Application of SCADA in PS

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Control system is the most important part of any industry. For bigger industries like power plants, oil
refineries etc. Where many parameters are to be handled simultaneously its role becomes more significant.
The control of different variables can be efficient done through the recent and more advanced technology
called Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System- SCADA

SCADA involves collection of the data and controlling of the parameters through a series of
equipment, which includes transducers to obtain the data, Remote Telemetry Units to transmit and control
the data flow, computers to process the data. Through SCADA the total cost of the project and the time
involved in processing the data reduces drastically there by increasing the efficiency of the project.

In this paper the focus has been on SCADA, its applications and mainly on the RTU’s. A new
version of RTU, ADIOS-3000 has been introduced in the paper, which boosts the overall performance of
the system. ADIOS-3000 handles both digital and analog signals thus bringing in more versatility to the


SCADA is the acronym for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. SCADA systems are a far
reaching technology used to monitor and control equipment and processes from a central remote location.
A SCADA system:

SCADA consists of transducers and sensors in the field which are connected to Remote Terminal Units
(RTU’s).Remote sites equipped with RTU’s can be located as close as within the same building or as far as
across the country. The RTU’s measure a variety of conditions and parameters including tank levels,
temperature, voltage, current, volumes and flow rates and report back to the central processing unit (CPU).
This technology is widely accepted in several industries as a reliable and efficient control system. These
RTU’s communicate with a central computer via a communications link (radio, telephone, satellite or
microwave), relaying information from the remote site back to the control site, where it is displayed on a
computer running Man-Machine Interface (MMI) software. Any control signals from the central controller
are sent to the RTU, which in turn will activate the transducers. SCADA warns when conditions become
hazardous by sounding alarms.
Basic functionalities of a SCADA system:

Automatic fault location, isolation and service restoration (AFLISR) -allows automatic detection
and location of fault, determination of switching operations required to isolate the fault, and determination
of the supply options until the fault has been remedied.

Description of the Key SCADA system:

The Key SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system consist of five major
components, Master Computer, Software, Communication Link, Remote Terminal and Signal
Transducers. The Personal Computer may be replaced by a Display Panel with lamps, push buttons and
digital displays.

Function of the Key system:

One obvious advantage of telemetry is eliminating the need for driving across town to check on,
or change, the status of equipment operating at remote locations. Telemetry also allows the utility to
discover alarm conditions before they become critical events.

The Master Computer:

The Master Computer is usually a standard Personal Computer (PC) with monitor, printer etc.
permitting the operator to monitor and control the field data. The PC serial port is connected to a suitable
modem for communication with the Remote Terminals. The PC may drive a local printer, alarms, charts or
other devices through one or more of its output ports.

Remote Terminal Unit (RTU):

A Remote Terminal (RTU), usually located at a field location, converts the analog values,
discrete, and counters signals into a serial digital format. This permits all signals to be transmitted on a
single telephone pair or radio circuit.

Basic Operation Of ADIOS- 3000

The RTU will operate scanning its inputs, normally at a fairly fast rate. It may do some
processing such as change of state processing, times tamping of changes, and storage of the data awaiting
polling from the SCADA master. Some RTU’s have the ability to initiate reporting to the SCADA master,
although more common is the situation where the SCADA master polls the RTU’s asking for changes. The
RTU may do some alarm processing when polled by the SCADA master, the RTU must respond to the
request, which may be as simple as “give me all your data”, to a complex control function to be executed.


Following equipments perform the above functions;

1. Data collection equipment 5. Data presentation equipment

2. Data transmission / Telemetric equipment
3. Remote terminal unit
4. Data loggers
The figure shown below represents the simplest SCADA configuration employing single computer;
Computer receives data from RTU’s via the communication interface. Operators control base one or more
Display CRT terminals for display. With this,
terminal it is possible to execute
Prog. and supervisory control commands and
Auxiliary memory control request the display of data in alpha
I/O console numerical formats arranged by
geographical location and of type.
equip The programming input/output is used
Communicat for modifying the supervisory software.
In the basic SCADA system, all the
ment ion interface programs and the data is stored in the
main memory. The more sophisticated
version of SCADA has additional
RTU RTU RTU auxiliary memories in the form of
magnetic disc units.
Simple SCADA system with single computer


The electrical energy is transferred from large generating stations to distant load centers via
various sub-stations. In every sub-station certain supervision, control and protection functions are
necessary. Every substation has a control room. The relay and protection panels and control panels are
installed in the control room. The various circuit breakers, tap changers and other devices are controlled by
corresponding control-relay panels. In a small independent sub-station, the supervision and operation for
normal service can be carried out by the operator with the aid of analogue and digital control systems in the
plant. The breakers can be operated by remote control from the control room. During faults and abnormal
conditions, the breakers are operated by protective relays automatically. Thus, the primary control in sub-
station is of two categories.
1. Normal routine operation by operators command.
2. Automatic operation by action of protective relays and control systems.


