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* Basic Rules *

Dice Rolls:

1. You may roll only after you have been asked or given approval by the Dungeon Master (DM).
If you roll illegally, it is now with disadvantage with it stacking if you already have it.
2. Effects on rolls, such as advantage or resistance, are to be brought up before the roll or they are
not counted. If a reroll is given, the effect may be used on the new roll.
3. If you do not have dice, let the DM know. They are known to hoard them like dragons. Or get
a dice app. D&D uses: d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, and d4.

Gaming Questions:

1. Come to the start of session with questions about anything involving your Character Sheet,
Backstory, and/or the Gaming World!
2. Questions about each other's characters are also encouraged. Anything involving backstory or
personality of another’s character is best learned in game through your character.
3. If there is a question about the game, ask it at a reasonable time such as before the session
starts or during a break.
4. Combat is not the time to ask about an ability's mechanics. If you need information during
combat and it is not your turn, use the relevant book to find the answer.
5. If you need information during combat on your turn, try and do something else for that round,
or skip a turn to look it up.


1. Every character is given some kind of pack in Character Creation that has a set number of
items to help them survive. Be sure to note all that comes with that.
2. It is your responsibility to keep track of all character resources. This includes: potions, rations,
water, arrows, herbs etc.
3. Keep your items organized on your character sheet. Such as having weapons in the weapon
section and armor in equipment. This includes weapons and armor you are not using.
4. Don’t be a hoarder and remember to make use of the various merchants throughout the world.
No character can sensibly carry 12 silver axes, 9 flaming daggers, 6 hand crossbows, 416,823
gold coins, 3 owlbear eggs, and a phoenix in a pear-tree.

Ultimately the DM is God:

1. All things can be changed to better the experience of the players. If something isn't working,
the DM can make new rules any time. Ask questions and work together to find solutions.
2. It is not the DM’s goal to kill players, but know that the DM can make an angry elder-dragon
crash your camp as you sleep for as little the reason of a character not liking the color green.

** Homebrew Rules **
The following notes are edits and additions to the rules and mechanics outlined in various chapters
of The Players Handbook.
1. Skill checks can be made with any related ability; a Barbarian could intimidate with strength
instead of charisma for example. This change must be approved by the DM prior to the roll.
2. Inspiration allows the player to reroll the d20 and choose either roll. The decision to use
inspiration is made after the initial roll but before the outcome is announced by the DM.
3. Each player can award another inspiration once per session for cool moments and great roll
playing with the DM's approval. The player can have no more than 3 inspirations at a time and
they carry to the next session.
4. Crit on an attack awards max on the damage dice roll in addition of one roll of the dice
(instead of rolling double the dice rolls).
5. Botch an attack and prepare to lose something. Whether you lose a weapon or HP depends on
what you were attempting to do.
6. Drinking a potion is a bonus action, force-feeding someone else a potion is an action
7. Thrown weapons count for sharpshooter feat and archery fighting style.
8. When waking up from unconsciousness in combat, take a level of exhaustion
9. All exhaustion levels reduce by half (round up) or 2 after long rest
10. When rolling for HP, if you roll lower than the average, take the average instead.
11. To alter a spell, the caster must perform an arcana check or use a higher spell slot.
12. In initiative, a character may use their Action to perform a bonus action.
13. When a character's race gives it resistance to elemental attacks, that character may add their
constitution modifier to their AC score against that element (ex. Tieflings and fire resistance). If
hit, the damage is reduced by half as normal. This only applies to Elemental Damage.
If there are any questions regarding how they are actually applied, please make note of them and ask
the DM.
*** Character Creation! ***

Starting Ability Scores: Players will choose out of the options listed below how all of them will
choose their stats. Everyone must agree to use the same system. These scores do not include the
character ability score increases given by race, class, nor background.

▫ Roll – Each player will roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die. You then add the other 3 and you
have one ability score. Repeat until you have six scores.
▫ Point Buy – This is a process that doesn’t require dice. The DM gives the players a number of
points and they decide how to distribute them among the ability scores. You get 25 points with
the lowest score is 8 and a buy of 0 points, and the highest of 15 at 7 points.
▫ Standard Array – The standard array as set by the Players Handbook is 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.
this array can also be achievable using the Point Buy system.
▫ Custom Array – The players and DM choose all 6 of the scores to start out with.

ASI: Remove any negative ability scores attached to all races. If you are granted more than one Racial
Ability Score Improvement, they can be changed in following ways:

1. One improvement can be moved to any ability score while the other stays where it is.
2. The improvement can be left on the given scores and simply switched
3. For the human improvements, two can be combined to create one +2. Can be done only once.

Feats: All characters get to start out with a feat (variant humans start with two). Homebrews can be
used upon DM approval. Armor and weapons feats are not the best, ask about tweaking them.

Proficiency: During character creation; a character gains proficiency in a number of skills, tools, or
languages equal to their intelligence mod. A player will lose proficiencies with a negative modifier.

Dragonborn have received many buffs which should have been there to start with. Ask DM if more
may be added.

1. Dragonborn breath weapon becomes a bonus action at level 5. The number of charges equals
your constitution modifier. Exceeding the number of uses renders you unconscious.
2. Having Draconic Ancestry, you may start with the Draconic Resilience at level 1 and gain
Elemental Affinity at level 3 found in the Sorcerer class (PH.102). If you choose this class, these
abilities may not stack.
3. You have claws as natural weapons for unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal
slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your strength mod.
4. Dragonborn can charge and attack with horns. Refer to mechanics of a boar (PH.304)

Cleric spell Spare the Dying takes a bonus action to cast. For Grave Domain, Spare the Dying can
take a reaction to cast.

Rangers can change their favored terrain and enemy with 8hr preparation (either studying,
meditating, or the like). Beast master beasts act on their own turn in initiative, with no multi-attack.

Monk: Way of Four Elements gets some edits in terms of learning spells.

1. All Ki costs of the monk's elemental disciplines remain as per the PHB.
2. At 3rd level, the monk learns Elemental Attainment and other two elemental disciplines of
his/her choice.
3. The monk learns one additional discipline at 5th, 9th, 11th, and 17th levels.
4. When the monk uses an elemental discipline, he/she can make one unarmed strike attack as a
bonus action any time before the end of his/her turn.

**** Player Supplies ****

These are the basic items and instruments needed in order to play D&D. Bring these things to every
session. At times, other things may be needed to help the game move smoother, generally the DM
will have them at the start of session.

1. Character Sheets: This will include three pages possessing everything needed for your
If you do not have something and need to borrow, ask your DM (for they are hoarders in all things
D&D). Or find an online version that is easily accessible, such as an app.

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