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13 Colonies Writing Assignment

I. Introduction
a. Thesis: If you helped settle this colony would you have
made any changes?
b. In which region is your colony located?
c. Name the person or group who founded your colony.
d. Name a reason why your colony was founded.
(religion, money, politics)

II. Person or Group

a. Who (person or group) founded your colony?
b. Where did your person or group come from?
c. When did they found your colony?

III. Why your Colony was founded.

a. Was your colony founded for religious, money, or
political reasons?
b. First important fact
c. Second important fact

IV. What challenges did they face?

a. Were there challenges with the Indians?
b. Were there challenges within themselves?
c. How were they solved or overcome? (If they were…)
IV. Economic Product/ Activity
a. Introduce the product/activity
b. How did they get the product or what do you need to do
the activity?
c. What can you make from the product or activity?
d. Did they trade or export this product or result of the
activity? (For example, the product fishing is fish.)
V. Conclusion
a. Restate when and by whom your colony was founded
b. Did they do a good job in your opinion?
c. Restate Thesis: If you lived in this colony would have
made any changes?

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