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Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 11:111–124, 2006

Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1083-7450 print / 1097-9867 online
DOI: 10.1080/10837450500464255


Excipients for Direct Compaction—an Update

Gerad K. Bolhuis
Excipients Update

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
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N. Anthony Armstrong
2 Plovers Barn, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JY, UK. Former address: Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

Keywords direct compaction, direct compression, filler- than just to tablet preparation. Compactibility is the ability
binders of a substances to yield a compact (or tablet) of adequate
strength.[2] Thus the term excipients for direct compaction
describes these materials in a much more precise manner;
and it is the phrase chosen, whenever possible, in this
The term excipient is also somewhat vague, in that
The potential advantages of tablet production by
excipients are any components of the formulation other
direct compaction (or direct compression) are well known.
than the active ingredient(s). Thus lubricants, disinte-
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The most striking feature of direct compaction is its appar-

grants, and glidants are all excipients in tablet formula-
ent simplicity. Less equipment is required; and the number
tions. The term diluent is often used in relation to direct
of stages in the overall tableting process, each of which
compaction, but it only covers the bulking function. The
will require validation, is reduced. There are also lower
diluent in a direct compaction formulation has a dual role.
labor costs, reduced processing time, and lower energy
Not only does it increase the bulk of the dosage unit, but it
also promotes the binding of the constituent particles of
In 1996, one of us compiled a chapter entitled
the formulation. Thus the term filler-binder is preferred
“Materials for direct compaction,” which formed part of
and is used here.
Pharmaceutical Powder Compaction Technology.[1] Since
The regulatory aspects of excipients must also be
that time there has been considerable activity in the field
borne in mind. Because excipients are components of
of direct compaction, including the introduction of a
medicines, a new excipient has be assessed for safety in
number of new excipients. It is, therefore, timely to pre-
the same extensive and expensive manner as a new active
pare an update of the 1996 article, reflecting advances
ingredient. In the case of the latter, such costs can proba-
that have taken place since that time.
bly be recouped, but this is less likely with excipients,
The question of terminology must be addressed first.
since the economic margin on these is so much lower.
The phrase usually used to describe tablet production
Given the costs of safety evaluation, it would appear that
without prior treatment of the particulate solids is direct
the development of new chemical entities exclusively for
compression and this is extended into the actual names of
use as excipients is not economically feasible.[3]
some of the solids, e.g., Compressible Sugar NF. However
It is, thus, likely that future development of excipients
the true meaning of compression is the reduction of vol-
will take the form of chemical or physical modification of
ume under pressure, which has a much wider application
existing materials, or by the use of combinations of exist-
ing materials to improve or extend their functionality.[4] In
Received 1 February 2005, Accepted 8 June 2005. rare cases, materials usually regarded as active ingredients
Address correspondence to Gerad Bolhuis, Department of can also be used as excipients: directly compressible cal-
Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Antonius Deus- cium lactate pentahydrate and inulin are two such exam-
inglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands; E-mail: ples, which are reviewed later in this article.

112 G. K. Bolhuis and N. A. Armstrong

2. CLASSIFICATION OF FILLER-BINDERS as the rate of application of the compressive force is

increased; this is called compaction rate sensitivity.
There are several possibilities for classifying filler- Substances that show high lubricant sensitivity are also
binders. A straightforward method is based on application. likely to be speed sensitive. Van der Voort Maarschalk
Thus there are filler-binders for dispersible tablets, for tab- and Bolhuis[7] identified three classes of behavior under
lets designed to be swallowed intact, for lozenges, chew- compaction (Fig. 1). Brittle materials with a high fragmen-
able tablets, and tablets that incorporate some method of tation propensity break during the particle rearrangement
controlled release. phase, which occurs at low punch pressures. This means
A second method is to classify filler-binders by their that fragments of the original particles can be distributed at
chemical constitution (Table 1). A drawback of this is that random within a compact. Materials with a low fragmenta-
materials that are chemically similar can have very different tion propensity break mainly after the rearrangement pro-
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tableting properties. Nevertheless, this method is widely cess. Thus, though the original particle is broken into
used,[e.g.,5,6] and forms the framework of “Materials for fragments, these fragments stay more or less together. The
direct compaction.”[1] As the current review is an update of third class of substances—ductile materials—deform
the latter, a chemical classification will be used here. rather than fragment and can be regarded as materials with
An attempt has been made by Van der Voort Maarschalk a very low fragmentation propensity.
and Bolhuis[7] to devise a physicomechanical classifica- An advantage of this classification is that it gives an
tion of filler-binders, based on the behavior of particles immediate indication for the lubricant sensitivity of excip-
under a compressive load. It is well known that the addi- ients. The early fragmentation of materials with a high
tion of a lubricant to a direct compaction formulation can fragmentation propensity such as dicalcium phosphates
decrease the physical strength of the tablets, though the will destroy any lubricant film formed during the mixing
extent of that decrease depends on the filler-binder in stage. Bonding between freshly formed, clean surfaces
question. This is termed lubricant sensitivity. Another fea- will be better than that of surfaces contaminated with a
ture of some filler-binders is that tablet strength decreases lubricant film. Materials with a low fragmentation propen-
sity, such as α-lactose monohydate, break after the rear-
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rangement stage. The lubricant film will be damaged, but

