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I. Summary..........................................................................................................

II. Introductions.................................................................................................................

III. Background

IV. The factors of influence on the business strategy......................................................

V. Strengths and weaknesses.............................................................................................

VI.Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)....................................................................

VII. Conclusion....................................................................................................................

VIII. References
I. Summary

Trategy development is an indispensable activity with any organization to achieve its

goals. As competive advantage, implemention of strategic vision of the organization.. Apple
has invested with construct activity for its strategy.

Content includes:

I. Introductions of Apple inc

II. Background company

III. The factors of influence on the business strategy

II. Introductions of Apple inc

Apple is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino,

California.Apple established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April
• 1976–84: Founding and incorporation


The Apple I personal computer kit. The Apple I kits were computers single-handedly
designed and hand-built by Wozniak [1][2] and first shown to the public at the Homebrew
Computer Club[3]

The Apple II, also invented by Wozniak, was introduced on April 16, 1977, at the first
West Coast Computer Faire. By the end of the 1970s, Apple had a staff of computer
designers and a assembly line. In May 1980, the company introduced product the Apple III
but meet with difficulties in competitive with IBM and Microsoft in the business and
personal computer (PC) market.

Jobs convinced that all future computers will use a graphical user interface (GUI).

• 1984–91: Success with Macintosh


In 1984, Apple appeared the Macintosh, without programming language.

• 1991–97: Decline, restructuring, acquisitions

• 1997–2007: Return to profitability

Power Mac was a line of Apple Macintosh

The NeXT deal was completed on February 9, 1997, [4]bringing Jobs back to Apple as an
consultant. July 1997, Jobs began restructuring the company's product line.

At the 1997 Macworld Expo, Jobs announced that Apple would join Microsoft to
release new versions of Microsoft Office for the Macintosh.

• 2011–present: Post-Steve Jobs era; Tim Cook leadership

On October 5, 2011, Apple announced that Steve Jobs had died, marking the end of an
era for Apple. From 2011 to 2012, Apple released the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5.

III. Background company

1. Products

▪ Mac and accessories

Mac mini, consumer sub-desktop computer introduced in January 2005.

Apple sells a variety of computer accessories for Mac computers including the AirPort
wireless networking products, Time Capsule, Cinema Display, Mighty Mouse, the Apple
Wireless Keyboard computer keyboard, and the Apple USB Modem.

▪ Ipod

Apple introduced the iPod digital music player. In 2007, the iPod was the market leader in
portable music players by a significant margin, Apple has signed with Nike to introduce the
Nike+iPod Sports Kit enabling runners to synchronize and monitor their runs with iTunes and the
Nike+ website.

▪ Iphone
Introduction of the Iphone unlike any other technological equipment, it is regarded as a
revolution in the smartphone market. Because it is the turning- point in the development of
mobile technology and from that Apple became one of the leading corporations of the

The iPhone can connect to the internet and iPod. Included web-based and Dashboard
applications such as Google Maps and Weather. Along with the issue of the new iPhone
Apple launched an App Store, providing applications for download that were compatible
with the iPhone.

IV. The factors of influence on the business strategy.

1. Exterior environment
Complex factor which the managers can't control but it affects the activities and result of
the product of the business. Evaluate the external factors, find out the important factors,
negative influence of the company's strategy.

• Social – culture
Profound influence on the business administration of the entrepreneurs. Need to analyse
the element of culture-society, in order to identify the opportunity and risk.
• Politics - law
This element on the increase influence on the business activity. The relationship between
politics and business, not only take place in the country but also in International relations.
• Opportunity

Apple's strengths is always one step ahead. The main advantage Apple has brought a lot of
new business opportunities and worthwhile ..

• Competitors
Success means that attracts competitors. Apple will have difficulty in market research, product
development can maintain the market leading position of the apple. Intense competition can affect
revenue and profitability of the company.
Diversificated strategy

First is the Mac, then Apple has added to the iPod, iPhone, and an iPad in recent years.
Illustrated by looking at the search trends, in this case the overall interest in the different
lines of Apple products over the years.

