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S. Nejadi * and R. I. Gilbert #

* Research Student and # Professor of Civil Engineering

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales


The problem of cracking caused by shrinkage in restrained reinforced concrete

members is discussed and examined both experimentally and analytically. Eight
restrained reinforced concrete slab specimens were monitored for periods in
excess of 120 days to assess the effects of drying shrinkage on the development
of direct tension cracking. The ends of each specimen were fixed in position, so
that longitudinal deformation of the specimen was effectively prevented, and the
only load applied to the specimen was the longitudinal restraining force that
gradually developed with time due to drying shrinkage. Strains in both the
reinforcement and the concrete were monitored throughout the tests and the age
of the concrete when each crack developed, the crack locations and the gradual
change in crack widths with time were also recorded. The effects of varying the
quantity of reinforcing steel, the bar diameter and the bar spacing were studied in
order to gain a clearer understanding of the mechanisms of direct tension
cracking caused by restrained shrinkage and the factors affecting it. An analytical
model developed previously to study the problem (Gilbert, 1992) is also
described and the experimental results and analytical predictions are compared.

Cracking; crack width and spacing; creep; deformation; shrinkage; restraint;
reinforced concrete; slabs; time-dependent behaviour; laboratory tests.


2.1 Background 4
2.2 Instantaneous Strain 6
2.3 Concrete Tensile Strength 7
2.4 Creep Strain 7
2.5 The Creep Coefficient 8
2.6 Shrinkage Strain 9
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 First Cracking in a Fully-Restrained Direct Tension Member 11
3.3 Determination of Final Crack Spacing and Crack Width in 14
a Fully-Restrained Direct Tension Member
3.4 Final Crack Spacing and Crack Width in Direct Tension 19
Members Suffering Relative Support Displacements
4.1 Slab Specimens and Test Parameters 22
4.2 Construction of Specimens and Test Procedures 23
4.3 Construction and Testing of Companion Specimens 26
5.1 Material Properties 29
5.2 Crack Width 30
5.3 Crack Spacing 31
5.4 Steel Stress 32
5.5 Concrete Stress 33



The study of cracking is complex. Cracks occur at discrete locations in a

concrete member, often under the day-to-day service loads. Great variability
exists in observed crack spacings and crack widths and accurate predictions of
behaviour are possible only at the statistical level.
Reinforcing steel is provided in concrete beams and slabs to carry the internal
tensile forces after cracking has occurred. It is usual for a well-developed pattern
of fine cracks to be visible in the high-moment regions of a reinforced concrete
flexural member under service load conditions. Under such conditions in a
prestressed concrete member, the prestress reduces the extent of cracking and,
in the case of fully-prestressed members, eliminates cracking altogether.
Unsightly cracking can cause undue public alarm and concern for the safety of a
structure. Uncontrolled cracking can lead to accelerated deterioration and
corrosion of the reinforcing steel, resulting in discolouration, increased deflection
and loss of strength. Cracking under normal in-service conditions must therefore
be checked and controlled by the designer.
In addition to withstanding the applied loads, a concrete structure also has to
resist a variety of imposed deformations and movements, which may originate
either externally or internally. Differential settlement of the foundations is an
example of an externally imposed deformation. An example of an internally
imposed deformation is the shortening of a concrete element due to shrinkage.
If an imposed deformation is unrestrained and the element is free to deform, the
effect is generally of little consequence. However, the bonded reinforcement in
every reinforced concrete element provides restraint to shrinkage and imposes a
significant tensile force on the concrete at the level of the steel - often significant
enough to cause cracking. In indeterminate members, where a member prone to
shortening is restrained at its ends, an internal tensile restraining force develops
that can lead to cracking. Thin floor slabs and walls in buildings are particularly
prone to severe cracking as the result of restrained shrinkage and temperature
changes. It is this problem that forms the focus of the present study.
Cracking is usually initiated in the cement paste where micro cracks extend and
join up to produce visible cracks of measurable width. Where reinforcement is
used to control cracking, the gradual increase of shrinkage strains in the concrete
with time causes a time-dependent increase in the extent and width of cracks,
irrespective of whether the initial cause of the cracking was externally applied
loads or restrained deformation.
The onset of cracking reduces the stiffness of a reinforced concrete member and
hence reduces the internal actions caused by imposed deformation and, in the
case of statically indeterminate members, redistributes the actions caused by
external loads. The width of a crack depends on the quantity, orientation and

distribution of the reinforcing steel crossing the crack. It also depends on the
bond characteristics between the concrete and the reinforcement bars at and in
the vicinity of the crack. A local breakdown in bond at and immediately adjacent
to a crack complicates the modelling, as does the time-dependent change in the
bond characteristics caused by drying shrinkage.
A great deal of research has been undertaken throughout the world on cracking
and crack control, but to date the time-dependent mechanisms and interactions
are incompletely understood and a reliable and universally accepted design
procedure has not been developed.
Excessively wide cracks in floor systems and walls may often be avoided by the
inclusion of strategically placed contraction (or control) joints, thereby removing
some of the restraint to shrinkage and temperature movements and reducing the
internal tension. When cracking does occur, to ensure that crack widths remain
acceptably small, adequate quantities of well-anchored reinforcement must be
included at every location in the structure where significant tension is expected.
The maximum crack width, which may be considered to be acceptable in a given
situation, depends on the type of structure, the location within the structure, the
environment, and the consequences of excessive cracking. In external
environments, some building codes and specifications recommend that crack
widths do not exceed about 0.3 mm. For members with one or more exposed
surfaces, a maximum crack width of 0.3 mm should also provide visual
acceptability. In corrosive and aggressive environments, the maximum crack
width may need to be considerably smaller to ensure durability. For the sheltered
interior of most buildings, where the concrete is not exposed and aesthetic
requirements are of secondary importance, a larger crack width may be
acceptable (say 0.3 to 0.5).
Most existing techniques for predicting crack widths involve empirical models that
have been calibrated from results obtained in laboratory tests and, as such, often
fail to accurately predict crack widths in actual structures. It is difficult, therefore,
for a structural designer to be confident that the cracks in a structure will in fact
satisfy the maximum crack width requirements of the local building code.
In beams and slabs that have been proportioned to avoid excessive deflection at
service loads and that contain sufficient quantities of reinforcement to provide
adequate ultimate strength and ductility, flexural crack widths are rarely a
problem under normal in-service conditions, provided of course that the
reinforcement bars are not spaced too widely apart. Sensible reinforcement
detailing is the key to flexural crack control. It is not usually critical, therefore, if
flexural crack widths are not specifically checked in design. The introduction of
high strength reinforcement could change this, however, if the typical in-service
steel stress levels at flexural cracks are increased.
When flexural members are also restrained at the supports, shrinkage causes a
build-up of tension in the member, in addition to the bending caused by the

external loads. Crack control is still not usually a problem, since shrinkage is
accommodated by small increases in the widths of the numerous flexural cracks.
However, for members not subjected to significant bending in which restraint is
provided to the longitudinal movement caused by shrinkage and temperature
changes, cracks tend to propagate over the full depth of the section. Excessively
wide cracks are not uncommon. Such cracks are commonly called direct tension
cracks, since they are caused by direct tension rather than by flexural tension. In
restrained direct tension members, relatively large amounts of reinforcement are
required to control load-independent cracking.
In this report, the results of an investigation of shrinkage induced cracking in
restrained reinforced concrete members are presented and discussed. The
investigation consisted of both experimental and analytical components.
Eight restrained reinforced concrete slab specimens were monitored for periods
in excess of 120 days to assess the effects of drying shrinkage on the
development of direct tension cracking. The ends of each specimen were fixed in
position, so that longitudinal deformation of the specimen was effectively
prevented. The only load applied to each slab was the longitudinal restraining
force that gradually developed with time due to drying shrinkage. Strains in both
the reinforcement and the concrete were monitored throughout the tests and the
age of the concrete when each crack developed, the crack locations and the
gradual change in crack widths with time were also recorded. The effects of
varying the quantity of reinforcing steel, the bar diameter and the bar spacing
were studied in order to gain a clearer understanding of the mechanisms of direct
tension cracking caused by restrained shrinkage and the factors affecting it.
An analytical model developed previously to study the problem (Gilbert, 1992) is
also described and experimental results and analytical predictions are compared.


2.1 Background

When concrete is subjected to sustained compressive stress, deformations

continue to increase with time due to creep and shrinkage. Creep strain is
produced by sustained stress. Shrinkage strains are independent of stress and
are caused by chemical reactions in the hydrating cement paste and by the loss
of water during the drying process. The creep and shrinkage deformations in a
concrete structure are frequently larger, and in some cases much larger, than the
initial deformations produced when the external loads are first applied. They thus
have a significant effect on service-load behaviour.
The underlying mechanisms of creep and shrinkage strains in concrete are inter-
related, and this interaction can be modelled mathematically. Nevertheless, for
most practical design calculations, the two phenomena are regarded as being

independent and additive. The total concrete strain is thus considered to consist
of a shrinkage component, which is time-dependent but stress-independent, an
instantaneous component, which occurs immediately upon application of stress
but does not subsequently change (unless the stress level changes), and a creep
component, which is both time-dependent and stress-dependent.

The total strain at any time t at a point in a uniaxially loaded specimen at

constant temperature may be expressed as the sum of the instantaneous, creep
and shrinkage components:

ε (t) = εe(t) + εc(t) + εsh(t) (1)

The strain components in a specimen loaded with a constant sustained

compressive stress first applied at time τ are illustrated in Figure 1. Immediately
after the concrete sets or at the end of moist curing, shrinkage strains begin to
develop and continue to increase at a decreasing rate. On application of the
stress, the sudden jump in the strain diagram (instantaneous strain) is followed
by an additional increase in strain due to creep.
The prediction of the time-dependent behaviour of a concrete member requires
the accurate prediction of each of these strain components at critical locations.
This requires knowledge of the stress history, in addition to accurate data for the
material properties. The stress history depends both on the applied load and on
the boundary conditions of the problem.

Figure 1 Concrete strain components under sustained stress


2.2 Instantaneous Strain

The instantaneous strain, εe(t), which occurs immediately on application of stress,

depends on the magnitude of the stress, the rate at which the stress is applied,
and on the age of the concrete. Part of the instantaneous strain is elastic
(recoverable), while part is inelastic (irrecoverable).

The concrete compressive stress at any point in a concrete structure at service

loads rarely exceeds about one half of the characteristic compressive strength
(0.5 f'c). In this low stress range, the inelastic portion of the instantaneous strain
is small. It is therefore both reasonable and convenient to assume that the
instantaneous strain in concrete at service loads is entirely elastic. At any time t ,
the instantaneous strain may therefore be expressed as:

εe(t) = σ (t) / Ec(t) (2)

where Ec(t) is the elastic modulus of concrete. The value of Ec(t) increases with
time, and is also dependent on the rate of loading. The faster the load is applied,
the larger is the value of Ec(t). However, in practical situation, this variation is
small and is usually ignored. The variation of the elastic modulus with time for
normal strength concrete may be obtained using the well-known expression
developed by Pauw and found in many building codes:

Ec(t) = ρ 1.5 0.043 f c (t ) (in MPa) (3)

where ρ is the density of concrete (about 2400 kg/m3 for normal weight concrete)
and fc(t) is the mean compressive strength in MPa at the time under
consideration. The value of Ec(t) given by Eqn (3) are applicable for stress levels
up to about 0.4 fc(t) and for stresses applied over a relatively short period of time
(up to about 5 minutes). For stresses applied over longer periods (say up to one
day’s duration), significant increases in deformation occur due to the rapid early
development of creep. Yet in the broad sense, loads of one day’s duration are
usually considered to be short-term and the effects of creep are often ignored.
This may lead to significant error, if short-term deformation is required after say
one day’s loading. In such a case, it is suggested that the elastic modulus given
by Eqn (3) is multiplied by 0.8 (Gilbert, 1988).

To determine Ec(t) at any particular time, the variation of compressive strength

with time fc(t) is required. Typical values of the ratio of compressive strength at
time t to strength at 28 days are as follows:

Age of Concrete
1 5 14 28 40 100 365 103 104
fc(t)/ fc(28) 0.20 0.67 0.9 1.0 1.06 1.16 1.24 1.26 1.27

When stress is constant, the instantaneous strain obtained from Eqn. (2)
gradually decreases with time as the elastic modulus increases. However, in
order to simplify structural analysis, it is usual to assume that the instantaneous
strain remains constant with time, and equal to its initial value (calculated using
the value of Ec corresponding to the age at first loading). Furthermore, when
concrete is subjected to a gradually varying stress history, the variation of elastic
modulus with time is often ignored altogether and a constant elastic modulus Ec
is assumed.

2.3 Concrete Tensile Strength

When the tensile stress in the concrete reaches the tensile strength of the
concrete ft(t) at a particular point, cracking occurs. The strength of concrete in
tension is of the order of 10% of the compressive strength, with the ratio |ft(t)/fc(t)|
decreasing as the compressive strength increases. AS3600 expresses the
tensile strength in the form

ft (t) = k1 √ fc(t) (4)

where k1 may be taken as

Type of Tensile k1
Strength Lower Mean Upper
Characteristic Characteristic
Direct Tension 0.4 0.5 0.7
Flexural Tension 0.6 0.8 1.1

2.4 Creep Strain

The phenomenon of creep is related to moisture movement and to the slow

growth of micro cracks in the hardened cement paste. Creep and shrinkage are
treated here as separate and independent phenomena. In reality, this is not so.
Creep is significantly greater when accompanied by shrinkage. In a loaded
specimen which is in hygral equilibrium with the ambient medium (ie. no drying
shrinkage), the time-dependent deformation is known as basic creep. The
additional creep which occurs in a drying specimen is sensibly known as drying
creep. In a drying environment therefore, creep is usually calculated as the
difference between the total time-dependent deformation of a loaded specimen
and the shrinkage of a similar unloaded specimen. In this report, creep is treated
as the time-dependent deformation in excess of shrinkage.

In Figure 1, the gradual development of creep strain with time was illustrated. In
the period immediately after first loading, the increase in creep strain is rapid, but
after several months, the rate of increase has slowed down dramatically. After
several years under load, the rate of increase in creep strain is very small indeed.

Creep is usually assumed to approach a limiting value as the time loading

approaches infinity.

The magnitude of creep and its rate of development are influenced by many
factors. Some are properties of the concrete mix, whilst others depend on the
environmental and loading conditions. An increase in concrete strength is
associated with a decrease in creep (ie. higher strength, better quality concrete
creeps less). Creep is also reduced by an increase in the maximum aggregate
size and by the use of a stiffer aggregate type. Creep also depends on the water-
cement ratio and the cement type, insofar as these influence concrete strength.

The magnitude of creep depends on the age of the concrete at the instant of
loading or, more precisely, on the degree of hydration at first loading. Creep
decreases as the age at first loading increases. Concrete is therefore considered
as a time-hardening material, although even in very old concrete the tendency to
creep never entirely disappears. This time-hardening, or aging, complicates the
prediction of creep strain under a time-varying stress history.

Creep is also dependent on the factors, which affect drying. Creep increases as
the environmental humidity decreases, and creep is greater in smaller members
than in larger ones. Creep at the surface of a member generally occurs in a
drying environment and is therefore greater than in regions remote from a
surface. Therefore, thin members with a large surface area to volume ratio, such
as floor slabs, creep more than more massive members with a smaller surface
area to volume ratio. A rise in temperature also increases creep.

2.5 The Creep Coefficient

The capacity of concrete to creep is usually defined in terms of the creep

coefficient, ϕ(t,τ). Under a constant sustained stress first applied at age τ, the
creep coefficient is the ratio of the creep strain at time t to the instantaneous
elastic strain:

ϕ(t,τ) = εc(t,τ)/εe(τ) (5)

Since both the creep and the instantaneous strain components are proportional
to stress, the creep coefficient ϕ(t,τ) is a pure time function and is independent of
the applied stress. As time approaches infinity, the creep coefficient is assumed
to approach a final value ϕ*(τ), where

ϕ*(τ) = ϕ(∞,τ) = εc*(τ)/εe(τ) (6)

The final creep coefficient is a useful measure of the capacity of concrete to


The creep coefficient for a particular concrete mix can be readily obtained by
testing or estimated using one of the many predictive methods available in the
literature, such as the method contained in Clause 6.1.8 of AS3600-2001. Under
a constant sustained stress σo, the creep strain can be obtained from Eqn 5 as

εc(t,τ) = ϕ(t,τ) σo/Ec(τ) (7)

2.6 Shrinkage Strain

Shrinkage is the reduction in volume caused by drying and chemical reactions

within the binder. Shrinkage is defined here as the time-dependent strain
measured at constant temperature in an unloaded and unrestrained specimen.
Since shrinkage is to a large extent caused by drying, shrinkage strains vary
through the thickness of a structural member and are highest at the surfaces
exposed to the atmosphere.

Shrinkage is affected by all the factors that affect the drying of concrete, in
particular the water content and the water-cement ratio of the mix, the size and
shape of the member and the ambient relative humidity. All else being equal,
shrinkage increases when the water-cement ratio increases, the relative humidity
decreases and the ratio of exposed surface area to volume increases.
Temperature rises accelerate drying and therefore increase shrinkage.

The effect of a member’s size on shrinkage should be emphasised. For a thin

member, such as a slab, the drying process may be complete after several
years, but for the interior of a larger member, the drying process may continue
throughout its lifetime. For uncracked mass concrete structures, there is no
significant drying shrinkage except for about 300 mm from each exposed

Shrinkage is also affected by the volume and type of aggregate. Aggregate

provides restraint to shrinkage of the cement paste, so that an increase in the
aggregate content reduces shrinkage. Shrinkage is also smaller when stiffer
aggregates are used. Thus shrinkage is considerably higher (up to 50 percent) in
lightweight concrete than in normal weight concrete

The procedures currently available for estimating shrinkage strains (εsh) are
empirical formulae for the mean shrinkage on a section. Procedures for making
reliable estimates of the variation of shrinkage strain through the depth of a
section are at present unavailable.



3.1 Introduction

A rational approach is presented for the determination of the spacing and width
of cracks in a reinforced concrete member that is fully restrained and subjected
only to the axial restraining force caused by shrinkage. The approach is based
only on the principles of mechanics and was developed and presented without
experimental verification by Gilbert (1992) for direct tension members held at
each end by immovable supports. The theoretical results are shown in
subsequent sections of this report to agree well with experimental results
obtained in this study. These experimental results, together with a description of
the test program and test set-up, are also presented subsequently.

Consider a fully-restrained reinforced concrete member, prevented from

shortening by its supports, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 First cracking in a restrained direct tension member


As the concrete shrinks, an axial tensile restraining force N(t) develops with time.
When the concrete stress caused by N(t) first reaches the tensile strength of the
concrete, ft(t), at a particular section, cracking occurs. After the first crack occurs,
the magnitude of N(t) and the crack width depend primarily on the amount of
bonded reinforcement crossing the crack.

If the member contains no longitudinal steel, cracking causes the restraining

force N(t) to drop to zero and a wide, unsightly crack results. If the member
contains only small quantities of steel reinforcement (ρ = As/bD < 0.002 for fsy =
500 MPa), the steel at the crack yields, the crack opens widely and the
restraining force drops to only a small fraction of its value prior to cracking. If the
member contains relatively large quantities of steel (ρ > 0.007 for fsy = 500 MPa),
the steel at each crack does not yield, the crack width remains small and,
because the loss of member stiffness at cracking is not great, the restraining
force remains high. Members containing large quantities of steel are therefore
likely to suffer many cracks, but each will be fine and well-controlled. For
intermediate steel quantities (0.002< ρ < 0.007 for fsy = 500 MPa) cracking
causes a loss of stiffness, a reduction of N(t) and a crack width that may or may
not be acceptable.

In addition to the quantity of steel, the width of a crack in a restrained member

depends on the concrete cover, the quality of bond between the concrete and the
steel, the size and distribution of the individual reinforcement bars, the concrete
quality and whether or not the axial restraining force is accompanied by bending.
Direct tension cracks are more parallel-sided than flexural cracks, and hence the
observed width of a direct tension crack is less dependent on the amount of
concrete cover than is the case for the width of a flexural crack in a beam or slab.

3.2 First Cracking in a Fully-Restrained Direct Tension Member (Gilbert,


Consider the fully restrained member shown in Figure 2a. As the concrete
shrinks, the restraining force N(t) gradually increases until the first crack occurs
when N(t) = Ac ft(t). Immediately after first cracking, the restraining force reduces
to Ncr, and the concrete stress away from the crack is less than the tensile
strength of the concrete ft(t). The concrete on either side of the crack shortens
elastically and the crack opens to a width w, as shown in Figure 2b. At the crack,
the steel carries the entire force Ncr and the stress in the concrete is obviously
zero. In the region adjacent to the crack, the concrete and steel stresses vary
considerably, and there exists a region of high bond stress. Immediately adjacent
to the crack a region of partial bond breakdown exists. At some distance so on
each side of the crack, the concrete and steel stresses are no longer influenced
directly by the presence of the crack, as shown in Figure 2c and 2d.

In Region 1, where the distance x from the crack is greater than or equal to so,
the concrete and steel stresses are σc1 and σs1, respectively. Since the steel

stress (and hence strain) at the crack is tensile as shown and the overall
elongation of the steel is zero (full restraint), σs1 must be compressive.
Equilibrium requires that the sum of the forces carried by the concrete and the
steel on any cross-section is equal to the restraining force. Therefore with the
force in the steel in Region 1 being compressive, the force carried by the
concrete (σc1 Ac) must be tensile and somewhat greater than the restraining force
(Ncr). In Region 2, where the distance x from the nearest crack is less than so, the
concrete stress varies from zero at the crack to σc1 at x = so. The steel stress
varies from σs2 (tensile) at the crack to σs1 (compressive) at x = so, as shown.

To determine the crack width w and the concrete and steel stresses in Figure 2,
the distance so, over which the concrete and steel stresses vary, needs to be
known and the restraining force Ncr needs to be calculated. Gilbert (1992)
adopted the following simple formula for so, which was earlier proposed by Favre
et al. (1983) for a member containing deformed bars or welded wire mesh:

so = (8)
10 ρ

where db is the bar diameter, and ρ is the reinforcement ratio (As/Ac ). Base and
Murray (1982) used a similar expression. However, the results of the analysis are
sensitive to variations in so and the applicability of this simple expression is
examined in Section ??? by reference to results obtained in a laboratory based
experimental program.

