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Pre-work Compilations

No. Institutions Story


During 2001-2006 - Ecological

Mangrove Rehabilitaton in pond Area
Minahasa, became comparative study
by Blue Carbon Working Group on
1 Blue Forest 2017

(1) Convene major blue carbon

stakeholder on multiple levels
(2) Mainstream blue carbon narrative
for all science, financing and policy
aspects (3) Provide database based on
robust blue carbon methodology.
Impact: Regulations and Research
2 CI Asia Pacific Publications

 Establishment of Indonesia’s first

ecologically connected and well-
managed network of 20 Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs). Increasing the
income from tourist over US$2
million/year. Build MPAs support to
protect marine biodiversity in West
3 CI Indonesia Papua.

Constibutions: (1) Related publications

on mangrove and mangrove
rehabilitation (2)Rehabilitation of
degraded mangrove and abandoned
fishpond (3) GHG removal through
mangrove planting (4) Awareness on
mangrove ecosystem; climate,
protection, etc (5)Building with the
nature approach (6)ECO-DRR approach
4 Wetlands Indonesia and (7) Bio-right approach
Mangrove Rehabilitation in Brebes.
Impacts: Batik warna mangrove and
5 Kehati Kalpataru oleh Presiden 2015

Support PRIMS online platform to

inform peatland conditions and
progress of peat restoration activities.
Support recognition process for
several forestry area. Promote
Indonesia’s low carbon development
6 WRI profile

7 Terangi
10 WWF

11 Rare
12 CE
NO Institutions Attendees
1 Blue Forest Yusran Nurdin Massa
2 CI Asia Pacific Barakalla Robyn
3 CI Indonesia Ardanti Y.C Sutarto

4 Wetlands Indonesia Iwan Tri Cahyo Wibisono

5 Kehati Yasser Ahmad
6 WRI Rizky Januar Haryanto
7 Terangi
10 WWF
11 Rare

NO Institutions Story
1 Blue Forest Mangrove Restoration
Advocating, Research Publication, Data
2 CI Asia Pacific and Financing Management
3 CI Indonesia Restoration
4 Wetlands Indonesia Publication and Restoration Project
5 Kehati Mangrove Restoration
6 WRI Monitoring apps and policy
7 Terangi
10 WWF
11 Rare

Since 2014, BF has encouraged the sustainable mangrove

management (Lowland Lorentz Landscape) in
Mimika dan Asmat. Program was enforced through
Kampung Lestari Approach. Contribution: Strengthening
of indigenous community by reducing tenurial conflict

(1) Blue carbon primary data collection (2) Local

community awareness on blue carbon and the
importance of mangrove ecosystem (3) Support local
community in establishing sustainable financing
mechanism from mangrove conservation. Impact:
Publication, support local coomunoty and Established
financing mechanism based on mangrove ecosystem
NTFP such as mudcrab.

Support the restoration 300 ha of degraded land within

the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. Support the
establishment of Bodogol Conservation Education Center
in 1998. Support the local capacity building of NP
management authority on conservation management, by
providing technical assistance for Javan Gibbon
conservation initiatives

Impact: (1) Improvement of mangrove biodiversity

(2)Improvement of community’s livelihood
(3)Deforested/degraded mangrove rehabilitated
(4)Improvement of mangrove biodiversity (5)
Improvement of community’s livelihood (6) Improvement
of Coastal resilience
mangrove Rehabilitations in Manjene, West Sulawesi.
Impacts: Kalpataru oleh Presiden 2003 and
KEHATI Award 2015

coastal ecosystem (mangrove, coral reef and seagrass)

trends, values and policies at national and regional level
to support coastal natural capital accounting (NCA),
coastal management and blue carbon agenda. Serves as a
secretariat for the Indonesia National Plastic Action
Partnership (NPAP)

Environmental Technical Advisor
Blue Carbon Science Director, Asia Pacific
Peatland and Mangrove Ecosystems Senior Manager
Program Coordinator of Wetlands Restoration and
Marine Program Manager
Research Analyst, Coastal NCA Project Lead

Social Resilience and Carbon Trading
Regulation which balance sosio, eco, enviroment and
colaborative action
SDGS and Low Carbon Development
Carbon Market
Economic Resilience amid Covid-19
Resecach and Coastal Livelihood
1 2

