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www frenglish ca 4 GRAMMAR present perfect and past simple 18 Read the conversation. Wha they arguing about? He'll never notice my new shoes, [avid thaven't seen ee) those shoes before. Are they new? [ate Yes.1?— (jst buy) them. Do you tke them? 1D Theyre OK. How much? they (est? K Oh, not much. Thay * tbe) a bargain Under £100. 1 You mean £99.99, That tt cheep for» pair of shoes. Anyway, we cat afford to buy new clother atthe moment K Why not? De you K No. Whatisit? Ourphone bile (arrive) hit moming, And wo ; (not pay the house (soo) hit |i Wel, what about the iPad you" (buy) last week? 1D Wot about it? K Your not need) new one. The old one (wort) perfectly well (need) the new model (need) some new shoes Dewi 1K Wi, 1 28 Read the conversation again and put the verbs in the present perfect or the past simple. Then listen and check. € Dowe ute the present perfect (PP) or past simple (PS)..? 1 fora completed action inthe past 2 forrecentactons when we don't ask/ say exactly when 3 insertonces with us, yt, and already © p.134 Grammar Bank 2A 5 SPEAKING ‘a Read the Have you ever... questions land complete them with the past participle of the bold verbs. al for something fora Tong Une? ‘money on something you've never used? waste something and immeciately grotto i? buy en een settee) ona ‘No, Ihave But my brother let me some money let weak and havent paid hin back yt 2A www GRAMMAR BANK present perfect and past simple prosont porfact simple: have / has + past participle (worked, ‘een, ete) 1 past exporonces Fes inherted some money bit havent spent Sal has never met Bisex Have you ever lost your credit cad? 2 recent past actions Ive eutmy finger ‘oo te Ouran ju ft 2 with yotand already for emphasis) ve ready seen thsi twice. Cant we watch anther ane? ‘My brother hast found a nj yet Hes stil looking Have you finished yourhomewert yor? No, not yet" 1 We use the present perfect for past experiences when we don't say ‘exactly when they happened. “+ We often use ever and never when we alk or ask about past ‘experiences. They go befare the main verb. 2 We ur the prosent perfec for recant past actions when we focus on the prosont ros. + Inths contort we oftn uso just fare the main ver, ‘3 We also use the present perfect with yet and already. *+ We use akeady in) sentences. goes helare the main verb. + We use yet with(] sentences and [7 Ie goes atthe end of the phrase + For inegular past participles, soe regular verbs p16, ‘2 Complete the conversations with the present perfect form ‘of the verb in brackets and an adverb from the list. You can tse the adverbs more than once, aieeady ever just never yot ‘A Winy ae you smiling? B Ive ust found a €50 noel find) 1A you flight onine? (ook) 8B Yes, of cours. Ive dane it loads of times. 2A When ave you going to buy a motorbike? B Soon. nearly €1,000. (cave) 3A you the phone bil 2 (ay) B No, sony. forgot aa your parents you money? (enah B Yes, but paid it bock 25 soon as could 5 A How does efay work? B I don't know 1 (se) 6 A What are you celebrating? B We the lottery! wn) 7 A Winy havent you got any money? BI iy salary. [bought anew phone lst week pens 8 A Would you tke a cote? B No, thanks. ‘one. (have) past simple (worked, stopped, wont, had), ete) ‘They got married ast yer 210 | did have tine to-do my homework What ined you wake up this morning? ‘+ We use the past sole fr finshed past actions {hon wo sa, ask 0 know when they happened) present perfect or past simple? Ye been to Madrid tice, oan (lnmp He up to nod [went therein 1998 nc 2002, (= on two pectic ‘eccauors) Fee bought new computer (=I don’ y exsety sien, where ete) Tooughtit st sturdy (say when) + Weuse the present perfect (NOT the past ‘simple to tlk ebout pest experiences and ecent pst actions when we don't speety a time. ‘+ Weouse the past simple (NOT the present perfect to ask or talk about fished actions Inthe past, when the time is mentioned ‘or understood. We often use 9 pastime ‘expression, 0.3. yesterday. last woek, ee b Aro tho bold phrases right or wrong? Tick (J) or cross (x) them. Correct the wrong phrases. ‘ve never been in debt (/) How much has your new camera cost? (1) How much did your new eamera cost? 1 Daan has just inherited €5,000 fom a relative. 2 Did your sister pay you back yer? 3 We booked our holiday online a month 200. 4 When have you bought tat esther incr? 5 They've finshed paying back te an lst pt 4 We haven't pid tho gas bil yt, 7 Have you ver wet atch ma tometing? € mare havent borrowed any money from you let neck 9 apent my ealary realy quickly lst month 10 Have you teen the Batman fim on TV yoomrday? Orn

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