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Esthetic crown lengthening

in the treatment of gummy smile

Mauricio Andrés Tinajero Aroni, MSc

Diagnosis and Surgery, UNESP, São Paulo State University, Brazil

Suzane Cristina Pigossi, PhD

Clinics and Surgery, Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil

Elton Carlos Pichotano, PhD

Diagnosis and Surgery, UNESP, São Paulo State University, Brazil

Guilherme José Pimentel Lopes de Oliveira, PhD

Periodontia e Implantodontia, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil

Rosemary Adriana Chierici Marcantonio, PhD

Diagnosis and Surgery, UNESP, São Paulo State University, Brazil

Correspondence to: Prof Suzane Pigossi

Clinics and Surgery, Federal University of Alfenas, Gabriel Monteiro da Silva St, 700 Alfenas Minas Gerais 37130-001, Brazil;
Tel: +55 35 3701-9000; Email:

370 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

Abstract gery. Moreover, a lip repositioning procedure was also

performed in one case to complement the periodon-
The aim of this article was to evaluate 1 year after sur- tal therapy. Compared with baseline, an increase of
gery a surgical protocol that included gingivectomy 1.6 mm in the mean tooth crown height was ob-
and an apically positioned flap plus osseous resective served in the photographic analysis at 12 months. A
surgery to correct excessive gingival display (EGD) in minimal difference was observed between the mean
patients with altered passive eruption (APE) of the tooth crown height immediate postoperative and at
maxillary anterior teeth. Six female patients aged 18 to 12 months, which indicates stability of the gingival
22  years were diagnosed with APE type 1B. Surgical margin. In conclusion, the surgical protocol outlined
crown lengthening with flap surgery and bone recon- in this article describing esthetic crown lengthening
touring was performed to achieve the biologic width. for the treatment of APE/gummy smile resulted in pre-
Photographic images were analyzed to evaluate the dictable outcomes and stability of the gingival margin
stable improvement of crown length before the pro- 1 year after surgery.
cedure (baseline), immediately after surgery (immedi-
ate postoperative), and at 3 and 12 months postsur- (Int J Esthet Dent 2019;14:370–382)

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019 | 371

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

a a a

b b b

c c c

d d d

Fig 1 Changes in tooth dimensions and gingival display of cases 1 to 6 from baseline (a), immediate postoperative (b), 3 months (c),
and 12 months (d) after the crown lengthening surgery.

Introduction tion,4 affecting people (predominantly

females) of 20 to 30 years of age.5
A harmonious smile is considered a symbol Possible etiologic factors for EGD in-
of beauty in modern society.1 A multifacet- clude plaque or drug-induced gingival en-
ed scenario, including tooth form and posi- largement or overgrowth, altered passive
tion, gingival tissue levels, and lip position eruption (APE), short clinical crowns, verti-
determine smile esthetics, which has been a cal maxillary excess, hyperactive or short
focus of dental treatment.1,2 There has been upper lip presence or a combination of
particular interest in the treatment of exces- these clinical conditions.6,7 From the clinical
sive gingival display (EGD), commonly perspective, APE is associated with in-
termed gummy smile, and periodontal plas- creased gingival band width and gingival ex-
tic surgery techniques have been used to posure during smiling.8 In a normal eruption
improve smile esthetics.1 EGD is character- phase, the gum tissue migrates apically,
ized by an overexposure of the maxillary with gradual exposure of the tooth crown
gingiva during smiling or speaking.3 This stabilizing at the cervical level.9 Thus, mostly
condition occurs in 10.57% of the popula- due to developmental or genetic factors,

