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Extca thickening, cantilevers, etc., added to the edge beam, are treated by calculating the second moment of area of the whole cross-section and dividing this value amongst the longitudinal beams proportionately to the width of deck they correspond to. But, if the additions are symmetrical about the neutral axis, they are added to the boam in their vicinity. This approach is justified by consideration of shear transfer in the horizontal plane. ‘The type of variation in depth shown in Fig 1 is treated by calculating the second moment of area and neutral axis of the complete cross-section and dividing this between the beams as for the edge beams. This can be justified by considering the ability of the sloping bottom flange to carry vertical forces when in com- pression. The sloping flange will greatly increase the transverse shear stifiness of the section. ‘The same configuration as the lattice but without the diagonals was solved as a simple grillage for the same load case. The properties of the remaining members are different as their flexural properties must sum to the total flexural rigidity of the cross-section and the tor- sional stiffness must be included. The transverse shear stifiness is the same. Fig 12 comparcs the vertical defections and longitudinal somt stresses of the lattice ‘and simple grillage solutions, The correspondence between the two solutions can be seen to be very good, TTT WESTERN AVENUE EXTENSION Acknowledgements The authors are grateful for the assistance given to them by Mr. D. J. Lee, a partner of their firm, who was, responsible for the original concept of the top-hat beam, They also wish to acknowledge the part played in the development of the design by other members of the firm, including Mr. P. F. Johnson and Mr. J. K. Goodall References "1 "Standard Beam sections for prestressed concrete bridges’, Data Sheets CSC 110 5, London, The Concrete Society, 1987 2, British Standard Code of Practice, CP 17: Parl 2" 1967. Composite construction in sttuelural steel and. concrete, Part 2. Beams’ for bridges. London, ‘British Standards Institution, 1967. 3. Argyrisy J. Hu Energy theorems and structural analysis atterworth, 1980 D., "A latice analogy for the solution of stress Journal ICE, Val. 21, December 193, p. 59. 5, Argyria, diy Recent tdvances in matric methods of struc- {ural analysis: Oxtor, Pergamon Press, 1968 6, Plppard, A. J. Sy Studies In elastic structures. London, ‘Arnold, 1982, 6.177 1. Resingee, Fs Der dinnwandige Kastentriger (Thin-walled bor girders)’ Koln, Stanibau-Verlag, 1959, . 24 8. Sewho, F, ‘Recent developments in the analysis of stee! bridges using electronic computers BCSA Conference on ‘Stoel Bridges, London, 1868 Little G., The distrbution of load in a box-section bridge from tests an a xylonite model” Mag Con Research, Vol 6 No. 16, December 1954, p. 127. upc sas.nt: oaaar.e: 6240702 -the analysis of prestressed curved in plan with torsional restraint at the supports Synopsis The general theory of beams curved in plan with torsional restraint at the supports is explained, with particular reference to prestress loading. Itis proved thatthe torsional moments due to prestress loading are solely dependent on the support bending moments, and the conditions of concordancy are formulated for a circularly curved beam. Itis suggested that for most practical cases the support bending moments in circularly curved beams can be cal- ‘culated to sufficient accuracy assuming the beam is, straight, and the order of accuracy is given. A similar ‘approximation can also be made when analysing the effects of loads other than prestress. R. J. Garrett MA CEng MICE and R. A. Cochrane MA CEng MICE Notation radius of curvature of beam In plan; Tra length and angie subtended by one span; 4.0 length snd angle subtended by part of span; EZ,Gd —bending and torsional properties of beam; 2 Catiess o torsional rotation of beam: © ZYertea! deflection of bear =prestressing forces eccentricity of prestressing fore fe) =prestressing cable force vector; (S]_ =stross vesutant vector; T) — Storsional moment; fy Sesbility coeticlents; Kh Credundant bending moments; tations of released structure due to external loading m THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER [1 MARCH 1970 (1 No 3 (1 VOLUME 48 ‘mT. bending and torsional moments in released structure duetone ts ‘ma To - ‘bending and torsional moments in released structure ‘ave to external loading: My, Ms" Support bending moments. The solution of the equations of circularly curved uniform beams with torsional restraint at the supports hhas been presented in tabular form, for the cases of uniformly distributed and point loads, by Wittioht). The purpose of this paper is to provide a solution for prestress loading. Theory for determinate beams Let us consider a curved beam of any form (variable Section, rotated axes, three dimensional curvature) supported in a determinate manner and subject to the action of a