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100-Year Design Life of Rock Bolts and Shotcrete

R. Bertuzzi
Pells Sullivan Meynink Pty Ltd

ABSTRACT: One of the main technical challenges of underground construction for public space is ensuring
the long-term design life of support components. It is common for owners to specify a 100-year design life.
Can designers, suppliers and constructors guarantee this? A few papers discussing this topic have been pub-
lished over the past decade but as more underground public spaces are being built in Australia, the terms
“permanent rock bolt” and “permanent shotcrete” have come under greater scrutiny. This paper presents the
authors recent experience in relation to providing a permanent rock bolt and shotcrete support.

including sacrificial steel (example NSW RTA’s

specification for the Design of Reinforced Soil
The second approach is to attempt to eliminate
The trend in tunnel design in Australia is to specify a uncertainty by developing corrosion protection
100 year design life for permanent support. Often measures to provide a substantial level of safety.
that support is provided by rock bolts and shotcrete. This is the approach presented in BS8081, which
Experience with concrete in compression extends suggests permanent rock anchors require double cor-
back to Roman times but experience with the lon- rosion protection of all components. The intent is
gevity of elements in tension is limited. For exam- that “in the event of perforation of one of the two
ple, the British Standard BS8081 (Code of Practice barriers during installation or loading, the remain-
for Ground Anchorages) has been available to guide ing barrier must remain intact” (Barley 1997). In
the design of permanent rock bolts since the early following this path it becomes readily apparent that
1990s. attention to detail is critical (Pells & Bertuzzi, 1999).
This paper looks at the projects in Sydney, Austra- It is worth noting that BS8081 discounts the use of
lia undertaken since 1990 and the details of the in- sacrificial steel stating it “gives no effective protec-
stalled rock bolts which are supposed to have tion, as corrosion is rarely uniform and extends most
equivalent design lives. The term rock bolt is used rapidly and preferentially at localised pits or surface
here in a generic sense and covers reinforcing ele- irregularities.”
ments comprising bars and strands. Table 1 provides a list of recent tunnelling pro-
jects in Sydney and the type and accepted design life
of rock bolt support. A good engineering description
2 DESIGN LIFE of the rock mass conditions in Sydney is given in
Pells, 2003 and Bertuzzi & Pells, 2002. All that can
be said of the actual durability of the rock bolts used
2.1 Rock Bolts in these projects is that there have been no failures to
The life expectancy of rock bolts can be addressed date. Limited over-coring of rock bolts has been car-
from two viewpoints. The first is to attempt to assess ried out and to the author’s knowledge this has been
the probable functional life of a given type of rock done on temporary bolts.
bolt in a given hydrochemical environment. For ex- Nevertheless, there appears to be an acceptance
ample one may attempt to assess how long a Split- by the industry that carbon steel bolts cement
Set bolt may last in a particular tunnel given knowl- grouted in an open ended plastic sheath are accept-
edge of the groundwater chemistry. This is the ap- able for 100 year design life in Sydney tunnels.
proach typically adopted by the soil anchor industry
by incorporating an allowance for corrosion rate and
Table 1 Permanent Rock Bolts Used in Sydney.
Project Year Permanent Rock Bolt Reference
Opera House Carpark 1990 Epoxy coated steel bolts fully cement grouted in 50 Pells et al, 1991
45mm diameter holes
M2 tunnel 1993 Black steel 24mm diameter bolts fully cement 100 Braybrook,
grouted in 44mm diameter holes 1993
Soil nail structures at 1995 Open ended sheathed black steel M20 bolts fully 100 Project design
Olympic Park & Dev- cement grouted in 45mm diameter holes (CT-Bolts) report
lin St
Wombarra drainage 1997 Black steel 24mm diameter deformed bolts fully 80 to 100 Project design
tunnel chemical resin encapsulation in 27mm diameter report
West Ryde drainage 1998 Black steel 24mm diameter deformed bolts fully 80 to 100 Project design
tunnel chemical resin encapsulation in 27mm diameter report
Eastern Distributor 1998 Epoxy coated steel bolts fully cement grouted in 50 Pells and
tunnel 45mm diameter holes Bertuzzi, 1999
Closed ended sheathed multi-strand cable bolts fully 50
cement grouted in 45mm diameter holes (Freyssi-
Stainless steel bolts fully cement grouted in 45mm 75
diameter holes
Bondi pumping cham- 1998 Stainless steel bolts fully cement grouted in 45mm 75 Project design
ber repair diameter holes report
Northside Storage tun- 1999 Fibreglass bolts fully resin encapsulated 100 Asche & Quig-
nel ley, 1999
M5 East tunnel 2000 Open ended sheathed black steel M20 bolts fully 100 Adams et al,
cement grouted in 45mm diameter holes (CT- 2001
Bolts), and open sheathed black steel cable bolts
fully cement grouted in 50mm diameter holes
Cross City tunnel 2003 Partially closed ended sheathed black steel bolts 100 Asche &
with stainless head assembly fully cement grouted Lechner, 2003
in 45mm diameter holes (BBB-Bar)
Epping to Chatswood 2003 Specially designed open ended sheathed multi- 100 Project design
Rail Link station cav- strand cable bolts (MegaBolts) and single strand report
erns cable bolts (CT-Strand)
Open ended sheathed black steel, coarse threaded
steel bar bolts with stainless head assembly fully
cement grouted in 45mm diameter holes (DCP &

