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Good habits Bad habits

Looks at failure as an opportunity to learn. Gives up easily.

Constantly seek for the answers of your question. Not doing anything about it.
Remain open for new learning. Stops learning.
Open-mindedness. Close-Mindedness.
Find humor. Being negative.
Listening with Understanding and Empathy. Not paying attention to others.

1. What are some instances when someone exhibits good and bad habits. Explain by using examples.

There are a lot of instances wherein people exhibit good and bad habits, Let us look at the current habit that
people shows in the pandemic for the example I will use the United States and Japan as an example in the
United States most people are not practicing proper social distancing and that is an example of a bad habit,
on the other hand, most people in Japan practice proper social distancing. In general, a student has to study
frequently for them to pass since we only have a limited amount of time to allocate hence, other students
still don’t allocate that time for their studies and tend to procrastinate which will lead to a bad outcome for
their grade. A good habit of a student is allocating their scarce resource for learning, on the other hand, a
bad habit would be procrastinating.

2. How can one avoid developing bad thinking habits? Explain by using examples.

Starting from simple to complex, there are instances wherein you’ve created a plan for the next day both not
being able to do all of them. Starting from simple to complex means that start from the basic and then as
you progress you will arrive from your target. For instance, Exercising, a majority of the people that made
exercising their new year’s resolution will end up not continuing for the next two months at the time that they
started this is due to the lack of consistency and having the mindset that wants to have quick gains. By
starting small will eventually make you big.

3. How can one strengthen good thinking habits. Explain by using examples.

The best way for one to strengthen good thinking habits is by reading books that inspire. Often reading
seems like a chore but if it does then start by reading books that are simple and progress from that point.
Notice that the most successful and influential people in the world reads almost every day such as the likes
of Bill Gates. Before, I view reading books as something that like a chore because I admit that reading is
boring but as I soon found out that reading contains more than just a piece of paper it contains the
aggregate knowledge, wisdom and experience of the author that written them. Thus, making you more
knowledgeable and gives you a better perspective of life.

4. It has been said that good thinking is not about whether one is “inherently smart? Do you agree? What does
“inherently smart” mean? Does one have to be “inherently smart” to practice good thinking?

Inherently smart means that one have inherited the intellectual capabilities of our predecessor or one is
inborn with such capabilities. Other believe that being smart is nature than nurture. At this point of my life I
would say that being smart takes a lot of hard work and that’s probably why only some are considered smart
and those that are not considered as such will think that they are natural or bless with such capabilities.
Individual has to be inherently smart to practice good thinking not to some extent because even some
individual that are considered smart does not practice good thinking.

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