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John Clifford C.

Mantos BSED-IV
Speech and Stage Arts
Ms. Aris Suarez

Short Story: Footnote to Youth

Character: Father of dogon

Scene 3 (Father is sitting on the chair)
(While sucking the broken tooth) Do you really want to marry now Dodong? Have you thought
this through many times? Do you know how hard it is to become a married person? Are you
ready to face the world of greater responsibility? Are you able to feed your wife and your
children? Can you already provide their needs? Dodong, you are still young, you are still 17
years old. Young ones like you have so many dreams in life. Youth of your age looks forward to
finish their studies, work in the city, earn a good income, and buy properties and possessions.
But why is your life locked up with a woman? Why would you imprison yourself with hard
responsibilities when you can enjoy for a while your youthful years? You are too young to get
married Dodong, I’ll tell you that. Where is your dream son? Where is your ambition? Where is
the spirit of youthfulness in you? Dodong, listen to me. Don’t marry Teang yet. Enjoy your
youth years. Dream dodong, dream! Dream of a wonderful future and bring that glorious future
when you’re ready, in your family. You don’t know how tiresome and hard, married life is. I
don’t want you to feel the heavy burden. I don’t want you to regret in your whole life that you
didn’t enjoy your youth. Please listen to me Dodong? I love you my son. I love you so much. I
love you with all my heart. I beg you, put aside this impulsive decision of you, and think of the
future, not just the present happiness. Get married at the age of 25 or 27 or 30, not now, my
son. Not now. Enjoy your young days, prepare yourself, study, apply scholarship, work in the
city, or maybe start a business after school, don’t stay here and be rotten in the farm. I don’t
want you to die in here, like me, but be ready for the greater responsibility ahead. The right
time to get married for you is not today my son. You’re so young for that. But if you truly want
to get married Dodong, if you don’t want to listen to me, then so be it. Tell your mother this
matter. If she says yes, then go on and do what you want to do. Yes, if that is what you desire. If
that is what you wish my son. If I cannot hold you, then I will let you go. But be sure to know
this, I already told you the kind of life that you will have, if you insist. I pity you Dodong, I pity
you my son. Ponder on my advice. Don’t ignore my warnings, because I am already old and I
have been filled with great experiences that young ones will still experience. I know what kind
of life it will be, if you choose to marry Teang. I am not being selfish, I am just looking for your
own good. I only want the best for you my son. Remember that. But if you insist in marrying
Teang, fine. Go now to your mother and tell her what is in your heart.

SCENE 4 (After Teang gave birth to Blas)

Dodong, come here! Look, here’s your son. It’s happening now. This is what I told you. This is it.
You are now a father. Your son will look up to you, and you will do your best to become a
responsible father. This is now the time where you forget yourself, and focus your time and
effort in rearing up your son. This is what you wanted. I know you will be a good father and a
good husband. As long as your mother and I are here, we will support you. Hold your son now

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