Field Instructional Design Plan 2020-21 Template

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Field Instructional Design Plan 2020-21

(Field I, II & III)

Name: Sharney’ Wilks Date: ___10/5/2020________

Lesson Title/#: Intro to 10 frames counting Grade Level(s)/Course:

Add lesson elements in blank boxes below explanation/directions.

Teacher Readiness: Alignment of Learning

Common Core/WI Model Academic Standards:
Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to

When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with
one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object.

Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number
of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were

Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.

Count to answer 'how many?' questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a
rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a
number from 1-20, count out that many objects.
Student Learning Objectives:
Students will learn the first steps of 10 frame counting. Students are to be able to count dots
within a picture which is the begnning counting/addition.
End of Lesson Assessment
Students will then be given and exit ticket and work independently after lesson also to assess
learning teacher will ask Q&A
End of Learning Segment/Unit Assessment (If applicable)
No need for end of learning segment/unit assessment

Prior Academic Knowledge and Conceptions:

What do the students know? Students do not know 10 frame.
What can the students do? How many objects connecting it to numbers
What are they still learning? Recognize numbers what they mean how much.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

RIO Element: Provide the step-by-step description of what the teacher (you) will be doing
and/or what the students will be doing (Instructional Strategies) in bulleted-command format.
Teacher would ask students School friends who can tell me who is a 10 frame? What do we
use a 10 frame for? How do we use it? What a 10 frame help us with?
Purpose Statement:
School friends today we are going to learn about 10 frames. We going to learn how to use it,
and why we use it we going to begin with counting from 1 to 10.
Instruction/Model/ Formative Assessments Strategies:
 Instruction Students will look through the book and count the black dots. Teacher will
do Q&A along
 counting. Students will observe teacher model what is expected. Students will work
from smart board or worksheet.
 What do you see in the pictures? How many dots you see in the picture? Rules: Do we
yell out of turn? How do we sit when a story is read to you?
 Modeling Teacher will show different models of different numbers in ten frames.
Teacher will also model 2 of the same number and one number is in 10 frame and ask
are they the same of different. Then teacher would ask the following questions, “Are
these two numbers are the same or are they different? Why you think it is the
same/different? Is one more than the other?”
 Formative assessment Exit slip is given to students to provide an assessment of the
 Guided practice the students will work on the exit ticket independently.
 Adaptations: Students will disabilities I would accommodate the lesson to fit there
Example: students would visually impaired I would have a sample a 10 frame and coins or
something with texture and have student count using the objects. With someone with cerebral
palsy they would come up to the smartboard and participate with my assistance. Just to make
sure everyone is involved with this lesson.
Assessment (Application) and Closure Strategy:
As appropriate for your field course expectations, identify possible adaptations for

End of Lesson Assessment: Exit ticket and done independently

Adaptations Exit ticket is accommodated for students with special needs. Paraprofessional or
teacher will with these students while other students while others students do it

Closure: Review of the lesson and Q&A. Ex: Tell me what is a 10 frame school friends? How
do we use a 10 frame? I would ask if the students like the lesson and if the understand the
lesson? What/why part they did and did not like? Do samples of 10 frames have a number
and ask students to show me how to use the 10 frames.

Teacher Readiness: Additional Considerations

After writing your instructional strategies and learning tasks, complete these additional
teacher readiness elements.
What instructional materials are needed? Teacher will use book, “10 black dots by Donald
Crews”, Smart board activity
How will technology be used within the lesson? Students will use the smart board to make
10 frame numbers
What Ifs:
Teacher What Ifs If smart board not working students will use the sticky tape to make
different numbers of 10 frames. Will work on worksheet to make 10 frame numbers and make
a picture using 10 black dots.
Student What Ifs If student is struggling, they will work closer with the paraprofessional at
a table during the lesson so they are closely observed and guided. If student’s behavior
happened because students not getting concept of lesson teacher will stop lesson and go back
to show a whole examples of 10 frame counting.
Academic Language Demands:
What content specific terms (vocabulary) do students need to support learning of the
objective/s for the lesson?
Ten frames, counting, numbers
What opportunities do students have to speak and write as it relates to the learning
objectives? (Discourse)
The opportunity that students will have is to learn how to count with 10 frames the beginning
stages of addition. Students will also learn how at everything when one to one counting.
How will you support vocabulary and discourse so that students can understand and use
the language within the lesson? The vocabulary words that was introduce/use to students is
10 frames, numbers, counting

Differentiation/UDL – Planned Supports

Note:  Expectations for your response to this prompt will vary depending upon
the content that is addressed in the course.
How will you intentionally plan to differentiate for students during the lesson?  Consider
student readiness, interests, abilities, and learning preferences.

 Whole class will work with the teacher step by step before the lesson begins will do
hands activity to get students attention. I would also you can visual cues in showing
numbers setup in groups of 2’s and 5’s so they can visualize bigger numbers ex. Keep
using groups of 2’s or 5’s will end up 10.
 Small groups will follow the lesson with the teacher. Students that get concept of
lesson will work independently.
 Individuals (Struggling, Students with IEPs, ELL, and/or Gifted) Paraprofessional
will work with the students that are struggling and the one’s with IEP’s

Classroom Management/Democratic Practices (within the context of the current lesson):

How are you creating a positive learning environment? (transitions, teacher language,
expectations, norms, e.g.)
● School Practices: Teacher will go over school (PBIS) rules and what is expected
during lesson. Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible Rewards and Dojo points before
the lesson.
● Classroom Practices: Teacher will go over classroom expectations rewards if
successful of lessons dojo points for effort.
● Individual Practices: Teacher will walk around the classroom ensuring positive
behavior concept of the lesson.
Theoretical Principles and/or Research–Based Best Practices:
Ten Frames is the beginning of stages of number relations to objects. Ten frames help
students develop number sense and the context of ten. Students can arrange numbers in
different ways. They can use the 10 frames prompt to form a mental image of numbers. 10
frames use the idea of benchmark numbers and this helps students produce a visual image of
each numbers using 5,10 for examples.

Richardson, K. (2003). Assessing Math Concepts: Ten Frames. Rowley, MA: Didax.

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