As the member in Figure 2a is fully restrained and therefore prevented from

shortening, the overall elongation of the steel is zero. Integrating the steel strain
over the length of the member (and assuming a parabolic variation of stress and,
hence, strain in Region 2, as shown in Figure 2d) gives

σ s1 σ s 2 − σ s1 ⎛ 2 ⎞
L+ ⎜ so + w ⎟ = 0 (9)
Es Es ⎝3 ⎠

Realising that w is very much less than so, Eqn 9 may be rearranged to give

− 2s o
σ s1 = σ s2 (10)
3L − 2 s o

At the crack, the restraining force Ncr is carried entirely by the steel. That is

N cr
σ s2 = (11)

By substituting Eqn 11 into Eqn 10, the steel stress away from the crack is
expressed in terms of the unknown restraining force

2 s o N cr N
σ s1 = = −C1 cr (12)
3L − 2 s o As As

where C1 = (13)
3L − 2 s o

Prior to cracking, the total concrete strain at any point is zero, since shortening is
prevented. Although the total concrete strain is zero, the individual strain
components of creep, shrinkage, and elastic strain are not. The creep and elastic
strains are tensile (positive) and the shrinkage strain is compressive (negative).
The sum of the time-dependent creep and shrinkage strain components must be
equal and opposite to the elastic strain component. Immediately before the first
crack occurs when the concrete stress just reaches ft , the sum of the creep and
shrinkage strain components is therefore
ε c + ε sh = − (14)

where Ec is the elastic modulus of the concrete at the time of first cracking.
Immediately after first cracking, the magnitude of the elastic component of strain
in the uncracked concrete decreases (as the concrete stress decreases), but the
creep and shrinkage strain components are unaltered. Creep and shrinkage
strains only change gradually with time.

In Region 1, at any distance greater than so from the crack, equilibrium requires
that the sum of the forces in the concrete and the steel immediately after first
cracking is equal to Ncr . That is

σ c1 Ac + σ s1 As = N cr (15)

Substituting Eqn 12 into Eqn 15 and rearranging gives

N cr − σ s1 As N cr (1 + C1 )
σ c1 = = (16)
Ac Ac

The compatibility requirement is that the concrete and steel strains in Region 1
are identical, ie.

ε s1 = ε 1 (17)

With the concrete strain ε1 equal to the sum of the elastic, creep, and shrinkage
strain components, Eqn 17 can be re-expressed as

σ s1 σ c1
= + ε c + ε sh (18)
Es Ec

Substituting Eq. (12), (14), and (16) into Eq. (18) and solving for Ncr gives

n ρ f t Ac
N cr = (19)
C1 + n ρ (1 + C1 )

where ρ=As/Ac and n = Es /Ec. When Ncr is calculated from Eqn 19, the concrete
and steel stresses immediately after cracking may be obtained from Eq. (11),
(12), and (16).

3.3 Determination of Final Crack Spacing and Crack Width in Fully-

Restrained Direct Tension Members (Gilbert, 1992)

With the stresses and deformations determined immediately after first cracking,
the subsequent long-term behaviour as the member continues to shrink must
next be determined. Consider again the fully-restrained member shown in Figure
2a and 2b. After first cracking, the concrete is no longer fully restrained, since the
crack width can increase with time as shrinkage continues. A state of partial
restraint therefore exists after first cracking. Subsequent shrinkage will cause
further gradual increases in the restraining force, and hence in the concrete
stress away from the crack, and a second crack may develop. Additional cracks
may occur as the shrinkage strain continues to increase with time. However, as
each new crack forms, the member becomes less stiff and the amount of
shrinkage required to produce each new crack increases. The process continues
until the crack pattern is established, usually in the first few months after the
commencement of drying.

The number of cracks and the final average crack width depend on the length of
the member, the quantity and distribution of reinforcement, the quality of bond
between the concrete and steel, the amount of shrinkage, and the concrete
strength. A typical final shrinkage crack pattern is shown in Figure 3. Let the
number of cracks be m and the final shrinkage-induced restraining force be N(∞).

Figure 3 Final crack pattern in a restrained direct tension member

In Figure 4a, a portion of a fully-restrained direct tension member is shown after

all shrinkage has taken place and the final crack pattern is established. The
average concrete and steel stresses caused by shrinkage are illustrated in Figure
4b and 4c. Gilbert (1992) assumed that the distance so in which the concrete and
steel stresses vary on either side of each crack is the same as the distance so

given by Eqn 8 and previously used in the analysis at first cracking. This
assumption may introduce significant error. Results from the experimental
program presented in the next section indicate that shrinkage will cause a
deterioration in bond at the concrete-steel interface and a gradual increase in so
with time. It is suggested here that for final or long-term calculations the value of
so given by Equation 8 should be multiplied by 1.33.

Figure 4 Final concrete and steel stresses after direct tension cracking

In Region 1, where the distance x from the nearest crack is greater than or equal
to so, the final concrete and steel stresses are σ*c1 and σ*s1, respectively. For the
member containing m cracks and provided the reinforcing steel has not yielded,
the following expressions (similar to Eqns 9 and 10) are obtained by equating the
overall elongation of the steel to zero:

σ s*1 σ s*2 − σ s*1 ⎛ 2 ⎞

L+m ⎜ so + w⎟ = 0 (20)
Es Es ⎝3 ⎠

and, as w is much less than so, rearranging gives

− 2 so m
σ s*1 = σ s*2 (21)
3L − 2s o m

Dividing both the numerator and the denominator on the right-hand side by m
and letting the crack spacing s = L/m, Eqn 21 becomes
− 2 so
σ s*1 = σ s*2 = − C 2σ s*2 (22)
3s − 2 s o

2s o
where C2 = (23)
3s − 2s o

At each crack
N (∞)
σ s2∗ = (24)

In Region 1, away from each crack, a typical concrete stress history is shown
diagrammatically in Figure 5. The concrete tensile stress increases gradually with
time and approaches the direct tensile strength of the concrete ft.

Figure 5 Concrete stress history in uncracked Region 1

When cracking occurs elsewhere in the member, the tensile stress in the
uncracked regions drops suddenly as shown. Although the concrete stress
history is continuously changing, the average concrete stress at any time after
the commencement of drying σav is somewhere between σc1 and ft, as shown in
Figure 5, and the final creep strain in Region 1 may be approximated by

σ av
ε c* = ϕ* (25)

where ϕ * is the final creep coefficient (defined as the ratio of the final creep strain
to elastic strain under the average sustained stress σav ). Gilbert (1992) assumed
σ + ft
σ av = c1 (26)

The final concrete strain in Region 1 is the sum of the elastic, creep, and
shrinkage components and may be approximated by

σ av σ av
ε 1∗ = ε e + ε c ∗ + ε sh ∗ = + ϕ ∗ + ε sh ∗ (27)
Ec Ec

The magnitude of the final creep coefficient ϕ* is usually between 2 and 4,

depending on the age at the commencement of drying and the quality of the
concrete. εsh is the final shrinkage strain and depends on the relative humidity,
the size and shape of the member, and the characteristics of the concrete mix.
Numerical estimates of ϕ* and εsh can be obtained from AS3600-2001 and
elsewhere. Eqn 27 may be expressed as
σ av
ε 1∗ = *
+ ε sh
E e

where Ee* is final effective modulus for concrete and is given by

Ee =

In Region 1, at any distance from a crack greater than so, equilibrium requires
that the sum of the force in the concrete and the force in the steel is equal to
N(∞). That is
σ c1* Ac + σ s1* As = N (∞)

N (∞) − σ s1 As

or σ c1 *
= (30)

The compatibility requirement is that the concrete and steel strains are identical
( ε s1 = ε 1 ) and using Eqn 28, this becomes
* *

σ s1* σ av
= + ε sh
Es Ee

Substituting Eqns. 22 and 24 into Eqn. 31 and rearranging gives


n * As ∗
N (∞) = − (σ av + ε sh E e )

where n* = Es/Ee*.

The average crack spacing s (=L/m) must be first determined to calculate C2 (as
defined in Eqn. 23). Knowing that σ*c1 must be less than the tensile strength of
concrete ft and making use of Eqns. 22 and 24, Eqn. 30 becomes

N (∞)(1 + C 2 )
σ c1* = ≤ ft (33)

Substituting Eqns. 23 and 32 into Eqn. 33 gives

2s o (1 + ξ )
s ≤ (34)

− n * ρ (σ av + ε sh E e )
* *

ξ= (35)
n * ρ (σ av + ε sh E e ) + f t
* *

The number of cracks m (=L/s) may be taken as the smallest integer that causes
Eqn. 34 to be satisfied. With m thus determined, the restraining force N(∞) can be
calculated using Eqn. 32 and the steel and concrete stresses in the various
regions of the member may be determined from Eqn. 21, 24, and 30.

The overall shortening of the concrete is an estimate of the sum of the crack
widths. The final concrete strain at any point in Region 1 of Figure 4 is given by
Eqn 28, and in Region 2, the final concrete strain is
fnσ c*1
ε 2* = *
+ ε sh
where fn varies between zero at a crack and unity at so from a crack. If a
parabolic variation of stress is assumed in Region 2, the following expression for
the average crack with w is obtained by integrating the concrete strain over the
length of the member
⎡σ c1* 2 * ⎤
w = − ⎢ * ( s − s o ) + ε sh s ⎥ (37)
⎣⎢ E e 3 ⎦⎥
The preceding analysis may be used to determine the number and width of
shrinkage cracks, provided the assumption of linear-elastic behaviour in the steel
is valid. However, if the area of steel As is small, yielding may occur at each
crack and the values of N(∞), calculated from Eqn. 32, will not be correct. In such
a case, σ*s2 is equal to the yield stress of the reinforcement fsy and N(∞) is equal

to fsy As . From Eqn. 30, the stress in the concrete away from the crack in region
1 is now
f sy As − σ s1 As

σ c1 =
After the steel at the first crack yields, the tensile concrete stress σc1 increases
only slightly as the compressive steel stress σs1 increases with time and the first
crack opens. Since the restraining force is constant at all times after yielding of
the steel at the first crack (and equal to fsy As ), the tensile stress in the concrete
never again approaches the tensile strength of concrete, and subsequent
cracking does not occur. The width of the initial crack is usually unacceptably
large as the steel at the crack deforms plastically. The crack width w may be
found by ensuring that the overall elongation of the steel is zero. That is

σ s1* f sy − σ s*1 2
( L − w) + ( so ) + w = 0 (39)
Es Es 3

and since w is very much smaller than L , Eqn. 39 can be arranged to give
σ s1* (3L − 2s o ) + 2 so f sy
w=− (40)
3E s
Since the tensile stress in the uncracked concrete does not change significantly
with time, it is reasonable to assume that the average concrete stress σav is given
by Eqn. 38 and the final steel stress in Region 1 may be obtained by substituting
Eqn. 38 into Eqn. 28 and simplifying:

σ s1* f sy As − σ s1 As

= + ε sh
Es Ac Ee

n * ρ f sy + ε sh E s

∴ σ s1 =
1 + n* ρ

3.4 Final Crack Spacing and Crack Width in Direct Tension Members
Suffering Relative Support Displacements

In many practical situations, the supports of a reinforced concrete member, which

provide the restraint to shrinkage, are not immovable, but are adjacent parts of
the structure that are themselves prone to shrinkage and other movements. If the
supports shown in Figure 3 suffer a relative movement Δu with time, such that the
final length of the member is (L + Δu), the restraining force N(∞) changes and this
affects both the crack spacing and the crack width. If Δu is positive, N(∞)
increases and so too does the number and width of the cracks. By equating the
overall elongation of the steel reinforcement to Δu, Eqn 20 becomes

σ s*1 σ s*2 − σ s*1 ⎛ 2 ⎞

L+m ⎜ s o + w ⎟ = Δu (42)
Es Es ⎝3 ⎠
and Eqn 21 becomes
− 2 so m 3 Δu E s
σ s*1 = σ s*2 + (43)
3L − 2 s o m 3L − 2 s o m

It should be remembered that for long term calculations, the value of so may be
taken as
1.33d b
so = (44)
10 ρ
With these modifications and utilising Eqns 24 through 31, the final restraining
force may be expressed as

3 As E s Δu (3L − 2 s o m) n * As ∗
N (∞) = − (σ av + ε sh E e )
2s o m 2s o m

With the restraining force N(∞) calculated using Eqn 45 and the steel stress in
Region 1 obtained from Eqn 43, the final concrete stress in Region 1 is obtained
by enforcing equilibrium and is given by

N (∞) − σ s*1 As
σ c1 *
= (46)

The number of cracks m is the lowest integer value of m that satisfies Eqn 47.

σ c1* ≤ f t (47)

The direct tensile strength ft in Eqn 47 should be taken as the 28 day value.

Provided the steel at each crack has not yielded, the final average crack spacing
s = L/m and the average crack width may be calculated using Eqn 37.


A total of eight fully restrained slab specimens with four different reinforcement
layouts were monitored for up to 150 days to measure the effects of drying
shrinkage on the time-dependent development of direct tension cracking due to
restrained deformation. A photograph of the test specimens anchored to the
laboratory strong floor is shown in Figure 6. The steel strains in the vicinity of the
first crack, the steel strains along the full length of the reinforcement, the

concrete surface strains, crack widths and crack spacing were recorded
throughout the period of testing.

The compressive and tensile strengths of the concrete at various times were
measures in tests on companion specimens (in the form of concrete cylinders
and prisms), together with the elastic modulus and the creep coefficient. In
addition, unrestrained and unreinforced companion specimens with the same
cross-section as the test specimens were used to measure the magnitude and
rate of development of free shrinkage in the concrete.

The major objectives of the experimental program were:

(a) To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms associated with

cracking and the influence of the many factors that affect the spacing and
width of cracks in fully restrained reinforced concrete elements.

(b) To obtain benchmark, laboratory-controlled data to calibrate, validate and

extend the analytical model.

(c) To accurately measure the material properties, including the creep and
shrinkage characteristics of the concrete used in the slab specimens.

Figure 6 General view of slabs


4.1 Slab Specimens and Test Parameters

Details of the cross-section of slabs are provided in Figure 7, and details of the
parameters varied in the tests are given in Table 1. Each specimen consisted of
a 2000 mm long prismatic portion (with the section dimensions shown in Figure
7) which was effectively anchored at its ends by casting each end monolithically
with a 1m by 1m by 0.6m concrete block. These blocks were rigidly clamped to
the reaction floor using 36 mm diameter high strength alloy steel rods tensioned
sufficiently to ensure that the ends of the specimen were effectively held in
position via friction between the end block and the laboratory floor (see Figure 8).


As 100 (nominal)

cb = 46 mm
s cs

Figure 7 Cross section details of slabs

Table 1 Details of test specimens

Specimen No. of Bar Dia. As cs s Avge, D

Bars (mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Slab S1a 3 12 339 109 185 102.2
Slab S1b 3 12 339 109 185 99.8
Slab S2a 3 10 236 110 185 101.6
Slab S2b 3 10 236 110 185 98.3
Slab S3a 2 10 157 145 300 99.2
Slab S3b 2 10 157 145 300 99.3
Slab S4a 4 10 314 115 120 100.5
Slab S4b 4 10 314 115 120 101.1

Note : Slabs S1a and S1b were identical (so too were S2a & S2b, S3a & S3b,and S4a & S4b)
except for small variations in the measured slab thicknesses arising during construction.

Figure 8 Slab ends effectively held in position and restrained against


A plan view of a typical slab is shown in Figure 9, together with the typical
reinforcement layout. The 600 mm wide by 100 mm deep slab specimens were
gradually splayed at each end, as shown, to ensure cracking occurred within the
specimen length and not at the restrained ends. At the mid-length of each
specimen the section was locally reduced in width by 150 mm using thin 75 mm
wide plates attached to the side forms to ensure that first cracking always
occurred at this location (see Figure 11). The bottom surface of each specimen
was supported on smooth supports to ensure negligible bending in the specimen
and no longitudinal restraint, except at the ends of the specimen (see Figure 10).

4.2 Construction of Specimens and Test Procedures

By using the experience gained from two preliminary specimens, the shape of
the specimens was altered in order to ensure direct tension cracking occurred in
the 2m long prismatic specimen and the first crack occurred at mid-length
(Section AA in Figure 9). In order to measure the steel strains in the vicinity of the
first crack, three strain gauges were attached to each main reinforcement bar,
one at the mid-length and the others 50 mm either side. The strain gauges were
connected to a HBM amplifier. In order to measure steel strains along the full
length of the reinforcement, 12 steel pins were welded to one of the interior bars
at 250mm centres, as shown in Figure 11, and a demec gauge, able to measure
in micro strains, was used to manually measure the deformation between the
pins. Two steel pins were welded to each longitudinal bar (one on each side of
the slab mid-length) in order to measure the deformation of each bar over a
gauge length of 250 mm containing the first crack (see Figure 11).



1000 2660 1000


600 100

36mm alloy steel bar
tensioned to stongfloor

As 100 (nominal)

75 s s 75 section width reduced locally

at midlength to induce 1st crack
Section A-A
Figure 9 Dimensions and reinforcement details (typical).

Figure 10 Smooth supports at the bottom surface of the slabs to eliminate

flexural action

Figure 11 Attached strain gauges and welded steel pins

To measure the concrete surface strains, targets were glued adjacent to the pins
on the top surface of the slab (see Figure 12). A demec gauge was also used to
measure the concrete surface strains and a microscope with a magnification
factor of 40 was used for measuring the crack widths. The development,
propagation, extent and width of cracking was observed and recorded throughout
the test. Figure 13 shows the demec gauge, the microscope and the HBM
amplifier used in the experiments for strain and deformation measurements.

Figure 12 Surface targets attached adjacent to the pins


Figure 13 HBM amplifier, demec gauge and microscope

Prior to casting each specimen, the inside surface of the mould was cleaned and
thinly coated with a concrete release agent to prevent adhesion of the concrete.
The concrete was placed in the mould in equal layers and compacted by internal
vibration. For each layer, the concrete was vibrated until the surface became
smooth in appearance. Sufficient concrete was placed in the top layer to overfill
the mould when compacted, and the surface was then stripped off and finished
with a steel trowel. Companion specimens were also cast at this time in the form
of concrete cylinders and prisms.
The specimens were undisturbed in their moulds for 3 days and kept
continuously moist by a thick and complete covering of wet hessian to minimise
the loss of moisture from the specimens and thereby to delay the onset of drying
shrinkage. After 3 days the specimens were removed from the mould, the demec
strain targets were glued to the concrete surface and initial strain measurements
were recorded. The blocks at each end of the test specimens were then rigidly
clamped to the reaction floor using 36 mm diameter high strength alloy steel rods
tensioned sufficiently to ensure that the ends of the specimen were effectively
held in position by friction.

4.3 Construction and Testing of Companion Specimens

Companion cylinders, prisms and unreinforced block specimens were cast at the
same time as each slab specimen in accordance with the relevant Australian
Standard. The companion specimens were used to measure the properties of the
concrete throughout the period of the testing. Measured properties included the

compressive strength, the elastic modulus, the flexural and direct tensile
strengths, and the creep coefficient. The time-dependent development of drying
shrinkage strain was also measured on unrestrained specimens of similar
dimension to the slab specimens.

The companion specimens were of standard size. The cylinders were either
150mm or 100 mm in diameter and 300 mm or 200 mm in length, respectively.
The prisms had dimensions of 100mm × 100mm × 500mm and the dimensions of
the shrinkage blocks were 600mm × 600mm × 100mm. The companion
specimens were exposed to the same environmental, curing and drying
conditions as the slab specimens. Testing of companion specimens was carried
out in accordance with the relevant parts of the Australian Standard AS1012.
Cylinder and prism strength and elastic modulus tests were carried out at ages 3
days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days.

The compressive strength and elastic modulus tests were performed in an

Amsler hydraulic testing machine. The flexural tensile strength tests were carried
out in a Shimadzu universal testing machine, using two point loads 100mm apart
and centrally located in a 300mm span. The split cylinder direct tensile strength
of the concrete (Brazil test) was measured at age 7 days and 28 days and was
typically about 50% of the flexural tensile strength. The elastic modulus was
measured using the standard test procedure on 150mm diameter cylinders.

Creep tests for each batch of concrete were carried out using standard creep
rigs, each containing two or three 150 mm diameter cylinders loaded with a
constant sustained stress of 5 MPa first applied at age 3 days. Other unloaded
companion cylinders, with the same dimensions as the creep cylinders, were
placed beside the creep rig and used to measure drying shrinkage strains. The
creep strain was determined by subtracting the measured shrinkage strain and
the instantaneous strain from the total strain measured on the creep cylinders.
The creep coefficient at any time was determined as the measured creep strain
at that time divided by the measured instantaneous strain.

In order to acquire a more realistic knowledge of the drying shrinkage occurring

in the slabs, shrinkage was also measured on specimens with the same
thickness as the slabs. Two unreinforced concrete blocks with dimensions of
600mm× 600mm × 100mm were cast using the same concrete as in the slab test
specimens and were subjected to the same environmental, curing and drying
conditions (ie. drying commenced at age 3 days). For each block, two sets of
demec targets were glued to the top surface of the specimen, so that drying
shrinkage strains were measured in two orthogonal directions, each parallel to
the edges of the block, and crossing the geometric centre of the block.


The experimental results taken from the 8 slab specimens are presented in this
section (and in Appendix I and III). All slabs were anchored to the laboratory floor
at age 3 days and drying also commenced at age 3 days. First cracking, due to
direct longitudinal tension caused by restraint to shrinkage, occurred within the
first week and subsequent cracks developed over the next 60 days. Crack widths
gradually increased with time, with the change being relatively small after about
90 days. All cracks observed during the tests penetrated through the full depth of
the specimen’s cross-section. Steel strains in the vicinity of the first crack and
along the full length of the reinforcement, concrete surface strains, crack widths
and crack spacings were recorded.

Due to shrinkage of the 1 m x 1 m x 0.6 m anchorage blocks at each end of the

specimens, the ends of each 2000 mm long slab specimen (B & C in Figure 9)
suffered a relative longitudinal movement Δu. This elongation was measured
throughout each test and the final values are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Final measured elongation Δu (in mm).

Slab S1a S1b S2a S2b S3a S3b S4a S4b
Δu (mm) 0.305 0.383 0.309 0.315 0.402 0.419 0.245 0.162

After 150 days, the finest final crack width (w = 0.18 mm) and the lowest final
steel stress (σ*s2 =190 MPa) measured during the experimental program were in
slab S1b (the slab containing the most longitudinal reinforcement - 3 N 12 bars).
The measured widest final crack (w = 0.84 mm) and highest final steel stress
(σ*s2 =532 MPa ) were in slab S3a (the slab containing the least longitudinal
reinforcement - 2 N 10). Slab thicknesses were measured across the slab width
in the region of first cracking to determine the average value and to account for
any small variations between specimens arising during construction. The
average slab thickness for each specimen was given in Table 1. The material
properties, steel reinforcement layouts, cross-sectional dimensions and details of
the final crack pattern are presented for each slab in Appendix I.

By using the mathematical model presented in Section 3, the final average crack
width (w) and crack spacing (s), the final steel stress at the crack (σ*s2), and the
final steel and concrete stresses away from the crack (σ*s1 and σ*c1) were
calculated for each slab, together with the values immediately after first cracking.
These quantities have also been determined from the test data and comparisons
are made between theoretical and experimental results for each slab in Appendix
I. Full calculations for slab S1a and slab 2b are presented in Appendix II. The
measured final elongations Δu (see Table 2) were used in the calculations. Raw
data measured throughout the tests are presented in Appendix III.