Table 1 since fragments are not dispersed, a more or less coherent
Chemical classification of filler-binders, according to lubricant matrix is retained. This matrix works as a net-
Bolhuis and Chowhan.[1] work of weak bonds, resulting in a tablet strength that is
significantly lower than that of a compact made from non-
Section Subsection
lubricated material.
Cellulose Microcrystalline Cellulose Compaction speed sensitivity is also dependent on
Powdered Cellulose particle deformation behavior. As an effect of their vis-
Starch and Starch Native Starches coelastic behavior, ductile materials commonly have much
derivatives higher speed sensitivitiy than do brittle materials.
Compressible Starch
Modified Starches
Inorganic salts Dicalcium Phosphates 3. AGGLOMERATION
Tricalcium Phosphate
Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate
Materials composed of individual unmodified parti-
Polyols Sorbitol
Mannitol cles are not often suitable as filler-binders because of lack
Lactose α-Lactose Monohydrate of flowability (e.g., native starches), lack of binding prop-
Anhydrous α-Lactose erties (e.g., α-lactose monohydrate 100 mesh), lubricant
Anhydrous β-Lactose sensitivity (native starches), etc. Although binding proper-
Spray-Dried Lactose ties can be improved by physical modifications such as
Agglomerated Lactose dehydration, partial pregelatinization and coating, the flow
Other Sugars Compressible Sugar properties of these products are often still insufficient. For
Dextrose this reason, more and more filler-binders are now pro-
Dextrate duced by methods that combine physical modification and
Coprocessed Ludipress agglomeration. Examples are special crystallization tech-
niques, fluid-bed agglomeration, spray drying, and roller
drying. In some cases these techniques are combined with
Pharmatose DCL 40
a sieving or grinding step. Agglomerated filler-binders
Excipients Update 113

brittle ductile
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high low plastic

fragmentation propensity deformation
Figure 1. Particle rearrangement during compression of single materials (Van der Voort Maarschalk and Bolhuis).[7]
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have several advantages. In addition to the improvement years. This is because of the benefits of these products,
in flowability, agglomeration by granulation may improve even if compared with the agglomerated filler-binders.[7]
compactibility of brittle materials because of increased Because of their excellent overall tableting properties,
fragmentation propensity.[8] For crystalline materials rapid coprocessed excipients have been referred to multipurpose
cooling of a solution and a high rate of crystallization dur- excipients.[9]
ing spray drying produce porous solids with an imperfect Coprocessed filler-binders are manufactured by
crystal structure that contains amorphous material. Lattice coprocessing two (seldom more) materials; usually one is
defects imply a high deformability of the crystalline com- ductile and the second is brittle. For all products, the
ponent, and amorphous material is commonly ductile and, coprocessed material has better flow and compaction
hence, deforms plastically. An additional and important properties than does a physical blend of its constituents.
advantage of agglomerated filler-binders is the lower Van der Voort Maarschalk and Bolhuis[7] gave a possible
lubricant sensitivity as compared with the starting materi- explanation for the improved compaction properties. Most
als.[7] As agglomerates are usually brittle, they break at coprocessed products consist of a large amount of brittle
low punch forces. As a consequence, lubricant sensitivity material, such as α-lactose monohydrate, and a smaller
is relatively low because during mixing only the outside of amount of a plastically deforming material such as cellu-
the agglomerates will be covered with lubricant. The pri- lose, fixed between or upon the particles of the brittle
mary particles may have brittle or ductile deformation material. Plasticity, present in ductile materials, is impor-
behavior, but this has no further consequences for their tant for the creation of a large area of contact. However
lubricant sensitivity. ductile materials are sensitive to lubricants and have a high
compaction speed sensitivity due to their viscoelasticity.
During postcompaction relaxation of tablets compressed
4. COPROCESSING from ductile materials, stored elastic energy will break
bonds and increase tablet porosity, which results in a
An increasing number of coprocessed filler-binders lower tablet strength.[10] In coprocessed filler-binders, the
have appeared on the pharmaceutical market in recent plastic material will be responsible for the good bonding
114 G. K. Bolhuis and N. A. Armstrong

properties because it creates a continuous matrix with a is a coprocessed filler-binder, this product is discussed in
large surface area for bonding. The presence of a large this section because there are major differences between
amount of brittle material prevents the storage of too much SMCC and other coprocessed excipients. The latter usu-
elastic energy during compression, which results in a ally contain two components, both of which are fillers or
smaller stress relaxation. Moreover, the lubricant sensitiv- filler-binders, whereas SMCC is a combination of a filler-
ity will be low. Breakage of the coprocessed particle and binder and a glidant. It is marketed by Penwest Pharma-
the presence of a large amount of brittle material will pre- ceuticals Co. (now Rettenmaier) as Prosolv SMCC®.[17] It
vent the formation of a coherent lubricant network. is produced by coprocessing 98% microcrystalline cellu-
lose with 2% colloidal silicon dioxide. The excipient is
available in two particle size grades, SMCC 50 and SMCC
5. CELLULOSE 90, which have particle size distributions equivalent to
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those of Emcocel® 50M and Emcocel 90M (Rettenmaier),

