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How to Implement CRUD operations in Python on MySQL

This post demonstrates how to implement CRUD operations in Python language on a MySQL database.

Python supports most of the popular databases to work with and implement CRUD operations. Some of the popular databases

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

MySQL Database
If you want to work with CRUD operations in Python, first of all, download and install MySQL Database. If you already
have a database, skip this step.

Go to below link and download MySQL Database:

Install MySQL Connector Driver

Python needs MySQL Connector Driver to access a MySQL Database. Follow the below steps to install the drive


Open Command Prompt and navigate your pip.exe folder path.

By default pip folder path is: C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts


Type the below command and press Enter:

C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts>pip install mysql-connector-python

After successful installation, exit from the command prompt.

Create Database
The following code snippet creates a new database. If you already have a database, you may skip this step. The database
is created on the local server. You may want to use your server name, user id, and password. 

To create a new database, we use CREATE Database SQL query.

The cursor() method creates a cursor object that is used to execute a SQL query by using the execute method. Once the
database object is used, we need to close it.  

import mysql.connector #Importing Connector package

mysqldb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="")#established connection
mycursor=mysqldb.cursor()#cursor() method create a cursor object
mycursor.execute("create database dbpython")#Execute SQL Query to create a database
mysqldb.close()#Connection Close

Create a table
The following code snippet creates a new database table using CREATE TABLE SQL query. 

#Create a table into dbpython database

import mysql.connector
mysqldb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="",database="dbpython")#established connection be
mycursor=mysqldb.cursor()#cursor() method create a cursor object
mycursor.execute("create table student(roll INT,name VARCHAR(255), marks INT)")#Execute SQL Query to create a table int
mysqldb.close()#Connection Close
Insert Record
The INSERT INTO SQL query adds new records to the table. 

mysqldb.commit() method commits the changes to the database.  

import mysql.connector
mysqldb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="",database="dbpython")#established connection be
mycursor=mysqldb.cursor()#cursor() method create a cursor object
#Execute SQL Query to insert record
mycursor.execute("insert into student values(1,'Sarfaraj',80),(2,'Kumar',89),(3,'Sohan',90)")
mysqldb.commit() # Commit is used for your changes in the database
print('Record inserted successfully...')
# rollback used for if any error
mysqldb.close()#Connection Close

Display Record
The following code uses a SELECT * SQL query to select data from a database table. The resultset is stored using
cursor.fetchall() method.  

import mysql.connector
mysqldb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="",database="dbpython")#established connection be
mycursor=mysqldb.cursor()#cursor() method create a cursor object
mycursor.execute("select * from student")#Execute SQL Query to select all record
result=mycursor.fetchall() #fetches all the rows in a result set
for i in result:
print('Error:Unable to fetch data.')
mysqldb.close()#Connection Close

Note: If you want to fetch a single record then use fetchone() method

Update Record
The following code uses an UPDATE SQL query to update an existing record. 

import mysql.connector
mysqldb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="",database="dbpython")#established connection be
mycursor=mysqldb.cursor()#cursor() method create a cursor object
mycursor.execute("UPDATE student SET name='Ramu', marks=100 WHERE roll=1")#Execute SQL Query to update record
mysqldb.commit() # Commit is used for your changes in the database
print('Record updated successfully...')
# rollback used for if any error
mysqldb.close()#Connection Close

Delete Record
The following code uses a DELETE SQL query to delete a record from the table.  
import mysql.connector
mysqldb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",password="",database="dbpython")#established connection be
mycursor=mysqldb.cursor()#cursor() method create a cursor object
mycursor.execute("DELETE FROM student WHERE roll=3")#Execute SQL Query to detete a record
mysqldb.commit() # Commit is used for your changes in the database
print('Record deteted successfully...')
# rollback used for if any error
mysqldb.close()#Connection Close

In this post, I covered MySQL database operations (create database, create table, insert, display, update and delete)
with Python and MySQL Connector driver. Thank you for reading!

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