prestressing cable, which is not attached to any point outside the beam (Fig 1). Since the prestressing cable is in equilibrium under the forces applied to it by the beam, the equal and opposite forces on the beam due to the prestressing cable constitute an equilibrium set, and no external forces are applied by the supports. Now let us consider the equilibrium of a section of the beam through which the prestressing cable passes. J __ The external forces on this section consist only of the stress resultant vector [5] and the prestressing cable force vector [P}. Since this section is in equilibrium, with no forces Being provided by the supports, (3) = — (Ph Hence the stress resultants on the end face are solely those due to the components of the local prestressing cable force on that face. In the general case, the values of the stress resultants PLANE OF SYMMETRY ¢ can be found by resolution of the focal prestressing cable force in the direction of the local axes, care being taken to refer torsional effects to the shear centre, not the centroid of the section. Next let us consider @ beam of the form shown in Fig 2 The horizontal curvature is arbitrary ut the section, which is not necessarily uniform, i¢ laterally symmetrical about the vertical axis at any point. The system of support is determinate and the beam is Subjected to prestressing forces which are laterally symmetrical at all points. Since the local prestressing cable force vector [P] does not have a component perpendicular to the vertical axis of the beam at any section, there can be no lateral shear force or bending moment, Le, there is no bending in plan. Similarly, since there is no component about the shear centre of any section, there can be no torsional moment. In the general case deflections can be handled by a ‘matrix technique, but in the case of Fig 2 the elastic beam equation can be used. This can be written did TR aw Ra Gi where T isthe torsional moment and R is the horizontal radius of curvaturo at the section being considered Since the torsional moment is zero at all points, ww id a ~~ Rab a For a beam of constant horizontal radius of curvature equation 1 can be integrated to give orhec SUPPORT SYSTEM Fig 1. Generalised determinate prestressed beam, PRESTRESSING CABLE LocaTeD IW PLANE OF SYMMETRY Fig 2. Prestressed beam with lateral symmetry. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER [) MARCH 1970 (3 No 3 C) VOLUME 48 19 where C is an integration constant. This result shows that if the determinate support system consists of a pair of supports at one end of the beam, and a single support at the other, the vertical displacement being zero at both ends, the rotation of the second end will be zero with respect to the first end. Conversely, fa circularly curved beam is supported so that free bending rotation is permitted at its ends but torsional rotations are prevented, then prestressing cables which are laterally symmetrical will produce no torsional moments in the beam. Theory for continuous beams From the analysis carried out above for determinate Fig 3. Notation for circulary curved beam. beams it can be concluded that in a circularly curved, ‘continuous beam with torsional restraint atthe supports, the torsional moments due to prestressing cables which are laterally symmetrical are dependent only on the Support bending moments induced by the continuity ‘and can be calculated from them. The effect of an end moment on a single span, new (en H woe fa = — B= fF ‘of the span for values of a up to 30 degrees. ‘The analysis of continuous beams may be carried out using the method of influence coefficients, the structure being released by applying moment releases at internal supports, Its assumed that axial strains are dealt with separately as prestressing is but one of several effects producing axial strain, that have to be considered. ‘The method outlined below may be used for analysing the effect of any loading system on the structure, but the fact that prestressing the released structure produces no torsional moments, allows a considerable simplification. ‘The basic equations are the standard ones as follows: fim + fiat, b+ hasss finta fa for tot fon fate ° Paste frnks Eo fats eo fake ‘Assuming axial shortening is permitted and shear deformations are small, we have mans Ty } wf Be of Ba | o 020 POSITIVE TORSION ROTATES FIRST ere ous{—— Retative To secon eno 4 oso z f onere : 3 00s = 7 {| 1... 