Balotario de Preguntas Unidades 4 A 6

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1. How much meat do you usually in the week?

2. Have you got any ice cream?
3. Would you like some lemons and onions?
4. Describe your favorite food. Ingredients and preparation.
5. Do you like boiled potatoes?
6. Which is more delicious grilled meat or roasted chicken?
7. Do you need butter? A lot?, Quite a lot?, A little?
8. How many pieces of bread do you eat a day?
9. How much rice do you eat a week?
10. What fruit do you eat?
11. Good morning sir/madam, where would you like to eat?
12. What would you like for dessert?
13. And for your main course?


1. Are there any shops and markets in your neighborhood?

2. what can I see in your hometown?
3. Is there a metro station in your town?
4. Do you live in a house on in an apartment?
5. In your country where can you buy furniture?
6. Where is your bedroom, upstairs or downstairs?
7. What do you think about the furniture in your brother´s flat?
8. What does your apartment look like?
9. What are your parents´kitchen?
10. Is there a bank near here?
11. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest laundry?
12. How can I find a supermarket?


1. Talk about your parents, brothers and sisters.

My sister's name is Pamela, she's 36 years old
she studied accounting
has 3 children
My brother's name is jean pierre, he's 34 years old
the administration study
has one children
2. Who is your mother´s sister?
My aunt
I have five aunts
3. What´s the name of your aunt´s husband?
His name is Leonel
4. When was your little sister born?
I don’t have a little sister
5. When did your parents get married?
My parents got marriet in nineteen eigthty four
6. When did you go to university?
In march of two thousand seventeen
7. How were you yesterday?
I was fine
8. Did you spend your last summer holidays at the beach?
Yes, I passed them in Camana
9. What did you tell your parents yesterday?
I told them I love
10. What did you buy from the supermarket last weekend?
I bought fruits, vegetables and meats
11. Can you call me back?
Yes, of course, at night
12. When you were a child what did you like to do?
I liked to playing with my cousins

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