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Lesson 4

Greek and Chinese Political Philosophers

1. Discuss Aristotle’s concept of equality and relate this to the six-part classification of
government outlined by Aristotle. Of the six types of government which are the proper and the

 Equality according to Aristotle must focus on understanding the interest of every side
including their views and principles. The concept of equality is when two persons have
equal status with relevant respect, they must be treated equally with regard to this
respect. Aristotle classification of states can be the borderline between the proper and
improper form of government by which he notes that there are states who rules and
whose interests are considered and served.

Furthermore, to identify which is which, it must tackle what form of state is considering
the common interest and the interest of the rulers. Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Polity are
the government system that is in the balance and proper way. On the other hand,
Tyranny, Oligarchy, and Democracy can be considered unbalanced and improper.

While people may argue that “Democracy” is the best form of government because it
assures freedom it has many loopholes specially in the division of society and the voice
of upper majority are the main power behind the freedom. Above all, the concept of
democracy didn’t meet Aristotle concept of equality which at the realization “Polity” is the
more suitable one focusing on the common interest and not just the influence of
leadership for some people.
2. Compare the type of rulers advocated by the great Greek philosophers with those advocated
by the Chinese sages.

 One of the notable differences in the teachings of Greek philosophers and Chinese
sages when it comes to the ruler is on the delivery of influence and rules against
righteousness and truth in public service.

Great Greek philosophers focus on how the leaders should partake in the process of the
government and that they must attain the common interest to achieve the proper form of
state. That to become a good ruler the highest deciding body must be of great
knowledge and seek unified decision before implementing a rule of law.

On the other hand, Chinese Sages focus more on the inner factor or the affective and
cognitive part of the ruler where righteousness and truth must be the first priority before
someone can actually rule his territory.

3. What lessons can a public administrator derive from the thoughts of Confucius?

 Among the many lessons that a public administrator can derive from Confucius teaching
is more on internal realization and having a solid core to serve the public. Meaning, the
best treatment in every situation is to look for all its possible side and that truth seeking
is the method a public administrator can do to solve common social issues that they are
facing. These basic foundations will guide the public personnel to serve the best interest
of the mass by knowing to yourself what is the right thing to do. Focusing on the benefit
and service of the people rather than being conservative and one-sided leader.

4. Lao Tze made some proposals on how one behaves as ruler. Compare with the philosophy of
Hedonism. Are there some points of convergence between the philosophy of Epicurus and that
of Lao Tze? Discuss.
 Lao Tzu's philosophy advocates naturalness, spontaneity and freedom from social
conventions and desires. This also requires that the leader will become selfless and
focus on their personal growth and desire to avoid greed of power. In comparison,
Hedonism could lead to over indulgence and pleasure however people may experience
displeasure because of different circumstances. To cut if off, the difference are more on the
achievement of pleasure, one is focusing on the stripped-down life while the other is seeking
for happiness.

Consequently, there are point of convergence at some theories and perception between
Epicurus and Lao Tze because both their philosophies are on the naturalness and freedom
of human being and that their teaching about governance always on the pursuit of personal
desire and happiness.

5. Mencius gave lessons on how a ruler should behave. Do you agree with notions about a
good ruler?
 I can say that I like the concept of “Goodness brings honor, cruelty disgrace” because it
gives the idea that when the people relate to their ruler because of his generosity they
can follow him religiously. This is one of the techniques that can be used if we are talking
about the behaviorist perspective where the rulers can be more empathic and
understanding to his/her people and the people will have the urge to help the
government because there is a mutual relationship between them. Mencius method that
people will behave well if they are encouraged to develop virtuous thoughts and habits
are evident up to this present time.

6. How can public administrators make use of the principles that Sun Tzu propounded? How
can one win in the battle?
 The Art of War concept of Sun Tzu may be relevant in the times where a public official is
facing dilemmas and challenges in the workplace and in the service by choosing what to
prioritize first and target what is the most important thing to accomplished. To win in the
battle one must understand what war they get themselves into or in the context of public
service, what obstacles are they in to. Knowing your battle can help you strategize and
plan your next step and will help you to not make dubious decisions and mistakes while
you are performing your task.

7. What is goodness? What is its role in public administration?

 Goodness is the quality of being morally good or virtuous. This may be view in various
concepts but the explanation always boils down to the concept of righteousness and
seeking for the truth even in the face of uncertainties and dilemmas. While, public
administration is the implementation of government policy and also an academic
discipline that studies this implementation and prepares civil employees for working in
the public service. A "field of inquiry with a diverse scope" whose fundamental goal is to
advance management and policies so that government can function. When combined
goodness and public administration can attain the greatest purpose of governance which
is to provide common interest and truth among its citizen.

8. What is meant by benevolent and right?

 When we say benevolent and right it refers to the expression of goodwill or kind feelings
towards others, another definition is to be charitable and emphatic among people. All
these definitions can be achieved if we can practice it to become more understanding
and loving in the way we treat others.

9. Should a public administrator be sage or wise before he or she can serve as one?
 It is an ideal concept to achieve being a philosopher or a sage because it assures you
tons of wisdom but for me, you don’t need to become one in order to serve as public
administrator. The things that you just need are empathy, being compassionate,
willingness and determination, and service to others. If you can embody those
humanistic principle then I think you can serve the general public.

10. What is the Great Leap Forward?

 The Great Leap Forward of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was an economic
and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to
1962. Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from
an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people's
communes. Mao decreed increased efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to
the countryside.

11. What was the consequence of the Cultural Revolution of Mao?

 The consequence resulted in tens of millions of deaths, with estimates ranging between
18 million and 45 million deaths, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest in human
history. Furthermore, it changes the lives of rural Chinese people included the
incremental introduction of mandatory agricultural collectivization.
Moreover, private farming was prohibited, and those engaged in it were persecuted and
labeled counter-revolutionaries. Restrictions on rural people were enforced through
public struggle sessions and social pressure

12. Describe Maoism.

 The ideology and methodology for revolution developed by Mao Zedong and his
associates in the Chinese Communist Party from the 1920s until Mao’s death in 1976.
Maoism has clearly represented a revolutionary method based on a distinct revolutionary
outlook not necessarily dependent on a Chinese or Marxist-Leninist context.

The philosophy believes that to further advance in the economy they must focus on
implementing a great change of power from agriculture to commune, with forceful
treatment this ideology resulted in many casualties and has been known as the way to
sacrifice others in the benefit of change and development.

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