• Tracker Option: This feature provides collection and storage of variety pertaining to the serialized
items such as time stamps, quality measurements, temperature, humidity, pressure, sub- assembly
part number etc through various automated sensors and readers like bar code readers, radio
frequency tags, mechanical tag based system. This information is used for over viewing the flow
of serialized items and the location of materials through the system which helps in isolating the
defective items from the perfect ones. For example boxes or containers over a specified weight
limit may be routed to different storage area.

• Simulator option: SCADA system contains in it the simulator option which allows the operator to
have a hand-on experience in dealing with the day to day problem occurring in the plant by
creating the environs similar to that of the main process. The operators can be trained in this
artificial fault environment, which helps in understanding the plant operation in better version.

• Data import/export function: This feature allows the transfer of all the point configuration data
via a ‘comma separated variable’ file. Points are the representation of actual field parameters;
these are the variables in which the actual incoming data is stored. Similarly point configuration
can be sent to other SCADA system for their use over their. This is made possible through data
import/export facility. Data management is possible using MS EXCEL, MS ACCESS etc.

• Flexibility: This feature provides tools by which an existing system could be tailored according to
the changes taking place. Thus the user can mould the system according to the demands thus
making it more flexible.

• Forecasting: Forecasting is the ability to predict future state of the system by studying previously
collected data. Forecasting feature of SCADA system allows the operator to visualize the state of
the system well in advance, hence the operator has enough time to manage the system properly.
This feature of SCADA finds a huge application in Energy Management System.

• Job Management: Using SCADA all the tasks can be properly sequenced and executed to allow
the most efficient task scheduling for proper utilization of man and machinery of plant. Thus
ensuring the most optimum utilization of the resources. And hence the conformance to
international standards of safety and security of the plant and personnel is also ensured.

From the above paper we can summarize that the SCADA supplements the control and protection
system to form an integrated system, which is compact, economical and versatile…. In short we can say
that it acts under the GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM, so that whole system works in same time
Today the buzzword in any industry is “Optimal Performance at Maximum Economy”. SCADA has
provided the industry with the perfect “Man Machine Interface” which has solved many or to be precise,
most of the problems related to monitoring, supervision, data acquisition and controlling. The most
significant contribution of SCADA is probably having an easy-to-use graphical interface, which has made
the tedious job of operators very easy. SCADA has manifold applications like Distribution Management,
Energy Management, Power Plant Management & Oil and Gas Distribution System. SCADA has also
enabled Grid monitoring by virtue of which power can by shared on national basis. So the bottom line is
that SCADA is a boon to Indian power sector.

Advantages of SCADA system:

1. Flexible, simple, reliable.

2. Efficient with less manpower.
3. Security.
4. Self-checking and readability.
5. Portable and cost efficient.

Applications of SCADA system:

1. Inside power plant.

2. On power plant.
3. Industrial establishment.
4. Load dispatch center.
5. Railways.


1) Application notes on “Distribution of SCADA data over DDE, SQL and on the web” by Scan-
Data, Encino, CA 91416-7028.
2) Application notes on “SCADA and Telemetry Design made easy” by Scan-Data, Encino, CA
3) Paper on “SCADA and Control Applications” by Daniel W. Nagala-- UTSI International
4) Application notes on “Uploading of older SCADA and Telemetry systems with data connectors”
by Scan-Data, Encino, CA 91416-7028.
5) “SCADA Talks” by Ian Weise Industrial computing 1999.
6) “Computer Applications in Power Systems-SCADA” by Michael Leslie IEEE Ottawa section
PES, RS, EA and Algonquin College student branch.
7) Press Release of Sensaphone Inc. Aston PA 19014—A new Breed of SCADA system.
8) “Electrical Power Substation SCADA Systems” by Dexter Fortson Associates, Inc.
9) “Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)” Stanford University, Facilities Operations
division, Stanford CA 94305.
10) “The Key SCADA systems” by Key Telemetering Products Brent Hazelwood 2829 Lewis Lane -
Owensboro, KY 42301 USA.
11) “Benefits of SCADA” by Power systems Engineering, Inc. 2000 Engel street Madison, WI 53713.

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