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-Task N03: There are rules for how we use language in different situations and with different


1/Academic communication: also called scholarly communication, refers to

methods of communication that are highly structured used in pedagogical settings involves
presenting ideas effectively and formally in a scholastic environment. you can use these skills
to contribute to the academic conversation with your teachers and peers .

2/ Professional communication :refers to the various forms of

speaking, listening, writing, and responding carried out both in and beyond the workplace,
whether in person or electronically. Ex Even if I ‘am comfortable with my colleague in high
school I should still take the extra time to make my emails among them professional, correct,
and clear.

3/ Social communication: or pragmatics refers to the way in which children use

language within social situations. EX: How can I tell if my student has problems with social
communication (Tell stories in a disorganized way, Have difficulty looking at me as a teacher
or to other speaker or may look too intensely at the speaker).

4/Technical communication: is a field that includes any form of communication that

can help users to accomplish a defined goal or task
-EX: To be more productive in classroom and get new ideas each time while explaining the
5/Media communication: The methods or tools in which information can be
exchanged and communication can be facilitated. Examples include telephone, television,
e-mail, Web sites, video conferencing……

6/ Digital communications: mean transferring data from one place to another. It is

online communication efforts. In digital communication, digital values are taken as the
discrete set, it’s also fast and appropriate in modern situations.
EX: today with corona virus most of teacher’s send lessons by using online communication.

7/Business communication: is the process of sharing information between people within

and outside a company.
EX: Me as an employer in a multinational company I should have the capacities of Making
plans and proposals (business writing) Effective meetings.



Date and place of birth : 16/03/1999 à Akbou
Nationality : Algerian

Status : singel
Addresse : GUENDOUZA - AKBOU –

2015/2016: bachlor’s degree in foreing languages.

Technicum krim Belkacem Akbou .

2016/2017: first year license in English language and Literature at A/Mira

university of Bejaia.

2017/2018: second year license in English language and Literature at A/Mira

university of Bejaia.

2018/2019: third year license in English language and Literature at A/Mira

university of Bejaia.

2019/2020 : Master one degree Didactics of english at Abd Errahmane

Mira university of Bejaia (Current year).


IT tools: office automation (Word, Excel, Access, Power point.


- French: very good.

- English: very good.

- Arabic: very good.

- German: good

- Kabyle: Mother tongue


● Passionate about: Reading, Sport, Music, foreign languages, quotes,


Travels and maxims from all cultures.

● Qualities: Team spirit and initiative- Quick to adapt and integrate, serious,
efficient, highly motivated, punctual sense of responsibility, dynamic and very

● Driving lisence: category B.

- Task N02:
Over viewing how the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) conceptualizes
'communication' is a complex task. First, researchers differ in their interpretations of
the nature of the object of inquiry and the goals of their research, based on different
philosophical assumptions about the nature of language and the processes involved
in language learning. Second, the concept 'communication' is generally taken as
widely understood. The definitions of SLA are used in three paradigms within the
field to explore how each paradigm conceptualizes 'communication' and its role in the
development of the linguistic system of the second language.

-Task N01:
Transmition : is a mode of communication in which a sender encodes a message
and transmits it through a channel to a receiver .

Ex : sender……………………receiver.

Information : the data or the message that we want to transmit or the knowledge

Ex : my mother inform me that we will not be able to go to the park .

Message : the data that we need to transmit it can be written or oral.

Source : anything from which something comes.

Ex : the person who inspires you .

Receiver  : to receive something we call it the listener or the audience or

Ex : A …….B

Signalling system : is the exchange of information between involved points in the

network that set up, control each telephone call.
Non-verbal features and gestures and facial expressions: communication include
facial expressions such as body language, gestures, eye(proxemics).

Semiotics : is to create meaning by studying signs and symbols.

Feedback : is audience’s response ,it enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of

your message.

Participants : are speaker’s and listener’s (sender , receiver )

Intention : is a plan to do a specific things behind a specific action sets .

Interaction : is an action which is influenced by other action .

Ex : conversation.

Communicative modalities : each act was coded based on four possible

modalities ;gestures speech, sign language, point ,waves…etc

Auditory,visual,vocal : the use of sound to send or receive information (channel).

Ideas : are information shared between a group of people ,or a plan of doing
something .

Aesthetic : concerned with beauty artistic or appearance.

Social rapport : the links of interdependence which are established between the
individuals and groups .

Play : to play in a manner such that one has fun ,to engage in activities expressly for
the purpose of recreation or entertainment.

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