Future Perfect Exercises 10º

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1- Complete the following sentences in Future Perfect (The verbs are at the end of each

1. When you arrive I probably will have started_ the job. (start)

2. They will have dinner by the time we get there. (have)

3. A few centuries from now wars, I hope, will have become a thing of the past. (become)

4. In a year's time he will has taken to some more serious sort of job. (take)

5. You will have done a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)

6. By November all the leaves will have fallen. (fall)

7. If he doesn't hurry, they will have left before he comes. (leave)

8. I am sure that tomorrow you will have not forgotten all these rules. (Not/forget)

9. Be quick! The child will have drowned before you rescue it. (drown)

10. She will has grown old before she learns the use of prepositions. (grow)

11. The airman will have flown more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month. (Fly)

12. If you ring me up before nine o'clock. I will have not spoken to the doctor. (Not/speak)

13. We will have traveled twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)

14. Next year we will have been together for ten years. (be)

15. I am sure they will have not completed the new road before April. (Not/complete)

2- Translate into Spanish last sentences

2. Cenarán para cuando lleguemos.

3. Algunas nturies de ahora guerras, espero, se habrán convertido en una cosa del pasado.

4. Dentro de un año se habrás llevado a algún tipo de trabajo más serio.

5. Habrás hecho mucho de tu trabajo a finales de este mes.

6. Para noviembre todas las hojas habrán caído.

7. Si no se apura, se habrán ido antes de que venga.

8. Estoy seguro de que mañana no habrás olvidado todas estas reglas.

9. ¡Sé rápido! El niño se habrá ahogado antes de que lo rescate.

10. Ella se ha hecho mayor antes de aprender el uso de las preposiciones.

11. El aviador habrá volado más de mil millas, antes de que termine este mes.

12. Si me levantas antes de las nueve. No iré hablar con el doctor.

13. Hemos recorrido veinte millas más antes de cruzar la frontera.

14. El próximo año haremos estado juntos durante diez años.

15. Estoy seguro de que no habrán completado el nuevo camino antes de abril.

3- Make Interrogative sentences in future perfect using the words in the parenthesis

(he/change) will he has changed at the right station?

(you/write) will you have wroten the letter by tomorrow?

(she/accept) will she has accepted his apology?

(they/finish) will they have finished all their exams by July?

(How far/we/run) will he have how far ran by then?



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