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Jerome ID: 6662697

Hey dear Jerome,

Yesterday I thought about you and remembered about your sister. Now I'm
writing to you to find out how she's doing. How are her yoga lessons? I will be
very glad if you tell me a little more about her. It is very interesting for me to learn
about your family.
By the way, you said that you play the guitar. I also want to learn, but I don't
know where to start and what kind of guitar would suit me. Can you advise
something for me?
Andrew ID: 6058127
Hi, Andrew!
You haven't written anything to me since you were in France. Are you all right?
I'm worried about you. I miss our communication.
How are you in France? Have you already renovated your old cottage? It would be
interesting for me to hear about it and see what you did.
By the way, how is your dog Roy? I completely forgot to ask if he went with you to
France or did you leave him with friends?
Anyway, I’m waiting for your reply.
Best wishes,
Thomas, ID: 6220261
Hello, my dear Thomas,
How are you? You haven’t written me so long. I miss you and our conversations.
So I decided to write first.
How is your job? Were there any special incidents or fierce fights? I really hope
that everything is fine with you.
I'm all good. I want to say thank you very much for that recipe. Now chicken mojo
de ajo is one of my favorite dishes. Although I think you would cook it even
Waiting for your letter,
Joe 4058331
Hello Joe,
You haven't written to me for so long. I remember that you said that you have some kind of problem
with your family. I understand and really hope that everything is fine and everyone is healthy.
How are your daughters and sons? Have any of them already married?
By the way, how is it in your country with the virus? Are there any improvements? Everything is still
difficult and bad with us. Hope that's wrong with you.
Looking forward to your answer,
Your Tati

Michael, ID: 3997151

Hey my dear Michael,
How are you? You didn't write to me, you are probably very busy right now. After all, just recently it was
your son's birthday, and in a couple of days your daughter will have it. This is probably such happiness.
I hope you will send my best regards to all your big family. I would be very pleased.
How are your days? I will be happy to receive a letter from you

Rick, ID: 16160

Прошла свадьба сына. Коронавирус.

Hi Rick,

Why haven't you written to me for so long? I'm so tired of waiting for a letter from you and decided to
take the first step.

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