5.1 Material Properties

Two different concrete batches were used throughout the test - concrete batch I
(for slabs S1a, S1b, S2a, S3a, S3b, S4a and S4b) and concrete batch II (for slab
S2b). The measured concrete compressive strength, the flexural tensile strength,
the indirect tensile strength and modulus of elasticity at ages 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28
days are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Material properties for concrete batches I and II

Age (days)
Concrete Batch 1 Material Property 3 7 14 21 28
Compressive Strength (MPa) 8.17 13.7 20.7 22.9 24.3
Flexural Tensile Strength(Modulus of Rupture)(MPa) 1.91 3.15 3.43 3.77 3.98
Indirect Tensile Strength (Brazil test) (MPa) 1.55 1.97
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 13240 17130 21080 22150 22810

Age (days)
Concrete Batch II Material Property 3 7 14 21 28
Compressive Strength (MPa) 10.7 17.4 25.0 27.5 28.4
Flexural Tensile Strength(Modulus of Rupture)(MPa) 2.47 3.10 3.77 3.97 4.04
Indirect Tensile Strength (Brazil test) (MPa) 1.60 2.1
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 16130 18940 21750 22840 23210

The measured creep coefficient and shrinkage strain for concrete batch I and II
are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Creep coefficient and shrinkage strain for concrete batches I and II.
Batch 1:
Age(days) 7 14 21 28 36 43 53 77 100 122

ϕcc 0.38 0.60 0.68 0.69 0.73 0.84 0.86 0.93 0.97 0.98

εsh (×10-6) 66 115 154 208 244 313 327 342 421 457

Batch II:
Age(days) 7 13 21 27 33 51 62 79 127 150

ϕcc 0.40 0.60 0.82 0.87 0.85 1.04 1.00 1.15 1.07 1.16

εsh (×10-6) 72 183 277 258 331 381.2 456.7 463 469.4 495

5.2 Crack Width

For each crack on each specimen, the crack width is taken as the average of the
measured crack width at five locations across the slab. The average crack width
for each slab is the sum of all the crack widths divided by the number of cracks.

For all slabs, first cracking occurred within the first week, except for slab S1b,
where first cracking occurred within 10 days. The development, extent and width
of cracks were observed and measured carefully using a microscope. The
magnitude of crack width depends primarily on the amount of bonded
reinforcement crossing the crack. In addition, the width of a crack in a restrained
member depends on the degree of restraint, the quality of bond between the
concrete and the steel, the size and distribution of the individual reinforcement
bars and the concrete quality. Table 5 provides a comparison between the
calculated final crack width (obtained using the analytical model described
earlier) and average final crack width measured in the laboratory. Final average
crack width versus steel area is presented in Figure 14.

Final Crack Width vs Steel Area (S1a, S2a, S3a, S4a)

Average Crack Width (mm)


0.6 Theoretical
0.4 Experimental


0 100 200 300 400

Steel Area (mm2)

Final Crack Width vs Steel Area (S1b, S2b, S3b, S4b)

Average Crack Width


0 100 200 300 400
Steel area (mm )

Figure 14 Final average crack width vs. steel area.


Table 5 Theoretical and experimental values for final average crack width.

Final Average Crack Width (mm)

S1a S1b S2a S2b S3a S3b S4a S4b
Theoretical 0.19 0.16 0.28 0.26 0.51 0.50 0.18 0.20
Experimental 0.21 0.18 0.3 0.31 0.84 0.5 0.23 0.25
No. of cracks* 4 4 3 3 1 2 3 3

* observed during test

5.3 Crack Spacing

The distance between cracks was measured every 50 mm across the slab width
and averaged to obtain the average crack spacing for each slab (s in Figures 3
and 4). In Table 6, the observed average crack spacing is compared with the
predicted average crack spacing. In general, an increase in the steel area causes
a reduction in the average crack spacing. In Figure 15, the crack spacing versus
steel area is plotted. An increase in the steel area causes a reduction in the
average crack spacing.

Table 6 Average crack spacing s (in mm).

S1a S1b S2a S2b S3a S3b S4a S4b
Theoretical 667 500 1000 667 - - 667 667
Experimental 670 403 674 700 - 997 783 995
- single crack only
Measured Crack Spacing (mm)




600 Experimental



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Steel Area (mm )

Figure 15 Crack spacing vs steel area.


5.4 Steel Stress

At each crack, the steel carries the full restraining force (N) and the stress in the
concrete is zero. Using the measured final steel strains in the vicinity of the first
crack, the maximum stress in each steel bar crossing the crack was determined
(σ*s2 in Figure 4). The restraining force was thus determined from the
experiments (N = σ*s2 As). Comparisons between theoretical and experimental
results for the final steel stress at each crack (σ*s2) are presented in Table 7 and
Figure 16 shows plots of the theoretical and experimental vales of σ*s2 versus
steel area.

Table 7 Theoretical and experimental values for steel stress

Steel Stress, σ*s2 (MPa)

S1a S1b S2a S2b S3a S3b S4a S4b
Theoretical 245 196 337 236 553 562 261 227
Experimental 273 190 250 290 532 467 270 276
Steel Stress at the Crack (MPa)





Series ‘a’
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Steel Area (mm )

Steel Stress at the Crack


Series ‘b’
0 100 200 300 400
Steel Area (mm2)

Figure 16 Steel stress vs. steel area.


5.5 Concrete Stress

In the region immediately adjacent to the crack, the concrete and steel stresses
vary considerably with distance from the crack (within Region 2 in Figure 4). At
any distance greater than so from a crack (ie. within Region 1 in Figure 4) at any
time instant, the concrete and steel stresses (σc1 and σs1, respectively) remain
constant until the next crack is approached (Region1 in Figure 4). From the
measured steel strains in Region 1 and obtaining the average value for these
regions along the steel bar, the steel stress σs1 was calculated and, by enforcing
equilibrium (N = σc1Ac + σs1As), the concrete stress away from the crack σc1 was
determined. Comparisons between theoretical and experimental results for the
final concrete stress (σ*c1) are made in Table 8. Concrete stress, σ*c1, versus
steel area is plotted in Figure 17.

Concrete Stress (MPa)

0.8 Experimental
0.4 Series ‘a’
0 100 200 300 400

Steel Area (mm2)

Concrete Stress (MPa)

1 Theoretical
0.8 Experimental
Series ‘b’
0 100 200 300 400
Steel Area (mm )

Figure 17 Final concrete stress versus steel area.


Table 8 Theoretical and experimental values for concrete stress

Concrete Stress, σ*c1 (MPa)

S1a S1b S2a S2b S3a S3b S4a S4b
Theoretical 1.67 1.43 1.54 1.23 1.63 1.65 1.66 1.47
Experimental 1.77 1.41 1.13 1.46 1.45 1.31 1.64 1.71


Direct tension cracks due to restrained shrinkage and temperature changes

frequently lead to serviceability problems, particularly in regions of low moment.
Such cracks usually extend completely through the thickness of the restrained
member and are more parallel-sided than flexural cracks. If uncontrolled, these
cracks can become very wide and lead to waterproofing and corrosion problems.
They can also disrupt the integrity and the structural action of the member.
Evidences of direct tension-type cracks are common in reinforced concrete slab
systems. For example, in a typical one-way beam-slab floor system, the slab
carries the load across the span to the supporting beams; while in the orthogonal
direction the bending moment is small. Shrinkage is the same in both directions
and restraint to shrinkage usually exists in both directions. In the span direction,
shrinkage will cause small increases in the widths of the many fine flexural
cracks and may cause additional flexure-type cracks in the previously uncracked
region. However, in the orthogonal direction, which is virtually a direct tension
situation, shrinkage generally causes a few widely spaced cracks that penetrate
completely through the slab. Frequently, more reinforcement is required in the
orthogonal direction to control these direct tension cracks than is required for
bending in the span.
As far as cracking is concerned, it is not unreasonable to say that shrinkage is a
greater problem when it is not accompanied by flexure and control of direct
tension cracking is intrinsically more difficult than the control of flexural cracking.
From the results presented in the previous Section, the final crack width, the
crack spacing and the steel stress at the crack are dependent on the steel area
(or more precisely, the reinforcement ratio ρ = As /Ac). An increase in the steel
area (or ρ) causes a reduction in the final crack width and, with more cracks
developing, a reduction in the crack spacing.

With an increase in the steel area, the loss of stiffness at first cracking
reduces and, hence the restraining force after cracking is greater, but the steel
stress at each crack decreases (see Table 7 and Figure 16). With a larger
restraining force, the concrete stress in regions remote from a crack tends to be
higher and hence further cracking is more likely.

Comparing the behavior after 150 days of drying for slabs S3b (As = 157
mm2, ρ = 0.00262) and S1a (As = 339 mm2, ρ = 0.00565), for example, the final
measured average crack widths are 0.50 mm and 0.21 mm, respectively. The
measured average crack spacings are 997 mm and 670 mm, respectively; the
final measured steel stress at the first crack are 467 MPa and 273 MPa,
respectively; and the concrete stress away from each crack is 1.31 MPa and 1.77
MPa, respectively.

For a maximum design crack width of 0.3 mm (as is commonly specified in

codes of practice), it appears that for the restrained slabs tested in this study a
reinforcement area of greater than about 270 mm2 (ρ = 0.0045) would be
satisfactory (see Figure 14).


A simple and rational analytical procedure for the determination of the stresses
and deformation after shrinkage cracking in a restrained direct tension member is
presented and a series of long-term tests on eight restrained reinforced concrete
slab specimens has been described. The experimental program also involved
testing numerous companion specimens to determine the material properties,
creep and shrinkage characteristics of the concrete used in the slabs, including
the compressive strength, the flexural tensile strength, the elastic modulus, the
creep coefficient and the shrinkage strain.
The measured width of shrinkage cracks, steel stresses and concrete stresses,
agree well with the results of the analytical model.

Cracking in restrained reinforced concrete members is highly variable, with crack

widths and crack spacings varying considerably, even on otherwise identical
specimens. It follows, therefore, that crack widths and crack spacings cannot be
predicted with any great accuracy using a deterministic model such as that
proposed in this report. In addition, significantly more tests than the eight
reported here would be required to perform a meaningful statistical analysis.
Nevertheless, the analytical procedure described herein provides a reasonable
model of the in-service structural performance of a restrained direct tension
member and a reasonable estimate of the width and spacing of shrinkage cracks
and the concrete and steel stresses.


The funding for this research was provided by the Australian Research Council


1. Gilbert, R.I. 1992. “Shrinkage Cracking in Fully Restrained Concrete

Members”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol 89 No 2: pp 141-149.

2. Faver, R. et al. 1983. “Fissuration et Deformations”. Manual du Comite

Euro-International du Beton (CEB), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de
Lausanne, Switzerland: 249 pp.

3. Base, G.D. & Murray, M.H. 1982. “New Look at Shrinkage Cracking”, Civil
Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, V. CE24 No. 2
171 pp.

4. Nejadi, S & Gilbert R.I. 2003. “Shrinkage Cracking in Fully-Restrained

Reinforced Concrete Members”, UNICIV Report. School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

5. Eurocode-2 1991, “Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1, General Rules

and Rules for Buildings”, ENV 1992-1-1.

6. AS3600-2001. “Australian Standard for Concrete Structures”, Standards

Australia, Sydney.

7. Base, G.D. & Murray, M.H. 1978. “Controlling Shrinkage Cracking in

Restrained Reinforced Concrete”, Proc. Aust. Road Research Board, Vol. 9
Part 4.

8. Gilbert, R.I. 1988. “Time Effects in Concrete Structures”, Elsevier Science

Publishers: 321pp.







1000 2660 1000



75 40 185 185 40 75


Figure AI.1 Reinforcement layout and cross-section for slab S1a

Table AI.1 Geometrical details and material properties - slab S1a

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 102.2
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (3 Y 12) 339
Creep coefficient at 122 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 122 days (× 10-6) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.3
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.55
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 546

Centre Line

w=0.21 mm w=0.37 mm w=0.15 mm

w=0.13 mm

441 mm
1057 946 mm
Final average crack width = 0.21 mm

Figure AI.2 The final crack pattern for slab S1a

Table AI 2 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S1a)


The final average crack width 0.19 0.21
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 245 273
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-55.7 -47.9
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.67 1.77
crack σ*c1 (MPa)
Steel strain by demec (S1a - 3Y12 )

Strain (microstrain)
1250 2
500 4
250 5
-500 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Age (days)

Concrete surface strain by demec (S1a - 3Y12 )

Strain (microstrain)

1000 15
750 16
500 17
250 18
0 19
-250 20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Age (days) 23

Steel strain by strain guages (S1a - 3Y12)

Strain (microstrain)

1750 12
1500 13
1000 14
750 16
250 17
0 18
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Age (dayes)

Figure AI.3 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S1a

AI.2 SLAB S1b (Reinforcement layout as for S1a - see Figure AI.1)

Table AI.3 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S1b

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 99.8
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (3 Y 12) 339
Creep coefficient at 122 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 122 days (× 10-6) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.3
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.55
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 546

Centre Line

w=0.1 mm w=0.21 mm
w=0.13 mm

w=0.1 mm w=0.12 mm

254 361 mm
847 mm 449 mm
Final average crack width=0.18 mm

Figure AI.4 The final crack pattern for slab S1b

Table AI 4 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S1b)


The final average crack width 0.16 0.18
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 196 190
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-55.5 -57.9
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.43 1.41
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel strain by demec (S1b - 3Y12 ) 1

1750 3
Strain (microstrain)
1250 4
750 5
250 6
-250 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 9
Age (days)

Concrete surface strain by demec (S1b - 3Y12 )


1400 15
1200 16
Strain (microstrain)

1000 17
400 19
200 20
0 21
-600 23
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 24
Age (days)

Steel strain by strain guages (S1b - 3Y12 )

1200 0
Strain (microstrain)

1050 1
450 4
300 5
150 6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Age (days)

Figure AI.5 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S1b

AI.3 SLAB S2a (Reinforcement layout as for S1a - see Figure AI.1)

Table AI.5 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S2a

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 101.6
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (3 Y 10) 236
Creep coefficient at 150 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 150 days (× 10-6) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.25
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.97
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 669

Centre Line

w=0.22 mm
w=0.25 mm
w=0.43 mm

957 mm 391 mm
Final average crack width=0.3 mm

Figure AI.6 The final crack pattern for slab S2a

Table AI 6 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S2a)


The final average crack width 0.28 0.30
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 337 250
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-58.8 -41.0
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.54 1.13
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel Strain by Demec (slab # 3 - 3Y10 )
1750 3
1500 4

Strain (microstrain)
1250 5
1000 6
250 8
0 9
-250 10
-500 11
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 12
Age (days) 13

Steel strain by demec (S2a - 3Y10 )
1750 3
1500 4
Strain (microstrain)

1250 5
1000 6
250 8
0 9
-250 10
-500 11
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 12
Age (days) 13

Steel strain by strain guages (S2a - 3Y10 )

Strain (microstrain)

1250 11
1000 13
250 15
0 16
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 11 12 13 17
0 0 0 0
Age (days)

Figure AI.7 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S2a

AI.4 SLAB S2b (Reinforcement layout as for S1a - see Figure AI.1)

Table AI.7 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S2b

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 98.3
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (3 Y 10) 236
Creep coefficient at 150 days 1.16
Shrinkage strain at 150 days (× 10-6) -495
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 28.4
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 10.7
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.60
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 23210
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 16130
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 669

Centre Line

w=0.21 mm w=0.28 mm w=0.45 mm

533 mm
1035 mm
Final average crack width=0.31 mm

Figure AI.8 The final crack pattern for slab S2b

Table AI.8 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S2b)


The final average crack width 0.26 0.31
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 236 290
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-69.5 -75.0
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.22 1.46
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel strain by demec (S2b) 1

Strain (microstrain)

500 5
250 6
0 7
-250 8
-500 9
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Age (days) 11

Concrete surface strain by demec (S2b)

1750 3
Strain (microstrain)

1250 4
1000 5
500 6
-250 8
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 10
Age (days) 11

Steel strain by electronic strain guages (S2b)


3000 2

2500 4
Strain (microstrain)

2000 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Age (days)

Figure AI.9 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for
slab specimen S2b




1000 2660 1000



75 75 300 75 75


Figure AI.10 Reinforcement layout and cross-section for slab S3a

Table AI.9 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S3a

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 99.2
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (2 Y 10) 157
Creep coefficient at 122 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 122 days (× 10-6 ) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.3
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.55
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 669

Centre Line

w=0.84 mm

Final average crack width= 0.84 mm

Figure AI.11 The final crack pattern for slab S3a

Table AI.10 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S3a)


The final average crack width 0.51 0.84
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 553 532
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-62.6 -19.2
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.63 1.45
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel strain by demec (S3a - 2Y10) 1

3600 2

3000 3

Strain (microstrain)
0 9
-600 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 11
Age (days) 12

Concrete surface strain by demec (S3a - 2Y10) 12

4200 13
3600 14
Strain (microstrain)

3000 15
2400 16
1800 17
1200 18
600 19
0 20
-600 21
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 22
Age (days)

Steel strain by strain guages (S3a - 2Y10 )

Strain (microstrain)

2700 22
2400 23
1800 24
1500 25
900 26
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Age (days)

Figure AI.12 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S3a

AI.6 SLAB S3b (Reinforcement layout as for S3a - see Figure AI.10)

Table AI.11 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S3b

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 99.3
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (2 Y 10) 157
Creep coefficient at 122 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 122 days (× 10-6) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.25
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.55
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 669

Centre Line

w=0.78 mm w=0.22 mm

997 mm
Final average crack width=0.5 mm
Figure AI.13 The final crack pattern for slab S3b

Table AI.12 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S3b)


The final average crack width 0.50 0.50
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 562 467
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-62.6 -33.4
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.65 1.31
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel strain by demec (S3b - 2Y10) 1

2400 3

Strain (microstrain)
1500 5
900 6
600 7
0 8
-300 9
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 11 12 13 10
0 0 0 0 11
Age (days) 23

Concrete surface strain by demec (S3b - 2Y10)

3900 12
3600 13
Strain (microstrain)

3000 14
2400 15
2100 16
1500 17
900 18
300 19
0 20
-600 21
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Age (dys)

Steel strain by strain guages (S3b - 2Y10 )

3600 20
Strain (microstrain)

3200 21
2000 23
1600 24
1200 25
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Age (days)

Figure AI.14 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S3b




1000 2660 1000



75 45 120 120 75


Figure AI.15 Reinforcement layout and cross-section for slab S4a

Table AI.13 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S4a

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 100.5
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (4 Y 10) 314
Creep coefficient at 122 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 122 days (× 10-6 ) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.25
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.55
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 669

Centre Line

w=0.18 mm
w=0.28 mm w=0.29 mm
w=0.18 mm

562 mm

1004 mm 1001 mm
Final average crack width=0.23 mm

Figure AI.16 The final crack pattern for slab S4a

Table AI.14 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S4a)


The final average crack width 0.18 0.23
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 261 270
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-55.4 -45.4
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.66 1.64
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel strain by demec (S4a - 4Y10) 1


Strain (microstrain)
600 5
400 6
-200 10
-400 11
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 12
Age (days) 13

Concrete surface strain by demec (S4a - 4Y10) 15

1000 17
Strain (microstrain)

800 18
600 19
0 21
-200 22
-400 23
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 11 12 13
0 0 0 0
Age (days)

Steel strain by strain guages (S4a - 4Y10)

Strain (microstrain)

1200 27
1000 28
800 31
600 32
400 33
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 11 12 13
0 0 0 0 37

Age (days)

Figure AI.17 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S4a

AI.8 SLAB S4b (Reinforcement layout as for S4a - see Figure AI.15)

Table AI.15 Geometrical details and material properties for slab S4b

Average Length of Slab (mm) 2000

Average thickness of slab (mm) 101.1
Reinforcement area ( mm2 ) – (4 Y 10) 314
Creep coefficient at 122 days 0.98
Shrinkage strain at 122 days (× 10-6) -457
Concrete compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 24.3
Concrete compressive strength at 3 days (MPa) 8.17
Concrete direct tensile strength at age 7 days (MPa) 1.97
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa) 22810
Concrete modulus of elasticity at 3 days (MPa) 13240
Steel modulus of elasticity (MPa) 2 × 105
Steel yield strength (MPa) 669

Centre Line

w=0.32 mm w=0.16 mm
w=0.26 mm

995 mm 1016 mm
Final average crack width=0.25 mm

Figure AI.18 The final crack pattern for slab S4b

Table AI.16 Comparison between theoretical and experimental results (S4b)


The final average crack width 0.20 0.25
w (mm)
The final steel stress at the crack 227 276
σ*s2 (MPa)
The final steel stress away from the crack
-55.4 -54.1
σ*s1 (MPa)
The final concrete stress away from the 1.47 1.71
crack σ*c1 (MPa)

Steel strain by demec (S4b - 4Y10)

1200 2
1000 3

Strain (microstrain)
800 4
600 5
0 9
-200 10
-400 11
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 12
Age (days) 13

Concrete surface strain by demec (S4b - 4Y10)

Strain (microstrain)

1000 17
800 18
600 19
400 20
200 21
0 22
-200 23
-400 24
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Age (days)

Steel strain by strain guages (S4b - 4Y10)

1800 21
1600 30
Strain (microstrain)

1400 31
600 35
400 36
200 37
0 38
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 39
Age (days)

Figure AI.19 Steel strain and concrete surface strain versus time curves for slab
specimen S4b



- SLABS S1a and S2b



AII.1.1 Analytical Model (Section 3)

Input Data: L=2000 mm; t =102.2 mm; As =339 mm2; db = 12 mm;

ϕ* =0.98; ε*sh = - 457×10-6; ft (7) =1.55 MPa; ft (28) =1.97 MPa;
f′c(3) =8.17 MPa; f′c(28)=24.25 MPa; Ec(3) =13240 MPa;
Ec(28) =22810 MPa, Es=2×105 MPa; and fy=546 MPa.

The concrete area and reinforcement ratio are

Ac = Agross -As = 600×102.2 - 339 = 60980 mm2 and

ρ = As / Ac = 339/60980 = 0.00556

The modular ratio is n = Es /Ec(3) = 200000/13240 = 15.1 and the distance so,
over which the concrete and steel stresses vary, is given by Eqn 8:
so = = 216 mm
10 ρ
The final effective modulus (Eqn 29) is
E c (3) 13240
E *e = = = 6690 MPa
1 + φ * 1 + 0.98
and the corresponding effective modular ratio is
Es 2 × 10 5
n = * =
= 29.9 .
E e 6690
The ratio C1 is given by Eqn 13:
2so 2 × 216
C1 = = = 0.0776
3L − 2 s o 3 × 2000 − 2 × 216
and the restraining force immediately after first cracking is obtained from Eqn 19
(where ft is taken as the 7 day value as cracking generally occurs within the first
week of drying):

n ρ f t Ac 15.1 × 0.00556 × 1.55 × 60980

N cr = = = 47240 N.
C1 + nρ (1 + C1 ) 0.0776 + 15.1 × 0.00556 × (1 + 0.0776)

The concrete stress away from the crack immediately after first cracking is given
by Eqn 16:

N cr (1 + C1 ) 47240(1 + 0.0776)
σ c1 = = = 0.83 MPa
Ac 60980

and the estimate of the average concrete stress in the period after first cracking
is given by Eqn 26:
σ c1 + f t 0.83 + 1.55
σ av = = = 1.19 MPa
2 2
For long-term calculations, the final value for so, over which the concrete and
steel stresses vary, is given by Eqn 44:
1.33d b
so = = 287 mm
10 ρ
By trial and error, it is assumed that the number of cracks m = 3. This is
demonstrated subsequently. From Eqn 45, the final restraining force is
3 × 339 × 200000 × 0.305 (3 × 2000 − 2 × 287 × 3) × 29.9 × 339
N (∞ ) = − (1.19 − 457 × 10 − 6 × 6690)
2 × 287 × 3 2 × 287 × 3

= 82930 N

N (∞ ) 82930
From Eqn 24, the final steel stress at the cracks is σ s*2 = = = 245 MPa
As 339
and the final steel stress in Region 1 is obtained using Eqn 43:

− 2 × 287 × 3 3 × 0.305 × 200000

σ s*1 = × 245 + = −55.7 MPa
3 × 2000 − 2 × 287 × 3 3 × 2000 − 2 × 287 × 3
The final concrete stress in Region 1 is obtained from Eqn. 46:

N (∞ ) − σ * s1 As 82930 + 55.7 × 339

σ c*1 = = = 1.67 MPa
Ac 60980

which is less than the final tensile strength taken as the 28 day value (ft(28) =
1.97 MPa). If it is initially assumed that m = 2, then σ c*1 ≥ ft(28) and so the initial
assumption that m = 3 is correct.