372 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

Case 4 Case 5 Case 6

a a a

b b b

c c c

d d d

the alteration in APE may lead to the per- quate space for the insertion of a connec-
sistence of an excessive amount of soft tis- tive tissue attachment to the root surface. In
sue over the enamel surface, resulting in an subcategory B, this space is minimal and
excessive quantity of gingival tissue at the does not allow for a correct biologic
maxillary anterior teeth during smiling.1 width.1,11 Depending on the classification,
In addition, APE has been subclassified different possible treatments are indicated.
into two types:10 type 1 is characterized by The treatment plan for APE type 1B should
an excessive amount of attached gingiva include the management of the periodontal
with shorter crowns, while type 2 is a gum- tissue and incorporate gingivectomy and
my smile associated with a normal gingival apically positioned flap plus osseous resec-
dimension. In addition, two possible sub- tive surgery (esthetic crown lengthening
classes (A and B) have been suggested, de- surgery).12 However, APE type 2 showing ex-
pending on the relationship of the bone cessive growth of the maxillary process
crest (BC) to the cementoenamel junction generally requires a multidisciplinary treat-
(CEJ) of the tooth (BC–CEJ). In subcategory ment plan, including orthognathic surgery
A, the BC–CEJ is > 1.5 mm, allowing ade- and orthodontic treatment.13 It is empha-

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019 | 373

sized that APE type 1 treatment is a chal- the clinical intraoral examinations, the pa-
lenge and is risky because excessive bone tients’ oral cavities were examined under
resection on the maxillary anterior teeth natural light using sterile instruments to re-
may lead to residual gingival recession.1,12 cord the plaque index (PI) and the gingival
On the other hand, a limited resection may index (GI) using the criteria proposed by Sil-
result in coronal regrowth of the gingival ness and Loe.17 Only patients with a PI and
margin, reducing the length of the postsur- GI of < 20% were included in the study.1
gical clinical crowns.1 Therefore, an ade- Moreover, all patients presented inadequate
quately planned surgical procedure its es- tooth width and height proportions in the
sential to guarantee proper treatment of superior anterior maxilla. These parameters
APE and satisfy patients’ expectations. were detected using a specific probe (Chu’s
In some cases, where the EGD is caused Aesthetic Gauges; Hu-Friedy). Transgingival
by the combined etiology of a hyperactive probing (TP) using a conventional periodon-
upper lip and APE, other techniques are as- tal probe (Hu-Friedy) detected a BC–CEJ
sociated with crown lengthening surgery to distance of < 1.5 mm in the superior anter-
resolve the EGD. In these cases, procedures ior teeth. Based on this, the patients were
such as botulinum toxin injection14 or lip re- diagnosed with APE type 1B, and surgical
positioning15 have been proposed. The lip crown lengthening with flap surgery and
repositioning technique is accomplished by bone recontouring was the indicated treat-
a single partial-thickness elliptical incision in ment (Figs 1a and 2a).
the depth of the anterior maxillary vestibule.
Then, the lip mucosa is sutured to the mu- Esthetic crown lengthening and
cogingival line.15 This technique was de- frenectomy surgery
signed to be shorter in duration and less ag-
gressive than orthognathic surgery, and also Local anesthesia was induced using a 4% ar-
causes fewer postoperative complications.16 ticaine solution with epinephrine 1:100,000
The aim of this case series was to evalu- (Nova DFL). The surgical procedure was ini-
ate the efficiency of a surgical protocol con- tiated with gingival demarcation on the mid-
sisting of gingivectomy and an apically re- buccal aspect of the teeth using a specific
positioned flap combined with osseous probe (Chu’s Aesthetic Gauges) (Fig 2b and c).
resective surgery to correct EGD in patients After the gingival demarcation, the CEJ pos-
with APE at the maxillary anterior teeth. The itions were checked with a conventional
gingival margin stability obtained with the periodontal probe (Hu-Friedy). An internal
crown lengthening procedure was evaluat- bevel incision was made following the CEJ
ed at 3- and 12-months postsurgery. anatomy using a No. 15  C blade at each
tooth (teeth 13 to 23), preserving the inter-
Case description dental papillae (Fig 2d). The removal of the
marginal gingival strip was made with a
Inclusion criteria periodontal curette (Hu-Friedy) (Fig 2e). The
gingival contour was delineated using a
Six periodontally and systemically healthy Goldman Fox microscale (Quinelato) to-
female patients aged 18 to 22 years who gether with delicate Goldman Fox pliers to
were non-smokers sought treatment. They reduce the gingival volume (Fig 2f).
were dissatisfied with their smile esthetics An intrasulcular incision was made, and a
due to the overexposure of the maxillary conservative full-thickness flap to the level
gingiva during smiling or speaking. During of the mucogingival junction (MGJ) was

