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Functional Known Issues

Oracle Financials Cloud
Release 12
November, 2017
Oracle® Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues Release 12
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Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5

PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................................................. 5

SUPPORTED BROWSERS ............................................................................................................ 5

RELATED DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................................... 6

DOCUMENTATION ACCESSIBILITY ............................................................................................ 6

COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................................................... 6

COMMON ............................................................................................................................... 7

COMMON APPLICATIONS CONFIGURATION............................................................................. 7

Application Error Displayed for FYI Notifications After Upgrade .......................................................................7
Oracle Business Intelligence ..............................................................................................................................7
BI Publisher Report Developers Cannot Modify Reports They Create Using BI Publisher Customize
Feature ...........................................................................................................................................................7
Oracle Visual Information Navigator .................................................................................................................8
Dependency Map supports Maximum of 1200 Nodes. .................................................................................8
Only 100 Results are Displayed when Search Query Returns More than 100 Results ..................................8
Import options on Manage Sandboxes page and Manage Customizations dialog box are disabled ............8

KNOWN ISSUES IN ORACLE FUSION FINANCIALS ............................................................ 9

ORACLE FUSION FINANCIALS COMMON .................................................................................. 9

Scheduled Process Jobs End in Error When Flexfield Filter Parameter Specified ..............................................9

SETUP DATA IMPORT AND EXPORT .......................................................................................... 9

Setup Data Not Being Imported .........................................................................................................................9

SEARCH........................................................................................................................................ 10

ORACLE FUSION SUBLEDGER ACCOUNTING ........................................................................ 10

Drilling Down to Transaction Details ...............................................................................................................10

ORACLE FUSION GENERAL LEDGER....................................................................................... 10

Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12 3

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

Financial Reporting Studio reports might not display properly when using Google Chrome or
Apple Safari ......................................................................................................................................................10
Limit on the Maximum Number of Journal Lines for Export............................................................................10
Account Hierarchies Setup with Segment Value Ranges .................................................................................11

RECEIVABLES ............................................................................................................................. 11
Print Date Range Parameters Not Working in Print Receivables Transactions process ..................................11

REPORTING ................................................................................................................................. 11
Parameters Missing when Running an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Analysis from Financial
Reporting Center ..............................................................................................................................................11
Custom Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Reports Not in Financial Reporting Center ...........................12
Cannot Schedule or Run Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Reports from Financial Reporting Center ...12
Using Tree-Based Accounting Segment Dimensions Requires Tree Filters .....................................................12
Cannot Run Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reports That Use General Ledger – Balances Real
Time Subject Area ............................................................................................................................................13

4 Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

This section contains the following:
 Purpose of This Document

 Supported Browsers

 Related Documentation

 Documentation Accessibility

 Comments and Suggestions

Purpose of This Document

This document provides a list of functional Known Issues for Oracle Financial Cloud Release

Note: Issues and limitations are organized by the products within Oracle Financials Cloud that
are responsible for the affected features or objects. In some cases, an issue may affect
multiple products, so it is prudent to review all Known Issues within an offering.

You should also review the Oracle Applications Cloud Common Features Functional Known
Issues document on My Oracle Support to review Known Issues that are shared across

This document is subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with Oracle.
Please note that this document is subject to change by Oracle at any time without notice.

Supported Browsers

Ensure that your browser is at the minimum supported level. Refer to System Requirements
for Oracle Applications Cloud at

Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12 5

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

Related Documentation

See Oracle Help Center for the full set of Oracle documentation, including the Known Issues
documents in the following list.
Visit the Release Readiness page to help you get up to speed on the latest cloud releases.
 If you are an on-premise customer, please review the Oracle Fusion Application
Technical Release Notes for installation, upgrade, and platform Known Issues. You can
find this document on My Oracle Support.

 If you are a Cloud customer, please see Oracle Applications Cloud Known Issues and
Update Documents, My Oracle Support, Document ID 1603154.1.

 The Oracle Applications Business Process Models document links to details of the
business process models. My Oracle Support, Document ID 1542019.1.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to send us feedback about Oracle
Applications Help and guides. Please send your suggestions to

6 Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

Common references Applications Core objects that are centrally defined and shared across

Common Applications Configuration

Application Error Displayed for FYI Notifications After

Workflow processes and tasks that were launched during the six months right before an
upgrade are migrated to the new release. Active processes and non-FYI tasks that were
launched over six months ago are automatically withdrawn and archived before migrating to
the new release also, along with other closed processes and tasks. However, FYI notifications,
even those that are less than six months old, cannot be successfully migrated. After upgrade,
users get an application error when they try to open such FYI notifications.
Oracle Reference: 26833478, 26596063

Oracle Business Intelligence

BI Publisher Report Developers Cannot Modify Reports They Create
Using BI Publisher Customize Feature
After you invoke the Customize operation on a BI Publisher report, the security settings on
the custom version of the BI Publisher are set so that only a user with BI Administrator role
can change the custom report.
A user with BI Administrator role should grant Full permission to the BI Author roll on the
custom report.
Oracle Reference: 17009309

Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12 7

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

Oracle Visual Information Navigator

Dependency Map supports Maximum of 1200 Nodes.
Dependency Map supports a maximum of 1200 nodes.
Oracle Reference: 20448060

Only 100 Results are Displayed when Search Query Returns More
than 100 Results
If a search query returns more than 100 results, then only 100 results are displayed in the
search results area of the Dependency Map.
Ensure that you narrow your search results scope by entering enough key words that are
relevant to your query.
Oracle Reference: 20448079

Import options on Manage Sandboxes page and Manage
Customizations dialog box are disabled
Customization often involves related changes in multiple files. Previously, you could click the
import option on the Manage Sandboxes page to import sandbox archives. Also, you could
manually modify customization files and upload them to the application using the Manage
Customizations dialog box. These options are now disabled because such partial changes
resulted in data inconsistencies, which caused errors in the application.
The Sandbox Import Disabled profile option (FND_DISABLE_SANDBOX_IMPORT), which
controlled the sandbox import functionality, is now set to Yes by default and is read-only.
Similarly, the Manual Updates to Metadata Allowed profile option
(FND_ALLOW_MANUAL_METADATA_UPDATES), which controlled the functionality of
manually uploading customization files, is now set to No and is read-only. So, for importing
customizations from one environment to another, use the Customization Migration tool.
Perform the following steps:
1. Thoroughly test the application changes made in a sandbox before publishing it.
2. Make changes using existing tools to fix any issues.