The final crack width is now calculated using Eqn. 37:

⎡ 1.67 2 ⎤
w = −⎢ (667 − × 287) − 457 × 10 − 6 × 667 ⎥ = 0.19 mm.
⎣ 6690 3 ⎦

AII.1.2 Experimental results (S1a)

The final steel stress at the crack (σ*s2), the final steel stress away from the crack
(σ*s1) and the final concrete stress away from the crack (σ*c1) are determined
from the experimental data as follows:

The average final steel strain, measured by strain gauges at the first crack, is

ε (ave )s 2 = 1367 με

and hence the final steel stress at the crack is

σ s*2 = E s .ε (ave )s 2 = 2 × 10 5 × 1367 = 273 MPa

The final shrinkage-induced restraining force N(∞) is therefore

N (∞) = σ s*2 × As = 274 × 339 = 92680 N

The average final steel strain, measured by the demec targets away from the
crack, is

ε (ave )s1 = −239 με

and the average final steel stress away from the crack is therefore

σ s*1 = E s × ε (ave )s1 = 2 × 10 5 × (−239) = −47.9 MPa

The steel compressive force at any section away from the crack is

C s = σ s*1 × As = −47.9 × 339 = −16230 N

From equilibrium considerations, the concrete tensile force at any section away
from the crack is

Tc = N (∞) − C s = 92680 − (−16230) = 108910 kN

and the final concrete stress away from the crack is therefore

Tc 108910
σ c*1 = = = 1.78 MPa.
Ac 60980



AII.2.1 Analytical Model (Section 3)

Input Data: L=2000 mm; t =98.3 mm; As =236 mm2; db = 10 mm;

ϕ* =1.16; ε*sh = - 495×10-6; ft (7) =1.60 MPa; ft (28) =2.10 MPa;
f′c(3) =10.7 MPa; f′c(28)=28.4 MPa; Ec(3) =16130 MPa;
Ec(28) =223210 MPa, Es=2×105 MPa; and fy=546 MPa.

The concrete area and reinforcement ratio are

Ac = Agross -As = 600×98.3 - 236 = 58740 mm2 and

ρ = As / Ac = 236/58740 = 0.00402

The modular ratio is n = Es /Ec(3) = 200000/16130 = 12.4 and the distance so,
over which the concrete and steel stresses vary, is given by Eqn 8:
so = = 249 mm
10 ρ
The final effective modulus (Eqn 29) is
E c (3) 16130
E *e = = = 7470 MPa
1 + φ * 1 + 1.16
and the corresponding effective modular ratio is
Es 2 × 10 5
n* = = = 26.8 .
E *e 7470
The ratio C1 is given by Eqn 13:
2so 2 × 249
C1 = = = 0.0905
3L − 2s o 3 × 2000 − 2 × 249
and the restraining force immediately after first cracking is obtained from Eqn 19
(where ft is taken as the 7 day value as cracking generally occurs within the first
week of drying):

n ρ f t Ac 12.4 × 0.00402 × 1.60 × 58740

N cr = = = 32330 N.
C1 + nρ (1 + C1 ) 0.0905 + 12.4 × 0.00402 × (1 + 0.0905)

The concrete stress away from the crack immediately after first cracking is given
by Eqn 16:
N (1 + C1 ) 32330(1 + 0.0905)
σ c1 = cr = = 0.60 MPa
Ac 58740

and the estimate of the average concrete stress in the period after first cracking
is given by Eqn 26:
σ c1 + f t 0.60 + 1.60
σ av = = = 1.10 MPa
2 2
For long-term calculations, the final value for so, over which the concrete and
steel stresses vary, is given by Eqn 44:
1.33d b
so = = 331 mm
10 ρ
By trial and error, it is assumed that the number of cracks m = 3. This is
demonstrated subsequently. From Eqn 45, the final restraining force is
3 × 236 × 200000 × 0.315 (3 × 2000 − 2 × 331 × 3) × 26.8 × 236
N (∞ ) = − (1.10 − 495 × 10 −6 × 7470)
2 × 331 × 3 2 × 331 × 3

= 55610 N

N (∞ ) 55610
From Eqn 24, the final steel stress at the cracks is σ s*2 = = = 236 MPa
As 236
and the final steel stress in Region 1 is obtained using Eqn 43:

− 2 × 331 × 3 3 × 0.331 × 200000

σ s*1 = × 236 + = −69.5 MPa
3 × 2000 − 2 × 331 × 3 3 × 2000 − 2 × 331 × 3
The final concrete stress in Region 1 is obtained from Eqn. 46:

N (∞ ) − σ * s1 As 55610 + 69.5 × 236

σ c*1 = = = 1.23 MPa
Ac 58740
which is less than the final tensile strength taken as the 28 day value (ft(28) = 2.1
MPa). If it is initially assumed that m = 2, then σ c*1 ≥ ft(28) and so the initial
assumption that m = 3 is correct.
The final crack width is now calculated using Eqn. 37:

⎡ 1.23 2 ⎤
w = −⎢ (667 − × 331) − 457 × 10 −6 × 667⎥ = 0.26 mm.
⎣ 7470 3 ⎦

AII.2.2 Experimental results (S2b)

The final steel stress at the crack (σ*s2), the final steel stress away from the crack
(σ*s1) and the final concrete stress away from the crack (σ*c1) are determined
from the experimental data as follows:

The average final steel strain, measured by strain gauges at the first crack, is

ε (ave )s 2 = 1450 με

and hence the final steel stress at the crack is

σ s*2 = E s .ε (ave )s 2 = 2 × 10 5 × 1450 = 290 MPa

The final shrinkage-induced restraining force N(∞) is therefore

N (∞) = σ s*2 × As = 290 × 236 = 68440 N

The average final steel strain, measured by the demec targets away from the
crack, is

ε (ave )s1 = −375 με

and the average final steel stress away from the crack is therefore

σ s*1 = E s × ε (ave )s1 = 2 × 10 5 × (−375) = −75.0 MPa

The steel compressive force at any section away from the crack is

C s = σ s*1 × As = −75.0 × 236 = −17700 N

From equilibrium considerations, the concrete tensile force at any section away
from the crack is

Tc = N (∞) − C s = 68440 − (−17700) = 86140 kN

and the final concrete stress away from the crack is therefore

Tc 86140
σ c*1 = = = 1.47 MPa.
Ac 58740



Table AIII.1 Creep Strain and Creep Coefficient for Batch 1

Shrinkage ( cylinders ) Creep ( under 5 MPa )
cylinder # 1 cylinder # 2 cylinder # 3 Average cylinder # 1 cylinder # 2 cylinder # 3
Batch 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 shrinkage 1 2 3 4 6 5 Average Average Instantaneous
Date Temp Age Reading Reading Strain Reading Reading Strain Reading Reading Strain strain Reading Reading Strain Reading Reading Strain Reading Reading Strain Total strain strain (12/7/01) = 464.1 με
12/7/01 16 3 754 750 762 607 760 709 creep strain creep coeff
12/7/01 16 3 634 782 753 675 743 744 0 703 645 491.4 687 539 450 710 616 450.5 464.1 0 0
13/7/01 15 4 637 782 -9.45 754 676 -6.3 745 744 -6.3 -7.35 696 627 570.2 676 518 551 699 604 522.9 548.1 91.35 0.197
14/7/01 15 5 634 777 15.75 750 673 15.8 742 741 12.6 14.7 686 612 648.9 664 507 624 691 593 582.8 618.45 139.65 0.301
15/7/01 14 6 630 771 47.25 745 668 47.3 738 737 37.8 44.1 680 604 693 658 501 662 684 586 626.9 660.45 152.25 0.328
16/7/01 15 7 627 768 66.15 742 664 69.3 736 735 50.4 61.95 675 596 734 653 492 706 679 579 664.7 701.4 175.35 0.378
17/7/01 15 8 625 765 81.9 740 662 81.9 734 733 63 75.6 670 592 762.3 647 486 743 672 570 715.1 740.25 200.55 0.432
18/7/01 14 9 622 762 100.8 737 659 101 732 731 75.6 92.4 665 581 812.7 641 477 791 666 564 752.9 785.4 228.9 0.493
20/7/01 15 11 621 761 107.1 735 659 107 730 730 85.1 99.75 661 575 844.2 635 473 822 662 558 784.4 816.9 253.05 0.545
22/7/01 14 13 620 760 113.4 734 659 110 728 729 94.5 106.05 658 569 872.6 631 467 854 658 554 809.6 845.25 275.1 0.593
23/7/01 15 14 619 758 122.9 732 657 123 726 728 104 116.55 656 565 891.5 629 464 869 656 552 822.2 861 280.35 0.604
25/7/01 16 16 618 757 129.2 734 656 120 726 727 107 118.65 655 564 897.8 627 462 882 654 549 837.9 872.55 289.8 0.624
27/7/01 16 18 618 757 129.2 734 656 120 726 728 104 117.6 654 562 907.2 625 461 891 653 548 844.2 880.95 299.25 0.645
30/7/01 15 21 614 753 154.4 730 651 148 722 722 135 145.95 647 554 954.5 617 455 936 646 541 888.3 926.1 316.05 0.681
1/8/01 15 23 611 748 179.6 726 647 173 717 717 167 173.25 643 550 979.7 612 450 967 641 537 916.7 954.45 317.1 0.683
3/8/01 15 25 614 751 160.7 728 648 164 719 719 154 159.6 640 547 998.6 610 448 980 639 534 932.4 970.2 346.5 0.747
6/8/01 15 28 609 745 195.3 722 643 198 713 714 189 194.25 638 546 1008 608 447 989 637 533 941.9 979.65 321.3 0.692
8/8/01 16 30 607 741 214.2 719 640 217 710 710 211 214.2 634 541 1036 604 442 1017 633 530 963.9 1005.9 327.6 0.706
10/8/01 16 32 603 737 239.4 715 636 243 705 706 239 240.45 628 536 1071 598 437 1052 627 524 1002 1041.6 337.05 0.726
14/8/01 17 36 604 739 230 716 637 236 706 707 233 233.1 629 535 1071 599 437 1049 629 525 992.3 1037.4 340.2 0.733
17/8/01 16 39 599 734 261.5 711 634 261 703 704 252 258.3 637 525 1077 583 421 1150 616 518 1055 1094.1 371.7 0.801
21/8/01 16 43 595 729 289.8 706 628 296 697 698 290 291.9 627 515 1140 577 413 1194 608 509 1109 1147.7 391.65 0.844
24/8/01 16 46 593 725 308.7 702 624 321 693 694 315 315 628 510 1153 574 406 1225 604 504 1137 1171.8 392.7 0.846
28/8/01 15 50 593 725 308.7 703 624 318 693 694 315 313.95 627 509 1159 573 405 1232 602 505 1140 1177.05 399 0.860
31/8/01 15 53 594 726 302.4 705 626 306 695 697 299 302.4 628 511 1150 574 407 1222 602 508 1131 1167.6 401.1 0.864
7/9/01 16 60 593 724 311.9 703 624 318 693 695 312 313.95 626 508 1166 573 404 1235 598 505 1153 1184.4 406.35 0.876
13/9/01 18 66 593 725 308.7 704 625 312 695 696 302 307.65 626 506 1172 574 399 1247 599 503 1156 1191.75 420 0.905
24/9/01 20 77 594 724 308.7 704 625 312 694 696 306 308.7 626 500 1191 574 394 1263 598 502 1162 1205.4 432.6 0.932
4/10/01 19 87 590 720 333.9 700 620 340 690 691 334 336 620 491 1238 568 386 1307 592 495 1203 1249.5 449.4 0.968
17/10/01 21 100 585 715 365.4 694 615 375 685 686 365 368.55 615 486 1269 562 382 1339 585 490 1241 1283.1 450.45 0.971
8/11/01 18 122 580 710 396.9 689 610 406 680 681 397 400.05 609 481 1304 556 377 1373 580 484 1276 1317.8 453.6 0.977

Table AIII.2 Shrinkage strain in unreinforced companion

specimens with the same cross-section as
the slabs - Batch 1

Shrinkage Stain x 10-6

Slab specimen # 1 Slab specimen # 2 Average
1 2 3 4 Specimens
Date Temp Age Reading Reading Strain Reading Reading Strain 1&2
12/7/01 16 3 695 749 742 755
13/7/01 15 4 694 747 9.5 740 753 12.6 11.0
14/7/01 15 5 689 744 34.7 736 747 44.1 39.4
15/7/01 14 6 687 739 56.7 731 745 66.2 61.4
16/7/01 15 7 685 739 63.0 730 745 69.3 66.1
17/7/01 15 8 684 737 72.5 728 743 81.9 77.2
18/7/01 14 9 680 734 94.5 725 740 100.8 97.7
20/7/01 15 11 678 733 104.0 724 739 107.1 105.5
22/7/01 14 13 678 732 107.1 722 737 119.7 113.4
23/7/01 15 14 678 732 107.1 722 736 122.9 115.0
25/7/01 16 16 676 730 119.7 720 734 135.5 127.6
27/7/01 16 18 676 731 116.6 721 735 129.2 122.8
30/7/01 15 21 672 727 141.8 715 729 167.0 154.4
1/8/01 15 23 665 720 185.9 709 721 211.0 198.5
3/8/01 15 25 668 723 167.0 712 725 189.0 178.0
6/8/01 15 28 664 718 195.3 707 720 220.5 207.9
8/8/01 16 30 661 715 214.2 703 715 248.8 231.5
10/8/01 16 32 658 712 233.1 699 711 274.0 253.6
14/8/01 17 36 659 713 226.8 701 713 261.4 244.1
17/8/01 16 39 655 709 252.0 696 709 289.8 270.9
21/8/01 16 43 649 702 292.9 689 702 333.9 313.4
24/8/01 16 46 645 698 318.1 683 698 365.4 341.8
28/8/01 15 50 645 699 315.0 685 698 359.1 337.1
31/8/01 15 53 645 701 308.7 687 700 346.5 327.6
7/9/01 16 60 641 697 333.9 683 697 368.5 351.2
13/9/01 18 66 644 699 318.1 685 699 355.9 337.0
24/9/01 20 77 643 699 321.3 684 698 362.2 341.8
4/10/01 19 87 636 692 365.4 678 691 403.2 384.3
17/10/01 21 100 631 686 400.1 672 685 441.0 420.5
8/11/01 18 122 625 681 434.7 666 679 478.8 456.7

Table AIII.3 Creep Strain and Creep Coefficient for Batch 2

Shrinkage For Cylinders Cylinders Loaded Under 5 MPa

Average Avge Average
BATCH 2 Shrinkage Total Instantaneous strain
SPECIMEN S2b Cylinder 1 Cylinder 2 Strain Cylinder 1 Cylinder 2 Strain (2/2/01) = 285.5με
Creep Creep
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain strain Coeff
2/2/01 26 3 749 757
2/2/01 26 3 743 749 0 703.5 287 712 284 285.5 0
3/2/01 26 4 739.5 22 746 19 20.5 688 384 698.5 369 376.5 70.5 0.247
4/2/01 26 5 736.5 41 740.5 53 47 680 435 690.5 419 427 94.5 0.331
5/2/01 27 6 733.5 60 737 76 68 679.5 438 687.5 438 438 84.5 0.296
6/2/01 24 7 729.5 85 733.5 98 91.5 672 485 678.5 495 490 113 0.396
7/2/01 24 8 725.5 110 730.5 117 113.5 667 517 674.5 520 518.5 119.5 0.419
8/2/01 24 9 721.5 135 728 132 133.5 661 554 669 554 554 135 0.473
9/2/01 26 10 719 151 723 164 157.5 653 605 662.5 595 600 157 0.550
12/2/01 25 13 716.5 167 720 183 175 646 649 659 617 633 172.5 0.604
14/2/01 26 15 713.5 186 716.5 205 195.5 642 674 654 649 661.5 180.5 0.630
15/2/01 23 16 712 195 713 227 211 639 693 651 668 680.5 184 0.644
16/2/01 22 17 709.5 211 708 258 234.5 632 737 642 725 731 211 0.739
19/2/01 24 20 707 227 704.5 280 253.5 630 750 639 743 746.5 207.5 0.727
20/2/01 25 21 705.5 236 701 302 269 621 806 635 769 787.5 233 0.816
21/2/01 26 22 707.5 224 704.5 280 252 626.5 772 635.5 765 768.5 231 0.809
22/2/01 26 23 709 214 706.5 268 241 628.5 759 636 762 760.5 234 0.820
24/2/01 26 25 709.5 211 708 258 234.5 625 781 635.5 765 773 253 0.886
26/2/01 27 27 707.5 224 705 277 250.5 623 794 634.5 772 783 247 0.865
28/2/01 28 29 706 233 703 290 261.5 620.5 809 632.5 784 796.5 249.5 0.874
1/3/01 28 30 708 221 705 277 249 622 800 636 762 781 246.5 0.863
2/3/01 26 31 706.5 230 702.5 293 261.5 618 825 631 794 809.5 262.5 0.919
4/3/01 24 33 700.5 268 695 340 304 615.5 841 626 825 833 243.5 0.853
6/3/01 25 35 698.5 280 693 353 316.5 613.5 854 623.5 841 847.5 245.5 0.859895
8/3/01 24 37 698 284 693 353 318.5 613 857 622.5 847 852 248 0.868651
12/3/01 24 41 698 284 693 353 318.15 611 869.4 620 863 866.25 262.6 0.920
16/3/01 25 45 694.5 306 690.5 369 337.05 602 926.1 611 920 922.95 300.4 1.052
22/3/01 22 51 682.5 381 677 454 417.375 589 1008 600 989 998.55 295.675 1.036
26/3/01 24 55 680 397 673.5 476 436.275 587 1021 597.5 1005 1012.73 290.95 1.019
27/3/01 23 56 677 416 670 498 456.75 584 1040 594.5 1024 1031.63 289.375 1.014
29/3/01 22 58 676.5 419 670 498 458.325 583.5 1043 595.5 1017 1030.05 286.225 1.003
2/4/01 22 62 676.5 419 669 504 461.475 583.5 1043 594.5 1024 1033.2 286.225 1.003
6/4/01 22 66 676.5 419 670 498 458.325 582.5 1049 594 1027 1037.93 294.1 1.030
11/4/01 18 71 670 460 664 536 497.7 572.5 1112 584 1090 1100.93 317.725 1.113
19/4/01 22 79 678.5 406 673 479 442.575 579 1071 592 1040 1055.25 327.175 1.146
274/01 18 87 670 460 664.5 532 496.125 577.5 1080 587 1071 1075.73 294.1 1.030
5/5/01 17 95 669 466 664 536 500.85 576 1090 584 1090 1089.9 303.55 1.063
12/5/01 15 102 673.5 438 667.5 513 475.65 575.5 1093 582.5 1099 1096.2 335.05 1.174
6/6/01 14 127 672.5 444 667 517 480.375 579 1071 586.5 1074 1072.58 306.7 1.074
29/6/01 14 150 673.5 438 667 517 477.225 574.5 1099 584 1090 1094.63 331.9 1.163

Table AIII.4 Shrinkage strain for unreinforced companion

specimens with the same cross-section as
the slab - Batch 2.