374 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

a b c

d e f

g h i

j k l

Fig 2 Representative case illustrating the esthetic crown lengthening surgical procedure (case 6). (a) Pretreatment view of the maxillary
anterior teeth. (b) Gingival margin measurement using a specific tip. (c) Gingival demarcation on midbuccal aspect. (d) External bevel incision
following the CEJ anatomy. (e) Gingival margin removal with a periodontal curette. (f) Gingival contour finalization using a Goldman Fox
microscale and pliers. (g) Full-thickness flap elevation. (h) Ostectomy and osteoplasty using carbide steel burs. (i) Ostectomy and osteoplasty,
final aspect. (j) Single interrupted sutures. (k) Labial frenectomy. (l) Immediate postoperative, final aspect.

raised on the buccal aspect, including teeth incisions were placed on the upper and un-
13 to 23 (Fig 2g). Teeth 14 and 24 were also derneath surfaces of the tweezer using a
affected by the APE and included in the flap. No. 15 C blade. The triangular resected por-
The BC–CEJ distance was measured on the tion of the frenum was removed, and a blunt
midbuccal aspect, then carbide steel burs dissection was performed on the bone to
and hand chisels were used for ostectomy relieve the frenum attachment. The edges of
and osteoplasty, aiming to attain a 2-mm the wound were sutured with single inter-
BC–CEJ distance (Fig 2h and i). No inter- rupted sutures (Cytoplast PTFE sutures,
proximal crestal bone was removed. PERIO USP, 4/0) (Fig 2l).
The flap was repositioned, and single in- The patients were prescribed 0.12%
terrupted sutures (Cytoplast PTFE sutures, chlorhexidine gluconate (Periogard; Col-
PERIO USP, 4/0) were used to stabilize the gate) and instructed to rinse gently twice
flap (Fig 2j). In all cases, the labial frenum was daily for 15 days. Tooth brushing was to be
closely attached to the gingival margin in the discontinued in the surgical area during this
superior incisive region. Then, a frenectomy time. An antibiotic (Azithromycin, 500 mg,
was made (Fig 2k) to complete the removal once daily) was prescribed for 3 days to pre-
of the frenum using the conventional tech- vent possible postoperative infection. A
nique described by Devishree et al.18 The fre- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (Nimesulide,
num was engaged with a hemostat tweezer 100 mg, 12/12 h) and an analgesic (Dipy-
inserted into the depth of the vestibule, and rone, 500 mg, 6/6 h) were also prescribed.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019 | 375

a b c

Fig 3 Scheme of image measurement standardization. (a) Digital ruler calibration using an initial photograph of the teeth with a millimeter
probe. (b) Dental crown width measurement in the initial photograph (baseline to preoperative) using a digital ruler. (c) Dental crown height
measurement in the initial photograph (baseline to preoperative) using a digital ruler.

Table 1 Dental crown height mean length (millimeters) obtained in each case at Postsurgical follow-up
baseline, immediate postoperative, 3 months, and 12 months