5 [| —| en 3 | : if — aoe fe — Fig 4. Graph of torsion 3 == ozose | function f(@, 0) ANGI ENDED SSey rere aaa tesneeS SS -010 5 fs a 130 THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER [) MARCH 1970 C) No 3 (1 VOLUME 48 It the beam is singly connected, and freely supported for bending at the ends, the flexibility matrix reduces to a band matrix of the form ti fi2 0 0 ...0 In fa fy 0.2.0 0 fa fy fas. 0 0 0 0... fan fw ° a = ho) were he) = 3 [gig + 9+ tag —n— 2] length of spans either side of release; angle subtended by spans either side of Iaand by ae and a release, The other non-zero terms are given by the equation THs ye | [Me] be where 1 tu = Ef a0 esau 29 2) | sing Sing a length of span between releases / and j angles subtended by span between releases / and j ‘The functions f4(a) and f(a) are plotted in Fig § and 6 for various values of « and 7 ANGLE & SUBTENDED BY SPAN [EGREES) Fig 5. Graph of flexibility function fa (a) Lo T x a] | ANGLE & SUBTENDED BY SPAN (DEGREES) Fig 6, Graph of flexibility function fe (2). The terms on the right-hand side of the flexibility equations are of the form } \ (Po J Elaa sina sinaans f Fay sin G9 o Its evident that w will be zero if fer snod =o ana 7 [ @osine— 00-0 Hence, it ean be shown that if [reosnose~0 ® and fo eecosae-o | for each span, all ucwil be zero, and hence the redundant bending moments and the torsion moments. will be zero. Therefore, equations 8 aro the conditions of Con. cordancy fora curved beam, itis inforesting to note that as a tends to zero equa- tions 8 become the ‘conditions of concordancy for 8 straight beam, qi } ff eora ® a [i eoe-nano | Approximate methods ‘The method of analysis described above can involve @ large amount of computation for practical cases, and in THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER [) MARCH 1970 [1 No 3 C1 VOLUME 48 a consequence investigations have been made in order to provide a simpler approximate method. It was found that if « and y were small and within the limits 7 Vand a < 90 y= Sanda = 20° 7 < Manda < 15° then the support bending moments calculated assuming ‘the beam was straight, were within 6 per cent of their true value, Hence, for most practical cases it is sufficiently accurate to calculate the support bending moments assuming a straight beam, and from these ‘aalculate the torsion moments from the equation To = Mi f (@, 0) ~ Ma f (a, (x ~ 8) where f (2,0) is the function defined by equation 2 and shown in Fig 4. It should be noted that this approximate method has ‘the same range of validity for loadings other than prestress, Conclusions ‘The conclusions may be summarised as follows: Ifa circularly curved beam is supported at its ends so that free bending rotation and axial displacement is permitted but torsional rotation is prevented, then prestressing cables which are symmetrically disposed lover the cross-section produce no torsional moments in the beam, The torsional moments in a continuous, circularly ‘curved prestressed beam, with torsional restraints at the supports, are solely dependent on the support bending moments, and can be calculated from them. Hf the angles subtended by the individual spans of a continuous circularly curved beam are small and the ratio of bending to torsional stiffness is small, the support bending moments may be calculated to sufficient accuracy by assuming the beam is straight. Acknowledgements ‘This paper is published with the permission of G. Maunsell & Partners, London, and Maunsell & Partners, Melbourne. Reference 1. Witton, H. Kreisformiagoksimmte Trager mit, starrer Torsionsein-spannung an den Auflagerpunkten, Theorie Und Bereehnung. Soringer-Veriag 1964 Building Regulations Amendment ‘The Minister of Housing and Local Government formally laid before Parliament on § February the Building (Fifth Amendment) Regulations 1970. These regulations, if approved, will come into operation on 1 April 1970 but will not ‘apply to work that was: (a) completed before the date of the coming into operation of these regulations; or (4) com- pleted after that date in accordance with plans deposited with the local authority before that date, with or without any departure or deviation from those plans. ‘On 6 February the Ministry of Housing and Local Government jointly with the Welsh Office issued Circular 10/70 drawing attention to the Building (Fifth Amendment) Regulations 1970. it will be noted that the published amendments are concerned with the structural stability of all buildings having five or more storeys and that they specify measures to limit structural failure in the event of accidental damage. That part of the Ministry Circular 62/68 which advised reference to BRS Digests 9 and 101 for the calculation of wind loads ‘on high-rise buildings may be taken as remaining effective, ‘The full texts of Circular 10/70 and the Building (Fifth Amendment) is set out below. CROWN COPYRIGHT: Reproduced by permission of the Controller H.M.S.O. TEXT OF MINISTRY CIRCULAR 10/70 1. We ate directed by the Minister of ment) Regulations 1970, copies of which work completed befare the operative da Housing and Local Government and the are enclosed herewith uch work falling to be deat with, $0 far Secretary of State for Wales to draw your 2. These regulations come into opera- as necessary, onthe basis of the Building Stontion to the Building (Fith Amend. tion on't Apri 1970, but do not apply to Regulations” as in force at the relevant 2 ‘THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER () MARCH 1970 C) No 30) VOLUME 48

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