Batch 2 Shrinkage Stain x10-6

Specimen S2b (slab specimen)
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain
2/2/01 26 3 753.5
3/2/01 26 4 753 3
4/2/01 26 5 748.5 31
5/2/01 27 6 746.5 44
6/2/01 24 7 742 72
7/2/01 24 8 738 98
8/2/01 24 9 733.5 126
9/2/01 26 10 734.5 120
12/2/01 25 13 724.5 183
14/2/01 26 15 724 186
15/2/01 23 16 721 205
16/2/01 22 17 716 236
19/2/01 24 20 711 268
20/2/01 25 21 709.5 277
21/2/01 26 22 710 274
22/2/01 26 23 714.5 246
24/2/01 26 25 713 255
26/2/01 27 27 712.5 258
28/2/01 28 29 714.5 246
1/3/01 28 30 715.5 239
2/3/01 26 31 708.5 283
4/3/01 24 33 701 331
6/3/01 25 35 700 337
8/3/01 24 37 700 337
12/3/01 24 41 698 350
16/3/01 25 45 695 369
22/3/01 22 51 693 381
26/3/01 24 55 683 444
27/3/01 23 56 679 469
29/3/01 22 58 677 482
2/4/01 22 62 681 457
6/4/01 22 66 681 457
11/4/01 18 71 671 520
19/4/01 22 79 680 463
274/01 18 87 674 501
5/5/01 17 95 673 507
12/5/01 15 102 671 520
6/6/01 14 127 679 469
29/6/01 14 150 675 495

Table AIII.5 Steel strain by demec for Slab S1a


Slab S1a ( 3Y12 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Da te Temp . Ag e Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ingStra in Rea d ing Stra in
12/ 7/ 01 16 3 385 430 761 445 478 720 725 517 465 352 622 657 756
12/ 7/ 01 16 3 395 433 767 448 484 720 727 516 466 356 631 659 757
13/ 7/ 01 15 4 395 0 432 -6.3 765 -13 446 -13 483 -6.3 721 6.3 727 0 519 18.9 464 -12.6 356 0 636 31.5 658 -6.3 755 -12.6
14/ 7/ 01 15 5 393 -13 431 -13 766 -6.3 444 -25 481 -18.9 720 0 729 12.6 521 31.5 462 -25.2 357 6.3 637 37.8 658 -6.3 753 -25.2
14 6 389 -38 428 -32 763 -25 443 -32 480 -25.2 719 -6.3 733 37.8 520 25.2 461 -31.5 356 0 635 25.2 657 -13 750 -44.1
15/ 7/ 01
16/ 7/ 01 15 7 385 -63 426 -44 762 -32 441 -44 480 -25.2 771 321 785 365 565 309 460 -37.8 355 -6.3 634 18.9 655 -25 750 -44.1
15 8 383 -76 425 -50 761 -38 439 -57 479 -31.5 781 384 795 428 577 384 460 -37.8 354 -13 633 12.6 653 -38 748 -56.7
17/ 7/ 01
18/ 7/ 01 14 9 380 -95 423 -63 759 -50 436 -76 479 -31.5 787 422 803 479 585 435 459 -44.1 352 -25 631 0 649 -63 745 -75.6
20/ 7/ 01 15 11 378 -107 422 -69 757 -63 433 -95 478 -37.8 801 510 816 561 607 573 459 -44.1 348 -50 628 -18.9 647 -76 746 -69.3
22/ 7/ 01 14 13 378 -107 422 -69 758 -57 433 -95 478 -37.8 812 580 827 630 618 643 461 -31.5 349 -44 629 -12.6 646 -82 746 -69.3
23/ 7/ 01 15 14 377 -113 422 -69 759 -50 433 -95 478 -37.8 812 580 827 630 618 643 462 -25.2 349 -44 630 -6.3 646 -82 747 -63
25/ 7/ 01 16 16 375 -126 421 -76 758 -57 431 -107 476 -50.4 816 605 832 662 624 680 462 -25.2 348 -50 630 -6.3 642 -107 746 -69.3
27/ 7/ 01 16 18 378 -107 424 -57 761 -38 435 -82 480 -25.2 822 643 838 699 630 718 467 6.3 352 -25 634 18.9 646 -82 750 -44.1
30/ 7/ 01 15 21 376 -120 422 -69 760 -44 433 -95 480 -25.2 838 743 851 781 647 825 469 18.9 350 -38 634 18.9 645 -88 749 -50.4
1/ 8/ 01 15 23 373 -139 420 -82 759 -50 431 -107 479 -31.5 857 863 869 895 667 951 471 31.5 347 -57 632 6.3 642 -107 746 -69.3
3/ 8/ 01 15 25 370 -158 418 -95 757 -63 427 -132 479 -31.5 863 901 874 926 673 989 469 18.9 343 -82 630 -6.3 640 -120 744 -81.9
6/ 8/ 01 15 28 367 -176 419 -88 760 -44 424 -151 478 -37.8 880 1008 898 1077 696 1134 470 25.2 340 -101 629 -12.6 638 -132 741 -101
8/ 8/ 01 16 30 365 -189 419 -88 760 -44 422 -164 476 -50.4 868 932 888 1014 677 1014 473 44.1 362 37.8 630 -6.3 644 -95 738 -120
10/ 8/ 01 16 32 362 -208 418 -95 760 -44 420 -176 476 -50.4 869 939 889 1021 676 1008 473 44.1 367 69.3 630 -6.3 653 -38 737 -126
14/ 8/ 01 17 36 360 -221 415 -113 758 -57 420 -176 474 -63 866 920 887 1008 673 989 475 56.7 370 88.2 629 -12.6 653 -38 737 -126
17/ 8/ 01 16 39 360 -221 416 -107 759 -50 419 -183 474 -63 885 1040 911 1159 690 1096 476 63 376 126 630 -6.3 660 6.3 736 -132
21/ 8/ 01 16 43 355 -252 425 -50 759 -50 416 -202 471 -81.9 904 1159 927 1260 717 1266 476 63 369 81.9 631 0 670 69.3 735 -139
24/ 8/ 01 16 46 355 -252 433 0 758 -57 413 -221 469 -94.5 903 1153 924 1241 717 1266 476 63 369 81.9 631 0 675 101 733 -151
28/ 8/ 01 15 50 354 -258 432 -6.3 756 -69 412 -227 468 -101 896 1109 916 1191 712 1235 476 63 372 101 630 -6.3 673 88.2 732 -158
31/ 8/ 01 15 53 354 -258 432 -6.3 755 -76 412 -227 468 -101 893 1090 912 1166 708 1210 476 63 372 101 630 -6.3 672 81.9 732 -158
7/ 9/ 01 16 60 354 -258 434 6.3 754 -82 410 -239 467 -107 895 1103 912 1166 711 1229 477 69.3 376 126 628 -18.9 674 94.5 731 -164
13/ 9/ 01 18 66 354 -258 444 69.3 754 -82 410 -239 467 -107 904 1159 918 1203 719 1279 481 94.5 384 176 629 -12.6 676 107 731 -164
24/ 9/ 01 20 77 357 -239 455 139 755 -76 413 -221 470 -88.2 894 1096 901 1096 704 1184 483 107 394 239 629 -12.6 682 145 732 -158
4/ 10/ 01 19 87 357 -239 465 202 755 -76 412 -227 470 -88.2 892 1084 897 1071 701 1166 483 107 401 284 629 -12.6 690 195 732 -158
21 100 379 -101 474 258 755 -76 412 -227 470 -88.2 897 111 902 1103 706 1197 483 107 398 265 629 -12.6 705 290 732 -158
17/ 10/ 01 5
8/ 11/ 01 18 122 397 12.6 485 328 755 -76 410 -239 470 -88.2 890 1071 896 1065 700 1159 483 107 398 265 629 -12.6 720 384 731 -164

Table AIII.6 Concrete surface strain by demec for Slab S1a

S la b # 1 ( 3 Y 1 2 ) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 766 676 764 808 744 783 741 313 773 475 763
12/7/01 16 3 767 678 766 810 747 785 743 315 772 476 764
13/7/01 15 4 766 -6.3 675 -18.9 764 -12.6 810 0 745 -12.6 784 -6.3 742 -6.3 315 0 772 0 476 0 761 -18.9
14/7/01 15 5 764 -18.9 673 -31.5 763 -18.9 809 -6.3 745 -12.6 783 -13 741 -12.6 312 -18.9 770 -13 471 -31.5 760 -25.2
15/7/01 14 6 762 -31.5 671 -44.1 763 -18.9 809 -6.3 744 -18.9 782 -19 741 -12.6 310 -31.5 769 -19 473 -18.9 758 -37.8
16/7/01 15 7 760 -44.1 671 -44.1 761 -31.5 806 -25 743 -25.2 832 296 741 -12.6 307 -50.4 766 -38 469 -44.1 756 -50.4
17/7/01 15 8 759 -50.4 669 -56.7 759 -44.1 805 -32 741 -37.8 846 384 740 -18.9 307 -50.4 766 -38 469 -44.1 755 -56.7
18/7/01 14 9 757 -63 668 -63 756 -63 802 -50 737 -63 855 441 738 -31.5 305 -63 764 -50 467 -56.7 752 -75.6
20/7/01 15 11 757 -63 667 -69.3 755 -69.3 802 -50 735 -75.6 873 554 736 -44.1 302 -81.9 763 -57 466 -63 751 -81.9
22/7/01 14 13 757 -63 666 -75.6 755 -69.3 802 -50 735 -75.6 885 630 736 -44.1 303 -75.6 764 -50 467 -56.7 750 -88.2
23/7/01 15 14 757 -63 667 -69.3 756 -63 802 -50 736 -69.3 886 636 736 -44.1 303 -75.6 764 -50 467 -56.7 750 -88.2
25/7/01 16 16 755 -75.6 664 -88.2 755 -69.3 801 -57 734 -81.9 894 687 734 -56.7 302 -81.9 762 -63 465 -69.3 747 -107
27/7/01 16 18 759 -50.4 668 -63 757 -56.7 804 -38 736 -69.3 902 737 739 -25.2 306 -56.7 766 -38 466 -63 752 -75.6
30/7/01 15 21 757 -63 666 -75.6 756 -63 801 -57 734 -81.9 921 857 737 -37.8 303 -75.6 764 -50 466 -63 749 -94.5
1/8/01 15 23 756 -69.3 664 -88.2 755 -69.3 799 -69 732 -94.5 947 1021 735 -50.4 301 -88.2 763 -57 466 -63 747 -107
3/8/01 15 25 752 -94.5 662 -101 751 -94.5 795 -95 729 -113 955 1071 732 -69.3 298 -107 760 -76 464 -75.6 743 -132
6/8/01 15 28 752 -94.5 662 -101 749 -107 795 -95 728 -120 976 1203 732 -69.3 296 -120 760 -76 465 -69.3 742 -139
8/8/01 16 30 748 -120 666 -75.6 745 -132 836 164 725 -139 960 1103 728 -94.5 292 -145 758 -88 465 -69.3 739 -158
10/8/01 16 32 746 -132 669 -56.7 743 -145 848 239 720 -170 961 1109 724 -120 289 -164 755 -107 463 -81.9 735 -183
14/8/01 17 36 746 -132 670 -50.4 742 -151 853 271 719 -176 958 1090 723 -126 289 -164 754 -113 463 -81.9 735 -183
17/8/01 16 39 745 -139 676 -12.6 741 -158 868 365 718 -183 976 1203 723 -126 288 -170 756 -101 463 -81.9 733 -195
21/8/01 16 43 740 -170 681 18.9 736 -189 865 347 712 -221 992 1304 718 -158 281 -214 749 -145 467 -56.7 728 -227
24/8/01 16 46 737 -189 684 37.8 735 -195 872 391 709 -239 992 1304 715 -176 278 -233 746 -164 475 -6.3 725 -246
28/8/01 15 50 736 -195 683 31.5 732 -214 874 403 708 -246 987 1273 714 -183 278 -233 745 -170 476 0 724 -252
31/8/01 15 53 736 -195 683 31.5 734 -202 875 410 709 -239 984 1254 715 -176 279 -227 746 -164 476 0 724 -252
7/9/01 16 60 734 -208 684 37.8 733 -208 882 454 707 -252 994 1317 715 -176 279 -227 744 -176 480 25.2 721 -271
13/9/01 18 66 735 -202 689 69.3 733 -208 891 510 708 -246 1002 1367 716 -170 280 -221 746 -164 492 101 721 -271
24/9/01 20 77 737 -189 695 107 734 -202 903 586 710 -233 998 1342 718 -158 282 -208 748 -151 510 214 720 -277
4/10/01 19 87 736 -195 703 158 730 -227 907 611 705 -265 997 1336 716 -170 278 -233 746 -164 537 384 712 -328
17/10/01 21 100 736 -195 713 221 730 -227 904 592 702 -284 999 1348 714 -183 275 -252 744 -176 574 617 710 -340
8/11/01 18 122 732 -221 730 328 726 -252 902 580 706 -258 993 1310 709 -214 271 -277 740 -202 593 737 708 -353

Table AIII.7 Steel strain by strain gauges for Slab S1a

s la b # 1 ( 3 Y 1 2 ) S T E E L S T R A IN B Y S T R A IN G A UG E S
Date Temp. A ge 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 21 19 12 13 21 19 23
13/7/01 15 4 37 36 25 21 44 31 46
14/7/01 15 5 45 41 29 21 49 38 52
15/7/01 14 6 73 61 29 19 75 73 76
16/7/01 15 7 451 433 430 438 431 439 420
17/7/01 15 8 534 521 525 535 537 540 515
18/7/01 14 9 603 584 585 598 601 605 572
20/7/01 15 11 708 685 692 710 714 754 675
22/7/01 14 13 782 755 765 788 789 864 744
23/7/01 14 14 779 755 767 792 789 870 745
25/7/01 16 16 830 805 836 853 851 936 804
27/7/01 16 18 867 835 867 886 886 985 838
30/7/01 15 21 991 960 999 1021 1022 1129 964
1/8/01 15 23 1148 1113 1156 1182 1186 1300 1117
3/8/01 15 25 1173 1127 1174 1201 1206 1316 1134
6/8/01 15 28 1342 1297 1338 1377 1371 1496 1288
8/8/01 16 30 1277 1252 1219 1260 1126 1223 1058
10/8/01 16 32 1291 1274 1238 1279 1117 1236 1066
14/8/01 17 36 1229 1197 1197 1240 1065 1197 1020
17/8/01 16 39 1413 1392 1354 1406 1214 1384 1166
21/8/01 16 43 1385 1320 1381 1456 1340 1528 1280
24/8/01 16 46 1251 1187 1341 1394 1332 1515 1294
28/8/01 15 50 1213 1143 1324 1379 1305 1472 1265
31/8/01 15 53 1159 1113 1312 1355 1267 1442 1229
7/9/01 16 60 1225 1178 1391 1429 1329 1549 1324
13/9/01 18 66 1251 1230 1446 1512 1393 1614 1395
24/9/01 20 77 1191 1183 1476 1510
4/10/01 19 87 1205 1185 1467 1581
17/10/01 21 100 1251 1233 1632 1670
8/11/01 18 122 1172 1171 1491 1635 Wires have damaged

Table AII.8 Steel strain by demec for Slab S1b

S la b # 2 ( 3 Y 1 2 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 318 476 705 645 110 852 748 307 415 726 720 395 850
12/7/01 16 3 318 477 708 647 113 854 750 307 418 725 725 397 849
13/7/01 15 4 316 -13 477 0 708 0 647 0 113 0 852 -12.6 748 -12.6 307 0 419 6.3 712 -81.9 726 6.3 395 -12.6 847 -12.6
14/7/01 15 5 314 -25 479 12.6 708 0 645 -12.6 111 -12.6 850 -25.2 749 -6.3 305 -12.6 419 6.3 709 -101 725 0 394 -18.9 844 -31.5
15/7/01 14 6 315 -19 476 -6.3 706 -12.6 643 -25.2 109 -25.2 849 -31.5 749 -6.3 305 -12.6 418 0 707 -113 723 -12.6 395 -12.6 843 -37.8
16/7/01 15 7 312 -38 476 -6.3 710 12.6 646 -6.3 114 6.3 852 -12.6 753 18.9 310 18.9 422 25.2 710 -94.5 727 12.6 398 6.3 843 -37.8
17/7/01 15 8 308 -63 474 -18.9 708 0 643 -25.2 114 6.3 853 -6.3 753 18.9 313 37.8 422 25.2 708 -107 725 0 396 -6.3 840 -56.7
18/7/01 14 9 303 -95 473 -25.2 708 0 641 -37.8 113 0 854 0 754 25.2 317 63 422 25.2 704 -132 723 -12.6 397 0 838 -69.3
20/7/01 15 11 299 -120 472 -31.5 704 -25.2 638 -56.7 111 -12.6 899 284 798 302 361 340 418 0 700 -158 718 -44.1 394 -18.9 834 -94.5
22/7/01 14 13 299 -120 471 -37.8 704 -25.2 638 -56.7 112 -6.3 909 347 807 359 372 410 418 0 700 -158 718 -44.1 394 -18.9 834 -94.5
23/7/01 14 14 300 -113 471 -37.8 705 -18.9 636 -69.3 112 -6.3 910 353 808 365 373 416 419 6.3 699 -164 717 -50.4 394 -18.9 834 -94.5
25/7/01 16 16 299 -120 470 -44.1 703 -31.5 636 -69.3 111 -12.6 913 372 813 397 377 441 420 12.6 700 -158 717 -50.4 394 -18.9 834 -94.5
27/7/01 16 18 302 -101 473 -25.2 706 -12.6 639 -50.4 116 18.9 919 410 819 435 383 479 421 18.9 702 -145 720 -31.5 396 -6.3 836 -81.9
30/7/01 15 21 298 -126 470 -44.1 703 -31.5 636 -69.3 114 6.3 928 466 828 491 392 536 420 12.6 698 -170 717 -50.4 395 -12.6 833 -101
1/8/01 15 23 295 -145 470 -44.1 702 -37.8 634 -81.9 113 0 940 542 840 567 406 624 422 25.2 695 -189 714 -69.3 393 -25.2 830 -120
3/8/01 15 25 292 -164 469 -50.4 702 -37.8 632 -94.5 113 0 939 536 839 561 405 617 423 31.5 693 -202 714 -69.3 392 -31.5 828 -132
6/8/01 15 28 289 -183 469 -50.4 703 -31.5 630 -107 114 6.3 939 536 838 554 407 630 424 37.8 690 -221 715 -63 389 -50.4 825 -151
8/8/01 16 30 284 -214 466 -69.3 698 -63 627 -126 258 914 853 -6.3 755 31.5 317 63 426 50.4 689 -227 715 -63 390 -44.1 822 -170
10/8/01 16 32 283 -221 467 -63 698 -63 625 -139 276 1027 842 -75.6 745 -31.5 308 6.3 426 50.4 686 -246 715 -63 389 -50.4 820 -183
14/8/01 17 36 282 -227 467 -63 696 -75.6 625 -139 281 1058 839 -94.5 742 -50.4 305 -12.6 426 50.4 686 -246 715 -63 389 -50.4 819 -189
17/8/01 16 39 280 -239 468 -56.7 697 -69.3 625 -139 314 1266 831 -145 737 -81.9 300 -44.1 427 56.7 686 -246 715 -63 389 -50.4 817 -202
21/8/01 16 43 277 -258 467 -63 696 -75.6 623 -151 329 1361 826 -176 722 -176 291 -101 427 56.7 686 -246 715 -63 388 -56.7 816 -208
24/8/01 16 46 273 -284 465 -75.6 694 -88.2 619 -176 327 1348 817 -233 714 -227 287 -126 427 56.7 698 -170 714 -69.3 388 -56.7 810 -246
28/8/01 15 50 272 -290 464 -81.9 695 -81.9 618 -183 326 1342 815 -246 712 -239 286 -132 427 56.7 698 -170 713 -75.6 386 -69.3 810 -246
31/8/01 15 53 272 -290 464 -81.9 695 -81.9 618 -183 320 1304 815 -246 710 -252 286 -132 427 56.7 701 -151 711 -88.2 385 -75.6 809 -252
7/9/01 16 60 272 -290 464 -81.9 695 -81.9 618 -183 330 1367 818 -227 707 -271 287 -126 427 56.7 706 -120 710 -94.5 385 -75.6 807 -265
13/9/01 18 66 272 -290 464 -81.9 695 -81.9 618 -183 344 1455 808 -290 697 -334 285 -139 433 94.5 712 -81.9 710 -94.5 384 -81.9 804 -284
24/9/01 20 77 274 -277 465 -75.6 697 -69.3 620 -170 343 1449 803 -321 695 -347 285 -139 435 107 723 -12.6 710 -94.5 384 -81.9 804 -284
4/10/01 19 87 274 -277 465 -75.6 698 -63 620 -170 358 1544 807 -296 685 -410 278 -183 439 132 727 12.6 706 -120 384 -81.9 804 -284
17/10/01 21 100 271 -296 466 -69.3 699 -56.7 620 -170 370 1619 801 -334 678 -454 271 -227 439 132 755 189 704 -132 384 -81.9 802 -296
8/11/01 18 122 271 -296 466 -69.3 699 -56.7 620 -170 376 1657 809 -284 675 -473 265 -265 445 170 775 315 706 -120 384 -81.9 801 -302

Table AIII.9 Concrete surface strain by demec for Slab S1b

S la b # 2 ( 3 Y1 2 ) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 754 734 808 653 749 787 610 660 832 759 761
12/7/01 16 3 754 733 808 652 749 787 611 660 829 759 760
13/7/01 15 4 752 -12.6 731 -12.6 807 -6.3 650 -12.6 750 6.3 787 0 610 -6.3 660 0 829 0 756 -18.9 759 -6.3
14/7/01 15 5 751 -18.9 729 -25.2 807 -6.3 648 -25.2 749 0 787 0 610 -6.3 659 -6.3 829 0 756 -18.9 759 -6.3
15/7/01 14 6 749 -31.5 727 -37.8 805 -18.9 647 -31.5 748 -6.3 786 -6.3 610 -6.3 658 -12.6 827 -12.6 752 -44.1 757 -18.9
16/7/01 15 7 749 -31.5 729 -25.2 807 -6.3 647 -31.5 751 12.6 788 6.3 612 6.3 659 -6.3 829 0 754 -31.5 757 -18.9
17/7/01 15 8 748 -37.8 728 -31.5 805 -18.9 646 -37.8 751 12.6 790 18.9 612 6.3 659 -6.3 829 0 754 -31.5 756 -25.2
18/7/01 14 9 746 -50.4 725 -50.4 805 -18.9 646 -37.8 751 12.6 795 50.4 610 -6.3 657 -18.9 827 -12.6 752 -44.1 754 -37.8
20/7/01 15 11 742 -75.6 722 -69.3 800 -50.4 641 -69.3 747 -12.6 841 340 605 -37.8 652 -50.4 822 -44.1 750 -56.7 751 -56.7
22/7/01 14 13 741 -81.9 722 -69.3 801 -44.1 640 -75.6 747 -12.6 852 410 605 -37.8 652 -50.4 822 -44.1 749 -63 750 -63
23/7/01 14 14 741 -81.9 722 -69.3 801 -44.1 641 -69.3 746 -18.9 854 422 605 -37.8 653 -44.1 821 -50.4 749 -63 749 -69.3
25/7/01 16 16 741 -81.9 722 -69.3 801 -44.1 640 -75.6 746 -18.9 860 460 604 -44.1 653 -44.1 821 -50.4 749 -63 748 -75.6
27/7/01 16 18 744 -63 724 -56.7 804 -25.2 643 -56.7 748 -6.3 867 504 607 -25.2 656 -25.2 825 -25.2 752 -44.1 751 -56.7
30/7/01 15 21 742 -75.6 721 -75.6 800 -50.4 641 -69.3 745 -25.2 877 567 602 -56.7 652 -50.4 820 -56.7 748 -69.3 748 -75.6
1/8/01 15 23 739 -94.5 719 -88.2 798 -63 638 -88.2 743 -37.8 894 674 602 -56.7 652 -50.4 820 -56.7 747 -75.6 746 -88.2
3/8/01 15 25 736 -113 716 -107 796 -75.6 635 -107 743 -37.8 893 668 600 -69.3 649 -69.3 818 -69.3 745 -88.2 743 -107
6/8/01 15 28 733 -132 715 -113 795 -81.9 632 -126 742 -44.1 903 731 601 -63 646 -88.2 819 -63 745 -88.2 741 -120
8/8/01 16 30 731 -145 714 -120 795 -81.9 631 -132 740 -56.7 843 353 710 623.7 640 -126 815 -88.2 740 -120 738 -139
10/8/01 16 32 727 -170 710 -145 791 -107 627 -158 736 -81.9 836 309 729 743.4 637 -145 811 -113 737 -139 733 -170
14/8/01 17 36 727 -170 710 -145 790 -113 629 -145 736 -81.9 835 302 733 768.6 637 -145 809 -126 737 -139 733 -170
17/8/01 16 39 725 -183 710 -145 792 -101 628 -151 737 -75.6 833 290 759 932.4 637 -145 810 -120 738 -132 733 -170
21/8/01 16 43 717 -233 704 -183 789 -120 621 -195 735 -88.2 829 265 772 1014 630 -189 802 -170 732 -170 728 -202
24/8/01 16 46 715 -246 704 -183 789 -120 620 -202 740 -56.7 829 265 777 1046 628 -202 800 -183 732 -170 725 -221
28/8/01 15 50 715 -246 704 -183 789 -120 622 -189 740 -56.7 829 265 774 1027 628 -202 800 -183 732 -170 725 -221
31/8/01 15 53 715 -246 704 -183 790 -113 625 -170 741 -50.4 830 271 771 1008 630 -189 801 -176 732 -170 725 -221
7/9/01 16 60 717 -233 705 -176 792 -101 626 -164 745 -25.2 830 271 782 1077 629 -195 800 -183 731 -176 724 -227
13/9/01 18 66 715 -246 704 -183 791 -107 624 -176 749 0 832 284 794 1153 630 -189 803 -164 734 -158 724 -227
24/9/01 20 77 715 -246 705 -176 793 -94.5 627 -158 756 44.1 834 296 800 1191 631 -183 806 -145 736 -145 726 -214
4/10/01 19 87 714 -252 705 -176 793 -94.5 626 -164 766 107 827 252 811 1260 630 -189 805 -151 736 -145 726 -214
17/10/01 21 100 710 -277 703 -189 792 -101 626 -164 812 397 820 208 815 1285 627 -208 804 -158 736 -145 723 -233
8/11/01 18 122 703 -321 698 -221 789 -120 625 -170 819 441 814 170 814 1279 622 -239 800 -183 733 -164 719 -258

