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Abdelgadir Rahel M.

BSIE 5TH Year 10/28/2020(Wednesday)

SOC 100A-3 (55599 P) SAT 12:00PM-3:00PM

Theological stage Metaphysical Stage Positive Stage

Example 1: Animism Metaphysical Stage The Positivity stage, also
is the extension of the known as the scientific stage,
Animism is thought to be the
theological stage. It refers to refers to scientific explanation
belief system that laid the
explanation by impersonal based on observation,
groundwork for the notion of a
abstract concepts. People often experiment, and comparison.
soul and the animation of
tried to believe that God is an Positive explanations rely
traditionally inanimate
abstract being. They believe upon a distinct method, the
objects, allowing every world
that an abstract power or force scientific method, for their
religion to take those basic
guides and determines events justification. Today people
principles in other directions.
in the world. Metaphysical attempt to establish cause and
Though earlier philosophers
thinking discards belief in a effect relationships. Positivism
such as Aristotle and Thomas
concrete God. The nature of is a purely intellectual way of
Aquinas discussed animism,
inquiry was legal and rational looking at the world; as well,
the formal definition was
in nature. it emphasizes observation and
postulated by Sir Edward
classification of data and facts.
Taylor late in the 19th century.
Example 1: This is the highest, most
Examples of Animism can be
evolved behavior according to
seen in forms of Shinto, People in metaphysical stage
Hinduism, Buddhism, believe in God, however, they
pantheism, Paganism, and do not explain, everything
Neopaganism. which happens in the society
is due to the will of God.
Example 2: Polytheism Example 2:  The Positive stage,
also known as the
Polytheism, the belief in many
In Classical Hindu Indian scientific stage, refers
gods. Polytheism characterizes
society the principle of the to scientific
virtually all religions other
transmigration of the soul, the explanation based on
than Judaism, Christianity,
conception of rebirth, notions observation,
and Islam, which share a
of pursuant were largely experiment, and
common tradition of
governed by metaphysical comparison.
monotheism, the belief in one
God. Sometimes above the
many gods a polytheistic  This stage represents
religion will have a supreme the scientific way of
creator and focus of devotion, thinking.
as in certain phases of
Hinduism sometimes the gods  Positive explanations
are considered as less rely upon a distinct
important than some higher method, the scientific
goal, state, or saviour, as in method, for its
Buddhism; sometimes one god
will prove more dominant than justification. During
the others without attaining this stage, man tried to
overall supremacy, as Zeus in establish cause and
Greek religion. Typically, effect relationship.
polytheistic cultures include
belief in many demonic and  Positivism is a purely
ghostly forces in addition to intellectual way of
the gods, and some looking at the world;
supernatural beings will be as well it puts
malevolent; even in emphasizes on
monotheistic religions there observation and
can be belief in many demons, classification of data
as in New Testament and facts.
 At this stage the
concept of God is
totally vanished from
human mind.
 This stage is governed
by industrial
administrative and
scientific moral guides.

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