2.2 Shotcrete
Concrete technology is applicable to shotcrete. In 3 WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS NOW
the case of the Eastern Distributor a sacrificial
thickness of shotcrete was required because of the Some of the aspects currently being considered by
local high acidity of the groundwater chemistry. tunnel designers are the details relating to the rock
No special treatment was required for the other bolt head assemblies, temporary anchorage during
projects in Sydney. However, a complete water grouting, rupture of plastic sheathing due to ground
barrier may be required in groundwater environ- movement and final shotcrete cover. Of these the
ments more aggressive than Sydney, which gets us main issue in the author’s recent experience is the
away from a rock reinforcement design to one of a potential for the plastic sheath to rupture when sub-
passive lining. Shotcrete is not discussed further in jected to tension and shear loading. Design solu-
this paper. tions typically offered are based on defining a
maximum value for acceptable movement above
which something must be done, including re-
bolting, multiple stage grouting and the inclusion connects to the stressing head and locking wedges.
of a frangible or compressible grout. It goes with- This case study suggests that that perhaps BS8081
out saying that none of these remedial measures are is too restrictive in dismissing cement grout encap-
particularly attractive to the client or the contractor. sulation as part of a corrosion protection system.
The industry in Australia appears to be of the view
that the cement grout does provide a layer of corro-
During 1997, excavation of a basement at No.2
Rock bolts typically fail in tension. It may well be Bond St Sydney Steel intersected several steel
that the start of the failure was shear movement but strand cables that had been installed in 1972. The
that typically leads to the rock bolt bending, neck- cables had been cement grouted in holes drilled
ing and ultimately tensile failure. The failure in- through sandstone. These cables all showed a sign
volves composite paths: failure along the outer of corrosion and one was corroded. This case
duct face over a proximal length translating to study suggests that cement grout alone does not
group strand failure and thence to multiple individ- provide long-term corrosion protection.
ual strand pull-out of the distal component (Figure The European Code EN1537, which partly re-
1). This occurrence of progressive debonding is places BS8081, does allow cement grout to be con-
commonly accepted in the industry. sidered to be part of the corrosion protection if it is
within a plastic sheath and under working loads the
cracks of the cement grout are less than 0.1mm

5.2 Previous Experiments

Barley (2003) describes results of the relatively
limited testing of sheathed anchors subjected to
shear that have been carried out carried out since
Figure 1 Encapsulation, group strand and individual strand the 1970s in the UK. His observations of the plas-
failure interfaces (Barley, 2003) tic sheaths, made after approximately 37mm of
shear, were that “the sharp edged grout fragments
had severed and torn it (the sheath).” Barley fur-
While the rock bolt itself fails in tension, its ther states that as a result of these tests, compliance
corrosion protection may fail much earlier in shear with BS8081 has been restricted to axially loaded
or actually puncture. A rock bolt can accommodate anchors, to wit while the concept of axial loading
a relatively large amount of displacement, both axi- of curved stands and their corrosion protection
ally and shear. A cable bolt typically can accom- components was recently tried for the Common-
modate even more. However, if the object is to wealth Games Stadium in Manchester, UK, they
maintain the corrosion protection, then the amount were replaced with straight anchors during con-
of deformation that a bolt can be designed to with- struction. In underground excavation, it is not pos-
stand is that which ruptures the plastic sheathing. sible to restrict permanent rock bolts to axial loads.
In other words, in many civil applications high ca-
pacity steel rock bolts are now being designed on
the tolerance of the plastic sheath. 6 CURRENT EXPERIMENTS


