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Marathon Health

Marathon Health is a different kind of healthcare company. Our mission is

to inspire people to lead healthier lives. In turn, we help employers stabilize
healthcare costs. It’s a simple equation that yields powerful results.
Since 2005, we’ve provided care for workers and their families at more
than 160 sites ranging from manufacturing to public sector to unions
across the United States. With a commitment to population health risk
management, our focus on primary preventive care, health coaching, and
disease management provides a better patient experience, improved health
outcomes, and lower cost of care.

Our Model of Care

Marathon Health’s approach starts with a holistic, personalized care
model that is value not volume-based. Our philosophy is to slow down
the care process to engage patients where they are, providing the
treatment, coaching, and support they need to take control of their
own health and make healthier lifestyle choices.
Our population health model stratifies and engages employees with
the most prevalent health risks in your organization. We partner with
Marathon Health’s wellness-based them to develop a plan to reduce health risks and make measurable
treatment philosophy coupled with health improvement.
their evidence-based technology
provides our employees with critical Engaging Your Employees
information that helps them make better We pair our care model with a customized engagement strategy,
health care decisions leading to better incorporating analytics, incentives, and health promotion programming.
health outcomes for the employee, their Turnkey marketing and communications strategies inform and inspire
families, and the City’s health plan. your employees:
– City manager, City of Coppell • Health center promotions, challenges, and workshops.
• Multimedia marketing and communication materials.
• Incentive planning and reporting.
• Marathon Health’s eHealth Portal.

3:1 ROI Value

Marathon Health’s value model begins with a predictable, fixed fee
pricing structure with no risk of cost over-runs to your annual budget.
Our health centers experience an average 3:1 return on investment

in hard dollar savings from the value of redirected care and reduction in
downstream costs. Other benefits include:
• Talent retention/attraction
• Rich benefit plan
patient satisfaction
• Greater productivity/lower absenteeism
• Strong morale/culture of health and wellness
Additionally, our Lean Six Sigma processes build efficiencies and allow us
to adapt and customize our workflows to suit the needs of both new and
existing health centers.

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