5.1 Microcrystalline Cellulose respectively. In direct compaction, SMCC is 10%–40%
more compactible than regular MCC and has a lower
Microcrystalline celluloses are generally considered lubricant sensitivity. The flow properties of SMCC are
as the filler-binders with the best binding properties. As a better than those of regular microcrystalline cellulose.[18]
solution to the well-known disadvantages of the basic 101 The SMCC 90 flows better than SMCC 50 because of big-
and 102 types of microcrystalline cellulose, several new ger particle size and higher density. The flow rate of
varieties, having a lower moisture content or better flow SMCC 90 was found to be equivalent to that of the PH200
properties, have been introduced during the last 15 years. grade of MCC.[19] In addition to a better flowability,
Excellent reviews and comparative evaluations of these SMCC has a higher bulk density than does regular MCC,
are given by Doelker[11] and Doelker et al.[12] Recently, which can be explained by its improved flowability and
several authors studied the effect of production parameters packing properties.[20] Studies using helium pycnometry,
on physical and mechanical properties of microcrystalline laser light scattering, particle size analysis, Fourier trans-
cellulose powder. A correlation between degree of poly- form infrared spectroscopy, gas adsorption, X-ray powder
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merization and compactibility was found by Shlieout diffraction, solid state NMR, calorimetry, water vapor
et al.[13] An increasing degree of polymerization (DP) sorption, and Raman spectroscopy have all shown that
leads to an increase in the hardness of microcrystalline cel- silicification appears to have no discernible effect on the
lulose tablets. This effect was explained by a decreased primary chemical and polymorphic characteristics of
elastic deformation behavior. In other work, however, it microcrystalline cellulose.[19,21,22]
was demonstrated that not the DP, but the origin of the The specific surface area of SMCC was found to be
raw materials and the production method influenced the about five times higher than that of microcrystalline cellu-
compaction properties of microcrystalline cellulose.[14] lose, and the pore volume size distributions calculated from
Suzuki and Nakagami[15] pulverized microcrystalline cel- nitrogen adsorption isotherms showed that the total pore
lulose to vary the crystallinity. They showed that the com- volume was greater for SMCC.[20] This effect has been
pactibility parameters B value and yield pressure, explained by the very high specific surface area of colloidal
calculated from Heckel plots, were lowered as the degree silicon dioxide. The pore size distribution characteristics
of crystallinity became smaller. Moreover, the dissolution determined by a mercury porosimeter were very similar for
rate indicates that drug release can be modified by changing SMCC 90 and MCC 90.[22] This suggests that bulk modifi-
the degree of crystallinity of microcrystalline cellulose. cation of MCC does not occur during silicification, and that
Tablets compressed of mixtures of different types of the colloidal silicon dioxide, either by providing surface
microcrystalline cellulose were studied by Lahdenpää modification or by modifying strengthening interactions, is
et al.[16] using a mixture design. A major proportion primarily responsible for the improvements in functional-
(60%–80%) of microcrystalline cellulose type 101 mixed ity, in particular tablet strength. Scanning electron micros-
with a granular microcrystalline cellulose type 102 or 200 copy studies together with electron probe microanalysis
was found to be the optimum composition for uniform, have demonstrated that silicon dioxide is primarily located
strong, and quickly disintegrating tablets. in the surface of SMCC, but some silicon dioxide was
detected in the internal regions of some particles.[23] The
presence in the surface is an important observation, since
5.2 Silicified Microcrystalline Cellulose this may alter characteristics such as interfacial strength
and interactions with magnesium stearate.
A major development has been the introduction of In a comparative study of the mechanical properties
silicified microcrystalline cellulose (SMCC). Although it of unlubricated compacts of MCC and SMCC, it was
Excipients Update 115

found that at relatively slow compaction rates, compacts cellulose, ranging in crystallinity from 15% to 45%, were
with a comparable relative density were found, which sug- compared with those of different types of microcrystalline
gests that the two materials exhibit a comparable compac- cellulose and powdered cellulose by Kothari et al.[27] Like
tion behavior.[24] Not only the tensile strength but also the microcrystalline cellulose, LCPC consists of aggregates of
stiffness and energy of failure were greater for compacts particles. Further, LCPC aggregates showed a smoother
prepared from SMCC than for compacts prepared from surface and were more densely packed than were the
MCC or blends of MCC and colloidal silicon dioxide. microcrystalline cellulose products. Although no definite
From these results, the authors concluded that the strength relationship was observed between crystallinity and the
enhancement by silicification of MCC may be a conse- true density or moisture content of the various materials,
quence of an interfacial interaction rather than modifica- LCPC picked up higher moisture content at a given vapor
tion of the bulk MCC properties. In a recent study, Van pressure compared with the higher crystallinity products
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Veen et al.[25] studied the compaction mechanisms of microcrystalline cellulose and powdered cellulose. The
unlubricated and lubricated MCC and SMCC. They found yield pressure of LCPC, calculated from Heckel plots, was
that neither colloidal silicium dioxide nor magnesium significantly lower than that of microcrystalline and pow-
stearate facilitates the densification of MCC during com- dered cellulose products. This suggests that LCPC under-
paction. The slightly higher relaxation of SMCC tablets goes plastic deformation at relatively lower compression
showed that colloidal silicium dioxide has more negative pressures. Tensile strength values of tablets of LCPC were
than positive effect on interparticulate bonding. However, comparable to those for microcrystalline cellulose tablets.
for lubricated MCC a larger increase in tablet relaxation at The disintegration times for LCPC tablets were much
high compression speed was found than for lubricated shorter than those for microcrystalline cellulose tablets.
SMCC tablets, so the decrease in tablet strength was larger This effect was explained by the difference in crystallinity
for MCC tablets than for SMCC tablets when lubrication between the two materials as well as the ease of accessibil-
was applied. An examination of the tablet strength of tab- ity for water molecules to enter and interact with free
lets compressed from physical mixtures of MCC with hydroxyl groups.[27]
increasing concentrations of colloidal silicium dioxide Another new cellulose-based tableting excipient,
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proved the slightly negative influence of silicon dioxide on referred to as UICEL, was developed by the same group
the tablet strength of unlubricated MCC tablets and the by treating cellulose powder with an aqueous solution of
positive effect of colloidal silicon dioxide addition on the sodium hydroxide and subsequently precipitating it with
strength of lubricated MCC tablets. The authors showed ethyl alcohol.[28] In contrast to microcrystalline cellulose,
that coprocessing of MCC with colloidal silicon dioxide UICEL shows a cellulose II lattice, whereas microcrystal-
showed no extra contribution on the tablet strength of line cellulose belongs to the cellulose I polymorphic form.
lubricated tablets above physical mixtures. The positive Both crystallinity and degree of polymerization were
effect of colloidal silicium dioxide on the compactibility lower than for microcrystalline cellulose. Like microcrys-
of MCC was elucidated by an interaction between magne- talline cellulose type 102, the new product consists of a
sium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide. Only the part mixture of aggregated and nonaggregated fibers. Com-
of colloidal silicon dioxide that is fixed upon the surface pared to Avicel PH® 102, UICEL is denser and less duc-
of the SMCC particles (about 20%–30% of the 2% colloi- tile. Although the compactibility of UICEL is much
dal silicon dioxide in SMCC) is working effectively in smaller than that of microcrystalline cellulose type 102,
relation to the negative effect of magnesium stearate as the tablet strength is high enough for pharmaceutical prac-
lubricant on tablet strength.[25] tice. A definite advantage of UICEL over microcrystalline
cellulose is the much shorter tablet disintegration time.
Even tablets compressed at high forces disintegrate within
5.3 Powdered Cellulose and Derivatives a few seconds, so that UICEL has the potential to be used
in the design of fast disintegrating tablets.[28] Another sig-
It is well known that powdered cellulose has inferior nificant difference between UICEL and microcrystalline
binding properties when compared with those of microc- and powdered cellulose is the different effect of compac-
rystalline cellulose.[1] Recently, however, some modified tion force on the crystallinity of the products.
powdered celluloses with improved compaction properties
have been described. One of these is low crystallinity
powdered cellulose (LCPC). It is prepared by controlled 5.4 Powdered Cellulose Coated with Colloidal Silica
decrystallisation and depolymerisation of cellulose with
phosphoric acid.[26] The powder and mechanical proper- In addition to silicified microcrystalline cellulose, a
ties of different batches of low crystallinity powdered powdered cellulose product containing colloidal silica has
116 G. K. Bolhuis and N. A. Armstrong

