Tugas Cerpen Ismayani

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Bidang: Sosial

Target Pembaca: Remaja

By: Ismayani Adzara Aline Athisaa (1907010064)
“Pull! Pull it harder!”

There I was, in the park, watching little kids playing their kites skilfully. I have always loved
watching kites flying in the sky. It’s mesmerizing and really relaxing, I promise. I never missed
an evening going to the park to watch kites by myself. Time went by do fast when I’m watching
the kites. The sun was already setting which is telling me to go back home before my parents get
back from work. My step was always heavy when walking back home. I never like staying in the
house. Despite I feel very lonely being the only child, I also don’t like watching my parents
bicker almost every single day. I never liked the sight.

“Oh Cara you’re home. I have prepared your dinner, it’s in the table.” The chef in the house told

“Is mom and dad home?” I asked.

“Not yet.” She answered. I sighed as an answer and made my way to my room. For my whole
life, I have never ate with my family. I was always alone and they were always busy with work. I
didn’t feel like eating that night so I went inside the room, cleaned myself and went straight to

The next morning was basically like any other morning. I went downstairs to eat my breakfast
and only found my mom in the dining table eating her brown bread. She then would babble about
how my dad always gets on her nerves then leave for work. And as always, I would eat alone.

“I made some pancakes for breakfast.” As the chef served the delicious pancake in front of me.

“Thank you.” I smiled. If it wasn’t for her kindness I would never eat at home. She has always
took care of me like her daughter ever since I was little. I would wish she was my mom not the
chef in the house when I was little. But reality really got me as I get older.

I finished my food and made my way to school with my driver. I was not a social person in
school. I didn’t a lot of friend. In fact, I don’t have any friends. Not because no one wanted to be
my friend. It’s just I didn’t want one. They were mostly friends with me for my wealth and I
really dislike that fact. So I’d rather be a loner than being used for my wealth.

It was break time and as always I would go to the school rooftop to listen to music and read my
novels. It was my way of separating myself from the others and also to look at kites that might be
flying around the sky. The weather that time was really nice. I sat myself in the old sofa with
both earphone stuck in my ears and closed my novel to enjoy the weather. It felt really relaxing
after having to study chemistry earlier in class. While enjoying the wind with my eyes closed, I
suddenly felt something cold on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see what it was. It was one of
my classmate named Kai. He placed a can of soda in my cheeks while smiling like an idiot.

“Hey Cara. So this is your hiding place huh.” He asked and offering me the can of soda. I
ignored the offer and rolled my eyes. “Chill, I’m not here to bother you. I came here to enjoy the
weather and surprisingly found you.” He then sat down beside me in the old sofa.

Kai was not one of those annoying guys who always bothers me. He was also did not have much
friend. The opposite of me, he didn’t have any friends because he came from a poor family. And
from what I heard here and there, he would sell kites in the streets after school to earn money for
his family. He got in my school because of scholarship. I admit he was really smart. But also
because of that he didn’t have any friends and was sometimes bullied. But for some reason he
was still really humble to everyone.

“Waah those chemistry lesson are a whole new level don’t you think?”

“It was fine.” I lied coldly. It was for sure the hardest one I’ve seen.

“Not surprised since I’m talking to Cara the future chemist.” He laughed.

From there on, I was getting used to Kai’s presence when chilling in the rooftop. He would
babble a story and I would not really pay attention.

School always ended on time and so did my driver’s arrival. I went inside the car to go home. As
usual I would be listening to music through the whole ride back home. The car stopped because
the traffic light was red. I looked at the window and found a familiar guy beside the street
carrying so many kites in his hand. It was Kai. He was still wearing his uniform and looked like
he was offering the kites that he is selling to the people that passed by. He put on that signature
smile of his even though sweats kept dripping off his face. It was my first time seeing Kai in this
state. Although I’ve heard it time to time but it was my first time witnessing it.

I told my driver to drop me off at the park I usually go to. I wanted to go a little bit early today.
As usual I would be sitting in of the bench looking at the kites while listening to music. Not for
long the sky went dark and it started raining. I ran to one to get away from getting wet to the bus
stop near the park. All the kids who were playing their kites also ran to the bus stop where I was
in. but they didn’t stay for long. They had umbrella with them prepared like they knew it was
going to rain that evening. They then left me alone in the bus stop. It was really and I didn’t wear
my jacket and was still wearing my uniform. My phone batteries died so I couldn’t call my driver
to pick me up. I had no choice but to wait until the rain stop.

“Cara?” I heard a familiar voice from behind. I turned around and saw Kai drenched in rain.
“What are you doing here?”

“I… uh I was in the park then it suddenly rain.” I answered.

“What were you doing in the park?” He asked.

“None of your business.” I answered.

“Here, use my jacket to cover yourself. It’s really cold and you’ll get sick with only using the
uniform.” He said as he takes out his jacket from his bag.

“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I lied.

“Your body is saying otherwise though.” He said looking at me shivering. To be honest I can’t
stand being in a cold place. My body will automatically shiver uncontrollably. I was embarrassed
and took his jacket to cover my body. It was warm enough to lessen the shivering.

He started asking me a lot of stuff. He also told so many stories that somehow made me feel
comfortable. He made jokes that I found surprisingly funny and laughed with him. It was my
first time being treated by someone as sincere as this. It was my first time smiling at one of my
classmate in school. And it was Kai. Time passed and the rain did not stop. Although my driver
then picked me up and I had to go home. It was sad leaving Kai behind because honestly I was
still enjoying his presence. But it was cold and I don’t think my body will stand any longer. I
offered Kai a ride back to his house but he didn’t want it. He said he has to go to the kite store
and tell them the kite got wet because of the rain. It was sad he had to pay for the damaged kites.
But he also rejected my offer to help him. So there was nothing I could do.

