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Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will hear each sentence twice.
1 A Don't worry about it - it's fine! 4 A Do you think that will help me? 7 A That's OK, I'm late too.
B Of course, it's no problem. B Do you understand it? B Don't worry about it this time.
C Yes, maybe you could. C Do you want me to help you? C Let's talk about the plan on Friday.

2 A They'd love to do it. 5 A There's just one more thing. 8 A That's OK, if you don't mind.
B You're welcome. B That would really help. B Would you like me to prepare the room?
C Yes, that's a good idea. C Yes, I can do that for you. C Will you organise tomorrow's meeting?

3 A Yes, I think that’s everything. 6 A It's no problem - I'll be all right.

B Sure, we’ll take it. B Yes, that'd be great.
C OK, that would be great. C Okay, it doesn't matter.

Questions 9 – 19

Read the sentences about daily life. Choose the missing word (A, B or C) for each space.

9.- I was surprised that actor didn’t live in an expensive house – his house was very ............ .
A noisy B ordinary C peaceful

10.- My dad is growing a beard because he never has time to ............ in the morning.
A have a shave B go to the shop C get a new outfit

11.- I usually wear an old ............ when I go jogging.

A shorts B tracksuit C suitcase

12.- The ............ cinema in the summer is great – you can watch a film and look at the stars.
A magnificent B ordinary C outdoor

13.- It's a bad idea to wear ............ because we are going to walk to the supermarket.
A high heels B trainers C short socks

14.- The park is really ............ and everyone stops to take pictures of it when they visit.
A quiet B pretty C Ordinary

15.- It's impossible to ............ when you've just walked 5 km in a storm.

A look your best B go to the hairdresser’s C have a new suit

16.- This art gallery is ............ – there’s no space to move and look at the pictures.
A huge B peaceful C tiny

17.- I am really ............ of storms – aren’t you?

A surprised B frightened C annoyed

18.- Why don’t you ............ your teacher about the exam?
A ask B say C explain

19.- Everyone was ............ when they read about the accident in the newspaper.
A shock B shocked C shocking
Questions 20 – 30

Read the sentences about different feelings and situations. What are the missing words? The first letter is
already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word. For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

20 John didn’t have any money so he needed to b o r r o w some from a friend.

21 I feel really happy when I l o o k a t photos of my holiday.

22 Do you normally have to d e a l w i t h customers and their problems in your job?

23 They were t i r e d when they arrived at the hotel, so they went to bed early.

24 When you go to the cinema, do you get a n n o y e d when people talk during the film?

25 My holiday at the beach was really r e l a x i n g – it was great having nothing to do and no worries!

26 We were really excited about the holiday, so we couldn’t think or c o n c e n t r a t e o n our work.

27 I was so e m b a r r a s s e d when I didn’t have enough money to pay the bill – it was awful!

28 I need to get a new o u t f i t for the wedding next week.

29 That castle is a n c i e n t – it’s hundreds of years old.

30 There are no high mountains in this country, only a few l o w hills.

Questions 31 – 38

Read the text about a woman’s weekend plans. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.

Katie’s weekend

Katie has just finished a big project at work, so next weekend she just wants to enjoy herself.

On Friday night she (31) ………… tennis with some friends. They always do this on Fridays. Then on Saturday,
she and her friend Louis (32) ………… the big party that they (33) ………… having next month.

They’re sure it (34) …………be like the last one they had, because they (35) ………… going to invite so many
people from their office. Another friend, Rachel, has said that she (36) ………… the food for the party. Katie is
thinking, ‘(37) ………… have the party outside? I really like outdoor parties.’

Katie has promised Louis that she (38) ………… him on Sunday evening for a chat about the party.

31 A plays B play C ʼs playing

32 A is going to plan B are going to plan C plan

33 A are B is C will

34 A won’t B isn’t C aren’t

35 A aren’t B won’t C are

36 A will make B makes C shall make

37 A Have we B Are we C Shall we

38 A calls B ʼll call C ʼs calling

Questions 39 – 46

Here are some sentences about work and jobs. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

39 You can choose to start working anytime between 8 and 10am.

You ……don't / do not…….. have to start working exactly at 8am.

40 Those musicians are maybe going to start a new orchestra in future.

Those musicians might perhaps …………start / be starting….. a new orchestra in future.

41 Visitors to our company fill in a form with their details - it's a rule.

Visitors to our company ……need to / have to / must….. fill in a form with their details.

42 Do you think there are definitely going to be postmen in the future?

……………Will……….. there definitely be postmen in the future - what do you think?

43 It is necessary for receptionists to speak clearly on the telephone.

Receptionists ………need / have…….. to speak clearly on the telephone.

44 It is possible that Kate will decide to change her job.

Kate ………might / may / could….. decide to change her job.

45 When are they allowed to take a break at work?

When ……………can / may…….. they take a break at work?

46 Without experience, Karim is certainly not going to get an interview.

Without experience, Karim certainly …………………will………….. not get an interview.

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