been introduced on the market. Vitacel® M80K (Rettenmaier) as a filler-binder, disintegrant and diluent in wet and dry
is a cellulose powder coated with 2% powdered silica. The granulation as well as in direct compaction.
differences with silicified microcrystalline cellulose are
the starting material—powdered cellulose instead of
microcrystalline cellulose—and the manufacturing pro- 6.2 Starch Acetates
cess. Vitacel M80K is prepared by coating powdered cel-
lulose particles. Physical mixing of powdered cellulose Starch acetates are prepared by partially reacting the
with colloidal silica did not produce a homogeneous coat- hydroxyl groups of native barley starch with acetic acid
ing of the cellulose particles. The properties of Vitacel anhydride in an esterification reaction. Starch acetates
M80K have been compared with those of Avicel PH101, with four different degrees of polymerization (DS 0.34;
which has a similar particle size distribution.[29] Vitacel 1.19; 2.1 and 2.9) have been studied and compared
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M80K produced tablets that had less weight variation than with different commercially available filler-binders.[34]
Avicel. Although tablets with a test drug were somewhat Although the particles were relatively small, their flow
harder with Avicel as a filler-binder, tablets with Vitacel properties were found to be suitable for direct compaction.
M80K showed a lower friability and a lower lubricant The compaction properties increased with the DS: the ten-
sensitivity. sile strength of starch acetate tablets with DS 1.19 or
higher were rather similar to tablets prepared from Avicel
PH 101. In the surfaces of the low DS value starch acetate
6. STARCH AND STARCH DERIVATIVES tablets, interparticulate borderlines were still visible after
compression. In the higher DS value tablets, borderlines
Starches from several natural sources and their com- and individual starch particles were hardly visible, point-
mon derivatives are both well-known and safe and have ing to a complete plastic deformation. Tablets prepared
been extensively investigated in tablet formulations for from starch acetates with DS 0.34 or DS 1.19 completely
various purposes. However, poor flow and high lubricant disintegrated within a few minutes and showed fast release
sensitivity make native starches less favored in direct com- of a test drug. Tablets containing higher DS starch acetate
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paction.[30] Chemical, mechanical, and physical modifica- did not disintegrate at all and demonstrated sustained-
tions of natural starches were made to improve their direct release dissolution profiles. These effects were explained
compaction properties, both for immediate release and for by an increase in hydrophobicity, a decrease in tablet
controlled-release tablets. porosity, and a decrease in swelling properties with
increasing DS. The authors concluded that starch acetates
can, depending on the DS, be used as filler-binders or as
6.1 Compressible Starch controlled release excipients.

In addition to the well-known Starch 1500® (Color-

con), more partly pregelatinized starches have recently 6.3 Maltodextrins
been marketed. All these starches meet the specifications
of Pregelatinized Starch USP/NF and/or Pregelatinised Maltodextrins are composed of water-soluble glucose
Starch Ph.Eur. Cerestar has introduced C*Pharm DC polymers obtained by partial hydrolysis of starch with acid
93000®. It is composed of partly gelatinized agglomerated and/or enzymes, whereby the basic polymeric structure is
starch granules and is prepared by the spray drying of par- retained. The DE value is less than twenty. Just as all
tially cooked starch.[31] Both its spherical shape and a starch derivatives, maltodextrin has a high lubricant sensi-
favorable particle size distribution lead to good flow prop- tivity. Another objective is the retardant effect of hydro-
erties. The compression profile shows that even when phobic lubricants on drug release of tablets containing
lubricated with 0.5% magnesium stearate, tablets with a water-insoluble active ingredients.[35] The retardant effect
remarkably high crushing strength, three times higher than was not exhibited with mixtures containing a water soluble
obtained with other starch products, can be produced.[32,33] drug substance. Mollan and Çelik[36,37] compared a spray-
The compaction speed dependence was found to be rela- dried maltodextrin (Maltrin® M510), three fluidized-bed
tively low. In addition to the binding properties, C*Pharm agglomerated maltodextrins (Maltrin M500, Malta*Gran®
DC 93000 acts as a disintegrant. The decreased crystallin- TG, and Malta*Gran 10), and an experimental roller-com-
ity of starch obtained by gelatinization favors particle pacted maltodextrin. Maltrin and Malta*Gran are brand
bonding but at the same time reduces tablet disintegration names for maltodextrins from Grain Processing Corp and
time. C*Pharm DC 93000 has a special ratio of both a Zumbro IFP, respectively. The commercially available
crystalline and an amorphous structure. It is recommended maltodextrins underwent plastic deformation and formed
Excipients Update 117