The 7-day postoperative healing was un-

Baseline 3 months 12 months eventful and the sutures were removed. For
Case 1 8.6 10.1 9.6 9.6 case 1, a restorative phase was carried out
3 months after the surgical crown length-
Case 2 5.8 7.0 6.9 8.2
ening procedure to close the diastema be-
Case 3 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.1
tween teeth 11 and 21 using composite res-
Case 4 7.3 9.2 9.3 8.9 in (Fig 1d). Patient photographs were taken
Case 5 6.0 6.8 6.3 6.2 before the surgery (baseline), immediately
Case 6 6.5 9.0 8.2 8.6 after the surgery (immediate postoperative),
after 3 months, and after 12 months (Fig 1a
6.8 8.0 7.7 8.4 to d). The photographs were analyzed to
evaluate the stability of the results of the
The distortion ratio was calculated by dividing the average width obtained in the final
photograph (immediately postoperative, 3 months or 12 months) by the width obtained in crown lengthening procedure. Distortions
the initial photograph (baseline). between the photographs were adjusted
using mathematic calculations following
the modified sequence proposed by Teren-
Table 2 Dental crown height mean length (millimeters) obtained in each case at zi et al19. The reference structures (dental
immediate postoperative and 12 months
crown width) were measured with the digi-
tal ruler of the digital smile design (DSD)
Immediate postoperative 12 months
program, using millimeters as the unit of
Case 1 9.3 8.7 measurement (Fig 3). First, the digital ruler
Case 2 9.0 9.2 was calibrated to a real measurement using
an initial photograph of the teeth with a
Case 3 7.2 7.2
millimeter probe in each case. The dental
Case 4 9.3 8.9 crown width of two teeth (superior central
Case 5 6.3 5.7 incisors) in the initial photograph (baseline
Case 6 10.0 9.6 – preoperative) was obtained. In the same
way, the widths of the same teeth were
9.1 8.8 measured in the immediate postoperative
The distortion ratio was calculated by dividing the average width obtained in the
and 3- and 12-month follow-up photo-
photograph at 12 months by the width obtained in the photograph at 3 months. graphs. An average of the two measure-

376 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

a a a

b b b

Case 4 Case 5 Case 6

a a a

b b b

Fig 4 Changes in smile appearance in cases 1 to 6 from baseline (a) to 12 months (b) after the crown lengthening procedure.

ments was obtained for each photograph. ate postoperative photograph. This distor-
A distortion ratio was calculated by dividing tion ratio was used to compare the crown
the mean width obtained in the final pho- length obtained in the immediate postoper-
tograph (immediate postoperative, 3 or ative photograph with that obtained in the
12 months) by the width obtained in the ini- 12-month one (Table 2).
tial photograph (baseline). This distortion The smile photographs 1 year after the
ratio was used to normalize the measure- crown lengthening procedure (Fig 4) show
ments of crown length utilized to compare a reduction in the gingival smile and a cor-
the crown length after immediate postop- rection of the gingival zenith. Table 1 shows
erative, 3 and 12 months, with the crown a 1.2 mm increase in the average crown
length obtained from the baseline photo- length after the surgical procedure (differ-
graph (Table 1). Moreover, a distortion ratio ence between immediate postoperative
was also calculated by dividing the mean and baseline). After 12 months, the average
width obtained in the 12-month photo- crown length remained 1.6 mm higher than
graph by the width obtained in the immedi- at baseline (difference between 12 months

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019 | 377

Fig 5 Lip reposition-

ing procedure
(case 6). (a to c)
Measurement of
keratinized gingiva.
(d and e) Elliptical
incision demarcation
using a marking
pencil. (f to i) Single
a b c
elliptical incision.
(j) Simple interrupted
suture in the
medium, canine, and
molar regions.
(k) Immediate
postoperative, final

d e

f g

h i

j k

378 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

a b c

Fig 6 Changes in smile appearance in case 6 from baseline (a), to 12 months after the crown lengthening surgery (b), and 3 months after
the lip repositioning surgery (c).

postoperative and baseline). Moreover, A single partial-thickness elliptical incision

