Cover Letter

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KAPIM AWOUFACK Maroua, the 06 May 2019

Hydraulics Engineer
Phone : 655 37 29 41/ 661 34 83 67
Email :
Human resources

Object : application for WASH assistant

Since 2012, my professional experience has mainly focused on the issues of
water, hygiene and sanitation in rural areas in projects to strengthen the
resilience of populations (hosts and displaced) victims of Boko Haram and
three-year emergency plan projects in the far north of Cameroon an Nigeria. I
worked with several international organizations (PU-AMI, Catholic Relief
Services), national ones like Caritas-Cameroun and in several hydraulic
companies (Ets Emergence Sarl, Ets Egtcam and Ets Sahel water). As WASH
Project Manager and Hydraulic Director, I also had extensive experience in the
administrative and financial procedures of the funders and the management of
the personnel. My activities as WASH Technical Supervisor consisted mainly in
the planning of activities (construction / rehabilitation of boreholes, construction
of latrines, awareness), the design of training modules, the elaboration of terms
of reference, reporting and monitoring and evaluation. These various positions
allowed me to efficiently carry out the missions assigned to me and allowed me
to gain experience in the operational planning of the activities of a project, the
design of beneficiary targeting strategies, distribution of NFIs, supervision of
activities, design of training modules, support for beneficiaries, monitoring and
evaluation, budget monitoring and personnel management.
Likewise, I am highly autonomous and I can easily integrate do harm, gender /
protection into a humanitarian project. In addition, I have a perfect mastery of
the field already worked with IDPs, refugees and vulnerable persons. All this
makes me believe that I can make my modest contribution to the achievement of
the Relief International strategic objectives, while respecting your organization's
code of ethics and humanitarian principles. The enclosed Curriculum Vitae,
which I invite you to discover, will allow you to evaluate the interest of my
application. To complete your information and allow you to appreciate my
motivation, I propose an interview.
Hoping to meet you soon, please accept, the expression of my distinguished

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