strong tablets, but showed high lubricant sensitivity. Tab- calcium lactate pentahydrate has good flow properties. It
lets compressed from the experimental roller-dried malto- flows freely through an orifice with a diameter of 2.5 mm
dextrin were stronger and less sensitive to lubrication than and has a Hausner ratio of 1.20. Its compaction properties
those of the other maltodextrins. This effect was attributed are good, and much better than those of calcium lactate
to the larger surface area, the higher bulk density, and trihydrate or dicalcium phosphate dihydrate.[40] In spite of
more fragmentary failure of the roller-compacted product. the spray drying process, directly compressible calcium
It has been shown that maltodextrins easily sorb and des- lactate pentahydrate is a brittle crystalline material with
orb moisture from the atmosphere and that the moisture no measurable traces of amorphous material. In spite of
content of the maltodextrin strongly influences both com- this brittle nature, directly compressible calcium lactate
paction and postcompaction behavior.[38] Compaction pentahydrate has a high lubricant sensitivity, which is a
behavior of the maltodextrins was more fragmentary under consequence of its lower fragmentation propensity. Even
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conditions of low humidity and became more plastically when lubricated with 0.5% magnesium stearate, the com-
deforming as the moisture content increased. The disinte- pactibility of directly compressible calcium lactate pen-
gration time of tablets containing maltodextrins were tahydrate is better than that of the calcium phosphate
found in general to be prolonged, an effect which was dihydrate. As a consequence of its crystalline structure,
attributed to the formation of a rate limiting gel layer directly compressible calcium lactate pentahydrate has a
around the tablets. low compaction speed sensitivity. The disintegration time
of tablets containing calcium lactate pentahydrate is
determined by dissolution of the excipient, but can be
7. CALCIUM SALTS shortened by the addition of a suitable disintegrant such
as croscarmellose sodium. In a number of formulation
7.1 Tricalcium Phosphate examples, it was shown that tablets containing directly
compressible calcium lactate pentahydrate as the main or
Although tricalcium phosphate is well known as a as an additional filler-binder have a short disintegration
filler-binder for direct compaction,[1] its chemical nature is time and a fast drug release.
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not precisely defined. In a recent article, Pontier et al.[39]

investigated the compaction properties of a series of
apathic calcium phosphates differing in their Ca/P molar 8. POLYOLS
ratio from 1.500 (i.e., tricalcium phosphate) to 1.667 (i.e.,
hydroxyapatite). The results were compared to those of Nowadays there is an increasing interest in sugar sub-
TRI-TAB® (Stauffer). The best compactability was found stitutes such as mono- and disaccharide alcohols, also
for the product with a Ca/P molar ratio of 1.500. Uncalci- called polyols, in pharmaceutical formulations. The reason
nated hydroxyapatite had similar compaction properties to for this interest is their sweetness, reduced calorie content,
TRI-TAB but is easier to use due to lack of sticking on and noncariogenic characteristics. In addition, the majority
dies and punches. The cohesion properties of calcinated of these polyols can be consumed by diabetics without any
hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate are insufficient significant increase in body glucose, insulin, or lactic acid
for use in direct compaction. concentration unlike the conventional saccharides such as
sucrose, glucose, and lactose. In addition to sorbitol and
mannitol,[1] several other polyols have been marketed as
7.2 Calcium Lactate Pentahydrate direct compaction filler-binders in recent years.

Recently a directly compressible form of calcium lac-

tate was introduced as a filler-binder for direct compac- 8.1 Lactitol
tion.[40] Calcium lactate is a widely used source of
calcium in pharmaceutical preparations and has, in com- Lactitol is produced by the catalytic hydrogenation of
parison with other organic calcium salts, a good water lactose. It is approximately 0.4 times as sweet as sucrose
solubility and bioavailability. Two different varieties— and is widely used as a replacement for sucrose in food-
calcium lactate trihydrate and calcium lactate pentahy- stuffs. Granulated lactitol is a form of lactitol designed for
drate—are described in pharmacopoeias. A special free use as a direct compaction tablet diluent, and it is mar-
flowing form of calcium lactate pentahydrate, marketed keted as Finlac®DC by Xyrofin. Granulated lactitol is pre-
as Puracal® DC by Purac, has been designed especially pared by a water granulation process. The product is
for direct compaction. It is a granular material prepared composed of microcrystalline agglomerates with a mean
by a special spray drying technique. Directly compressible particle size of 160 μm. The flow properties, measured as
118 G. K. Bolhuis and N. A. Armstrong

tablet weight variation coefficient and Hausner ratio are 8.3 Isomalt®
good.[41] Compression pressures up to 300 MPa resulted in
tablets with a tensile strength of approximately 3.4 MPa Isomalt is a mixture of hydrogenated mono- and dis-
with no sign of lamination. This means that the compress- accharides whose principal components are the disaccha-
ibility of granulated lactitol is higher than for many other ride alcohols 1-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol dihydrate
direct compression excipients of carbohydrate origin. A and 6-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol. Isomalt has a
yield stress of 180 MPa indicates that granulated lactitol sugar-like taste with about half the sweetening power of
undergoes extensive fragmentation when compressed. sucrose and a low negative heat of solution (-39.4 kJ/
Granulated lactitol needs only a low concentration of kg). It has several advantages over other sugars: it is non-
lubricant (about 0.2%) and has a low lubricant sensitivity. cariogenic and has a low energetic value, because it is not
The latter may be attributed to the granular structure of the absorbed in the small intestine but mainly fermentated by
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Downloaded from by University of Calgary on 04/24/13

product, since during compression, any lubricant film will bacteria in the large intestine. Due to its stable glycosidic
be destroyed as a consequence of particle fragmentation. bond, isomalt is resistant to chemical degradation. Isomalt
Being freely soluble in water, tablets compressed from is the only polyol produced from sucrose and is marketed
granulated lactitol erode from the outside rather than disin- by Palatinit GmbH. It meets the specification of Isomalt
tegrate. Both the addition of a disintegrant and differences Ph.Eur. and will have soon a monograph in the USP/NF.
in concentration of magnesium stearate had an insignifi- Isomalt is available in different particle size fractions and
cant effect on disintegration time. Reworking had little with two different solubilities (25 g and 42 g/100 g solution,
effect on tablet strength.[41] respectively). The difference in solubility is a result of the
change in molecule ratio to a higher 6-O-α-D-glucopyra-
nosyl-D-sorbitol content.
8.2 Xylitol The compaction properties of the different types of
isomalt were studied by Ndindayino et al.[44] Evaluation
Because of the sweet taste—xylitol is the sweetest by Heckel plot analysis showed that isomalt exhibits
sugar alcohol—and its high negative heat of solution, xyli- plastic behavior and undergoes elastic recovery prima-
For personal use only.

