure had in materializing the of the material, are: reticulated form, load bearing
Skyscraper, the new building typology that efficiency, the capacity to resist the most diverse
characterizes the Chicago School, it is only normal loads (tension, compression, bending and share) at
that the iron framing devised by the engineer both the level of element and jointing (Blanc, 1993;
imposes its logic on the spatial and functional Eggen, 1995; Schulitz, 1999). These are the
system. The attention of the architect would thus characteristics that make possible the novel
concentrate on harnessing its potential, respectively constructions, of a remarkable transparency, that can
on treating the surface of the enclosing elements. equally span huge distances and sustain heights and
The exceptional buildings of the Chicago School forms previously unimaginable. If the superior
could be considered the result of the successful properties of resistance to compression, tension and,
collaboration between engineers and architects. In implicitly, bending, malleability or incombustibility,
Europe, the attempt to give style to the iron load are the ones that imposed cast iron, wrought iron and
bearing structures has materialized in an ornamental later steel, in much of the cases, as the unique
language adapted to the features of the new material. possible solution, they have also determined global
In some of the most relevant examples designed by and local load bearing forms that could be
architect Victor Horta, we can observe the highly considered specific. The intentionally, more or less
decorated iron load bearing frames, wrapped in more altered, appropriation of this forms have led to
or less sculptural masonry work, allowing great constructions that reveal spatial-formal realities
freedom to the interior space (Giedion, 1941). extremely different from the ones present in the
Such repositioning movements will gain constructions erected with classical materials.
consistence with the beginning of the 20th century However, as Dooley remarks, “material adapted
and the actual birth of the modern architecture structural forms” depend on much more than
(Frampton, 1980; Curtis, 1982). By using the structural behavior (2004).
skeletal load bearing system, most often realized in
reinforced concrete, but still counting on the
principles of the iron frame, modern architecture 3 CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS;
seems to discover the true potential of iron load THE ROLE OF THEORY
bearing structures in the freedom offered to the
space defining elements. The mean to harness this 3.1 Role of architectural and structural theory
potential was focusing the creative energy on the
form of the envelopment and of the partitioning Beyond structural concerns, decisions in the domain
elements, on the relation between these elements and of building construction were, and still are,
the load bearing skeleton, on the form of load influenced by a number of factors among which the
bearing and constructive details, where such details socio-cultural ones have a very important weight
would be exposed. (Kruft, 1985; Evers, 2003). After all, influenced or
Beginning with the second half of the 20th not by the technical-economic factors, they are the
century, modern, postmodern and contemporary ones that impose edification. Beyond satisfying the
architecture take full advantage of the technological inherent needs, the solutions provided, have to take
and scientific quantum leaps, practically dispelling into account every consequence that the new edifice
the imaginable limits of the spatial-formal language could have on the individual, on the society, and the
built and natural environment. Thus, the decision in
the domain of form and space must be argued their dependence on the features specific par
primarily in relation to the value systems of the excellence to metal load bearing structures.
society that will be affected. Here intervenes
probably the most important role of the theory in the
domain of architecture, the one of a mediator 4 IMPACT OF IRON LOAD BEARING
between value systems and formal-spatial solutions. STRUCTURES
Not less important are the available means, crucial
for the necessary building to become reality. The 4.1 Freedom of architectural form
role of structural theory, beyond that side of Among the important buildings that use metal load
feasibility which depends on the economic factor, on bearing structures, especially those that exhibit this
the economic strength of the society concerned, to use, the number of those in which the architectural
which it is compelled to relate, is to assure the creation counts on forms, altered or not, resulted
constructive feasibility of the edifice (Kurrer, 2008). from purely exploiting the load bearing features of
3.2 Constraints on structural forms the metal, is predominant. Thus appears the
tendency to associate, or even equate, the modern
Precisely the diversity of the issues which has to be architecture using metal load bearing structure with
taken into account, when decisions concerning the the functional image of the industrial structures. Just
form of a construction are made, explains the high looking beyond this appearance, one can observe the
level at which that form that could be considered whole picture: the major impact of iron load bearing
ideal by the science of the structural engineering is structures, the one that marked both modern and
altered. In case of constructions whose size and contemporary architecture, is not found in
functionality essentially depend on the load bearing predefined images, in formal constraints or
components, there are high chances that the shape, determinations, but exactly in the freedom offered to
resulted from the optimization of the load bearing architecture. As the stages of utilitarian takeover or
structure, receives a reference role in defining the negation of the iron load bearing structures in
architectural form. As this dependence decreases, architecture, specific to the mid-19th century have
either due to the size and use of the building, or due been overcome, gestures of hiding, expressing or
to the evolution of science and technology, in the even ignoring them have been transformed in
search for those solutions that optimally answer the deliberated gestures. Where iron load bearing
human needs, any referencing to predefined structures are present, the search for conceptual
