World Christian Fellowship: 60, High Worple, Rayners Lane, Harrow

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World Christian Fellowship

60, High Worple, Rayners Lane, Harrow

Middlesex, HA2 9SZ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 208 429 9292

When we read a passage or a book in the Bible there are several key
elements we need to look, but the following two key principles we
need to have in mind, always!
1. Look at the authors indented meaning
2. Read the passage in context.

How to read the Gospel of John

Today as an exercise we will see how we can understand and read

the Gospel of John.

Written by John the apostle,  Don’t  get  confused  by  John  the  Baptist  
or John Mark. James and John were the sons of Zebedee and
Salome. They were fishermen who were business partners with
Peter and Andrew (Luke 5:10).

John meaning God has been Gracious

Time around 65 AD, almost after 35 years of Jesus resurrection.
Other books in the bible by are 1, 2 & 3 John and Revelation

a) Why he has written this book:

To show what Jesus did, (John 21: 25)
By which we will believe in Him (John 20: 30-31)

b) How it compares with the other Gospels?

It is different from the synoptic gospels, no genealogy or Christ Birth

Matthew presents Jesus as the promised Messiah, the King of the
Jews. Matthew was written to Jews who were familiar with Old
Testament prophecy. Jewish customs were not explained in this
gospel. Matthew often mentioned the Law of Moses. Matthew was
a Jew, hired by Rome to collect taxes in Capernaum.

Mark gospel portrays Jesus as the powerful, suffering servant of

God. Mark travelled with his cousin Barnabas and with Paul. Peter
and Paul favourably mentioned him. He was known as Mark (Latin)
and John (Hebrew). The book of Mark was probably written for
Romans. Mark often explained Jewish words, customs, and places.
He used Roman time rather than Hebrew time. And he translated
some words into Latin.

Luke presents Jesus to the Gentiles as the saviour of all mankind.

Luke contains numerous references to the activity of the Holy Spirit.
Luke was a Greek doctor. He was the friend of the Apostle Paul,
who referred to Luke as the "beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14)

John is the gospel of belief, and was written to show the world that
Jesus was the Christ, the "Son of God." Jesus was sent by the Father
to give eternal life to believers.

Main Focus of the Book:

i) There are seven Signs (Miracles) have been recorded in

this book.
ii) There are seven  saying  of  Christ  ‘I  AM  THE’  and  apart  
from  the  “I  AM”  John  8:58
The Seven I am the
1. I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35 and 48)
2. I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
3. I am the Door (John 10:9)
4. I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
5. I am the Resurrection and Life (John 11:25)
6. I am the way and the truth (John 14:6)
7. I am the true vine (John 15: 1)

I AM John 8:58

The Seven Signs (Miracles) Recorded in the book of John

1. Turning the water into wine at Wedding in Cana in Galilee –
John 2:1-12
2. Nobleman son Healed – John 4:46-54
3. Man healed at pool of Bethesda – John 5:1-15
4. Feeding the five thousand – John 6: 1-14
5. Jesus Walks on the Water – John 6:14-21
6. Born Blind receives sight – John 9:1-12
7. Lazarus death and raise from the death- John 11: 1-44

Total it has 21 Chapters containing 879 verses.

Chapter wise understanding

Chapter 1: Christ deity and John the Baptist

Chapter 2: Wedding in Cana and his first Miracle
Chapter 3: Nicodemus
Chapter 4: Samaritan women
Chapter 5: Man healed at Bethesda and His witness
Chapter 6: Feeding Five thousand
Chapter 7 and Chapter 8: His teaching and His rejection
Chapter 9: Healing of the Born Blind
Chapter 10: Good shepherd
Chapter 11: Lazarus Death and his raise from the Death.
Chapter 12: End of His public Ministry: Anointed by Mary at Bethany
Chapter 13, 14, 15 and 16: His teaching about the Life and Holy
Chapter 17: His Prayer
Chapter 18: Persecution
Chapter 19: Death on the Cross
Chapter 20: Resurrection and empty Tomb
Chapter 21: Reinstating Peter and commissioning the disciples

The book can be divided in 2 parts; Chapter 1 to 12 is Jesus coming

towards mankind and from13to 21 Jesus going towards His Father.
(Read John 13:3) Jesus concludes His public ministry in Chapter 12.

John emphasized the eternal nature and deity of Christ. This gospel
reveals a great deal about the relationship between the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. Some of the deepest truths about God can be found
in within the four chapters of the Upper Room discourse (John 14,
15 and 16).

The disciple whom Jesus loved appears in the whole Bible 4 times,
all of them appear in the Gospel of John, written by him in John
13:23, 19:26, 21:7 & 21:20.

You need to understand the Love of God! Though God loves every
one of us the same way only few people can understand the love
and experience them.

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