tol is a good candidate as an excipient for chewable tab- rily in the die. This means that the deformation behavior
lets. Garr and Rubinstein[42] investigated fundamental is similar to sorbitol and mannitol, but differs from the
direct compaction properties of a milled xylitol powder deformation behavior of other polyols such as xylitol
with a mean particle size of 170 μm. They found that the and lactitol, which are mainly brittle materials. As an
mean yield pressure, radial tensile strength, and elastic effect of the low hygroscopicity, tablets produced with
recovery of xylitol tablets were independent of the com- isomalt are more stable than tablets containing saccha-
pression speed, indicating that the dominant mechanism of rose or sorbitol. Recently an isomalt variant especially
consolidation is fragmentation. For 12.5 mm diameter xyl- designed as a filler-binder for direct compaction has
itol tablets, the tensile strength increased almost linearly been developed. It is an agglomerated product consist-
with the compaction force up to a force of 22 kN. At ing of small primary particles. It has an excellent
higher compaction forces, tensile strength decreased as a flowability, does not stick to tableting tools and offers a
result of elastic relaxation. very good compactibility. Due to its favorable organo-
Agglomerated xylitol is available as Xylitab® (Ameri- leptic properties it is particularly suitable for applica-
can Xyrofin Inc). Xylitab 100 is granulated with 3% poly- tions in chewable tablets and lozenges. In comparison
dextrose, Xylitab 200 is granulated with 1.5% sodium with lozenges made of sucrose or different polyols, loz-
carboxymethylcellulose, and Xylitab 300 is granulated enges made of isomalt dissolve very slowly. Ndindayino
with a xylitol solution and is intended for use in blends et al.[45] showed that the direct compaction properties
with other filler-binders. In an investigation of Xylitab 100 and the uptake capacity of isomalt can be improved dra-
and Xylitab 200, it was shown that the flow properties, matically by meltintrusion. After fusion, crystalline iso-
measured as tablet weight uniformity, were excellent.[43] malt was transformed into an amorphous form, as shown
In order to prevent die wall and punch sticking, a combi- by X-ray diffraction and DSC measurements. The disin-
nation of 0.5% magnesium stearate and 0.5% stearic acid tegration of tablets compressed from melt-extruded iso-
gave the best performance. Using this combination of malt and dissolution of a model drug were fast. A main
lubricants, reasonable tablet hardness could be obtained problem, however, is agglomeration due to recrystalliza-
and no capping tendencies were detected. Heckel analysis tion of the amorphous phase into a stable crystalline
showed that both products exhibited brittle and viscoelas- form in the presence of atmospheric moisture. Further
tic densification behavior and underwent elastic recovery research will be necessary to delay or prevent this
primarily in the die. recrystallization process.
Excipients Update 119

9. LACTOSE 9.2 Agglomerated lactose

Since the extensive work in the 1980s of the last cen- It is well known that the moderate binding properties
tury, summarized by Lerk,[46] remarkably little progress of α-lactose monohydrate can be improved by conver-
has been made in the development of new directly com- sion into a granulated form.[50] The first agglomerated
pressible excipients based solely on lactose, although lactose on the market was Tablettose®, produced in a
some existing filler-binders (spray dried lactose and fluid-bed process by Meggle.[1] Nowadays Tablettose is
agglomerated lacose) have been improved recently. On the available in three types with different particle size frac-
other hand, several coprocessed filler-binders with lactose tions: Tablettose 70, Tablettose 80, and Tablettose 100.
as one of the components have been introduced (see Due to the smaller primary particles, Tablettose 100
section 11). exhibits a greater tablet hardness compared to Tablettose
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70 or 80. Another new agglomerated lactose is Pharma-

tose® DCL 15, marketed by DMV. Although both prod-
9.1 Spray-dried Lactose ucts are agglomerated lactose, meeting the specifications
of lactose monohydrate USP/NF and Ph.Eur., the com-
Spray-dried lactose was the first excipient to be used paction behavior of Pharmatose DCL 15 is better than
successfully as filler-binder in direct compression of tab- that of Tablettose. This improvement, which could
lets,[47] and still is one of the most widely used excipients neither be explained from the powder surface area nor
for this application. This in spite of its hygroscopic behav- from the powder bulk density, is caused by differences in
ior, which is caused by the presence of amorphous lactose. the two production processes.[51] During the production
A better understanding of the relationship between particle of Pharmatose DCL 15, part of the dissolved lactose is
structure, physical properties, and mechanisms of consoli- precipitated as β-lactose. For this reason, Pharmatose
dation and compaction enabled the development of DCL 15 contains approximately 12% β-lactose, whereas
improved spray-dried lactoses for direct compaction. Tablettose contains only about 3%. Because β-lactose
Spray-dried lactose is produced by spray-drying a suspen- undergoes more fragmentation and deformation under
For personal use only.