I went home took a shower then went straight to bed. The rain got me very sleepy that I had to
skip dinner again. And I wasn’t hungry anyway. It was the best sleep anyone can ask for. I don’t
know if it was because of my mood or was I just super tired today.

The next morning I went to school as usual. The bell rang and the class started. But something
was missing. I looked around the class and Kai was nowhere to be found. I started asking lots of
question in my head to where he would be. Then I realize it wasn’t something I should care
about. But I guess my mind couldn’t lie. I can’t get my mind off him, thinking did he not go to
school and where would he be. I then remembered about the kite damage. That might be the
reason and somehow I feel sorry I couldn’t help him yesterday.

It was break time and I started making my way to the rooftop. I used my earphone as usual and
started reading my novel. But my mind can’t get off from the thought of Kai. I then felt
something cold in my cheek. My lips curved a small grin knowing that it was Kai. The person I
was weirdly looking for.

“Hey loner, looking for me?” He smirked.

“You wish.” I lied and rolled my eyes.

“I had to make it up for yesterday’s damage and sell double the amount I usually do. So I had to
skip class.” He explained. I knew it. I notice his shoe was torn. “Stop looking at it won’t you. I
tripped when trying to cross the road this morning. It’s fine, don’t worry.”

“Did you sell a lot this morning?” I asked.

“I thought I would. But who would buy a kite in the morning?” He laughed. I could see sadness
in his eyes. But he was so good covering it with his smile.

“I’ll help you.” I said. I have no idea where that word came from but it sure made Kai and myself
shocked. “Uhm the park I usually go to has a lot of little kids who plays kite. Maybe they will
like yours.”

“Are you sure?” He asked still shocked at my words.

“Yes.” I answered.

The school finished, me and Kai started making our way to the park. I told my driver to not pick
me up and went there walking with Kai. We reached the park and I was right. The kids loved
Kai’s kite and bought many of them leaving us with only one left.

“Thank you, Cara. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know how I will finish the kite and change the
money for yesterday’s damage.” He thanked me.

“It was nothing. You gave me your jacket yesterday, so I thought I have to make it up to you
somehow.” I said coldly like usual.

“Here. This kite is for you. It’s a thank you for helping me gift.” He said handing me the
remaining kite.

“No, I don’t know how to play them.” I refused.

“I’ll teach you. Come on.” He stood up. I followed him and then he started teaching me how to
fly the kite. It was my first time flying my own kite. All this time I was only watching them fly
in the sky. It was fun and I really enjoyed it.

Kai and I were busy flying our kite when suddenly a beautiful looking woman approached us and
called Kai. The woman resembled Kai so much, so I thought that must be his mother. She was
really beautiful and looked very young. But she came to us with a puffed eyes like she has been
crying. Kai ran over to her and hugged her. His mother was telling him something with tears
streaming down her face nonstop. Kai hugged his mother in return. His face was filled with
worries. Kai came to me and excused himself to go first. He said he has something he needed to
sort out. I only nodded and he went with his mother without turning back again. I wondered what
had happened but I couldn’t do anything. I then called my driver to pick me up and went straight

I couldn’t sleep all night thinking what happened to Kai and his mother. They looked really sad
and worried. Kai looked really serious. The way they hugged each other honestly touched my
heart. I have always been jealous with people who can do that with their parent. It looked like
they really loved each other.
The next day I went to school and saw so many police car and people gathering around the
principle office. I didn’t know what was going on. Everyone looked very serious. I was never
interested in finding out what was going on if there was a fuss in school. But this is more chaos
than usual. So I went to class and asked one of my classmate what was going on.

“Kai was found dead in the woods close by our school.” I froze upon hearing her answer.
Without knowing I ran and felt streams going down my face. I ran to the principle office and saw
his mother looking lifeless. Her eyes were swollen and her face was pale. Tears wouldn’t stop
streaming down my face as I saw Kai’s mother. Her eyes then met mine and I could see tears
streaming down her eyes. It was like she wanted to tell me something. I ran to the rooftop after
not being able to bare anymore tears. I cried imagining the thought of Kai. He was a really nice
person. Who would do such cruel thing to him? He was a good friend.

I went to the park and cried more recalling the memories of Kai. I watched the kite flew in the
sky. It somehow calmed me down. It was as if Kai made was here with me. It felt really warm
looking at the kites.

“Cara?” I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Kai’s mother. Her face were paler
than before. Her swollen eyes became worse as well.

“I’m sorry Cara. They took him. The loan sharks took him. He tried his best to pay for it but he
couldn’t. So they took him in return.” She cried.

“But why? Why didn’t he ask me for money? I would’ve lent him any amount. Why didn’t he
tell me.” I cried in return.

“He likes you Cara. He loved you. Not for your money but for who you are. He didn’t want you
to worry about him. He really loved you.”

“Why of all things that can be taken must be Kai’s life?”

“We didn’t have anything else but ourselves. Kai gave his life up to save me. He didn’t want me
to be bothered again by the loan sharks. He was so pure and I’m the most evil mother alive
letting a loan sharks take my son’s life.” She cried harder. “I’m sorry Cara. I’m sorry.”
I went to Kai’s funeral the next day. Kai taught me so many things about accepting and patient.
He was my first and most sincere friend I have ever have. In fact, he is the first guy that I have
fallen for in my life. He will always remain in my heart.

Kai made me realize that there are so many people out there that has a more complicated
problem than mine. People out there that are struggling with their problems and risking their life.
They might look okay on the outside, but not fully on the inside.


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