Table AIII.10 Steel strain by strain gauges for Slab S1b

s la b # 2 ( 3 Y 1 2 S T E E L S T R A IN B Y S T R A IN G A UG E S
Date Temp. A ge 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 8 10 10 28 6 14 5 4 7
13/7/01 15 4 21 27 29 92 23 54 45 25 33
14/7/01 15 5 30 34 33 172 24 73 49 28 44
15/7/01 14 6 120 52 48 199 32 77 0 54 77
16/7/01 15 7 135 68 69 214 32 81 106 93 117
17/7/01 15 8 81 78 77 210 25 73 144 139 161
18/7/01 14 9 126 88 88 212 26 73 200 195 219
20/7/01 15 11 656 544 528 701 511 554 575 582 587
22/7/01 14 13 615 626 608 748 579 524 619 659 663
23/7/01 14 14 616 625 608 723 574 629 621 655 662
25/7/01 16 16 670 686 669 790 631 675 684 705 717
27/7/01 16 18 692 711 695 824 648 689 707 734 751
30/7/01 15 21 795 819 799 944 746 790 820 837 853
1/8/01 15 23 936 949 928 1075 870 914 962 971 979
3/8/01 15 25 922 945 920 1085 868 914 997 983 990
6/8/01 15 28 1003 1024 1000 1181 968 998 1104 1109 1108
8/8/01 16 30 813 763 740 978 693 738 909 812 797
10/8/01 16 32 811 766 743 994 714 755 985 853 835
14/8/01 17 36 775 744 709 980 700 723 981 808 812
17/8/01 16 39 841 799 742 1043 756 777 1166 917 906
21/8/01 16 43 735 692 635 1064 770 787 1095 994 987
24/8/01 16 46 685 642 588 1060 755 776 1087 971 988
28/8/01 15 50 664 625 570 1037 727 758 1084 942 959
31/8/01 15 53 621 603 549 1016 704 733 1048 895 922
7/9/01 16 60 630 623 570 1052 741 770 1088 944 973
13/9/01 18 66 655 649 583 1083 767 795 1130 966 1007
24/9/01 20 77 680 658 586 1105 773 807 1021 923 1012
4/10/01 19 87 647 625 559 1092 745 781 1041 869 999
17/10/01 21 100 619 685 610 1067 727 743 874 713 864
8/11/01 18 122 566 663 580 1019 681 699 903 653 833

Table AIII.11 Steel strain by demec for Slab S2a

S la b # 3 ( 3 Y 1 0 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 729 453 460 765 647 435 445 392 507 855 657 636 723
12/7/01 16 3 734 451 470 775 650 446 445 395 512 857 662 638 724
13/7/01 15 4 733 -6.3 450 -6.3 473 18.9 775 0 649 -6.3 445 -6.3 443 -12.6 394 -6.3 511 -6.3 856 -6.3 660 -12.6 638 0 722 -12.6
14/7/01 15 5 729 -31.5 448 -18.9 472 12.6 774 -6.3 648 -12.6 444 -12.6 441 -25.2 392 -18.9 505 -44.1 852 -31.5 657 -31.5 636 -12.6 719 -31.5
15/7/01 14 6 726 -50.4 446 -31.5 471 6.3 773 -12.6 647 -18.9 443 -18.9 440 -31.5 389 -37.8 509 -18.9 853 -25.2 655 -44.1 635 -18.9 717 -44.1
16/7/01 15 7 722 -75.6 455 25.2 472 12.6 774 -6.3 650 0 446 0 447 12.6 395 0 513 6.3 857 0 653 -56.7 636 -12.6 718 -37.8
17/7/01 15 8 720 -88.2 451 0 472 12.6 768 -44.1 648 -12.6 497 321 489 277 444 309 511 -6.3 851 -37.8 649 -81.9 634 -25.2 717 -44.1
18/7/01 14 9 716 -113 453 12.6 471 6.3 768 -44.1 648 -12.6 506 378 504 372 455 378 511 -6.3 848 -56.7 647 -94.5 633 -31.5 715 -56.7
20/7/01 15 11 714 -126 449 -12.6 469 -6.3 764 -69.3 646 -25.2 520 466 509 403 468 460 514 12.6 844 -81.9 644 -113 630 -50.4 712 -75.6
22/7/01 14 13 713 -132 448 -18.9 469 -6.3 763 -75.6 646 -25.2 534 554 521 479 482 548 515 18.9 843 -88.2 645 -107 630 -50.4 711 -81.9
23/7/01 14 14 713 -132 448 -18.9 469 -6.3 762 -81.9 646 -25.2 536 567 523 491 483 554 516 25.2 842 -94.5 645 -107 630 -50.4 711 -81.9
25/7/01 16 16 710 -151 445 -37.8 467 -18.9 763 -75.6 647 -18.9 545 624 536 573 495 630 518 37.8 843 -88.2 645 -107 630 -50.4 712 -75.6
27/7/01 16 18 715 -120 450 -6.3 471 6.3 765 -63 650 0 553 674 538 586 501 668 520 50.4 845 -75.6 645 -107 632 -37.8 712 -75.6
30/7/01 15 21 711 -145 446 -31.5 467 -18.9 760 -94.5 646 -25.2 570 781 555 693 518 775 518 37.8 840 -107 641 -132 628 -63 710 -88.2
1/8/01 15 23 710 -151 446 -31.5 467 -18.9 758 -107 645 -31.5 594 932 575 819 539 907 519 44.1 837 -126 639 -145 626 -75.6 708 -101
3/8/01 15 25 709 -158 446 -31.5 466 -25.2 757 -113 646 -25.2 601 977 583 869 548 964 518 37.8 835 -139 639 -145 626 -75.6 709 -94.5
6/8/01 15 28 705 -183 446 -31.5 465 -31.5 754 -132 647 -18.9 619 1090 601 983 568 1090 519 44.1 833 -151 639 -145 625 -81.9 708 -101
8/8/01 16 30 703 -195 448 -18.9 466 -25.2 754 -132 653 18.9 630 1159 619 1096 582 1178 520 50.4 830 -170 640 -139 625 -81.9 707 -107
10/8/01 16 32 700 -214 447 -25.2 465 -31.5 751 -151 652 12.6 640 1222 625 1134 591 1235 520 50.4 828 -183 638 -151 625 -81.9 706 -113
14/8/01 17 36 700 -214 447 -25.2 465 -31.5 751 -151 652 12.6 642 1235 626 1140 595 1260 520 50.4 828 -183 637 -158 625 -81.9 706 -113
17/8/01 16 39 698 -227 449 -12.6 466 -25.2 750 -158 654 25.2 661 1355 641 1235 625 1449 522 63 827 -189 637 -158 626 -75.6 704 -126
21/8/01 16 43 694 -252 447 -25.2 463 -44.1 747 -176 653 18.9 630 1159 610 1040 589 1222 545 208 911 340 634 -176 625 -81.9 700 -151
24/8/01 16 46 693 -258 446 -31.5 462 -50.4 745 -189 652 12.6 629 1153 609 1033 587 1210 545 208 916 372 633 -183 623 -94.5 697 -170
28/8/01 15 50 692 -265 445 -37.8 460 -63 744 -195 651 6.3 627 1140 608 1027 584 1191 545 208 918 384 632 -189 622 -101 695 -183
31/8/01 15 53 692 -265 445 -37.8 460 -63 744 -195 651 6.3 627 1140 605 1008 581 1172 545 208 921 403 631 -195 622 -101 695 -183
7/9/01 16 60 692 -265 445 -37.8 459 -69.3 744 -195 651 6.3 635 1191 611 1046 589 1222 547 221 931 466 630 -202 620 -113 695 -183
13/9/01 18 66 691 -271 446 -31.5 458 -75.6 744 -195 651 6.3 638 1210 619 1096 594 1254 555 271 942 536 630 -202 620 -113 694 -189
24/9/01 20 77 691 -271 446 -31.5 458 -75.6 744 -195 650 0 646 1260 627 1147 601 1298 559 296 949 580 631 -195 620 -113 695 -183
4/10/01 19 87 691 -271 446 -31.5 458 -75.6 744 -195 650 0 654 1310 632 1178 608 1342 564 328 955 617 631 -195 620 -113 695 -183
17/10/01 21 100 689 -284 445 -37.8 458 -75.6 744 -195 650 0 665 1380 643 1247 620 1418 569 359 965 680 630 -202 620 -113 695 -183
8/11/01 18 122 689 -284 534 523 470 0 742 -208 650 0 620 1096 603 995 575 1134 569 359 965 680 630 -202 620 -113 695 -183

Table AIII.12 Concrete surface strain by demec for Slab S2a

S la b # 3 ( 3 Y1 0 ) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 573 788 749 922 831 756 775 772 750 763 765
12/7/01 16 3 576 791 749 923 832 755 774 772 750 762 765
13/7/01 15 4 574 -12.6 789 -13 748 -6.3 923 0 830 -12.6 754 -6.3 772 -12.6 772 0 749 -6.3 761 -6.3 763 -12.6
14/7/01 15 5 572 -25.2 787 -25 746 -19 922 -6.3 829 -18.9 753 -12.6 770 -25.2 771 -6.3 747 -18.9 759 -18.9 761 -25.2
15/7/01 14 6 571 -31.5 786 -32 745 -25 920 -18.9 829 -18.9 753 -12.6 769 -31.5 770 -12.6 745 -31.5 757 -31.5 759 -37.8
16/7/01 15 7 570 -37.8 787 -25 746 -19 923 0 831 -6.3 757 12.6 770 -25.2 772 0 749 -6.3 760 -12.6 759 -37.8
17/7/01 15 8 568 -50.4 784 -44 742 -44 920 -18.9 827 -31.5 813 365 768 -37.8 769 -18.9 745 -31.5 757 -31.5 756 -56.7
18/7/01 14 9 568 -50.4 782 -57 742 -44 918 -31.5 825 -44.1 827 454 765 -56.7 767 -31.5 744 -37.8 757 -31.5 756 -56.7
20/7/01 15 11 565 -69.3 779 -76 739 -63 914 -56.7 822 -63 843 554 764 -63 763 -56.7 742 -50.4 752 -63 752 -81.9
22/7/01 14 13 565 -69.3 779 -76 740 -57 915 -50.4 822 -63 857 643 764 -63 763 -56.7 742 -50.4 752 -63 752 -81.9
23/7/01 14 14 565 -69.3 780 -69 740 -57 914 -56.7 822 -63 859 655 764 -63 763 -56.7 742 -50.4 752 -63 752 -81.9
25/7/01 16 16 565 -69.3 780 -69 739 -63 915 -50.4 822 -63 874 750 762 -75.6 764 -50.4 744 -37.8 754 -50.4 753 -75.6
27/7/01 16 18 567 -56.7 782 -57 741 -50 917 -37.8 824 -50.4 882 800 765 -56.7 766 -37.8 746 -25.2 755 -44.1 755 -63
30/7/01 15 21 563 -81.9 778 -82 738 -69 913 -63 818 -88.2 901 920 760 -88.2 761 -69.3 740 -63 750 -75.6 750 -94.5
1/8/01 15 23 563 -81.9 775 -101 736 -82 911 -75.6 817 -94.5 932 1115 760 -88.2 761 -69.3 740 -63 751 -69.3 749 -101
3/8/01 15 25 561 -94.5 775 -101 734 -95 909 -88.2 814 -113 942 1178 757 -107 759 -81.9 738 -75.6 748 -88.2 746 -120
6/8/01 15 28 558 -113 773 -113 732 -107 906 -107 812 -126 966 1329 756 -113 757 -94.5 737 -81.9 747 -94.5 744 -132
8/8/01 16 30 557 -120 774 -107 732 -107 905 -113 811 -132 988 1468 755 -120 757 -94.5 739 -69.3 749 -81.9 743 -139
10/8/01 16 32 554 -139 772 -120 730 -120 901 -139 808 -151 994 1506 751 -145 752 -126 735 -94.5 745 -107 739 -164
14/8/01 17 36 554 -139 772 -120 729 -126 901 -139 807 -158 998 1531 751 -145 752 -126 735 -94.5 745 -107 739 -164
17/8/01 16 39 552 -151 773 -113 728 -132 900 -145 806 -164 1026 1707 750 -151 752 -126 735 -94.5 745 -107 736 -183
21/8/01 16 43 546 -189 766 -158 721 -176 1009 542 793 -246 988 1468 741 -208 745 -170 729 -132 739 -145 730 -221
24/8/01 16 46 544 -202 765 -164 719 -189 1024 636 792 -252 991 1487 738 -227 741 -195 727 -145 737 -158 728 -233
28/8/01 15 50 543 -208 764 -170 718 -195 1028 662 791 -258 990 1481 737 -233 741 -195 727 -145 736 -164 728 -233
31/8/01 15 53 544 -202 764 -170 718 -195 1028 662 791 -258 988 1468 738 -227 744 -176 727 -145 737 -158 729 -227
7/9/01 16 60 544 -202 764 -170 718 -195 1043 756 791 -258 1004 1569 739 -221 744 -176 728 -139 738 -151 729 -227
13/9/01 18 66 543 -208 765 -164 718 -195 1058 851 790 -265 1011 1613 739 -221 744 -176 728 -139 738 -151 728 -233
24/9/01 20 77 544 -202 766 -158 718 -195 1073 945 790 -265 1016 1644 740 -214 745 -170 728 -139 739 -145 728 -233
4/10/01 19 87 543 -208 765 -164 717 -202 1088 1040 786 -290 1028 1720 739 -221 745 -170 728 -139 739 -145 727 -239
17/10/01 21 100 540 -227 765 -164 716 -208 1113 1197 782 -315 1044 1821 738 -227 743 -183 727 -145 738 -151 723 -265
8/11/01 18 122 535 -258 757 -214 706 -271 1101 1121 773 -372 994 1506 727 -296 734 -239 715 -221 798 227 712 -334

Table AIII.13 Steel strain by strain gauges for Slab S2a

s la b # 3 S T E E L S T R A IN B Y S T R A IN G A UG E S
Date Temp. A ge 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 10 13 9 11 74 17 18
13/7/01 15 4 27 28 14 29 72 23 32
14/7/01 15 5 41 30 17 48 85 30 39
15/7/01 14 6 66 64 12 47 90 45 60
16/7/01 15 7 93 105 17 48 94 96 107
17/7/01 15 8 476 525 384 445 497 533 551
18/7/01 14 9 549 608 446 515 560 626 647
20/7/01 15 11 676 751 547 632 664 776 767
22/7/01 14 13 746 837 613 718 729 868 858
23/7/01 14 14 746 842 613 727 731 871 879
25/7/01 16 16 793 900 658 787 789 940 923
27/7/01 16 18 841 959 697 818 830 989 964
30/7/01 15 21 977 1111 809 951 961 1162 1130
1/8/01 15 23 1158 1303 950 1160 1123 1365 1331
3/8/01 15 25 1182 1335 987 1179 1152 1402 1366
6/8/01 15 28 1392 1561 1293 1504 1330 1621 1591
8/8/01 16 30 1437 1615 1358 1485 1376 1667 1636
10/8/01 16 32 1534 1720 1417 1581 1455 1739 1930
14/8/01 17 36 1451 1649 1326 1458 1399 1648 1523
17/8/01 16 39 1769 1986 1563 1714 1648 1914 1777
21/8/01 16 43 1247 1460 1174 1298 1261 1522 1422
24/8/01 16 46 1259 1457 1143 1267 1268 1517 1502
28/8/01 15 50 1258 1446 1133 1293 1251 1503 1457
31/8/01 15 53 1207 1389 1087 1166 1211 1458 1452
7/9/01 16 60 1376 1549 1214 1293 1350 1598 1615
13/9/01 18 66 1469 1548 1294 1282 1464 1689 1578
24/9/01 20 77 1478 1683 1344 1438 1536 1741 1427
4/10/01 19 87 1550 1773 1381 1708 1580 1821 1510
17/10/01 21 100 1661 1911 1467 1586 1684 1997 1533
8/11/01 18 122 988 1311 958 1013 1132 1405 1009

Table AIII.14 Steel strain by demec for Slab S2b

Table AIII.15 Concrete surface strain by demec for Slab S2b

Steel Strain by Straingauges for Slab S2b


Steel Strain by Demec for Slab S3a

S la b # 5 ( 2 Y 1 0 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 23
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 685 325 697 560 531 765 402 623 567 665 881 173
12/7/01 16 3 694 340 695 562 442 772 405 625 572 661 881 174
13/7/01 15 4 694 0 344 25.2 704 56.7 563 6.3 444 12.6 773 6.3 404 -6.3 625 0 572 0 660 -6.3 880 -6.3 174 0
14/7/01 15 5 696 12.6 342 12.6 705 63 559 -18.9 443 6.3 771 -6.3 406 6.3 624 -6.3 570 -12.6 663 12.6 877 -25.2 180 37.8
15/7/01 14 6 699 31.5 341 6.3 706 69.3 555 -44.1 442 0 769 -18.9 407 12.6 623 -12.6 568 -25.2 665 25.2 875 -37.8 186 75.6
16/7/01 15 7 695 6.3 337 -18.9 695 0 546 -101 440 -12.6 812 252 405 0 618 -44.1 564 -50.4 662 6.3 872 -56.7 240 416
17/7/01 15 8 696 12.6 336 -25.2 695 0 544 -113 441 -6.3 836 403 405 0 617 -50.4 563 -56.7 661 0 873 -50.4 259 536
18/7/01 14 9 694 0 333 -44.1 691 -25.2 542 -126 445 18.9 846 466 404 -6.3 615 -63 561 -69.3 659 -12.6 870 -69.3 274 630
20/7/01 15 11 689 -31.5 330 -63 689 -37.8 534 -176 447 31.5 871 624 403 -12.6 605 -126 567 -31.5 659 -12.6 867 -88.2 301 800
22/7/01 14 13 689 -31.5 329 -69.3 689 -37.8 531 -195 447 31.5 887 725 404 -6.3 602 -145 566 -37.8 657 -25.2 866 -94.5 316 895
23/7/01 14 14 690 -25.2 330 -63 689 -37.8 530 -202 447 31.5 889 737 404 -6.3 600 -158 566 -37.8 656 -31.5 866 -94.5 319 914
25/7/01 16 16 698 25.2 335 -31.5 696 6.3 535 -170 457 94.5 901 813 405 0 601 -151 567 -31.5 656 -31.5 866 -94.5 331 989
27/7/01 16 18 696 12.6 337 -18.9 695 0 534 -176 457 94.5 909 863 405 0 600 -158 568 -25.2 655 -37.8 865 -101 339 1040
30/7/01 15 21 692 -12.6 334 -37.8 694 -6.3 530 -202 456 88.2 929 989 404 -6.3 597 -176 565 -44.1 653 -50.4 862 -120 363 1191
1/8/01 15 23 689 -31.5 332 -50.4 692 -18.9 527 -221 456 88.2 956 1159 403 -12.6 594 -195 563 -56.7 651 -63 860 -132 390 1361
3/8/01 15 25 688 -37.8 332 -50.4 691 -25.2 526 -227 458 101 974 1273 403 -12.6 593 -202 562 -63 651 -63 859 -139 409 1481
6/8/01 15 28 686 -50.4 332 -50.4 689 -37.8 522 -252 456 88.2 1003 1455 403 -12.6 591 -214 560 -75.6 649 -75.6 857 -151 440 1676
8/8/01 16 30 683 -69.3 332 -50.4 687 -50.4 520 -265 456 88.2 1020 1562 403 -12.6 588 -233 560 -75.6 650 -69.3 855 -164 460 1802
10/8/01 16 32 681 -81.9 332 -50.4 685 -63 517 -284 458 101 1034 1651 403 -12.6 585 -252 560 -75.6 652 -56.7 854 -170 472 1877
14/8/01 17 36 681 -81.9 332 -50.4 685 -63 518 -277 459 107 1032 1638 404 -6.3 585 -252 560 -75.6 652 -56.7 854 -170 470 1865
17/8/01 16 39 681 -81.9 334 -37.8 683 -75.6 518 -277 460 113 1071 1884 404 -6.3 582 -271 558 -88.2 652 -56.7 854 -170 502 2066
21/8/01 16 43 678 -101 334 -37.8 683 -75.6 516 -290 462 126 1091 2010 405 0 580 -284 555 -107 652 -56.7 851 -189 527 2224
24/8/01 16 46 675 -120 333 -44.1 681 -88.2 514 -302 465 145 1102 2079 405 0 578 -296 554 -113 652 -56.7 849 -202 539 2300
28/8/01 15 50 675 -120 333 -44.1 681 -88.2 514 -302 466 151 1095 2035 406 6.3 577 -302 553 -120 652 -56.7 848 -208 530 2243
31/8/01 15 53 675 -120 333 -44.1 681 -88.2 514 -302 467 158 1090 2003 407 12.6 577 -302 553 -120 651 -63 848 -208 527 2224
7/9/01 16 60 674 -126 332 -50.4 682 -81.9 514 -302 467 158 1106 2104 407 12.6 577 -302 553 -120 651 -63 848 -208 545 2337
13/9/01 18 66 674 -126 332 -50.4 682 -81.9 514 -302 469 170 1121 2199 407 12.6 577 -302 553 -120 651 -63 847 -214 559 2426
24/9/01 20 77 675 -120 333 -44.1 682 -81.9 514 -302 475 208 1132 2268 409 25.2 577 -302 553 -120 650 -69.3 848 -208 570 2495
4/10/01 19 87 675 -120 333 -44.1 682 -81.9 514 -302 475 208 1157 2426 409 25.2 577 -302 553 -120 650 -69.3 846 -221 597 2665
17/10/01 21 100 675 -120 333 -44.1 682 -81.9 514 -302 476 214 1201 2703 409 25.2 576 -309 553 -120 651 -63 845 -227 632 2885
8/11/01 18 122 675 -120 333 -44.1 682 -81.9 514 -302 476 214 1214 2785 409 25.2 576 -309 553 -120 651 -63 845 -227 641 2942

