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Activity 1: Identifying facts and opinions.

Statement F O Reasoning
Seoul is the capital of South Korea. X The information can be searched from valid sources, i.e.
maps, travel books, encyclopedias, etc.
1. Chocolates are always sweet. O There are variety of chocolate, it can be Dark chocolate
which is naturally has a more bitter taste compared to milk
chocolate. Therefore, the claim that chocolate is always
sweet is subjective.
2. Exercising everyday can make X There is various study that shows that doing exercise in a
an individual attractive. daily basis, In the long-run, exercising daily will generally
makes you better looking, better shape, healthier, younger-
looking and more. The information can be searched in
various sources such as the mayo clinic, google scholar,
3. Filipinos are the best English O The claim that Filipinos are the best English speakers in
speakers in Asia. Asia is subjective because person A might agree that the
Filipinos are the best speaker in English in Asian but at the
same time person B might disagree with it.
4. Using skin moisturizer every day O There is various benefit of moisturizer in the skin such as
makes me pretty. fights wrinkles, reduces the chances of skin problems and
so on. But this claim is subjective.
5. Having fair skin makes one O This claim is subjective. There is this notion that fair is
beautiful. beautiful, But the basis of beautiful is not the color of the
skin but there is much more than that, Hence, the truth is
decided by each individual or subject who thinks about it.
6. English is the best language in O This claim is purely subjective, because people in the
the world. United Statement might agree that English is the best
language in the world and at the same time people in China
might disagree with that statement and believe that their
language is better.
7. My neighbor’s baby is the cutest O This claim is purely subjective, because even thou you think
baby in the neighborhood. that the baby from your neighborhood is the cutest the other
neighbors might think it is not.
8. Cats are easier to maintain than X In general cats are easier to maintain than dogs, base from
dogs. evidence dogs then to need more attention that cats
furthermore cat in general are independent in nature.
The evidence can be found in valid sources.
10. Drinking Coke is refreshing. O This claim is purely an opinion, because other people might
disagree that it is not refreshing for them at the same time
other might think it’s refreshing. It all comes down on what
they think is refreshing for them.
Activity 2: Identifying the types of claims

Example: The Philippine government should conduct mass testing for COVID-19. – Recommendation

1. It is difficult to recover from COVID-19. – Statement of opinion or belief

2. Taking a pre-med degree in a top university guarantees entrance to medical school. Statement of opinion or

3. May is always the hottest month of the year. Claims to fact

4. Drinking water regularly can help reduce acne breakouts. - Hypotheses

5. Koreans skincare products are the best among others. – Value Judgement

6. There will be a vaccine for COVID-19 in the year 2021. – Claim to Fact

7. To lose weight, one must exercise daily. – Recommendation

8. Children acquire a new language faster than adults. – Statement of opinion or belief

9. If a rabbit is unable to take care of its offspring, it will eat it. – Statement of opinion or belief

10. The Philippines have the worst heat waves. – Claims to fact

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