structural solutions that can limit the conceptual schemes and appropriate architectural languages
thought can programmatically be avoided. In these require, beyond appropriating the spaces and forms
latter cases, the socio-cultural component becomes made possible by the use of iron load bearing
an essential mediator of the impact of the load structures, the awareness of, and in the same time
bearing structures in architecture. capitalization of the freedoms offered by the skeletal
Emphasizing the role of the cultural factors, the load bearing system. This freedom from the old
examples offered by the modern and contemporary load bearing constrains, indisputable consequence of
architecture highlight the strength with which the the skeletal load bearing system developed in
determinants, acting outside the economic and relationship with the iron load bearing structures,
functional sphere, are modeling the image of the represents the essential change, the very conceptual
building and, implicitly, are constraining the load basis of the new architecture: “Modern architecture
bearing form. A reality that can be observed in the is the architecture of freedom, with a backbone of
most diverse approaches, from the steel.” (Norberg-Schulz in Eggen, 1995). Thus iron
monumentalization of the glorious moment of the load bearing structure do not determines and do not
steel profiles, characteristic for Mies van der Rohe, constrains, it offers options, it is, and continues to
to the intentional detachment from any load bearing be, a perpetual catalyst of innovation, of everything
structural constrains, specific to Frank Gehry and that means uninhibited development in the domain
Free Form Architecture. The diversity of such of space and form.
examples certifies the huge spatial-formal freedom
that became possible in architecture as the potential 4.2 Trigger of changes in architecture
of the metal load bearing structures has been Changes in architecture were, and still are, the result
harnessed. What links these examples, what of a complex of factors whose importance is hard to
represents their common denominator, is precisely be quantitatively estimated. Within this factors the
load bearing structure stands out, its weight as the The failures in the domain of the load bearing
primary means of edification being hard to structures, caused mainly by the poor understanding
overestimate. But appropriating the iron load of the strength and behavior of the material under
bearing structure in architecture meant exactly the stress, stood at the basis of the development of
fundamental change of this primary means of structural engineering (Mainstone, 1975). The
edification. From here comes both the force to intuition of the unexploited potential of the new
trigger and produce significant changes as well as material fully motivated the researching efforts. The
the one to inspire the spatial-formal creation. Thus, desire to reduce the number of failures determined
it can be noted that iron load-bearing structure was the rise and consolidation of the Theory of
pivotal in both triggering the changes in architecture Structures (Mainstone, 1975; Addis, 2007; Kurrer,
and playing the muse for new architectural 2008).
languages. If in the domain of the load bearing structures the
failures have generated progress, not the same can
be said of the field of architecture. In architecture,
5 KNOWLEDGE AND CREATIVE an already established domain, with consolidated
TAKEOVER value systems and normative languages, the failures
led, in first instance to a vocal refusal, materialized
5.1 Inertia of representative buildings both in critical writings and in rejecting the
As we have noted during the study, the emergence exposure, or even the use, of metal load bearing
of iron load bearing structures did not result in structures in prestige buildings (Kruft, 1985; Evers,
immediate changes in architecture. Within the wave 2003). Seen from the perspective of the
of innovation triggered by the industrial revolution, establishment of architecture, this refusal was a
the huge inertia characteristic for the esthetic consequence of the unacceptable socio-cultural
dogmatism of the time, manifesting itself transformations associated with the production
particularly in the case of representative buildings, means of iron as well as the lack of any acceptable
will prevent the creative appropriation of iron load normative language or esthetic legitimacy in the
bearing structures in constructions of prestige for work of the overwhelming majority of the pioneers
more than half a century. It took many years of of iron building.
experience in the utilitarian domain, treatises of Stimulated by immediate needs coming from the
architecture to put in discussion the theoretical industrial and commercial zone, less concerned with
fundamentals themselves (Harta, 2013), important the established value systems, outside the domain of
social changes and even a certain detachment from prestige buildings, structural engineering constantly
the academic centers, for a change of attitude toward progressed, setting new norms of reference while
the iron load bearing structure to become possible. permanently increasing the potential of iron
The creative appropriation that stays at the basis of structures at both a functional as well as on an
the nonchalant use of the metal load bearing expressive level. A deeper understanding of the
structures in modern and contemporary architecture types of stresses and the behavior of the ferrous
is the result of a process, began more than 200 years material under those stresses, and the progress
ago, equally marked by socio-cultural and technico- recorded at the level of structural form that
economic factors (Giedion, 1941). consciously exploit the properties of the material,
were closely followed by important progresses at the
5.2 Stages of changes in architecture level of production and processing technology. The
Triggered as a result of the availability of the ferrous iron industry has permanently tried to adapt, in order
materials, provided in increasing amounts by the to best solve the requirements of load bearing
new iron industry, this process has at its starting structures. Unfortunately, if we consider the overall
point the imitative use in which the metal replaced quality of the built environment, we cannot speak
wood or stone (Mainstone, 1975; Dooley, 2004). about the same progress.
