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Vasicek’s Model of Distribution of Losses

in a Large, Homogeneous Portfolio

Stephen M Schaefer
London Business School

Credit Risk Elective

Summer 2012

Vasicek’s Model
• Important method for calculating distribution of
loan losses:
widely used in banking
used in Basel II regulations to set bank capital
• Motivation linked to distance-to-default analysis
• But, model of dependence is Gaussian Copula again
• Key assumptions (apart from Gaussian dependence)
homogeneous portfolio (equal investment in each credit)
very large number of credits

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 2

Motivation: Merton’s Model
• In Merton model value of risky debt depends on firm value
and default risk is correlated because firm values are
correlated (e.g., via common dependence on market factor).
• Value of firm i at time T:

V = V exp( ( µi −(1/ 2)σ 2 )T + σ V , i T ε%i ) where ε% ~ N (0,1)

T ,i i V ,i 1424 3 i
144 42444 3
C surprise in RC
expected value of R

• We will assume that correlation between firm values

arises because of correlation between surprise in individual
firm value (ει) and market factor (m)

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 3

Correlation structure: Gaussian Copula

• Suppose correlation between each firm’s value and the

market factor is the same and equal to sqrt(ρ).
• This means that we may model correlation between the ε’s as

ε i = ρ m + 1 − ρ vi , i = 1,K N
corr (ε i , ε j ) = ρ
• Where m and vi are independent N(0,1) random variables
and ρ is common to all firms
• Notice that if vi ~ N(0,1) and m ~ N(0,1) then εi ~ N(0,1)

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 4

Structural Approach, contd.
• From our analysis of distance-to-default, we know that
under the Merton Model a firm defaults when:
 1 
ε i ≤  RD ,i − ( µi − σ V2,i )T  / σ V ,i T where RD ,i = ln( Bi / Vi )
 2 
• The unconditional (natural) probability of default, p, is

 RD ,i − ( µi − 12 σ V2 ,i )T   RD ,i − ( µi − 12 σ V2 ,i )T 
p ≡ Prob  ε i < = N 
 σ V ,i T  σ T
   i 
• In this model we assume that the default probability, p, is
constant across firms

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 5

Idea: Single Common Factor and Large

Homogeneous Portfolio

• Working out the distribution of portfolio losses

directly when the ε’s are correlated is not easy

• But, if we work out the distribution conditional

on the market shock, m, then we can exploit the
fact that the remaining shocks are independent and
work out the portfolio loss distribution

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 6

Structural Approach, contd.
• The shock to the return, εi, is related to the common and
idiosyncratic shocks by:

ε i = ρ m + 1 − ρ vi
• Default occurs when:
RD ,i − ( µi − 12 σ V2 ,i )
ε i = ρ m + 1 − ρ vi < = N −1 ( p )
σ V ,i T
N −1 ( p ) − ρ m
vi <
1− ρ

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 7

Vasicek and the Intensity Model

• We’ll see later that the Vasicek model is
essentially the same as the intensity model when:
the intensity is the same for all the names; and
the number of names becomes large
equal investment in each name
we use the Gaussian copula

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 8

The Default Condition in Vasicek

N −1 ( p ) − ρ m
vi <
1− ρ

• A large value of m means a “good” shock to the market

(high asset values)
• The larger the value of m – the market shock – the more
negative the idiosyncratic shock, vi, has to be to trigger
• The higher the correlation, ρ, between the firm shocks,
the larger the impact of m on the critical value of vi.

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 9

Conditional Default Probability

• Conditional on the realisation of the common shock, m, the
probability of default is therefore:

 N −1 ( p ) − ρ m 
Prob(default m )= Prob  vi < 
 1 − ρ
 
 N −1 ( p) − ρ m 
= N  = θ (m), say
 1− ρ 
 
N −1 ( p ) − ρ m
and therfore = = N −1 (θ ( m))
1− ρ

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 10

The relation between θ(m) and m
• For a given market shock, m, θ(m) gives the conditional
probability of default on an individual loan

