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Meeting Agenda 1

Project Name: Campus Problem

Date: October 22, 2020

Time: 11:00-12:00pm

Location: Zoom

Meeting ID: 973 1682 5374

Passcode: 1GTZwW

Attendees: Kenia, Jorge, Ajit, Heriberto

Agenda Items

Meeting Objective: Discuss the problem and possible solution to the mental health
issues caused by the Coronavirus.

Topics to cover:

● Review the group community Problem solution assignment

● Review sources we all found.
● Find out what the problem is and who it affects.
● Find out possible solutions to the problem.
● Review APA.

Status Updates on Action Items:

● Beto, look into SurveyMonking.

● Kenia, look into Google Forms.
● Ajit, go to office hours and ask about APA format.
Meeting Minutes 1

In today's meeting we reviewed the agenda first and the items that needed to be covered
by today's meeting. We started off by reviewing the group community problem solution
presentation assignment we went over each question and everyone shared their ideas. In a google
doc, Ajit was typing everyone's ideas while we all shared our thoughts. While going over the
questions that needed to be answered for this assignment we also discussed some sources that
could go with certain questions to support our answers. Not all sources were reviewed; this will
be done by the next meeting. In today's meeting we focus more on two important questions 3 and
6 there are essential questions for the presentation because it's the problem and some possible
solutions. We also decided that we can’t possibly have one solution for this because everyone
can approach it differently instead we decided to list all the solutions. Beto came up with a great
idea of doing a survey for Fresno State students to see how Covid-19 has affected their mental
health. The decision is not finalized yet but Beto is looking into SurveyMonking and Kenia is
looking into Google Forms to create the best survey. Lastly we reviewed the APA full-sentence
outline but we had some questions that we couldn’t answer so Ajit is looking into that. Overall
that all we cover in today's meetings.
Meeting Agenda 2

Project Name: Campus Problem

Date: October 27, 2020

Time: 11:20-12:15pm

Location: Zoom

Meeting ID: 973 1682 5374

Passcode: 1GTZwW

Attendees: Kenia, Jorge, Ajit, Heriberto

Agenda Items

Meeting Objective: Finish discussing the sources we found and decide the format of the
presentation, also to finalize the decision on survey.

Topics to cover:

● Review APA.
● Presentation format and outline.
● Review sources we all found.
● Decide if the survey is going to be done.
● Informative Presentation Website.

Status Updates on Action Items:

● Everyone look into website

● Work on survey questions
● Kenia design survey google form.

Meeting Minutes 2
Some of the key points discussed in today's meeting were very important for the next
upcoming meetings we are going to have. First we went over the meeting agenda. As a group we
all agree to review the APA format and outline after we finish all the details of the presentation
because it would be easier to set up the outline having all the information done. Also we decided
to wait until we divide the work equality to review the sources because some would provide
more support with certain questions. Beto and Kenia both share their thoughts on the google
forms and surveymonkey. During the meeting both of them did a sample of both surveys so the
rest of the group could see how it works and choose the one they would like to use. At the end
we decided to go with google forms since we are going to be using google slides for the
presentation. Also everyone is going to share some questions they would like to include in the
survey and Kenia is incharge of making the survey. Lastly we review the informative
presentation website because it's due in less than two weeks and it's a big assignment that
requires a lot of teamwork. We decided that everyone is going to look into one of the digital tools
and for the next meeting discussed which one we would be using. Also Kenia is going to look
into google sites since she has participated in some training on creating google sites. Overall in
today's meeting we cover a lot of information at the rate we are going. We hope to finish soon
and prepare to properly deliver the presentation.

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