This author with his colleagues has carried out lim-
5.1 Exhumed Support ited shear tests on grout encapsulated plastic ducts.
Two series of tests were carried out.
Weerasinghe & Anson (1997) investigated the con- The first series comprised grouting a 2mm thick
dition of multiple strand cable anchorages after 22 walled corrugated plastic duct within two hollow
years in a marine environment. The cables com- steel tubes. The two steel tubes were bolted to-
prised greased and sheathed free lengths and ce- gether while the duct was grouted. After 7 days,
ment grouted unsheathed fixed lengths. Interest- one of the steel tubes was anchored to the concrete
ingly, while there was evidence of general pavement and a jack was used to push the second
corrosion there was negligible loss of strand sec- tube to simulated direct shear (refer to Figure 2).
tion within the single corrosion protection anchor. This author has also requested similar tests of bolt
The main area affected by corrosion was that manufacturers. At the time of writing, some of the
around and immediately beneath the anchor head tests carried out by bolt manufacturer DSI were
that is in the detail where the grease-filled sheath made available (Stevens, 2004).
The second series of tests was substantially 6.2 Results
more sophisticated and involved combined shear The data suggests that the tested corrugated plastic
and axial loading of the corrugated plastic duct (re- ducts are damaged at approximately 15mm of
fer to Figure 3). This series attempted to simulate shear movement. The damage was consistent in all
the rock bolt within the rock mass. Two sandstone tests being caused by sharp fragments of broken
blocks separated by 5mm of clay were placed into grout puncturing the plastic duct. In the tests, little
a loading frame. Smooth fiberglass strips were lo- or no local failure of the sandstone around the
cated on top of the bottom block to ensure the top bolthole occurred.
block slide smoothly when pushed. A 65mm di-
The tests carried out by DSI on their epoxy-
ameter borehole was drilled through the blocks at
coated cable, which were similar to the first series,
45° angle and a complete rock bolt (steel cable in
suggest that this product is not damaged until about
this case and corrugated plastic duct) grouted into
20mm of shear movement.
place. After 7 days, a jack was used to horizontally
It is acknowledged that the first series of tests
push the top sandstone block 15 to 18mm whilst
are simplistic because they do not represent the
restraining vertical movement of the block. The
crushing of the rock; the dilatancy of the joint
relative movement of the two blocks was measured
plane or the local debonding of the rock bolt; and
using crack monitor gauge installed on two sides.
hence may be overly aggressive. These shortcom-
Following the test, the bolt was over-cored and in-
ings were partly addressed in the second series of
spected for damage. In one of the tests the hori-
tests. It is expected that the second series closely
zontal movement was incrementally advanced; the
resembles the real case, although the test frame
test taking a week to reach the 18mm of horizontal
was too light to assess the influence of bolt pre-

Figure 3. General layout of the apparatus in the second series

of tests.

Figure 2. General layout of the apparatus in the first series of


Figure 4. Close-up of damaged plastic duct after 15mm of di-

rect shear movement

There appears to have been an acceptance by the

industry that (i) cement grouts alone do not provide
long term corrosion protection for carbon steel; and
(ii) carbon steel bolts cement grouted in a plastic
sheath is acceptable for 100 year design life in Syd-
ney tunnels. However, in order to maintain the cor-
rosion protection, the amount of deformation that a
bolt can be designed to withstand is that which rup-
tures the plastic sheathing. In many civil applica-
tions high capacity steel rock bolts are now being
designed on the tolerance of the plastic sheath.
This author has reviewed the available data and
has carried out limited shear tests on grout encap-
Figure 5. Close-up of damaged plastic duct subjected to com- sulated plastic ducts. The data from these tests
bined shear and axial movement (after 18mm of shear) suggests that plastic ducts are punctured by sharp
fragments of broken grout at approximately 15mm
of shear movement. DSI carried out basic tests on
their epoxy coated cable which suggest that this
product is not damaged until about 20mm. The
testing frame used was too light to assess the influ-
ence of bolt pre-tension however, further test work
is continuing.


The assistance of Hasan Wijaya, Matt Lowing and

Mark Fowler in carrying out the tests and of Philip
Pells in reviewing this paper is appreciated.

Figure 6. DSI's rig for direct shear test

Figure 7. DSI's epoxy coated strand subjected to 23mm of di-

rect shear movement

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