sion of α-lactose monohydrate (primary particles) in a sat- load than does α -lactose monohydrate, a larger inter-
urated aqueous solution of lactose. The resulting product granular bond surface area will be formed. The effect is
is composed of spherical particles, containing 80%–85% strengthened because the β-lactose is located at the sur-
crystals of α-lactose monohydrate and 15%–20% amor- face of the Pharmatose DCL 15 granules. The effect of β-
phous lactose. A recent publication shows that the com- lactose on the binding properties of Pharmatose DCL 15
paction properties could be improved by decreasing the is confirmed by examining the relationship between
primary particle size from 34 μm to 20 μm.[48] The prod- granule bulk density and tablet crushing strength.[8] Phar-
uct with primary particles of 20 μm is marketed as matose DCL 15 fits the relationship for β-lactose,
Pharmatose® DCL 14 by DMV. The increase of the com- whereas Tablettose fits the relationship for α-lactose
pactibility of α-lactose monohydate at decreasing primary monohydrate.[51]
particle was explained by both the larger surface for bond-
ing and the change from brittle to ductile when the particle
size is reduced.[48] The presence of amorphous lactose in 10. OTHER SUGARS AND OLIGOSACCHARIDES
spray-dried lactose may be problematic if it is stored in
open containers at relative humidities over 50%. In that Sugar-based excipients have enjoyed widespread
case, the amorphous part (which contains as the solution, acceptance because of their safety and pleasant taste.
an equilibrium of 60% β,-lactose and 40% α-lactose) Traditionally they are usually present in chewable tab-
slowly crystallizes to α-lactose monohydrate. This process let formulations. However they are increasingly used in
decreases the compaction properties. It was recently dis- disintegrating tablets. There are many types of com-
covered, however, that under certain conditions of temper- pressible sugars today and most of them are composed
ature and humidity a rapid crystallization of amorphous of sucrose granulated with small amounts of modified
lactose can occur.[49] In this case, the amorphous part crys- dextrins in order to make the sucrose more compress-
tallizes not to α-lactose monohydrate but to a stable mixed ible. In fact, these sugars and also the coprocessed
α/β crystal form of lactose with the same ratio of β to α- sucrose/sorbitol mentioned later are coprocessed mate-
lactose as in the amorphous form. The compactibility of rials, but because of their properties, they are discussed
the stabilized spray-dried lactose was comparable to that in this section. In addition to the coprocessed products,
of the original spray dried lactose with amorphous two newly introduced single component sugars will be
lactose.[48] discussed.
120 G. K. Bolhuis and N. A. Armstrong

10.1 Directly Compressible Sucrose plastic deformation behavior leads to a rather high lubricant
sensitivity. Using particles with entrapped air can decrease
Directly compressible sugar from SPI Polyols is a this lubricant sensitivity, since because of their high porosity,
coprocessed excipient consisting of 95% sucrose and 5% these particles fragment before plastic deformation com-
polyol. It is produced by a special crystallization process, mences. A lubricant film formed during the mixing process
and the combination of these two ingredients makes an will thus be destroyed during particle fragmentation.[55] Due
extremely compressible sugar with a pleasant taste. Tablets to the low degree of polymerization, spray-dried amorphous
made with this product disintegrate quickly and are non fri- inulin is soluble in water, and this promotes tablet disintegra-
able.[52] The SEM photographs show an open crystalline tion. Crystalline inulin can only be prepared with a high DP,
matrix, which explains why this new product dissolves which makes it insoluble in water. Although crystalline inulin
twice as fast in water as sucrose or dry-blended sucrose/sor- has good binding properties, tablet disintegration is slow.
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bitol. Tablets made with this new excipient were stronger Recently Bolhuis et al.[56] introduced hollow inulin
and disintegrated faster than tablets made with some other particles as as excipient for direct compaction. The hollow
commercially available compressible sugars. particles exhibited both a higher compactibility and a
smaller lubricant sensitivity than solid inulin particles. The
hollow particles collapse, followed by a plastic deforma-
10.2 Maltose tion of the fragments. The fragmented particles not only
have an increased compactibility, but they also have a
Maltose is a nonhygroscopic sugar that is widely used much reduced lubricant sensitivity as the lubricant film is
in food products. Crystalline maltose is available in both destroyed during fragmentation of the hollow particles.
spray dried and crystalline forms. Spray-dried crystalline
maltose has recently been used as a directly compactible
tablet excipient and marketed by SPI Polyols as Advan- 11. COPROCESSED PRODUCTS
tose®. As a result of the spray drying process, this crystal-
line maltose consists almost entirely of almost spherical Several new coprocessed filler-binders based on com-
For personal use only.

particles with very good flow properties. The material is binations of lactose with either starch or cellulose were
highly compactible and shows no capping when compacted introduced because of the benefits mentioned in section 4.
at high forces.[53] If blended with other filler-binders such as Coprocessing is not new. One of the oldest filler-binders,
microcrystalline cellulose or granular mannitol, crystalline spray-dried lactose, is in fact a coprocessed excipient
maltose improves compaction and flow properties and because it is nowadays produced from two different mate-
decreases capping tendencies when subjected to high rials: α-lactose monohydrate is suspended in a lactose
loads.[52] Another advantage of crystalline maltose is its low solution, which contains lactose in a mutarotated form.
lubricant sensitivity. Spray-dried crystalline maltose can be Compressible sugars are also frequently coprocessed.
used for both chewable and disintegrating tablets. Acceptance of new coprocessed products within the
pharmaceutical industry is highly influence by the balance
between performance and price, because the production
10.3 Inulin costs of some products are high. This is particularly the
case where expensive unit operations such as jet-milling
Inulin is a frucan-type carbohydrate that consists of lin- (see section 11.5) are necessary.
ear chains of fructose units linked via a β-2–1-bond and with
a glucose unit at the end. It is widely used as a diagnostic
agent for renal function and is described in the USP and BP. 11.1 Ludipress® LCE
Inulin is an inert, stable, nonreducing carbohydrate that
shows only moderate hygroscopicity.[54] In addition to its use Ludipress LCE (BASF) is composed of 96.5% α-lactose
as a diagnostic agent, it is a food ingredient. After oral admin- monohydrate as filler and 3.5% povidone (Kollidon® 30) as
istration, inulin is not absorbed but it is partially metabolized binder, and unlike Ludipress, does not contain the disinte-
by bacteria in the colon flora. Recently inulin has been evalu- grant Kollidon CL. It is completely soluble in water; and it is
ated as a filler-binder for tablets prepared by direct compac- particularly suitable for the production of lozenges, chewable
tion.[55] Inulin, as such, has a high bonding capacity, which tablets, effervescent tablets, and modified release formula-
depends on the degree of crystallinity, percentage of included tions. The compaction profile of placebo tablets containing
air, particle size and degree of polymerization. Amorphous 0.5% magnesium stearate exhibits an almost linear increase
inulin with a degree of polymerization (DP) of about 10, pre- up to 300 MPa. The compaction properties are explained by
pared by spray drying, has good binding properties, but its the furrowed surface structure, which causes strong interlocking
Excipients Update 121