Table 2 shows a minimal difference (0.3 mm) was created with a No. 15 C blade, removing
between the average crown length in the the epithelium but keeping the underlying
immediate postoperative measurement and connective tissue intact (Fig 5f and i). Care
12 months after the procedure; in other was taken to avoid damage to the minor sal-
words, the gingiva rebound 12 months after ivary glands in the submucosa. The area of
the surgical procedure was only 0.3 mm, frenectomy was approximated with a simple
indicating gingival margin stability after interrupted suture (polyglycolic resorbable
12 months of follow-up. 5/0 suture, Vicryl; Ethicon/Johnson & John-
son) to ensure symmetry and proper midline
Lip repositioning technique placement. Other key sutures were made
bilaterally in the canine and molar regions
One patient (case 6) was dissatisfied with the (Fig 5j). Then, multiple interrupted sutures
degree of gingival exposure during smile were made between the initial key suture
even after the crown lengthening proce- placement areas to complete the wound
dure. In this case, the EGD occurred due to closure (Fig 5k). The same postoperative
the combination of APE with a hyperactive protocol described above was followed,
upper lip. Therefore, lip repositioning was and the patient was instructed to minimize
performed according to the technique pro- lip movements when smiling or talking for
posed by Rosenblatt and Simon20 to com- 2 weeks after the surgery. The sutures were
plement the gummy smile treatment. The removed at the 2-week follow-up appoint-
preoperative protocol described above was ment. Postoperative healing was uneventful.
followed. The location of the mucogingival A minor scar formed on the suture lines but
junction and the keratinized gingiva size remained invisible during smiling. The
were determined using a periodontal probe 3-month follow-up showed a reduction of
(Fig 5a to c). A marking pencil was used to gingival display, and the patient was satisfied
outline the borders of the elliptical incision with the final treatment result (Fig 6).
(Fig 5d and e). The lower incision coincided
with the mucogingival line in order to avoid Discussion
any loss of attached gingiva, and was ex-
tended from the mesial aspect of the first A careful diagnosis and treatment plan are
premolars bilaterally. The distance between essential to indicate the most predictable
the superior and inferior borders was APE treatment protocol.15 The most com-
1.5 mm, which was the length of the repos- mon diagnostic method is TP, which is used
itioning desired in the patient’s smile as de- to detect the CEJ subgingivally and to cal-
termined by the preoperative measurement. culate the real clinical crown dimension.21

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019 | 379

The soft tissue height is measured with a Clinical studies evaluating the esthetic
periodontal probe down to the BC, and this crown lengthening procedure have shown
dimension can also be used to guide the that less soft tissue rebound occurs when
amount of osseous resection to be ful- the postoperative gingival margin is posi-
filled.22 Studies comparing TP with direct tioned 3 mm coronal to the surgically re-
bone-level measurements immediately af- duced BC, compared with flaps reposi-
ter flap reflection suggest that TP is an accu- tioned at or below it.6,18 In these case reports,
rate method of determining BC levels.23,24 the BC was placed 2 mm apical to the CEJ,
However, although transgingival bone prob- and the flap 1 mm coronally, to allow for a
ing measurements seem to be very close to proper biologic width and to ensure the sta-
the histometric bone level,25 the use of cone bility of crown height gained over time. In
beam computed tomography (CBCT) has these case reports, a clinically insignificant
also been proposed, which allows for the gingival rebound of 0.01 mm was observed
three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the between 3 and 12 months. On the other
alveolar bone/soft tissue as well as accurate hand, according to a review by Marzadori et
and precise measurements.26 A retrospec- al,30 a buccal ostectomy should be per-
tive study by Batista et al27 showed that formed after choosing the guiding tooth,
CBCT enabled a precise diagnostic of the following the esthetic proportion para-
reduced distance between the CEJ and the meters. Thus, for these authors, the bone
BC as well as the precise determination of reduction could be considered complete
the anatomical crown length, a key refer- when the flap was precisely adapted over
ence for APE surgical treatment.27 However, the underlying bone.30 The tissue biotype
TP alone was used to diagnose and select might also significantly influence the gingi-
all APE type 1B cases treated in this case se- val tissue rebound, as previous studies have
ries due to the unavailability of the patients shown that the mean tissue regrowth in pa-
to undergo CBCT scanning during the sur- tients with a thick biotype was significantly
gical planning period. greater than those with a thin one.31,32 There-
In this case series, Chu’s Aesthetic Gaug- fore, the identification of tissue biotype is
es were successfully used to guide the ex- necessary before crown lengthening sur-
cess gingival tissue removal and correct the gery, since the presence of a thick biotype
tooth size proportion. These measurement will require greater bone reduction to avoid
tips include Chu’s Proportion Gauge, which tissue rebound.31
represents an objective mathematic ap- The photographic analysis performed in
praisal of tooth size ranges.28 Additionally, a the present case series suggests that the
full-thickness flap was performed to access crown lengthening procedure described in
the BC and restore the biologic width, as- this article was successful in increasing the
suring the stability of the long-term clinical clinical crown length and maintaining it for
results. Ribeiro et al29 suggested another 12 months (average crown length 1.6 mm
method to treat APE, ie, a minimally invasive higher than at baseline). The average crown
flapless esthetic crown lengthening proced- length values observed in these case reports
ure using micro chisels, via incision without was 6.8 mm (baseline), 8.0 mm (immediate
flap elevation. However, in their randomized postoperative), 7.7 mm (3-month follow-up),
controlled trial, the esthetic crown length- and 8.4 mm (12-month follow-up) (Table 1).
ening, with or without flap elevation, Using the same surgical protocol, Silva et
showed similar and stable clinical results for al33 observed values of 8.5 mm (baseline),
up to 12 months. 10.3 mm (immediate postoperative) and