Surface Strain by Demec for Slab S3a

S la b # 5 ( 2 Y 1 0 ) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 761 723 757 765 742 767 712 752 816 406 755
12/7/01 16 3 761 718 754 764 742 766 715 754 817 404 755
13/7/01 15 4 761 0 718 0 755 6.3 764 0 743 6.3 768 12.6 714 -6.3 755 6.3 817 0 406 12.6 755 0
14/7/01 15 5 760 -6.3 719 6.3 756 12.6 763 -6.3 743 6.3 768 12.6 713 -12.6 754 0 816 -6.3 405 6.3 754 -6.3
15/7/01 14 6 759 -12.6 720 12.6 757 18.9 762 -13 743 6.3 768 12.6 712 -18.9 753 -6.3 815 -12.6 405 6.3 754 -6.3
16/7/01 15 7 755 -37.8 716 -12.6 753 -6.3 757 -44 738 -25.2 830 403 707 -50.4 749 -31.5 809 -50.4 402 -12.6 748 -44.1
17/7/01 15 8 754 -44.1 715 -18.9 752 -12.6 756 -50 738 -25.2 857 573 705 -63 748 -37.8 809 -50.4 400 -25.2 746 -56.7
18/7/01 14 9 752 -56.7 714 -25.2 750 -25.2 755 -57 736 -37.8 869 649 703 -75.6 747 -44.1 804 -81.9 399 -31.5 745 -63
20/7/01 15 11 748 -81.9 712 -37.8 747 -44.1 752 -76 734 -50.4 898 832 700 -94.5 742 -75.6 803 -88.2 397 -44.1 742 -81.9
22/7/01 14 13 748 -81.9 710 -50.4 745 -56.7 750 -88 733 -56.7 917 951 699 -101 741 -81.9 803 -88.2 395 -56.7 741 -88.2
23/7/01 14 14 748 -81.9 710 -50.4 745 -56.7 750 -88 732 -63 920 970 698 -107 741 -81.9 803 -88.2 394 -63 741 -88.2
25/7/01 16 16 750 -69.3 712 -37.8 747 -44.1 752 -76 733 -56.7 938 1084 700 -94.5 745 -56.7 805 -75.6 397 -44.1 745 -63
27/7/01 16 18 749 -75.6 712 -37.8 747 -44.1 752 -76 734 -50.4 945 1128 700 -94.5 745 -56.7 805 -75.6 397 -44.1 745 -63
30/7/01 15 21 746 -94.5 708 -63 743 -69.3 748 -101 731 -69.3 970 1285 695 -126 741 -81.9 802 -94.5 394 -63 741 -88.2
1/8/01 15 23 742 -120 705 -81.9 741 -81.9 745 -120 726 -101 1002 1487 691 -151 736 -113 798 -120 390 -88.2 737 -113
3/8/01 15 25 740 -132 704 -88.2 739 -94.5 742 -139 725 -107 1022 1613 690 -158 734 -126 796 -132 390 -88.2 736 -120
6/8/01 15 28 739 -139 704 -88.2 737 -107 740 -151 722 -126 1056 1827 687 -176 730 -151 794 -145 388 -101 733 -139
8/8/01 16 30 737 -151 703 -94.5 736 -113 738 -164 718 -151 1075 1947 686 -183 727 -170 794 -145 387 -107 732 -145
10/8/01 16 32 735 -164 700 -113 733 -132 735 -183 714 -176 1090 2041 683 -202 724 -189 790 -170 385 -120 728 -170
14/8/01 17 36 734 -170 700 -113 733 -132 735 -183 714 -176 1091 2048 682 -208 725 -183 790 -170 385 -120 728 -170
17/8/01 16 39 734 -170 700 -113 731 -145 733 -195 712 -189 1135 2325 680 -221 723 -195 789 -176 385 -120 728 -170
21/8/01 16 43 728 -208 697 -132 728 -164 728 -227 706 -227 1166 2520 675 -252 716 -239 784 -208 380 -151 722 -208
24/8/01 16 46 727 -214 695 -145 726 -176 726 -239 703 -246 1182 2621 673 -265 714 -252 783 -214 370 -214 720 -221
28/8/01 15 50 727 -214 695 -145 726 -176 726 -239 702 -252 1181 2615 672 -271 715 -246 782 -221 378 -164 719 -227
31/8/01 15 53 727 -214 695 -145 726 -176 726 -239 702 -252 1176 2583 672 -271 717 -233 782 -221 378 -164 719 -227
7/9/01 16 60 727 -214 695 -145 726 -176 726 -239 702 -252 1202 2747 670 -284 717 -233 782 -221 377 -170 718 -233
13/9/01 18 66 727 -214 695 -145 726 -176 726 -239 702 -252 1222 2873 670 -284 717 -233 782 -221 378 -164 718 -233
24/9/01 20 77 727 -214 697 -132 727 -170 728 -227 704 -239 1242 2999 671 -277 718 -227 783 -214 380 -151 719 -227
4/10/01 19 87 725 -227 696 -139 725 -183 725 -246 701 -258 1270 3175 670 -284 714 -252 781 -227 379 -158 716 -246
17/10/01 21 100 724 -233 696 -139 725 -183 724 -252 699 -271 1324 3515 667 -302 712 -265 779 -239 378 -164 714 -258
8/11/01 18 122 720 -258 691 -170 720 -214 719 -284 692 -315 1355 3711 660 -347 706 -302 772 -284 372 -202 709 -290

Steel Strain by Strainguages for Slab S3a

S la b # 5 S T E E L S T R A IN B Y S T R A IN G UA G E S
Date Temp. A ge 22 23 24 25 26 27
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 13 12 83 36 9
13/7/01 15 4 12 15 58 42 10
14/7/01 15 5 20 21 52 42 14
15/7/01 14 6 85 93 12 11 20
16/7/01 15 7 548 590 489 580 601
17/7/01 15 8 686 739 634 801 776
18/7/01 14 9 780 838 732 890 878
20/7/01 15 11 943 1009 894 1023 1071
22/7/01 14 13 1055 1128 1005 1160 1196
23/7/01 14 14 1057 1130 1004 1197 1199
25/7/01 16 16 1086 1162 1043 1152 1223
27/7/01 16 18 1151 1236 1104 1265 1264
30/7/01 15 21 1306 1405 1269 1367 1422
1/8/01 15 23 1507 1623 1480 1658 1646
3/8/01 15 25 1547 1666 1525 1705 1685
6/8/01 15 28 1792 1936 1767 2013 1920
8/8/01 16 30 1842 1992 1823 2057 1963
10/8/01 16 32 1940 2100 1929 2171 2066
14/8/01 17 36 1829 1966 1820 2080 1920
17/8/01 16 39 2236 2383 2191 2456 2301
21/8/01 16 43 2376 2520 2345 2587 2434
24/8/01 16 46 2341 2528 2354 2573 2444
28/8/01 15 50 2288 2487 2320 2503 2376
31/8/01 15 53 2187 2385 2228 2373 2259
7/9/01 16 60 2383 2636 2445 2526 2253
13/9/01 18 66 2525 2801 2589 2491 2087
24/9/01 20 77 2555 2704 2675 2453 2292
4/10/01 19 87 2670 2877 2783 2486 2170
17/10/01 21 100 2990 2770 3095 2939 2112
8/11/01 18 122 3038 2980 3152 3011 2268

Steel Strain by Demec for Slab S3b

S la b # 6 ( 2 Y 1 0 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 23
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 615 1078 982 105 288 580 455 760 733 650 685 457
12/7/01 16 3 617 1081 990 106 290 577 458 764 735 652 690 456
13/7/01 15 4 613 -25.2 1079 -12.6 989 -6.3 105 -6.3 294 25.2 575 -12.6 459 6.3 764 0 735 0 650 -12.6 689 -6.3 457 6.3
14/7/01 15 5 611 -37.8 1075 -37.8 985 -31.5 100 -37.8 295 31.5 572 -31.5 459 6.3 759 -31.5 729 -37.8 643 -56.7 687 -19 460 25.2
15/7/01 14 6 610 -44.1 1069 -75.6 981 -56.7 95 -69.3 295 31.5 625 302 460 12.6 754 -63 723 -75.6 635 -107 685 -32 505 309
16/7/01 15 7 607 -63 1068 -81.9 980 -63 92 -88.2 296 37.8 644 422 460 12.6 751 -81.9 720 -94.5 632 -126 683 -44 520 403
17/7/01 15 8 606 -69.3 1068 -81.9 979 -69.3 91 -94.5 297 44.1 660 523 459 6.3 748 -101 722 -81.9 632 -126 682 -50 537 510
18/7/01 14 9 605 -75.6 1067 -88.2 978 -75.6 91 -94.5 299 56.7 670 586 459 6.3 745 -120 721 -88.2 630 -139 680 -63 546 567
20/7/01 15 11 603 -88.2 1062 -120 977 -81.9 85 -132 298 50.4 691 718 460 12.6 743 -132 720 -94.5 629 -145 677 -82 565 687
22/7/01 14 13 602 -94.5 1058 -145 975 -94.5 82 -151 298 50.4 706 813 460 12.6 742 -139 720 -94.5 628 -151 775 536 577 762
23/7/01 14 14 603 -88.2 1060 -132 976 -88.2 81 -158 299 56.7 710 838 460 12.6 741 -145 720 -94.5 628 -151 775 536 580 781
25/7/01 16 16 602 -94.5 1059 -139 975 -94.5 80 -164 300 63 717 882 461 18.9 742 -139 721 -88.2 628 -151 775 536 586 819
27/7/01 16 18 604 -81.9 1061 -126 977 -81.9 83 -145 303 81.9 726 939 463 31.5 744 -126 722 -81.9 629 -145 776 542 594 869
30/7/01 15 21 602 -94.5 1059 -139 975 -94.5 82 -151 304 88.2 745 1058 462 25.2 739 -158 719 -101 626 -164 772 517 614 995
1/8/01 15 23 598 -120 1057 -151 972 -113 80 -164 304 88.2 771 1222 463 31.5 736 -176 717 -113 624 -176 769 498 637 1140
3/8/01 15 25 597 -126 1057 -151 972 -113 76 -189 307 107 784 1304 464 37.8 734 -189 717 -113 624 -176 769 498 645 1191
6/8/01 15 28 595 -139 1055 -164 969 -132 73 -208 308 113 809 1462 465 44.1 731 -208 716 -120 624 -176 766 479 673 1367
8/8/01 16 30 592 -158 1055 -164 967 -145 69 -233 310 126 820 1531 467 56.7 729 -221 716 -120 623 -183 764 466 685 1443
10/8/01 16 32 591 -164 1055 -164 966 -151 67 -246 311 132 832 1607 467 56.7 728 -227 715 -126 623 -183 761 447 697 1518
14/8/01 17 36 591 -164 1055 -164 966 -151 67 -246 312 139 830 1594 469 69.3 728 -227 715 -126 623 -183 760 441 700 1537
17/8/01 16 39 590 -170 1055 -164 965 -158 65 -258 314 151 865 1814 470 75.6 727 -233 715 -126 623 -183 759 435 734 1751
21/8/01 16 43 586 -195 1055 -164 964 -164 63 -271 315 158 884 1934 471 81.9 725 -246 715 -126 621 -195 755 410 745 1821
24/8/01 16 46 585 -202 1053 -176 963 -170 62 -277 317 170 890 1972 473 94.5 722 -265 712 -145 620 -202 753 397 757 1896
28/8/01 15 50 584 -208 1052 -183 963 -170 61 -284 319 183 886 1947 474 101 720 -277 710 -158 620 -202 750 378 752 1865
31/8/01 15 53 584 -208 1051 -189 963 -170 61 -284 320 189 883 1928 475 107 720 -277 709 -164 619 -208 750 378 749 1846
7/9/01 16 60 584 -208 1051 -189 963 -170 61 -284 320 189 896 2010 475 107 720 -277 708 -170 618 -214 750 378 764 1940
13/9/01 18 66 583 -214 1051 -189 963 -170 61 -284 326 227 907 2079 478 126 720 -277 708 -170 617 -221 749 372 775 2010
24/9/01 20 77 584 -208 1053 -176 965 -158 62 -277 328 239 915 2129 481 145 722 -265 710 -158 619 -208 749 372 785 2073
4/10/01 19 87 584 -208 1053 -176 965 -158 62 -277 328 239 942 2300 482 151 722 -265 710 -158 619 -208 749 372 810 2230
17/10/01 21 100 584 -208 1053 -176 965 -158 62 -277 330 252 966 2451 482 151 722 -265 710 -158 619 -208 748 365 829 2350
8/11/01 18 122 583 -214 1053 -176 965 -158 62 -277 335 284 904 2060 482 151 722 -265 710 -158 708 353 748 365 781 2048

Surface Strain by Demac for Slab S3b

S la b # 6 ( 2 Y1 0 ) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Date Temp. Age Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 752 895 753 760 968 870 759 679 915 756 689
12/7/01 16 3 754 897 757 762 970 872 762 680 917 760 694
13/7/01 15 4 754 0 897 0 757 0 762 0 972 12.6 872 0 765 18.9 680 0 919 12.6 762 12.6 694 0
14/7/01 15 5 750 -25.2 893 -25.2 754 -18.9 758 -25.2 968 -12.6 868 -25.2 761 -6.3 677 -18.9 915 -12.6 758 -12.6 691 -19
15/7/01 14 6 746 -50.4 889 -50.4 750 -44.1 754 -50.4 966 -25.2 929 359.1 758 -25.2 674 -37.8 911 -37.8 754 -37.8 688 -38
16/7/01 15 7 743 -69.3 884 -81.9 747 -63 750 -75.6 963 -44.1 952 504 757 -31.5 672 -50.4 910 -44.1 753 -44.1 687 -44
17/7/01 15 8 743 -69.3 885 -75.6 749 -50.4 749 -81.9 966 -25.2 971 623.7 756 -37.8 672 -50.4 910 -44.1 751 -56.7 686 -50
18/7/01 14 9 740 -88.2 883 -88.2 747 -63 747 -94.5 963 -44.1 986 718.2 754 -50.4 671 -56.7 909 -50.4 749 -69.3 684 -63
20/7/01 15 11 739 -94.5 881 -101 745 -75.6 746 -101 961 -56.7 1016 907.2 749 -81.9 668 -75.6 905 -75.6 747 -81.9 681 -82
22/7/01 14 13 736 -113 879 -113 741 -101 744 -113 959 -69.3 1031 1002 747 -94.5 666 -88.2 903 -88.2 746 -88.2 678 -101
23/7/01 14 14 736 -113 881 -101 743 -88.2 747 -94.5 961 -56.7 1035 1027 747 -94.5 668 -75.6 904 -81.9 747 -81.9 680 -88
25/7/01 16 16 737 -107 881 -101 743 -88.2 745 -107 961 -56.7 1047 1103 745 -107 665 -94.5 903 -88.2 746 -88.2 679 -95
27/7/01 16 18 739 -94.5 882 -94.5 744 -81.9 747 -94.5 962 -50.4 1054 1147 748 -88.2 668 -75.6 906 -69.3 748 -75.6 681 -82
30/7/01 15 21 735 -120 879 -113 741 -101 744 -113 959 -69.3 1081 1317 747 -94.5 664 -101 903 -88.2 746 -88.2 680 -88
1/8/01 15 23 733 -132 877 -126 739 -113 742 -126 956 -88.2 1112 1512 743 -120 660 -126 900 -107 743 -107 676 -113
3/8/01 15 25 730 -151 875 -139 737 -126 740 -139 955 -94.5 1128 1613 743 -120 660 -126 899 -113 743 -107 675 -120
6/8/01 15 28 727 -170 873 -151 734 -145 737 -158 951 -120 1162 1827 740 -139 657 -145 897 -126 741 -120 673 -132
8/8/01 16 30 725 -183 872 -158 732 -158 736 -164 949 -132 1178 1928 736 -164 654 -164 893 -151 739 -132 670 -151
10/8/01 16 32 723 -195 870 -170 729 -176 733 -183 946 -151 1192 2016 733 -183 652 -176 891 -164 737 -145 668 -164
14/8/01 17 36 723 -195 870 -170 730 -170 734 -176 946 -151 1194 2029 733 -183 654 -164 892 -158 738 -139 669 -158
17/8/01 16 39 722 -202 870 -170 729 -176 733 -183 945 -158 1234 2281 732 -189 651 -183 890 -170 738 -139 667 -170
21/8/01 16 43 716 -239 866 -195 724 -208 729 -208 940 -189 1265 2476 727 -221 646 -214 885 -202 735 -158 662 -202
24/8/01 16 46 714 -252 865 -202 721 -227 727 -221 937 -208 1282 2583 724 -239 645 -221 883 -214 733 -170 660 -214
28/8/01 15 50 713 -258 865 -202 720 -233 727 -221 936 -214 1280 2570 724 -239 646 -214 884 -208 733 -170 660 -214
31/8/01 15 53 712 -265 865 -202 720 -233 727 -221 936 -214 1275 2539 723 -246 646 -214 883 -214 732 -176 659 -221
7/9/01 16 60 712 -265 865 -202 720 -233 727 -221 936 -214 1303 2715 723 -246 647 -208 884 -208 732 -176 660 -214
13/9/01 18 66 711 -271 865 -202 720 -233 728 -214 937 -208 1321 2829 723 -246 648 -202 885 -202 733 -170 660 -214
24/9/01 20 77 713 -258 867 -189 723 -214 730 -202 940 -189 1337 2930 725 -233 650 -189 887 -189 735 -158 661 -208
4/10/01 19 87 712 -265 867 -189 722 -221 728 -214 938 -202 1376 3175 722 -252 646 -214 884 -208 733 -170 658 -227
17/10/01 21 100 709 -284 867 -189 720 -233 727 -221 935 -221 1412 3402 719 -271 645 -221 882 -221 733 -170 656 -239

Steel Strain by Strainguages for Slab S3b

S la b # 6 S T E E L S T R A IN B Y S T R A IN G UA G E S
Date Temp. A ge 20 21 22 23 24 25
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 5 7 6 20 6 1
13/7/01 15 4 3 2 4 42 31 7
14/7/01 15 5 7 5 7 32 18 11
15/7/01 14 6 468 474 492 502 543 502
16/7/01 15 7 607 620 635 658 667 637
17/7/01 15 8 753 767 777 826 801 768
18/7/01 14 9 837 853 861 838 888 858
20/7/01 15 11 998 1017 1021 1029 1046 1018
22/7/01 14 13 1094 1110 1116 1135 1151 1124
23/7/01 14 14 1101 1119 1129 1145 1160 1131
25/7/01 16 16 1159 1167 1166 1153 1176 1162
27/7/01 16 18 1211 1218 1224 1196 1235 1232
30/7/01 15 21 1392 1394 1404 1391 1415 1422
1/8/01 15 23 1585 1578 1582 1550 1614 1626
3/8/01 15 25 1627 1624 1616 1608 1648 1657
6/8/01 15 28 1859 1846 1852 1842 1923 1925
8/8/01 16 30 1919 1898 1908 1950 1972 1977
10/8/01 16 32 2010 1977 1987 1966 2063 2078
14/8/01 17 36 1922 1876 1896 1907 1935 1940
17/8/01 16 39 2251 2203 2242 2289 2345 2362
21/8/01 16 43 2397 2327 2344 2260 2461 2474
24/8/01 16 46 2426 2321 2348 2280 2445 2479
28/8/01 15 50 2408 2269 2299 2270 2397 2408
31/8/01 15 53 2411 2203 2242 2153 2318 2334
7/9/01 16 60 2623 2369 2434 2375 2523 2518
13/9/01 18 66 2697 2483 2558 2512 2678 2667
24/9/01 20 77 2926 2536 2616 2552 2738 2789
4/10/01 19 87 2941 2956 3064 3089 3270 3601
17/10/01 21 100 2905 2918 3042 3033 3249 3581
8/11/01 18 122 2250 2284 2483 2331 2746 3313

Steel Strain by Demec for Slab S4a

S la b # 7 ( 4 Y 1 0 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 794 458 667 803 250 693 497 501 615 406 536 595 573 639
12/7/01 16 3 801 465 668 811 254 694 505 512 617 412 543 600 577 641
13/7/01 15 4 798 -18.9 462 -19 670 12.6 807 -25 255 6.3 693 -6.3 501 -25.2 507 -32 617 0 410 -13 543 0 598 -13 578 6.3 641 0
14/7/01 15 5 798 -18.9 461 -25 674 37.8 809 -13 256 12.6 692 -13 501 -25.2 505 -44 617 0 412 0 545 12.6 597 -19 579 12.6 642 6.3
15/7/01 14 6 795 -37.8 458 -44 671 18.9 806 -32 256 12.6 709 94.5 525 126 522 63 639 139 412 0 542 -6.3 593 -44 576 -6.3 637 -25
16/7/01 15 7 792 -56.7 454 -69 670 12.6 805 -38 255 6.3 725 195 538 208 541 183 654 233 414 12.6 542 -6.3 593 -44 575 -13 635 -38
17/7/01 15 8 790 -69.3 455 -63 669 6.3 804 -44 257 18.9 735 258 548 271 550 239 665 302 417 31.5 540 -18.9 591 -57 574 -19 635 -38
18/7/01 14 9 789 -75.6 454 -69 670 12.6 804 -44 260 37.8 740 290 555 315 556 277 672 347 421 56.7 540 -18.9 591 -57 575 -13 633 -50
20/7/01 15 11 788 -81.9 454 -69 669 6.3 804 -44 262 50.4 755 384 570 410 572 378 687 441 422 63 540 -18.9 592 -50 575 -13 632 -57
22/7/01 14 13 788 -81.9 454 -69 670 12.6 802 -57 262 50.4 764 441 576 447 583 447 698 510 422 63 538 -31.5 591 -57 574 -19 631 -63
23/7/01 15 14 786 -94.5 455 -63 670 12.6 802 -57 262 50.4 766 454 577 454 585 460 699 517 424 75.6 539 -25.2 592 -50 575 -13 631 -63
25/7/01 16 16 787 -88.2 454 -69 670 12.6 802 -57 264 63 773 498 584 498 591 498 704 548 423 69.3 537 -37.8 592 -50 575 -13 630 -69
27/7/01 16 18 787 -88.2 455 -63 671 18.9 801 -63 265 69.3 775 510 586 510 592 504 707 567 422 63 537 -37.8 590 -63 574 -19 629 -76
30/7/01 15 21 786 -94.5 453 -76 670 12.6 800 -69 266 75.6 791 611 603 617 610 617 724 674 423 69.3 537 -37.8 589 -69 574 -19 628 -82
1/8/01 15 23 783 -113 451 -88 667 -6.3 797 -88 266 75.6 806 706 620 725 629 737 741 781 424 75.6 534 -56.7 587 -82 572 -32 625 -101
3/8/01 15 25 782 -120 455 -63 668 0 796 -95 268 88.2 810 731 624 750 634 769 745 806 426 88.2 533 -63 586 -88 572 -32 623 -113
6/8/01 15 28 773 -176 525 378 668 0 791 -126 266 75.6 796 643 611 668 625 712 735 743 426 88.2 530 -81.9 586 -88 572 -32 621 -126
8/8/01 16 30 770 -195 538 460 669 6.3 789 -139 264 63 802 680 617 706 631 750 739 769 426 88.2 528 -94.5 585 -95 572 -32 619 -139
10/8/01 16 32 770 -195 545 504 669 6.3 787 -151 264 63 798 655 614 687 628 731 736 750 426 88.2 525 -113 585 -95 572 -32 618 -145
14/8/01 17 36 772 -183 546 510 668 0 787 -151 264 63 799 662 614 687 628 731 735 743 426 88.2 525 -113 584 -101 572 -32 618 -145
17/8/01 16 39 772 -183 565 630 669 6.3 789 -139 264 63 813 750 628 775 640 806 749 832 425 81.9 525 -113 584 -101 572 -32 616 -158
21/8/01 16 43 768 -208 576 699 670 12.6 784 -170 264 63 813 750 627 769 641 813 750 838 425 81.9 525 -113 584 -101 574 -19 612 -183
24/8/01 16 46 765 -227 578 712 670 12.6 780 -195 262 50.4 795 636 592 548 612 630 726 687 422 63 561 113 584 -101 597 126 610 -195
28/8/01 15 50 765 -227 573 680 670 12.6 778 -208 261 44.1 787 586 587 517 606 592 720 649 421 56.7 565 139 584 -101 600 145 609 -202
31/8/01 15 53 765 -227 574 687 670 12.6 778 -208 261 44.1 785 573 585 504 604 580 718 636 421 56.7 568 158 584 -101 600 145 609 -202
7/9/01 16 60 765 -227 575 693 670 12.6 777 -214 261 44.1 788 592 589 529 607 599 722 662 421 56.7 572 183 584 -101 600 145 609 -202
13/9/01 18 66 764 -233 580 725 670 12.6 777 -214 261 44.1 789 599 591 542 607 599 722 662 421 56.7 579 227 584 -101 607 189 609 -202
24/9/01 20 77 764 -233 579 718 671 18.9 778 -208 262 50.4 791 611 596 573 610 617 726 687 422 63 586 271 586 -88 613 227 611 -189
4/10/01 19 87 764 -233 590 788 671 18.9 776 -221 262 50.4 792 617 596 573 610 617 726 687 422 63 594 321 586 -88 613 227 611 -189
17/10/01 21 100 764 -233 600 851 671 18.9 776 -221 262 50.4 795 636 602 611 617 662 734 737 422 63 605 391 586 -88 624 296 610 -195
8/11/01 18 122 764 -233 605 882 671 18.9 776 -221 262 50.4 797 649 604 624 619 674 737 756 422 63 615 454 586 -88 630 334 610 -195

