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Adaptation Action Plan. Part 2.

Adaptation Action Plan Title: “Cool Down”

In this section, you describe the actions you will take to complete this adaptation action.

a. Stakeholder Assessment
In this section, you use the table below to describe how you will involve and interact with the
various stakeholders.

- Column 1: Stakeholders. Identify the Implementers and the Recipients of the adaptation
- Column 2: Readiness Construct & Score. For each of the readiness constructed listed in the
table, add in its score. For one category of stakeholders, take the score directly from the
Readiness Assessment survey you completed in Week 3. For the other category, use either
educated guesses or pull from your survey results.
- Column 3: Interpretation and Implications for Design: Interpret each readiness score. Write
1-2 sentences about what this score indicates for the adaptation action’s implementation
design. What does the score mean you don’t have to do in order for the action to be
successful? What does the score mean you do have to do in order for the action to be

Readiness Construct /
Stakeholders Interpretation and Implication for Design
Dimension & Score
Executive that Implementers are very motivated for this
work in Motivation: 10 action.
organizations that
deal with older
people General Capacity: 10 There is the capacity for this action
Adaptation-Specific There is also the specific capacity for this
Capacity: 8 action
Older people Community Knowledge There isn’t much of knowledge on the
of Issue: 6 community about this issue
Community Climate / This action has some priority
Priorities: 7
Leadership: 8 Leadearship is ok with this action

Community Knowledge of There is some knowledge of efforts

Efforts: 7
There are resource to implement this
Resources: 8
b. Major Activities Table
Instructions: Use the table below to list and describe the steps required to complete this
adaptation action. In column 1, list each major activity required. A “major activity” is a task or
work required in sequence, or concert, to complete this adaptation action. When written, these
should give you a very clear idea of what you need to do. Consider it analogous to a recipe for
cooking. Next, in column 2, describe the specific components of each major activity, as
explained below.

Content Creation, Delivery, Location/Context,

Major Activity
Relevant Stakeholders
Content and material development and/or coordination
With legislators, patrons or sponsors arrange funding.
Send letter, promote meetings and digital marketing
campaigns in order to motivate the individuals and
Arrange funding or special organizations to adhere to this action.
tax incentives for older
people to install AC in Delivery
their homes By direct meeting, email, physical presentation, and using
digital marketing.
Location or Context
Where legislators, patrons or sponsors are located
Relevant Stakeholders
legislators, patrons or sponsors
Content and material development and/or coordination
By direct meeting, email, physical presentation, and using
digital marketing.
Promote meetings with AC Delivery
installers in order to At the work place of the AC installers
arrange better conditions Location or Context
At the work place of the AC installers
Relevant Stakeholder(s)
AC installers
Content and material development and/or coordination
Flyers and tv campaigns
Promote the measure of
Using tv ads
buying air conditioners
Location or Context
among older people
Local tv stations
Relevant Stakeholder(s)
Older people

c. Implementation Timeline and Benchmarks
Instructions: Assuming this adaptation action will take [xx] months/years to complete, complete
the following table with your major activities (from the table above), their estimated timeframes,
and standards for completion.

Major Activities Timeline Benchmark/Standard

[Delivery of materials/content in/to [When does activity start [When will you know the activity is
their respective and stop] complete]
together from above]
Arrange funding or special tax Starts immediately When at 1.000.000USD have been
incentives for older people to install funded or a reduction in at least
AC in their homes 10% in cost
Promote meetings with AC installers Starts at the same time When a reduction in cost of 10%
in order to arrange better conditions of the first activity have been accomplished with this
action alone
Promote the measure of buying air When the other two When at least 50% of older people
conditioners among older people major activities are above 65 years has at least one air
complete and the goal conditioner installed in their
has been achieved houses

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