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Unit 9 Short Test 1A

1 Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The train tickets ___________ (be) much cheaper if we ___________ (buy) them on the internet.
2 We ___________ (not spend) all night in the desert if the car ___________ (not run) out of fuel.
3 ___________ (you / take) a taxi to my house if my dad ___________ (not meet) you at the bus station?
4 Zoe ___________ (not go) up in the hot-air balloon if she ___________ (feel) scared.
5 If they ___________ (build) a better underground system in this city, it ___________ (not become) famous for traffic

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Write third conditional sentences and questions.

1 we / finish / the housework ages ago / if / you / help us
6 you / tell / the teacher if you / see / Melanie looking at my answers in the exam ?
7 if / Cathy / not like / you / she / not invite / you to her party last week
8 Toby / listen / to me / if / I / try / to apologise ?
9 we / not / lose / the match / if Carl / break / his leg two days before

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 9 Short Test 1A

3 Match the sentences with the forms of transport below. There is one extra word.
cable car ferry helicopter motorbike underground yacht

1 It takes fifteen minutes to get from the valley to the top of the mountain, and the views are amazing. ___________
2 This boat crosses Hong Kong harbour about twenty times a day. ___________
3 It took us a long time to sail around the island because the wind wasn’t very strong. ___________
4 The nearest station is under this square. Go down those steps. ___________
5 Hey, stop! You must wear a helmet when you ride that. ___________

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Match the words to make compound nouns to do with travel.

1 filling  A hall
2 ticket  B desk
3 arrivals  C station
4 check-in  D office
5 taxi  E rank

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 9 Short Test 1A

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