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The Upper Triangle

This represent the Rizal’s past life

 Rizal experienced from childhood until his death was not easy, in this novel Noli Me Tangere
Rizal wrotes all about what happened in his country. It talked about the Spaniard’s arrogance
and despicable use of religion to achieve their own desires.
Silhouette of a Filipina
- believed to be Maria Clara or as the "Inang Bayan" to whom Rizal dictates the novel
 Maria Clara is one of the main characters in Dr. Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere. She was young and
loved by Juan Crisostomo Ibarra, the protagonist of Rizal's novels. She is the son of Doña Pia
Alba and Captain Tiago but the truth is that his father is Padre Damaso. She is the qualities of
modesty, beauty, obedience, love and other morals that make up the purity of women. Maria
Clara is an image of Filipino women full of beautiful qualities.

Burning Torch
- refers to the Olympic torch
- pertains to the awakening of Filipino consciousness
- it also sheds light to the text of the manuscript
 Defending ourselves and our country depends on our hands. Fighting the country is in the
bravery of the people.
- it symbolizes a new beginning
- it is compared to the happiness of which appears to be always bowing down
 Rizal’s observation towards the happiness of the Filipinos are in the Spanish times, are only
fulfilled through their giving in and bowing down to the more powerful entity.
Hairy Legs
- it symbolizes the Legend of the Wolf
- the wolf shape shifts just like how friars hide their true nature and character
-Represents for priests using religion in a dirty way
 Just like Padre Damasao is jolly and not mysterious like those monks and his voice is brusque
like that of a man who has never bitten his tongue and who is believes everything he utters is
sacrosanct and cannot be improved upon. Even to the extent that one feels bound to forgive
him his sockless feet and a pair of hairy legs which would fetch the fortune of a Mendiata in the
Quipo fair
 Exposed the Spanish Friars abuse of Filipinos
Helmet of a Guardia Civil
- it represents the arrogance of those in authority
 Alfarez picked up his helmet, straightened himself a bit and marched off with loud giant strides.
After a few minutes he returned, not making the least sound. He had removed his boots. The
servants, accustomed to these spectacles between Alfarez and Dona Consolacion, but the
removal of the boots called their attention.

- represents the Catholic faith as it rises above Inang Bayan and Filipinos (shows dominance)
- it also symbolizes sufferings and death
 Rizal put the cross at the top it is because in his novel Noli Me Tangere he wrote about the
Spanish oppression of the Filipinos
Pomelo Blossoms & Laurel Leaves
- they represent faith, honor and fidelity, which are the values Rizal aspires to be embodied by Filipinos
- pomelos are used to scent their air commonly during prayers and cleansing rituals
- laurel leaves are used as crowns during Greek Olympics for honoring the best
 Rizal shows in his novel that Filipinos need faith, honesty, and Fidelity. Be brave and intelligent
Filipino people and the Youth will give hope to the people who can fight for the country.

Bamboo Stalks
- it represents Filipino resiliency
- despite the sufferings, Filipinos can still stand tall and firm
 Like Sisa, Sisa did not have an easy time with her husband, because her husband was
irresponsible and heartless, she was hurt but she did not give up, and she believed, trying to get
up for her children and stand. Rizal showed that no matter what happens, hardships we
experience, we must fight for the people for the country.

Rizal's Signature
- it shows that Rizal experienced and witnessed the ills and abuses that happened during his time
 Rizal experienced and witnessed the ills and abuses that happened during his time. Rizal's
reflection on the events in our society during the time we were conquered by Spanish. Because
Rizal revealed in the Noli Me Tangere the remarkable inequality of the treatment of the
Catholic priest and the Spanish government among the Filipinos. The mistreatment of the
Spaniards in the Philippines.

- it symbolizes slavery and imprisonment
 Lack of freedom and equality between the Spaniards and Filipinos during the colonial

Flogs (Suplina)
- it is used for self-flagellation
- just like the whip, this also symbolizes the cruelties of the Guardia Civil
 The grandfather of Elias abandoned by all except his wife, was tied to a horse followed by a
cruel multitude and flogged on every street corner, his brothers and in neighborhood if the
numerous temples of a God of Peace.

- it represents the abuses and cruelties done by the Spaniards and friars as depicted in the novel
 Dona Consolacion took a few turns in the room twisting the whip in her calloused hands and
stopping all of sudden in front of sisa , told her in Spanish, Dance. Dona Consolacion raised the
whip that terrible whip familiar to thieves and soldiers.

The Lower Triangle

This represents Rizal's currents situations
 Rizal became part of the Propaganda Movement, with other Filipinos who wanted reform,
therefore Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere, Rizal suffered and was arrested, there were
investigations, trials to prove his innocence but the court ruled that he was guilty and killed

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