Surface Strain by Demec for Slab S4a

S la b # 7 ( 4 Y 1 0 ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 756 625 749 777 756 762 644 736 745 919 747
12/7/01 16 3 760 629 753 782 760 767 648 741 750 924 753
13/7/01 15 4 758 -12.6 628 -6.3 753 0 781 -6.3 759 -6.3 767 0 647 -6.3 739 -12.6 747 -18.9 921 -18.9 751 -12.6
14/7/01 15 5 758 -12.6 628 -6.3 755 12.6 782 0 759 -6.3 767 0 647 -6.3 741 0 747 -18.9 922 -12.6 751 -12.6
15/7/01 14 6 754 -37.8 624 -31.5 752 -6.3 787 31.5 757 -18.9 801 214 645 -18.9 739 -12.6 744 -37.8 920 -25.2 748 -31.5
16/7/01 15 7 751 -56.7 623 -37.8 749 -25.2 781 -6.3 757 -18.9 816 309 644 -25.2 738 -18.9 741 -56.7 918 -37.8 746 -44.1
17/7/01 15 8 751 -56.7 623 -37.8 748 -31.5 779 -19 755 -31.5 827 378 644 -25.2 738 -18.9 741 -56.7 917 -44.1 744 -56.7
18/7/01 14 9 750 -63 625 -25.2 749 -25.2 779 -19 754 -37.8 836 435 642 -37.8 736 -31.5 740 -63 918 -37.8 744 -56.7
20/7/01 15 11 749 -69.3 624 -31.5 749 -25.2 777 -32 754 -37.8 854 548 642 -37.8 735 -37.8 740 -63 918 -37.8 743 -63
22/7/01 14 13 747 -81.9 622 -44.1 747 -37.8 776 -38 753 -44.1 863 605 641 -44.1 734 -44.1 738 -75.6 918 -37.8 743 -63
23/7/01 15 14 748 -75.6 625 -25.2 748 -31.5 778 -25 754 -37.8 866 624 642 -37.8 735 -37.8 740 -63 920 -25.2 745 -50.4
25/7/01 16 16 748 -75.6 623 -37.8 747 -37.8 777 -32 752 -50.4 877 693 641 -44.1 735 -37.8 740 -63 919 -31.5 744 -56.7
27/7/01 16 18 746 -88.2 621 -50.4 745 -50.4 776 -38 749 -69.3 880 712 641 -44.1 736 -31.5 739 -69.3 919 -31.5 743 -63
30/7/01 15 21 745 -94.5 620 -56.7 745 -50.4 777 -32 749 -69.3 898 825 640 -50.4 735 -37.8 738 -75.6 918 -37.8 742 -69.3
1/8/01 15 23 743 -107 618 -69.3 744 -56.7 775 -44 745 -94.5 923 983 637 -69.3 731 -63 735 -94.5 916 -50.4 739 -88.2
3/8/01 15 25 740 -126 618 -69.3 743 -63 773 -57 744 -101 927 1008 635 -81.9 728 -81.9 735 -94.5 920 -25.2 738 -94.5
6/8/01 15 28 737 -145 617 -75.6 741 -75.6 770 -76 741 -120 916 939 630 -113 724 -107 732 -113 991 422.1 731 -139
8/8/01 16 30 734 -164 616 -81.9 740 -81.9 768 -88 740 -126 920 964 628 -126 720 -132 727 -145 1003 497.7 728 -158
10/8/01 16 32 730 -189 614 -94.5 737 -101 765 -107 736 -151 918 951 625 -145 717 -151 726 -151 1013 560.7 726 -170
14/8/01 17 36 730 -189 615 -88.2 737 -101 767 -95 735 -158 917 945 625 -145 718 -145 726 -151 1016 579.6 727 -164
17/8/01 16 39 729 -195 615 -88.2 737 -101 764 -113 735 -158 933 1046 625 -145 717 -151 726 -151 1034 693 725 -176
21/8/01 16 43 721 -246 620 -56.7 734 -120 760 -139 730 -189 933 1046 620 -176 712 -183 723 -170 1048 781.2 719 -214
24/8/01 16 46 718 -265 650 132 733 -126 783 6.3 727 -208 914 926 617 -195 709 -202 720 -189 1046 768.6 715 -239
28/8/01 15 50 718 -265 652 145 732 -132 786 25.2 727 -208 912 914 617 -195 709 -202 720 -189 1043 749.7 715 -239
31/8/01 15 53 718 -265 655 164 732 -132 789 44.1 727 -208 911 907 617 -195 710 -195 720 -189 1044 756 715 -239
7/9/01 16 60 718 -265 659 189 731 -139 793 69.3 727 -208 918 951 617 -195 710 -195 720 -189 1046 768.6 715 -239
13/9/01 18 66 717 -271 666 233 731 -139 798 101 726 -214 922 977 617 -195 710 -195 720 -189 1051 800.1 715 -239
24/9/01 20 77 719 -258 675 290 732 -132 807 158 727 -208 925 995 618 -189 713 -176 720 -189 1055 825.3 717 -227
4/10/01 19 87 716 -277 685 353 731 -139 810 176 726 -214 927 1008 615 -208 711 -189 717 -208 1066 894.6 715 -239
17/10/01 21 100 713 -296 698 435 730 -145 817 221 725 -221 933 1046 615 -208 710 -195 715 -221 1075 951.3 713 -252
8/11/01 18 122 707 -334 708 498 724 -183 822 252 719 -258 933 1046 609 -246 705 -227 709 -258 1080 982.8 708 -284

Steel Strain by Strainguages for Slab S4a

s la b # 7 ( 4 Y 1 0 ) S T E E L S T R A IN B Y S T R A IN G A UG ES
Date Temp. A ge 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 8 9 8 108 0 8 29 9
13/7/01 15 4 2 2 4 113 5 4 196 5
14/7/01 15 5 4 2 10 74 6 3 197 6
15/7/01 14 6 329 311 318 147 294 281 485 328
16/7/01 15 7 423 402 408 250 393 382 572 431
17/7/01 15 8 520 499 495 369 507 495 669 553
18/7/01 14 9 569 549 546 431 562 553 711 618
20/7/01 15 11 681 659 645 585 706 937 794 743
22/7/01 14 13 681 716 705 647 866 985 849 803
23/7/01 14 14 741 719 712 616 788 780 849 797
25/7/01 16 16 788 763 744 662 845 821 877 865
27/7/01 16 18 826 794 777 701 861 846 898 905
30/7/01 15 21 948 912 894 820 1018 966 989 1040
1/8/01 15 23 1073 1050 1036 961 1209 1121 1102 1192
3/8/01 15 25 1055 1055 1043 973 1251 1151 1097 1195
6/8/01 15 28 912 918 934 815 1147 1027 949 1046
8/8/01 16 30 948 949 968 889 1151 1047 966 1095
10/8/01 16 32 994 996 1014 940 1162 1103 995 1133
14/8/01 17 36 947 947 966 865 1241 1054 949 1080
17/8/01 16 39 1126 1127 1151 1048 1395 1298 1111 1280
21/8/01 16 43 1158 1160 1171 1101 1491 1321 1144 1334
24/8/01 16 46 943 967 1046 733 1111 984 859 1044
28/8/01 15 50 926 951 1015 717 1113 971 843 1037
31/8/01 15 53 900 928 982 704 1017 897 823 1018
7/9/01 16 60 981 1011 1063 856 1118 1040 906 1127
13/9/01 18 66 1056 1064 1120 945 1264 1100 955 1199
24/9/01 20 77 1095 1067 1073 1017 1271 1148 980 1228
4/10/01 19 87 1166 1136 1168 1156 1325 1282 1042 1354
17/10/01 21 100 1158 1157 1149 1151 1341 1292 1043 1368
8/11/01 18 122 1092 1109 1032 1104 1361 1345 996 1342

Steel Strain by Demec for Slab S4b

S la b # 8 ( 4 Y 1 0 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 749 479 470 377 982 34 409 113 406 126 789 745 702 473
12/7/01 16 3 765 473 480 376 983 23 410 111 400 122 789 744 702 473
13/7/01 15 4 766 6.3 470 -19 478 -12.6 376 0 983 0 28 31.5 408 -12.6 110 -6.3 399 -6.3 120 -13 788 -6.3 744 0 703 6.3 472 -6.3
14/7/01 15 5 765 0 469 -25 478 -12.6 375 -6.3 982 -6.3 30 44.1 406 -25.2 109 -12.6 397 -18.9 119 -19 787 -13 743 -6.3 702 0 471 -12.6
15/7/01 14 6 764 -6.3 468 -32 477 -18.9 374 -13 980 -19 32 56.7 407 -18.9 107 -25.2 395 -31.5 118 -25 787 -13 743 -6.3 702 0 469 -25.2
16/7/01 15 7 758 -44.1 466 -44 476 -25.2 372 -25 978 -32 81 365 443 208 152 258 441 258 112 -63 784 -32 739 -31.5 698 -25 464 -56.7
17/7/01 15 8 760 -31.5 464 -57 477 -18.9 371 -32 978 -32 100 485 459 309 166 347 454 340 110 -76 782 -44 737 -44.1 696 -38 462 -69.3
18/7/01 14 9 760 -31.5 464 -57 476 -25.2 370 -38 980 -19 106 523 464 340 170 372 461 384 110 -76 782 -44 737 -44.1 696 -38 461 -75.6
20/7/01 15 11 757 -50.4 463 -63 473 -44.1 367 -57 980 -19 123 630 477 422 187 479 478 491 112 -63 780 -57 735 -56.7 695 -44 460 -81.9
22/7/01 14 13 755 -63 461 -76 472 -50.4 365 -69 980 -19 133 693 487 485 196 536 488 554 112 -63 779 -63 734 -63 695 -44 458 -94.5
23/7/01 15 14 755 -63 461 -76 473 -44.1 365 -69 981 -13 134 699 487 485 197 542 489 561 111 -69 777 -76 733 -69.3 694 -50 457 -101
25/7/01 16 16 756 -56.7 462 -69 475 -31.5 366 -63 985 12.6 143 756 495 536 207 605 496 605 113 -57 780 -57 735 -56.7 696 -38 460 -81.9
27/7/01 16 18 758 -44.1 463 -63 477 -18.9 367 -57 988 31.5 148 788 494 529 211 630 501 636 117 -32 780 -57 736 -50.4 700 -13 463 -63
30/7/01 15 21 756 -56.7 459 -88 474 -37.8 365 -69 985 12.6 162 876 513 649 224 712 514 718 115 -44 778 -69 732 -75.6 697 -32 458 -94.5
1/8/01 15 23 754 -69.3 457 -101 471 -56.7 362 -88 984 6.3 177 970 524 718 242 825 530 819 114 -50 775 -88 730 -88.2 695 -44 454 -120
3/8/01 15 25 753 -75.6 458 -95 471 -56.7 359 -107 985 12.6 183 1008 530 756 247 857 537 863 115 -44 774 -95 729 -94.5 695 -44 450 -145
6/8/01 15 28 741 -151 520 296 466 -88.2 352 -151 982 -6.3 175 958 525 725 242 825 532 832 117 -32 771 -113 728 -101 695 -44 446 -170
8/8/01 16 30 735 -189 552 498 465 -94.5 350 -164 980 -19 168 914 517 674 235 781 526 794 118 -25 771 -113 727 -107 695 -44 443 -189
10/8/01 16 32 738 -170 558 536 466 -88.2 348 -176 979 -25 167 907 517 674 235 781 525 788 116 -38 770 -120 725 -120 695 -44 440 -208
14/8/01 17 36 742 -145 554 510 466 -88.2 347 -183 978 -32 167 907 517 674 235 781 525 788 115 -44 770 -120 724 -126 695 -44 440 -208
17/8/01 16 39 742 -145 567 592 466 -88.2 346 -189 977 -38 180 989 533 775 248 863 537 863 115 -44 770 -120 724 -126 695 -44 437 -227
21/8/01 16 43 744 -132 580 674 466 -88.2 344 -202 977 -38 185 1021 537 800 253 895 541 888 114 -50 770 -120 724 -126 695 -44 430 -271
24/8/01 16 46 743 -139 589 731 467 -81.9 339 -233 975 -50 190 1052 541 825 258 926 545 914 112 -63 769 -126 721 -145 694 -50 428 -284
28/8/01 15 50 744 -132 583 693 467 -81.9 337 -246 975 -50 187 1033 537 800 255 907 540 882 110 -76 767 -139 720 -151 694 -50 426 -296
31/8/01 15 53 745 -126 579 668 467 -81.9 338 -239 975 -50 185 1021 537 800 254 901 539 876 110 -76 767 -139 720 -151 694 -50 427 -290
7/9/01 16 60 745 -126 584 699 467 -81.9 337 -246 975 -50 189 1046 543 838 260 939 545 914 110 -76 766 -145 720 -151 695 -44 427 -290
13/9/01 18 66 745 -126 590 737 469 -69.3 337 -246 975 -50 196 1090 550 882 267 983 554 970 110 -76 765 -151 720 -151 695 -44 427 -290
24/9/01 20 77 747 -113 598 788 472 -50.4 337 -246 976 -44 199 1109 554 907 271 1008 558 995 112 -63 766 -145 721 -145 696 -38 427 -290
4/10/01 19 87 747 -113 606 838 472 -50.4 337 -246 976 -44 176 964 520 693 240 813 528 806 113 -57 766 -145 721 -145 696 -38 427 -290
17/10/01 21 100 747 -113 612 876 472 -50.4 336 -252 976 -44 179 983 526 731 246 851 533 838 113 -57 766 -145 721 -145 767 410 427 -290
8/11/01 18 122 747 -113 615 895 472 -50.4 336 -252 976 -44 180 989 527 737 247 857 534 844 113 -57 766 -145 721 -145 780 491 427 -290

Surface Strain by Demec for Slab S4b

S la b # 8 ( 4 Y1 0 ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Date Temp. A ge Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain Reading Strain
12/7/01 16 3 764 1050 760 770 760 519 760 757 985 760 767
12/7/01 16 3 765 1053 763 773 762 522 763 759 984 762 770
13/7/01 15 4 766 6.3 1053 0 763 0 774 6.3 762 0 522 0 762 -6.3 759 0 984 0 761 -6.3 770 0
14/7/01 15 5 764 -6.3 1051 -12.6 762 -6.3 773 0 761 -6.3 523 6.3 761 -12.6 758 -6.3 985 6.3 759 -18.9 768 -12.6
15/7/01 14 6 763 -12.6 1049 -25.2 761 -12.6 772 -6.3 760 -13 523 6.3 760 -18.9 757 -12.6 985 6.3 758 -25.2 767 -18.9
16/7/01 15 7 760 -31.5 1045 -50.4 759 -25.2 769 -25 759 -19 571 309 757 -37.8 755 -25.2 982 -12.6 758 -25.2 765 -31.5
17/7/01 15 8 759 -37.8 1044 -56.7 758 -31.5 768 -32 750 -76 585 397 757 -37.8 755 -25.2 982 -12.6 758 -25.2 764 -37.8
18/7/01 14 9 759 -37.8 1042 -69.3 758 -31.5 766 -44 754 -50 593 447 756 -44.1 752 -44.1 981 -18.9 755 -44.1 762 -50.4
20/7/01 15 11 757 -50.4 1043 -63 757 -37.8 765 -50 753 -57 613 573 754 -56.7 751 -50.4 980 -25.2 754 -50.4 760 -63
22/7/01 14 13 756 -56.7 1043 -63 755 -50.4 764 -57 753 -57 624 643 753 -63 750 -56.7 978 -37.8 754 -50.4 760 -63
23/7/01 15 14 755 -63 1041 -75.6 754 -56.7 763 -63 751 -69 624 643 753 -63 751 -50.4 979 -31.5 754 -50.4 761 -56.7
25/7/01 16 16 757 -50.4 1044 -56.7 757 -37.8 765 -50 752 -63 638 731 755 -50.4 752 -44.1 981 -18.9 756 -37.8 763 -44.1
27/7/01 16 18 761 -25.2 1046 -44.1 760 -18.9 767 -38 755 -44 644 769 756 -44.1 754 -31.5 983 -6.3 758 -25.2 765 -31.5
30/7/01 15 21 756 -56.7 1041 -75.6 755 -50.4 764 -57 752 -63 660 869 752 -69.3 750 -56.7 978 -37.8 755 -44.1 760 -63
1/8/01 15 23 753 -75.6 1039 -88.2 752 -69.3 760 -82 748 -88 680 995 748 -94.5 747 -75.6 975 -56.7 752 -63 754 -101
3/8/01 15 25 750 -94.5 1038 -94.5 750 -81.9 759 -88 746 -101 686 1033 748 -94.5 746 -81.9 975 -56.7 752 -63 754 -101
6/8/01 15 28 749 -101 1036 -107 749 -88.2 758 -95 744 -113 681 1002 744 -120 742 -107 975 -56.7 803 258 747 -145
8/8/01 16 30 749 -101 1036 -107 748 -94.5 757 -101 742 -126 677 977 740 -145 739 -126 967 -107 827 410 743 -170
10/8/01 16 32 745 -126 1034 -120 745 -113 754 -120 739 -145 675 964 736 -170 736 -145 966 -113 844 517 742 -176
14/8/01 17 36 745 -126 1033 -126 745 -113 754 -120 739 -145 675 964 736 -170 736 -145 964 -126 848 542 742 -176
17/8/01 16 39 744 -132 1033 -126 744 -120 753 -126 738 -151 689 1052 735 -176 735 -151 964 -126 865 649 741 -183
21/8/01 16 43 739 -164 1028 -158 740 -145 749 -151 734 -176 694 1084 731 -202 731 -176 962 -139 880 743 737 -208
24/8/01 16 46 737 -176 1028 -158 738 -158 748 -158 732 -189 699 1115 729 -214 729 -189 960 -151 888 794 736 -214
28/8/01 15 50 736 -183 1028 -158 738 -158 748 -158 732 -189 698 1109 729 -214 730 -183 960 -151 887 788 736 -214
31/8/01 15 53 737 -176 1029 -151 736 -170 747 -164 732 -189 696 1096 730 -208 730 -183 959 -158 886 781 736 -214
7/9/01 16 60 737 -176 1029 -151 737 -164 748 -158 731 -195 709 1178 728 -221 730 -183 960 -151 896 844 736 -214
13/9/01 18 66 737 -176 1030 -145 738 -158 749 -151 731 -195 718 1235 729 -214 730 -183 960 -151 905 901 736 -214
24/9/01 20 77 738 -170 1032 -132 740 -145 751 -139 733 -183 725 1279 731 -202 732 -170 961 -145 915 964 737 -208
4/10/01 19 87 734 -195 1032 -132 740 -145 755 -113 730 -202 705 1153 727 -227 735 -151 961 -145 922 1008 735 -221
17/10/01 21 100 734 -195 1120 422 737 -164 749 -151 730 -202 712 1197 726 -233 730 -183 958 -164 926 1033 731 -246
8/11/01 18 122 730 -221 1135 517 731 -202 743 -189 723 -246 712 1197 720 -271 723 -227 953 -195 928 1046 726 -277

Steel Strain by Strainguages for Slab S4b

lab # 8 ( 4 Y1 0 ST E E L S T R A IN B Y ST R A IN G A UG E S
Date Temp. A ge 20 21 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
12/7/01 16 3
12/7/01 16 3 12 87 1 1 2 10 1 1 1 58
13/7/01 15 4 14 86 5 3 24 65 19 5 15 47
14/7/01 15 5 26 55 24 15 8 120 14 14 29 35
15/7/01 14 6 69 41 38 16 32 119 17 14 32 31
16/7/01 15 7 487 327 434 388 390 533 376 426 428 429
17/7/01 15 8 600 433 567 503 408 646 480 531 531 554
18/7/01 14 9 668 501 617 542 500 698 530 582 583 622
20/7/01 15 11 788 610 747 636 551 817 628 690 691 741
22/7/01 14 13 954 674 825 696 727 890 690 757 763 816
23/7/01 14 14 941 677 828 695 736 896 697 760 767 817
25/7/01 16 16 932 720 876 736 790 946 736 804 811 859
27/7/01 16 18 926 766 908 764 824 994 776 842 854 915
30/7/01 15 21 1066 889 1002 873 945 1117 886 950 968 1058
1/8/01 15 23 1226 1072 1146 1013 1092 1263 1020 1083 1109 1225
3/8/01 15 25 1247 1070 1158 1027 1110 1280 1035 1098 1123 1209
6/8/01 15 28 1212 1103 1168 1014 1141 1282 1032 1079 1100 1200
8/8/01 16 30 1202 1081 1121 975 1105 1243 997 1055 1087 1179
10/8/01 16 32 1169 1013 1090 910 1076 1224 979 1030 1050 1167
14/8/01 17 36 1109 935 1019 897 1033 1189 929 991 1012 1106
17/8/01 16 39 1314 1157 1229 1096 1201 1375 1096 1162 1205 1322
21/8/01 16 43 1376 1210 1275 1130 1254 1435 1137 1203 1268 1383
24/8/01 16 46 1359 1209 1245 1110 1254 1423 1126 1194 1262 1365
28/8/01 15 50 1341 1180 1184 1104 1238 1407 1106 1176 1246 1332
31/8/01 15 53 1289 1119 1130 1061 1195 1363 1066 1136 1189 1275
7/9/01 16 60 1395 1224 1187 1151 1304 1490 1180 1244 1298 1408
13/9/01 18 66 1467 1311 1181 1227 1391 1575 1250 1314 1369 1530
24/9/01 20 77 1460 1337 1180 1208 1426 1620 1329 1354 1411 1573
4/10/01 19 87 1317 1130 1008 971 1280 1365 1185 1106 1121 1139
17/10/01 21 100 1381 1136 1079 1082 1328 1473 1209 1204 1234 1152
8/11/01 18 122 1382 1084 1018 1052 1319 1445 1203 1202 1240 1110

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