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1. What is stereotyping?

The term stereotype was originally a name for a printer’s metal plate that could hold an entire page of
print. The plate made it easier to produce identical copies of a page. Furthermore, Political commentator
Walter Lippman gave stereotype its current meaning, which he refers to as “pictures in our head” that
portray all members of a group having the same attributes. For instance, the typical stereotype that we
normally encounter is that all Asians are good at math, or all African Americans are all good at sports. It
can also be a gender stereotype, for instance, some people might assume that just because they are female
that they are unlikely to perform better in business than males or all old people are forgetful. This is not
always the case because there is a lot of competent businesswoman in the world furthermore, not all old
people are forgetful. 
2. Are stereotypes portrayed in the media and reading materials? Explain. 
Stereotypes are portrayed in the media and reading materials, for instance, in this reading material the
author gave a riddle at the beginning of chapter 5 wherein, most of us might think that the surgeon was a
male or a female, In my opinion, the author is trying to confuse the readers to think that the surgeon was,
in fact, a male because the riddle has to include father, son, and boy. 
3. How can people be impacted by stereotypes and bias? 
People can be impacted by stereotypes and biases negatively. For instance, the case of the doctor wherein,
the error emerges from a simple image that the average cardiac patient is male, overweight, and Joan did
not match that because she was active and fit. This is an example of a harmful stereotype that can cause
someone’s life. Furthermore, in the case of Wen Ho Lee, wherein the U.S government thought that he is
closely associated with the People’s Republic of China, he then spent time in prison but then got out
because of misidentification. 

4. How can media help reduce stereotyping?

There are two ways that the media can reduce stereotyping, the first one is instructing media consumers
about the effect of stereotyping after being exposed to such content or before the exposure of such
content. Second, is by simply confront counter-stereotypical, stereotype- disconfirming media content.
For instance, by having a well-known celebrity to address the problem.
5. How do people learn to make stereotypes? How do we unlearn them?
In my opinion, the best way to reduce or to get to know the people that have the negative stereotyped
label to them, for instance, Muslims are associated with being terrorist and African is labeled as violating,
I think that the best way to reduce this is to meet and communicate with them and get to know them, to
have a better perspective about what they are and to realize that not everyone is negative.
6. How can individuals help reduce bias and stereotyping?

As a member of society, I think that being educated about the problem can help reduce or be more
informed about stereotyping and biases. For instance, media literacy training is to help counter the
negative effect of media content. 

Recall a movie or episode in a tv series where implicit bias was manifested. How was bias evident?
There was a lot of bias in the movie “The Dictator” there is this one line in the movie that the bias is
evident, the American guard stated that “he hates Arabs and labeled everyone outside America as Arabs.”
When I first watch the movie I don’t think of it as bias but rather just a funny statement but in my mind, I
am aware of that stereotype.

If you were the scriptwriter of the movie or episode in a tv series that manifested implicit bias, what
would you have changed to reduce, if not eliminate, implicit bias?
If I we’re the scriptwriter I would probably first warn the viewer that the movie consist of bias and the
effects on them to people, I would probably reduce it but not entirely because humor is part of the movie,
furthermore, I would also add some videos at the beginning and the end of the movie or just a plain
statement regarding biases and stereotyping.

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