This chart tells us that today Apple is a diversified company more than five years ago.
2. Internal element of influence with the business strategy.




The business

(1) Power

1.1 Personnel

• Strong leadership

• A team of talented, passionate and absolute loyalty.

1.2 Financial recource

• Apple has became the world's highest capital and became a major brand in the world.

According to BrandZ Global Top 100 ranking of Millward Brown firm, Apple overcame
Google to become the most valuable brand in the world. Ended a period of the ruling for 4 years.
Table of the brand value in 2012

Rating Change Rank Article Brand Brand value

2011 of the 2012
1 0 1 technology Apple 182.951

2 1 2 technology IBM 115.985

3 -1 3 technology Google 107.857

4 0 4 Fast food McDonald's 95.188

5 0 5 technology Microsoft 76.651

6 0 6 Beverage Coca-Cola 74.286

8 1 7 Tobacco Marlboro 73.612

7 -1 8 Telecommunication AT&T 68.870


13 4 9 Telecommunication Verizon 49.151


9 1 10 Telecommunication China 47.041

services Mobile
1.3 Relationship

(1) For customers

• Orientation of customers

(2) For suppliers

. reduce the dependence on supplies.

1.4 Technology

(1) The ownership of the oprating system of iPhone & iOS with more features

(2) Technological ideas of breaking through

(2). Ability

Production ( trend-direction for cosumer )

• Creative

• Perfect

• Catchy name

• Monopoly

Success of Apple depends on innovative capability,

(3). Activities

3.1 Manufacture

3.2 Markeing

Apple is one of the cucessful company with its marketing strategy, different from the
competitors as set up a website, introduces the new iPhone, care for the customers as well as
advertisement in a vehicle for mass information.
3.3 Research and development

(4). Financial activities

20/12/2012, Apple has become the most experience in US history. Capital value
achieved 623.5 billions USD, corresponding 936.596.000 holdings ( data: 6/2012), higher
than the record 618.9 billion dollars that Microsofte hold for 3 years.

V. Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
create differences The price of the high products

Supply Chain: hardware, software & cloud costs of research and development is very
computing high

Strong leadership: Vision & creativity Too dependent on Steve Jobs

Staff: talented, loyal The partnership between Apple and Samsung

in the production of mobile chips stopped
Innovation in Marketing Strategy:
VI. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)

The elements inside Important Level Coefficient scores

Products:quality,stype 0.2 4 0.80.

Prestige/brand of the 0.2 5 1
Production capacity 0.05 2 0.10.
Financial source 0.10. 4 0.40.
the ability to the 0.8 3 0.24
development products
Leadership 0.15 4 0.60.
Creative abilities of 0.10. 3 0.30.
Marketing strategy 0.3 1 0.03
The ability to attract 0.2 1 0.02
Cost of product 0.3 2 0.06
Technology 0.4 2 0.08
Total 1 3.63

VII. Conclusion

Technological world always changes to satisfy user needs, making life more beautiful and
comfortable. With brimful of finance resources, talented staff. Apple will rise to a higher
level and for the digital devices increasingly more modern to serve the people.
VIII. References

1. Benny Luo (September 12, 2013). "Apple's Third Co-Founder Ron Wayne: On
Forming the Company and Working With Steve Jobs". NextShark..

2. "Apple co-founder tells his side of the story" . Sydney Morning Herald. September
28, 2006. Retrieved October 7, 2011.
3. "A Chat with Computing Pioneer Steve Wozniak", National Public Radio,
September 29, 2006.
4. "Apple Computer, Inc. Finalizes Acquisition of NeXT Software Inc" . Apple Inc.
February 7, 1997. Archived from the original on July 24, 2001. Retrieved June
25, 2006.



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