8 Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

3. If you still see issues pertaining to application changes, then log a service request
using My Oracle Support at
Oracle Reference: 25942932

Known Issues in Oracle Fusion Financials

Oracle Fusion Financials Common

Scheduled Process Jobs End in Error When Flexfield Filter

Parameter Specified
For new Release 12 customers, scheduled processes with flexfield filter parameters end in
error if a value is provided for the flexfield filter parameter when the jobs are run.
Run the jobs without providing a value for the flexfield filter parameter.
Oracle Reference: 24917652

Setup Data Import and Export

Setup Data Not Being Imported

Setup data for the Manage Document Sequence task in the Financials offering is not imported
from the source instance.
Manually create the document sequences that are required for Oracle Fusion Receivables and
Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. These sequences must match the configuration in the target
instance of the sequences you created in your source instance. For more information about
setting up document sequences, see the Define Document Sequences section in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Financials Implementation Guide, 11g Release 9 (11.1.9).
Oracle Reference: 14251841

Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12 9

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues


The Oracle Fusion Financials searchable objects are predefined but not available for
searching. Do not schedule crawls or perform any searches on Oracle Fusion Financials-
related objects.

Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting

Drilling Down to Transaction Details

Drill down to requisition and purchase order transaction details is not available in this release.
Oracle Reference: 18344655

Oracle Fusion General Ledger

Financial Reporting Studio reports might not display

properly when using Google Chrome or Apple Safari
Financial Reporting Studio reports might not display properly when Google Chrome or Apple
Safari is used as the browser.
Use the other supported browsers listed on the System Requirements for Oracle Applications
Cloud site to view the Financial Reporting Studio reports.
Oracle Reference: 23184492

Limit on the Maximum Number of Journal Lines for Export

When you are reviewing a journal, the maximum number of journal lines that you can export
to a spreadsheet is 500.
To download journal line details to a file for journals with more than 500 lines, run the
Journals Report for the journal batch.

10 Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

Account Hierarchies Setup with Segment Value Ranges

You do not have access to values that are added to an account hierarchy as ranges if segment
value security is enabled. This occurs even if you have been granted access to those values.
Add the values individually or use hierarchical operators instead of adding the values as a
Oracle Reference: 13966248


Print Date Range Parameters Not Working in Print

Receivables Transactions process
The Print Receivables Transactions process fails when the Print Date range parameters
(From/To Print Date) are used with any combination of optional program parameters.
Avoid using the Print Date range parameters in the Print Receivables Transactions process.
Use the other available parameters for Print Receivables Transactions to do selective filtering.
Oracle Reference: 26097432


Parameters Missing when Running an Oracle Transactional

Business Intelligence Analysis from Financial Reporting
When you create an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analysis and run it from the
Financial Reporting Center, you cannot specify the parameters for the analysis.

Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12 11

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

Create an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence dashboard instead of an analysis, and run
the dashboard from the Financial Reporting Center. Or, run the analysis from the BI Catalog.
Oracle Reference: 24427607

Custom Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Reports Not

in Financial Reporting Center
Custom Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports are not available from the Financial
Reporting Center.
Run custom Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports directly from the Reports and
Analytics work area.
Oracle Reference: 22616814

Cannot Schedule or Run Oracle Business Intelligence

Publisher Reports from Financial Reporting Center
You can view the output of an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report from the Financial
Reporting Center if the report was run earlier. You cannot schedule or run an Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher report directly from the Financial Reporting Center.
Run Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports from the Reports and Analytics work area,
or schedule and run the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report from the Scheduled
Processes page.
Oracle Reference: 23188644

Using Tree-Based Accounting Segment Dimensions Requires

Tree Filters
Within Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence, Accounting Segment Dimensions
such as Balancing segment or Cost Center segment are based on the Chart of Accounts
configuration. These segments can be configured to be tree-enabled, which means that
hierarchies are defined upon the segment values for rollup purposes.
In such scenarios, you must filter by a specific hierarchy when performing ad-hoc queries
against tree-based accounting segments. Incorrect results may occur if tree filters are not

12 Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12

Oracle Financials Cloud Functional Known Issues

To apply tree filters, create a filter condition on Tree Filter attributes in Accounting Segment

Cannot Run Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Reports That Use General Ledger – Balances Real Time
Subject Area
Description: Changes have been made to optimize the use of the chart of accounts structure
by Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence that affect existing reports using the General
Ledger Balances – Real Time subject area.
To run user-defined reports that use the General Ledger Balances – Real Time subject area,
perform the following one-time prerequisite steps:
1. Redeploy the chart of accounts structure:a.Navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts
Structure setup task.
a. b.Click Deploy Flexfield.
b. c.Verify the deployment was successful by checking the results in the Deployment
Status column.

2. Run the following processes from the Scheduled Processes work area in the order
a. a.Create Rules XML File for BI Extender Automation: Run this process for all GL
balances cubes that you need in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.
b. b.Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence
Oracle Reference: 20697008

Oracle Financials Cloud Release 12 13

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