History Form 2 2020 Mid-Terms PDF

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1) The picture to the left shows

specific tools used by the late
stone age people that have a
specific name. What are these
tools called? [1]

2) There were two types of

these tools. What they called
and what were they used for?

3) The Late Stone Age people

also used other tools. Name two
of these tools and explain what
they were used for. [4]

4) How long ago did people in

Southern Africa start making
these tools? [1]

5) Briefly describe what Late

Stone Age women looked like.
Come up with at least six
characteristics. [6]

6) How do we know how the

Late Stone Age people lived,
what they believed in and what
they ate? Give three ways in
which historians were able to
gather this information. [3]
1) In the world today we still have societies that practice hunting and gathering. Give 5
examples of these people and where they are found in the world. [5]

2) Work in these societies was divided between men and women. Briefly explain the different
roles each of these groups were responsible for. [4]

3) Give 5 examples of the different foods that were collected. [5]

4) Hunting animals was not very important as a source of food; however, it was important in
terms of the social aspect of the group. Explain why this is so. Give at least 4 points. [4]

5) Hunter gatherers had a lot of knowledge about the environment. Give 5 examples of what
they would have had to know. [5]

6) Give two reasons why Hunter Gatherer groups had to remain mobile. [2]

7) Rock paintings are of great importance to these societies for many reasons. Give five aspects
of the Late Stone Age societies that rock paintings are able to show us. [5]

8) Draw a picture or a rock painting that depicts a scene from a society of African Hunter
Gatherers. Briefly write a description of the drawing. [5]

9) Explain how farming developed in Hunter Gatherer societies. [2]

10) Many groups did not turn to farming until much later on; this is because hunting and
gathering had many advantages. List down four advantages of Hunter gathering. [4]

11) Farming was very advantageous to societies but had many disadvantages which influenced
some societies to remain as hunter gatherers. Write down 5 disadvantages of farming. [5]

12) It is difficult to say when farming first started in Southern Africa, however we know that
Stone age people had settled in villages and made pottery by 6000 BC. What is the estimated
date that farming had started in parts of Zimbabwe and Mozambique? [1]

13) Name the three crops that were first farmed by early farmers. [3]

14) Name three animals that were first domesticated in North Africa and the Sahara. [3]

15) When people began to settle, they were able to develop pottery. Give three uses of pottery in
an early settlement. [3]

Section A is out of 75 marks.


1) Ancient Egypt was one of the oldest and longest lasting world civilizations. It was located
along the Nile River in the northeast part of Africa and lasted for over three thousand years.
Write down the two ways historians use to outline the history of ancient Egypt. [2]

2) The early dynastic period ran from 2950 BC up to which date? [1]

3) During which period were the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx built? [1]

4) What was the date that Ramses II became Pharaoh? [1]

5) What river flows north through Egypt and into the Mediterranean Sea? [1]

6) Egypt was split in to two regions. What were these regions? [2]

7) Give three ways in which the Nile was beneficial to the Ancient Egyptians. [3]

8) Briefly describe what the ancient Egyptians wore. [4]

9) Ancient Egypt was a complex society needing people doing many different tasks and jobs.
What were some of the jobs they included? Give five examples. [5]

10) To ancient Egyptians, art was of great importance. What type of art was Relief? [2]
11) Name one of the board games that the ancient Egyptians loved to play. [1]

12) What was a popular sport that the ancient Egyptians would practice? [1]

13) Religion played a big part in the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. They believed in a wide
variety of gods and goddesses. Name five Egyptian Gods and briefly explain who they were.

14) Write a short paragraph detailing the Book of the Dead as described by Ani. Make sure to
include the different stages a soul had to pass through. [10]

15) Briefly explain the process the mummification. [5]

16) Who was the primary leader of Egypt under the rule of Pharaoh? [1]

17) Who were the Nomarks and what was the name of the area they ruled over? [2]

18) Who was the second most powerful person in Egypt? [1]

19) Why was the Pharaoh so respected by the ancient Egyptians? [1]

20) Write down the names of 6 Pharaohs you have learnt about. [6]

Section B is out of 60 marks.

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