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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur

Quarter No: 1 Week No: 1
Explain that knowing oneself can make a person
accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing
with others better.
Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and
Name of Teacher – Writer: ARGHEL S. CALIJA
Evaluators(QA Team): ARGHEL S. CALIJA
QA Co-Chairman: DR. AVELINA D. GATDULA, Public Schools District Supervisor
QA Chairman: DR. ELSIE R. RIGUNAY, Education Program Supervisor
– ESP SDO-IS Administrators:
DR. MARIA SALOME R. ABERO, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief
DR. NESTOR C. HERAÑ A, CESO V, Assistant School Division Superintendent
JORGE M. REINANTE, CSEE, CEO VI, CESO V, School Division Superintendent

Good day our dear learner! It's good to be with you today. Now that we are in
the "new normal" of the education system, it is very important that you will study the
lessons inside or outside of our school. This Self-Learning Kit will enhance your self-
learning ability as this gives you supplementary activity and creative tool to increase
your ability to develop other skills in order to understand the different lesson to be
undertaken in the subject, Personal Development. You will be able to know and
understand oneself using available materials and appropriate techniques in this SLK.
Read and understand this SLK carefully. Seriously answer all the given
activities and assessments in order to measure the knowledge and skills that you will
acquire in the lesson. Take full responsibility and manage your time wisely in
completing the activities and assessments.
Remember that reading the instruction carefully before doing each activity
and assessment will be of great help to ensure that you’ve done it right. In answering
the given activities and assessments, use your notebook. Please DO NOT WRITE
anything in this SLK. Dear learner, God bless and happy learning!
Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths
and limitations and dealing with others better.
Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.
Specific Objectives:
1. Explain that knowledge about themselves will allow for acceptance
of one’s own strengths and limitations that can lead to better
human relationships.
2. Value the act of sharing their unique characteristics, habits, and
3. Showcase his/her own talent.

You take a look at your own self. You need to do the following self-
concept reflection in your journal notebook.


Direction: Choose from the characteristics listed below that you think it serve as your
strengths. Use your choices in making a caricature or any visual representation of yourself.


Is there any chances or assurance that you can see your being by merely staring
yourself in the mirror?
Imagine that you are staring into the mirror. What do you see? Do you see your ideal self
or your actual self?
You will find in the discussion here about self-concept, and its two broad categories.

What is self-concept?
The term self-concept is used to mention how you thinks, discern
and assess about yourself and to your level of awareness of yourself.

What are two broad category of self-concept?

The following words are used to relate the state of personality.
A. The actual self is who you actually are. It is your awareness of what you think, how
you feel, look, and act. These can be seen by others, but you have no idea of how
others see you, the actual self is simply your self image. Self image is the perspective
you have on yourself.

B. The Ideal Self is how you really wish you were or want to be. It is a created image
that you have developed for a period of time, based upon what you have learned and
your personal life's experiences.

*Images are owned by teacher

the -writer.

In activity 1 you have already identified your strengths and

weaknesses. Here are some advice on how you can build on your strengths
and work on your weaknesses.

Five simple ways to improve your personal strengths

1. Avoid comparing yourself to others – you can talk to someone who encourage or give
you hope, and even to those who intimidate you.
2. You should concentrate more on your strength rather than your weaknesses.
3. Get rid of your weaknesses through collaboration with others.
4. When you failed, think of what you learned and use it as motivation.

5. Use your time wisely as you take part in groups or organizations which have
programs in leadership skills and aim for success.
Five simple ways to convert your weaknesses into strengths
1. Recognize and accept your weakness.
2. Focus and convert to the right strengths that is almost exactly opposite of your
weaknesses. Examples: unrealistic-visionary; talkative-expressive, etc.
3. Seek advice in dealing with your struggles.
4. Consider hiring and seeking for knowledgeable people to train or coach you to fulfill
the skills you want to improve.
5. Spend your time practicing at something you want to be good at, do not waste your
time wishing you were good at it.

How do you feel now? I think we have so much fun learning about
It is now time to test your knowledge.

Activity 2. Anagram
Directions: Arrange the rumbled letters to get the right word for the category
“Self – Empowerment”. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.

1 S E L L E R T I N I

2 T H E A N T I C S I
3 D I A R Y T A X R O N E R
4 C U R I O S G A
5 T H U F F A I L
6 B O L E N
7 S E N P A I T O A S
8 D O C U F S E
9 S I S T E R P E N C E
10 S I T C O M T I P I

Activity 3. Fill Me In
Directions: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits its corresponding
Category: Self Esteem

1 2 3 10

4 5

1 The state of being thankful
4 Dedication for something
6 Victor
7 Good looking
8 Faithful

2 Treating people well
3 People who can keep confidential matter
5 Amazing
9 The ability of the mind to be creative
10 Joyful

Activity 4. One Pic One Word

Directions: Complete the word by filling in a word in the box that fits each picture as
the clue. Category: Self-concept


2. 3.



You are now ready to have a recap if you really understand what you
have read.

*Images are owned by the teacher-writer.

By knowing and being aware of your self-concept, you will be led to carefully and
wisely choose the things you will or will not do in a certain time. Therefore, it will shape your
unique characteristics to fulfill your preferred goals in life.

Activity 5. Nurture Your Talents Within

Perform an act that will display your talent/skill. Take a video of yourself
with the minimum length of 2 minutes and maximum f 5 minutes.
length o
And answer the question:“Why there is a need to share your unique
” after your presentation.
Submit the video and 7 it is a drawing, an art, etc.) to your
your outcome(if
r through messenger or email.