Hi corr

Lo corr

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 11

Implications of Conditional Independence

• For a given value of m, as the number of loans in the portfolio
→ ∞, the proportion of loans in the portfolio that actually
default converges to the probability θ (m) <<<< KEY IDEA

• In the chart, if the

market shock is
m* then the
proportion of
defaults in the
converges to 15%
as # loans → ∞

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 12

The critical value of m
• For a given actual frequency of loss, θ, we can
calculate the corresponding value of the market
shock, m(θ) that will produce exactly that level of
 N −1 ( p) − ρ m(θ ) 
θ = N 
 1− ρ 
 
N −1 ( p ) − ρ m(θ )
N −1
(θ ) =
1− ρ
N −1 ( p ) − 1 − ρ N −1 (θ )
m(θ ) =

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 13

The distribution of portfolio loss

• Since the proportion of portfolio losses decreases with m, the
probability that the proportion of loans that default (L) is less than θ

 N −1 ( p ) − 1 − ρ N −1 (θ ) 
Prob ( L < θ ) = prob ( m > m(θ ) ) = prob  m > 
 ρ
 
  N −1 ( p ) − 1 − ρ N −1 (θ )  
= N − 
  ρ  
 

 1 − ρ N −1 (θ ) − N −1 ( p ) 
Prob ( L < θ ) = N  
 ρ
 

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 14

Loan Loss Distribution
 1 − ρ N −1 (θ ) − N −1 ( p ) 
Prob ( L < θ ) = N  
 ρ
 
• This result gives the cumulative distribution of the fraction of
loans that default in a well diversified homogeneous portfolio
where the correlation in default comes from dependence on a
common factor
• Homogeneity means that each loan has:
the same default probability, p
(implicitly) the same loss-given-default
the same correlation, ρ, across different loans
• The distribution has two parameters
default probability, p
correlation, ρ
Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 15

Loan Loss Distribution with p = 1% and ρ = 12% and 0.6%


p = 1.5% rho = 12.0%

p = 1.5% rho = 0.6%






0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00%
Portfolio Loan Loss (%(

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 16

Example of Vasicek formula Applied to
Bank Portfolio

Source: Vasicek

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 17

Relationship between the Vasicek model

and the intensity model with the
Gaussian Copula

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 18

Fundamentally, Vasicek model gives same
results Intensity model and Gaussian copula (!)
• Default condition in Vasicek model:

RD ,i − ( µi − 12 σ V2 ,i )
ε i = ρ m + 1 − ρ vi < = N −1 ( p )
σ V ,i T

• In other words, whether a normally distributed

N(0,1) variable is larger or smaller than a given
fixed number, N −1 ( p )

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 19

and .. in intensity model (with the Gaussian

copula) .. the same (!)
• In the intensity model default occurs when
τ i = − ln(1 − U i ) ≤ τ * where U i = N (ε i )
i.e., when the default time τi is smaller than the “maturity”τ*
• Define
τ * = − ln(1 − U *) and U * = N (ε *)
• Then default occurs when

εi ≤ ε *

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 20

Or.. in pictures ..

• If the value of e that we draw is • Then τi is less than τ* and we

smaller than the critical value have a default

εi ≤ ε *
τ i = − ln(1 − U i ) ≤ τ * where U i = N (ε i )

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 21

• Intensity
model with
1000 names
and equal
and Vasicek
model with

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 22

The bottom line ..
• The Vasicek model is the same as the intensity
model with a Gaussian copula, identical default
probabilities and a large number of names.

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 23

• Vasicek’s obtains a formula for the distribution of
losses with:
single common factor
homogeneous portfolio
large number of credits
• But the approach can be generalised to a much
more realistic (multi-factor) correlation structure
and granularity in the portfolio holdings
quite widely used in banking for management of
risk of loan portfolio

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 24

• Vasicek’s formula gives useful quick method for
generating distribution of losses in large portfolio
in one-factor version fundamentally the same as
Gaussian copula
exploitation of conditional independence is useful

• Applications tend to be in risk management of

actual loan losses (natural distribution) rather
than pricing (risk-neutral distribution)
less evidence of poor performance in natural
distribution (same story about structural model again)

Merton-model Approach to Distribution of Portfolio Losses 25

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