Chilhood en Inglés

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Paula García Cedeño

Teacher. Alexandra Portilla

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Ingles II

Bogotá D.C.


In my childhood I used to do a lot of fun things, especially I remember a story that I am

going to tell you next.

I've played soccer all my life is my biggest passion, but because I was a child they wouldn't
let me play forward so I had to defend, one day in a very important game for my team the
goalkeeper of our team did not arrive so no I had no choice but to get into the goal and play
as a goalkeeper.
My grandfather in his youth played as a goalkeeper and used to tell me stories of his
matches and how well he was doing, to my surprise that day I stopped a penalty and I was
the figure of the game since then I play in that position and made me love this sport more.

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