1/lesson Title: Objective of The Lesson: Approach To Adopt

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Abd Arahmane mira university of Bejaia

Faculty of letters and languages

Department of English


-Full name: zahia ghezzou.

TASk: design a lesson plan.

1/Lesson Title: Religion in England.

2/Objective of the lesson: The students will be able to understand the basic belief and
practices in England.

3/Approach to adopt:
-The mono-cultural approach: an approach where the target culture is thought with no
reference to the native culture.

4/Theoretical explanation of the lesson:

1/Religion: Religion is a unified system of belief and practices relative to sacred things that is
to say things set apart and forbidden belief and practices which unite intone single moral
community. * Emil Durkheim's *.

2/the biggest religion in England: Christianity is the major religion in England including Catholic,
Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox.

3/the most practiced religion in England: Anglican has the highest following in England and it is a
part of the Church of England. In 2010, the church of England has 25 million followers out of
the total population of 41million Christian members.

5/Activities to introduce the lesson:

1/What is Religion? Starting by asking students to define the term “Religion”.

2/ Introduce the names of some religions words: Christianity, Islam, Budddism….

Ask students are any of these names familiar?

6/Activities to practice:
1/ Place students in small groups of no more than four students. Assign each group to
define one of these terms “Catholic, Protestant and Anglican”.

2/Ask students to write a new response to the question “ what is Religion?”

3/Copies of lesson, one for each student including Religious texts ask students to pick up the
Religious terms in the text.

4/ask student to write a summary of the lesson.

1/Teste: write an essay in which you introduce the Religion in England

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