Assessment 1. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in CAPITAL
1. Careful and thorough use of all personal resources determines your personal
effectiveness that will lead you to achieve your desired goal in life. Which of the following
refers to your personal resources?
I. Energy and Time
II. Skiils
III. Talents
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II and III
2. “Being self-aware is not the absence of mistakes, but the ability to learn and correct them”
by Daniel Chidiac is a quote that can be relate to ___________.
A. Actual Self B. Ideal Self C. Self-Concept D. Self-Image
3. Complete the saying “No man is an ___________.”
A. Animal B. Insect C. Island D. Ocean
4. Maria wore a teacher’s uniform during the career guidance celebration. Wearing such a
dress reflects her ____________.
A. Actual Self B. Ideal Self C. Internal Self D. Social Self
5. Tasyo has a feeling of self-assurance that he can be a good leader to in their school. This
refer to what characteristic?
A. Self-Development B. Self-Esteem C. Self-Image D. Self-Love

Assessment 2. Know Your Label

Directions: Read each item carefully. Match the statement from column A to the
corresponding characteristics from column B. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.

1. I am likeable and easy to love. A. Character
2. I am logical and reasonable in my views and decisions. B. Communication
3. I can express my ideas smoothly and without difficulty. C. Human
4. I can easily interpret situations and make right judgments. D. Intelligence
5. I can easily understand the directions in the first instruction. E. Maturity
F. Physical Appeal

Assessment 3. Short Essay

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Complete the statement by writing
your answer in your notebook. Limit your answer in three (3) to five (5) sentences.
1. In this lesson, I discovered things in myself _____________________________________.
2. My core strengths_________________________________________________________.
3. My weaknesses __________________________________________________________.
4. The qualities that I want to hone and improve ___________________________________.
5. My dream is to become____________________________________________________.
Activity 1. Self-Concept Reflection Rubric
Features 5 4 3 2 1
Required Caricature or Caricature or Caricature or Caricature or Caricature or
Elements illustration has illustration has illustration has illustration has illustration does
completed all required missing one missing two required missing three not contain
required elements. required required elements.
elements. elements.
(Creativity, Innovation,
Originality, Title)
Content The content is The content is The content is only The content is The content is
accurate. All substantially about 70% is about less than inaccurate. Most of
illustrations contains accurate. Most accurate. Most 50% accurate. the illustrations
appropriate self illustrations illustrations are Some illustrations does not contain
concept. Illustration contains self somewhat contains are somewhat appropriate self
is appropriate self contains concept.
concept. Illustration appropriate self
very informative Illustration is a bit
is supported with concept.
some new Illustration does
information. not contain
Organization Illustration is well Illustration is 80% Illustration is Illustration is below Illustration appears
organized. organized. 50%organized. 50% organized. to be unorganized.

Neatness The illustration is very The illustration is The illustration has The illustration has The illustration is
neat. somehow neat. few mistake. many mistakes. very dirty.

Activity 5. Nurture Your Talent Within Rubric

Features 5 4 3 2 1
Required Presentation has Presentation has Presentation has Presentation has Presentation does
Elements completed all missing one missing two required missing three not contain
required required elements. elements. required required elements.
elements. elements.
Presentation, Time)
Content The content is The content is The content is only The content is The content is
accurate. All substantially about 70% is about less than inaccurate. Most of
illustrations contains accurate. Most accurate. Most 50% accurate. the presentation are
appropriate illustrations contains Illustrations are Some does not contain
sentences or caption. appropriate somewhat contains illustrations are appropriate
appropriate somewhat sentences or
Presentation is very sentences or
sentences or contains caption.
informative caption.
caption. appropriate
Presentation is a bit Presentation is sentences or
informative. supported with caption, some
some new are not.
information. Presentation
does not contain

Organization Presentation are Presentation are Presentation are Presentation are Presentation
well organized in a organized with organized with not entirely appears to be
sequential manner. good amount of little amount of sequential. unorganized.
sequencing. sequencing.

Clarity, spelling, Statements are Some statements Many statements Almost all the All statements are
punctuations, and clear. Almost no are not clear. are not clear. statements are not clear.
grammar spelling, There are a few There are few of not clear. There are many
punctuations or spelling, spelling, There are many spelling,
grammartical errors. punctuation and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and
grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes. punctuation, and grammar mistakes.

Assesment 3. Short Essay

Features 5 4 3 2 1
Content and analysis All ideas are Some ideas are Several ideas Few ideas are No ideas at all.
expressed clearly expressed are expressed expressed
and accurately clearly and clearly and clearly and
based on accurately accurately accurately
experiences based on based on based on
experiences experiences experiences
Organization and The ideas are Some ideas are Several ideas are Few ideas are Unorganized
structure organized and are organized and are organized and are organized and are and unclear.
stated well and stated well and stated well and stated well and
clear clear clear clear
Clarity, spelling, Statements are clear. Some statements Many statements Almost all the Poor grammar,
punctuations, and are not clear. are not clear. statements are not spelling and
grammar Almost no spelling, There are a few There are few of clear. There are punctuation
punctuations or spelling, spelling, many spelling, mistakes are
grammartical punctuation and punctuation, and punctuation, and noticeable.
errors. grammar grammar grammar mistakes.
mistakes. mistakes.


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