Utilize the mangrove without

Encourage the social resilience as the damaging the ecosystem for
implementation of sustainable mangrove instace by carbon trading inline
management by collaborative action among with REDD+ and voluntary carbon
stakeholders market

Blue carbon nested policies and regulation are in Provide a sustainable solution for
place to support activities and interventions on coastal communities on best
the ground. Can be achieved through relentless management practice and find the
support to national and local government to balance between social, economic,
provide science-based decision-making plans and and environmental needs by
strategies. colaborative action

Increasing resilience of coastal communities by Mangrove management to support

mplementing climate change mitigation and Sustainable Development Goals 14
adaptation activities. Possible to conduct joint and Low Carbon Development by
activities in Papua engaging BAPPENAS and CIFOR

Grabbing opportunity from carbon benefit

through mangrove restoration to improve
biodiversity and community livelihood by
implementing carbon project (Government
(Result based payment-SRN), Voluntary market,
private sector )
peningkatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat di
tengah pandemi ini dan juga kelestarian
ekosistem mangrove terus terjaga dan dapat
mengatasi perubahan iklim. Can be achieved
through collaborative actions

Support development of
integrated coastal valuation /
accounts to inform decision-making
evidence-based research & actions toward process on marine and coastal
coastal ecosystem protection & restoration, and ecosystems, including the areas of
mainstreaming blue carbon in national policies. blue carbon and coastal livelihood.

Regulation and Economic Impact
the absecne of national blue carbon ecosystem
Regulation and Utilization

Covid 19 and Government Response

1 2

need the understanding of carbon

trading. Regulatory sandbox for carbon the benefit from blue carbon is not
trading cooperatuons impacted/obtained local community

 the absence of national blue carbon

blue carbon stakeholders work in silos, ecosystem valuation to assess its
therefore need Inclusive approach for potential to support national and
common goal local climate targets

turnover in mangrove regulations

which impact mangrove protection
Bappenas with their mandate for LCDI questioning t the potential barrier to
and SDGs is the right entity that can economic growth of having 70%
form a Strategic Coordination Team for protected land, and benefits from
Mangrove and Peat Management in mangrove and peat ecosystems to
Indonesia. the local economy
Covid-19 pandemic may shift
government’s focus and possibly also
increase risk on oceans and coastal
management, e.g. the coastal Still aligned with Covid-19 concerns
community livelihoods whereby many -- the work related to poverty
live below poverty levels and also alleviation, job creation and social
affected hard by Covid-19 and climate equity will perhaps become more
change. relevant in all sectors

There is a need to strengthen partnerships with other organizations/acto

Problem Statement

Seringkali pendekatan program dan inisiatif dari luar tidak sesuai dengan
kebutuhan, keinginan dan permasalahan ditingkat tapak sehingga langkah
intervensi tidak mencapai tujuannya.   

Triple bottom line aspects (social, economic, environmental) to be

matrixed within the blue carbon policy, financing, and science work on
various levels (local, provincial, national and international) and to provide
the connections between these levels of interventions.

The pandemic limited project field activities for in-person meeting/travel

and shifting Government’s priorities to mainly focus on health issue

Uncertainty of funding availability for Result based payment – SRN.

Technical Problems: (1) Data luasan mangrove yang belum
menggambarkan kondisi riil di Indonesia dan tumpang tindih di tingkat K/L
(2) Status lahan mangrove yang tumpang tindih (3) Implementasi regulasi
konservasi mangrove yang belum kuat di akar rumput

There is a need to strengthen partnerships with other organizations/actors

within the areas of, among others: 1) coastal ecosystem conservation and
restoration; 2) sustainable fisheries and coastal community livelihood; 3)
coastal ecosystem valuation and/or accounts.

Pelibatan masyarakat, adanya “Champion” di daerah, serta dukungan

regulasi pemerintah merupakan kunci utama keberhasilan dan
keberlanjutan sebuah projek.

Building the foundations for empowering the lives of coastal communities

amid rapid climate change

hen partnerships with other organizations/actors within the areas of, among others: 1) coastal ecosystem conservation and
astal ecosystem conservation and restoration; 2) sustainable fisheries and coastal community livelihood; 3) coastal ecosyste
livelihood; 3) coastal ecosystem valuation and/or accounts.

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