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 The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always less than the value of the smallest

Formula for Total Parallel Resistance, RT

 As resistors are added, there are more paths for current; hence, there is increased
 With parallel resistors, it is simple to think in terms of the conductive paths; each resistor
adds to the total conductance as given by the following equation:

GT = G1 + G2 + G3 + . . . . . . . . + Gn

The Case of Two Resistors in Parallel

 The total resistance for two resistors in parallel is equal to the product of the two resistors
divided by the sum of the two resistors.

 This equation is sometimes referred to as the “product over the sum” formula.

Applications of Parallel Circuits

 Automotive
- One advantage of a parallel circuit over a series circuit is that when one branch opens, the
other branches are not affected.

 Control Circuits
- Many control systems use parallel circuits or equivalent circuits for control and
monitoring an industrial process such as a production line.
- Most complex control applications are implemented on a dedicated computer called a
programmable logic controller (PLC).

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