380 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

9.9 mm (6-month follow-up). Cairo et al1 cases of several vertical maxillary excesses,
also observed average crown length values where an interdisciplinary approach is re-
of 8.5 mm (baseline), 10.2 mm (immediate commended.36
postoperative), and 10.1 mm (6-month fol- In a modified lip repositioning technique,
low-up). Moreover, certain clinical studies the maxillary labial frenulum is maintained,
have shown some gingival rebound ranging and two mucosal strips (one at each side of
from 0.1 to 0.2 mm over the time period.1,29 the frenulum) are removed.16 In this modifi-
However, in these case reports, a clinically cation, the frenulum helps to maintain the
insignificant gingival rebound of 0.3 mm position of the labial midline and prevents
was observed between the immediate post- changes in lip symmetry. However, the fren-
operative measurement and the one taken ulum maintenance can limit the correction
at 12 months (Table 2). of the EGD in the region of the maxillary
The case 6 patient was dissatisfied with central incisors during lip repositioning.15 A
the degree of gingival exposure during smile recent clinical study showed that the modi-
even after the crown lengthening proce- fied lip repositioning technique shows less
dure. In this case, the EGD occurred due to relapse after surgery as well as excellent
the combination of the APE with a hyperac- cosmesis. Moreover, compared with the
tive upper lip. The less-invasive options for conventional technique, it shows greater
hyperactive upper lip treatment are botuli- sustainability after 6 months.37 In case 6 in
num toxin injection14 or lip repositioning.16 the present case series, the frenulum was
Injecting overactive muscles with measured removed during the crown lengthening
quantities of botulinum toxin results in a re- procedure due to its insertion near to the
duction of muscle activity, a relaxing of the gingival margin. For this reason, in this case
lip muscles, and a decrease of the upward the conventional lip repositioning technique
pull on the lip.34,35 Although the botulinum was utilized.
toxin injection is the least-invasive treat- The methodological limitations of the
ment, the results are temporary and only present case series include a relatively low
last for a period of 3 to 6 months before number of participants and the absence of
slowly fading.35 Due to this, lip repositioning any clinical analysis of the periodontal
was successfully indicated for the hyperac- parameters to confirm the photographic
tive upper lip treatment in this case. A recent analysis described in this article. Therefore,
systematic review published by Tawfik et al35 additional controlled clinical studies are
showed that lip repositioning successfully necessary to evaluate the long-term out-
reduced the EGD by 3.4 mm. Faus-Matoses comes of the procedure here described
et al15 showed in three case reports that lip with a larger sample size.
repositioning can produce stable results In conclusion, the surgical protocol in-
1 year after the procedure. Thus, lip repos- cluding gingivectomy and apically posi-
itioning is indicated for patients with minor tioned flap plus osseous resective surgery
discrepancies as well as for those who de- could be considered a predictable protocol
sire a treatment that is less invasive than or- for the reduction of EGD associated with
thognathic surgery but which has a more APE.
immediate (and long-term) result compared
with orthodontics or botulinum toxin injec- Disclaimer
tion treatment.35 However, this technique is
contraindicated in the presence of a mini- The authors declare that there are no con-
mal zone of attached gingiva as well as in flicts of interest.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019 | 381

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382 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 4 | Winter 2019

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