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SEPTEMBER 13, 2020



Case one: Royal Handloom (RHL)

Royal Handloom (RHL) manufactures and distributes their product which is sarongs,
sarees, and handkerchiefs to limited number of customers, retailers and wholesalers. RHL has
no formal organizational chart, the owner is the one who makes and operate the handloom on
its own, so the expected number of its product; sarongs, sarees, and handkerchief does meet
and remain similar the sales from the past year. Because of the identified shortage in human
The environmental disruptions concerning labor shortage have consequences for
organizations. When no action is taken, the organization will face serious problems, like
productivity loss, hinder in the realization of organizational goals, high work pressure and drop
off in understaffed departments and negative effects on the work-life balance of employees
(Henkens et al., 2008). For that reason, the organization must find solutions on how to act on
these disruptions. Many literature studies explain what organizations can do to handle these
labor shortages. The first strategy is to expand the dependency of labor by for instance
increasing the recruitment activities using recruitment agencies, selecting workers from new
target groups and offering competitive employment conditions. The second strategy is to reduce
the dependence on labor. This can be done by for example structural changes, relocating the
production process by outsourcing and offshoring and increasing workers’ productivity.
Applying Human Resource Model and Process is the best way to fulfill the shortage of
human resources in Royal Handloom(RHL). RHL can plan its action to bridge the gap identified
by using long term solution like hiring permanent skilled people that suitable in the job or the
salespeople. Most important is ensuring that employers have the ability to attract the type of
professionals with the right skill sets for their business. To focus the search and enable effective
work with recruitment partners, drafting a list of essential “nice to have” skills and competencies
will assist in targeting suitable professionals from the wider market. There is a wide gap
between individual and total based HRP of Royal Handloom. It is recommended to follow
individual HRP.
Case two: AAA Handloom (AAAHL)
AAA Handloom (AAAHL) has seven weaving factories, each has employees such as
weavers and assistant of weavers but only the Boss distribute their products in a whole entire
area through wholesalers only. Production process and output of AAA Handloom are similar
with RHL.
AAAHL is a cost leader same with RHL. Since the owner or the boss distribute their
product in almost a whole part of a country through wholesalers, the organization can’t avoid the
uncontrollable problem when it comes in selling of the product because of identified shortage of
employees in distribution section or salespeople.

Blank and Stigler (1957) mention that “there is a shortage of members of specific
profession if the number of available workers is less than the number needed, as established by
some social criterion or goal.” Building on this definition by Blank and Stigler (1957), Franke and
Sobel (1970) defined a labor shortage in the seventies as “a situation existing over an extended
period of time in which employers were unable to hire at going wages or salaries sufficient
numbers of qualified persons to fill positions for which there were budgeted funds and for which
personnel were required to meet existing demands for services.”
AAA HL has been identified that anticipated supply for salespeople are needed.
Walker and Dyer (1980) has introduced an Human Resource Planning Model -HRPM-which
consists of five phases such as determination of future Human Resource Requirement -HRR-,
determination of future Human Resource Availabilities -HRA, internal and external
environmental scan, reconciliation of future HRR and future HRA and development of an action
plan. It is advisable to apply Human Resource Planning and Model in the organization of
AAAHL to bridge the gap identified by using short term solution like hiring temporary
salespeople or the right number of employees for the right job to avoid the shortage in other
section of organization. Also provide sufficient manpower required to perform organizational

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