of the compressed granules. Additionally the binder povidone National Starch and Chemical Company. The product
contributes to the hardness, as it binds the fine lactose parti- has a remarkably low bulk density (about 0.15 g/cm3)
cles together.[57] In effervescent tablets, it compensates for the and good plastic deformation properties.[18] It is prima-
poor compactibility of sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium rily used to increase the hardness of tablets and to reduce
carbonate, and tartaric acid.[58] capping. UNI-PURE LD powder consists of hollow
spherical particles, which contribute to the very low den-
sity. Together with the small particle size, the low den-
11.2 MicroceLac® 100 sity results in poor flow properties.[18] For this reason, it
is commonly mixed in percentages between 2% and 10%
Microcelac 100, marketed by Meggle, is a spray-dried with another filler-binder such as microcrystalline cellu-
compound containing 75% α-lactose monohydrate and 25% lose or dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. It has been shown
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microcrystalline cellulose dry matter, unlike Cellactose® 80, that ascorbic acid tablets with 38% microcrystalline cel-
which contains powdered cellulose. An advantage of Micro- lulose and 2% UNI-PURE LD had a higher crushing
celac 100 over Cellactose 80 is better flowability. In Cellac- strength than did tablets prepared with 40% microcrystal-
tose 80, some long powdered cellulose fibers are not line cellulose alone. Heckel plots indicate that an
incorporated in the Cellactose particles. In Microcelac 100 increase in UNI-PURE LD content reduced the pressure
particles, the microcrystalline cellulose fibers are shorter and required for plastic deformation (i.e., yield pressure) in
more entrapped, which promotes a more spherical form. In a blends with microcrystalline cellulose.[62] In a blend with
comparative evaluation of Microcelac 100 with three differ- dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, the better compactibility
ent lactoses mixed with microcrystalline cellulose, Michoel was ascribed to the induction of plastic flow in the pre-
et al.[59] showed that Microcelac 100 had superior flow and dominantly brittle system.
binding properties. Good adhesion of a low-dose drug (folic
acid) showed that Microcelac decreased segregation.
11.5 Co-processed Rice Starch/Microcrystalline
For personal use only.

11.3 StarLac®
Coprocessed products containing rice starch and dif-
StarLac is a spray-dried compound consisting of 85% ferent percentages of jet milled or sieved microcrystalline
α-lactose monohydrate and 15% maize starch. It was cellulose were prepared by spray-drying.[63] Increasing the
jointly developed by Roquette and Meggle and is mar- microcrystalline cellulose proportion imparted greater
keted by the latter. With respect to regulatory affairs, the compressibility but decreased the flow properties as an
excipient can be considered as a pure physical mixture of effect of a less spherical shape and a rougher surface of the
α-lactose monohydrate Ph.Eur, USP/NF plus corn starch particles. The initial particle size of microcrystalline cellu-
Ph.Eur., USP/NF. The SEM photographs show that Star- lose had no effect on the compressibility of the copro-
Lac powder consists of lactose crystals and starch parti- cessed products, but jet milled microcrystalline cellulose,
cles, embedded in amorphous lactose. On compaction, the having a particle size range close to the size of rice starch,
starch creates a fine network, whereas the lactose particles provided more spherical particles than did sieved micro-
show particle fragmentation. The volume-pressure defor- crystalline cellulose. Compressibility of a product with
mation properties of StarLac were dependent on the lac- 70% rice starch and 30% jet milled microcrystalline cellu-
tose properties. Only at high maximum relative density lose was better than that of spray dried rice starch
does the influence of starch causes a change in these prop- (Eratab®), Cellactose, and agglomerated lactose (Tablet-
erties. An advantage compared to spray-dried lactose is tose®) but lower than that of microcrystalline cellulose
the higher plastic deformability.[60] Although the compac- type 101. Together with the excellent flow properties, the
tion properties of StarLac were somewhat worse than low friability and the good self-disintegrating properties,
those of a physical blend of spray-dried lactose and corn the authors consider this new coprocessed product as a
starch, StarLac was superior with respect to flowability, suitable filler-binder for direct compaction.[63]
tablet disintegration time, and drug dissolution rate.[60,61]


Recently the use of highly ductile polymers as dry
UNI-PURE LD is a speciality corn starch that is binders in combination with poor filler-binders has been
coprocessed with tapioca maltodextrin. It is marketed by discussed.
122 G. K. Bolhuis and N. A. Armstrong

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12.2 Kollidon® VA64 (1), 1–9.
9. Goto, K.; Sunada, H.; Danjo, K.; Yonezawa, Y. Pharmaceu-
Kollidon VA64 (Copovidone, Ph.Eur.) is a water-soluble tical evaluation of multipurpose excipients for direct com-
vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymer. It is marketed as pressed tablet manufacture: comparisons of the capabilities
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Kollidon VA64 by BASF and used as a binder for tablets pre-
Dev. Ind. Pharm. 1999, 25 (8), 869–878.
pared by wet granulation. It is also recommended as a dry 10. Van der Voort Maarschalk, K.; Vromans, H.; Bolhuis, G.K.;
binder for direct compaction of tablets. The name dry binder Lerk, C.F. The effect of viscoelasticity and tabletting speed
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