The constructions realized this way have highlighted With the increasing potential of the new material,
both, the potential of the material and the issues that the expansion of industry and trade, but especially
this kind of approach implies, issues that derive the increasing number of buildings deprived of any
precisely from the imitative, simplistic treatment aesthetic means of control, architecture, through few
which does not take into account all the relevant representatives (Labrouste, Le Duc), which showed
factors. openness to both social-cultural actuality and new
means of construction, became aware of the fact that
the new reality, the chaotic development associated consecrates the freedom of the space defining
with it, is imminent, unstoppable and that, if elements from the load bearing structure.
architecture desires to become useful, to play a role,
to involve in adapting this reality to the needs of 5.3 Tasks assumed by engineering and
human, has to accept it. Only the acceptance of this architecture
reality, of the needs imposed by this reality, made Synthesizing the tasks assumed by engineering and
architects aware of the incapacity of the old architecture in the process of appropriating and
constructive systems to offer solutions, highlighting harnessing the potential of iron load bearing
the potential of the ones based on iron load bearing structures, we can note that: the role of the engineer,
structures to do it. In order to creatively appropriate as representative of the technical-economic field,
the potential of the iron load bearing structures, to was to exploit to the maximum the potential of the
adapt them to the human needs, given the obvious new material, to find adapted load bearing structural
contradiction that appears between the forms forms, and tools to anticipate their behavior, to
resulted from the pragmatically use of the building establish the norms of reference so necessary for
system and the accepted value systems, a those that decide to exploit this potential; the role of
reevaluation of the latter, and implicitly of the the architect, as representative of the socio-cultural
established normative languages, was necessary. field, was to identify the needs to which the new
This reevaluation has been consumed in long years load bearing structures can be best adapted, to select
of debates and justifications in which, beyond the the best suited structural forms and to adapt them to
doctrinaire fundamentals, the very idea of the the whole complex of needs, to outline solutions that
construction at a conceptual level has been fully take into account the new possibilities and to
questioned (Kruft, 1985; Evers, 2003). The few formulate normative grammars to order adequate
materialized examples and the theoretical reflections formal languages; the role of the relation, as
of this first stage, that can be called functional, are revealed by the multiple successful collaborations
the ones that formed the basis of the new approach. (Margolius, 2002; Popovic-Larsen, 2008;), was to
The knowledge and the creative interpretation of this facilitate a comprehensive approach that would
disparate information, whose recomposing was allow a better handling of the more and more
possible due to the information disseminated by text complex issues raised by the building industry.
and printed image, was essential for opening the
later creative appropriation.
The second stage, of research, is marked by the 6 CONCLUSIONS
first trials of a relevant consistence, which have
settled the skeletal load bearing system and Our study reveals that: the most important
highlighted the possible independence of the space consequence of the impact of iron load bearing
defining elements from the load bearing system. We structures was the liberation of architecture from
talk about the Chicago School of Architecture, load bearing constraints. Harnessing the great
which took into account, through the representatives freedom only became possible as architecture
of both domains, equally the evolutions in opened itself to the new opportunities, following a
engineering and architecture. The motivation of the long term process. It was also pointed out that: to
collaborative approach was given equally from the provide plausible answers, that could be considered
necessity to solve novel functional requirements, acceptable by the social-cultural environment, the
which have imposed the new building typology of components of the built environment should take
the Skyscraper, and the awareness of the need to into account the needs of humans in all their
adapt the built environment to the aspirations of the complexity, social-cultural and technical-economic
human (Condit, 1952). The alternative direction of factors being equally important in establishing
research, materialized in Europe in the Art-Noveau benchmarks. Summarizing, it can be said that: the
style, in which the influence of the theories and true potential of the development of load bearing
buildings from the former period are also obvious structures resides in its capacity to increasingly give
(Giedion, 1941), was motivated precisely by the better answers to more and more complex human
desire to exploit the expressive potential of the iron needs. In conclusion:
load bearing structure, which received here a - capitalizing on the opportunities offered by the
symbolic value. development of load bearing structures in order to
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