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Name: Justine Jerk N. Badana BEED III


Instruction: You are given 1.5 hours (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM) to answer the following
questions then submit through our Google Classroom.

1. Discuss the 5-phase process of ADDIE Model. (10 points)

(Write your answers here)

Before you start developing any content or training strategies, you should
analyze the current situation in terms of training, knowledge gaps etc. With
your training plan done, you then get to the design phase - this is where you
take all of the learnings of the previous phase and use it to make practical
decisions. At this stage, you can begin to create the courses. You will be
heavily guided by the prototype/storyboards at this point. Once you have
completed your courses and you are satisfied that they are fully tested, it’s
time to share them with the learner. The decisions made in the design phase
will influence how this is actually carried out.

2. What is/are the main role/s of an instructional designer in the evaluation

phase? (5 points)

(Write your answers here)

1. Provides feedback to all other stages of the design process to continually

inform and improve our instructional designs. 
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2. Ensures that the instruction being designed both meets the identified need for
instruction and is effective in achieving the intended learning outcomes for
3. Reviewing both the instructional components and the resulting outcomes of
instruction to determine whether instruction achieves the desired outcomes. 
4. Identifies learning progression of the learners by analyzing the sequence of
skills learned over the period of study program. 
5. Develop methods to assess how much the learners mastered the learning

3. Write the steps in the ASSURE model in the ladder web. Explain each step.
(18 points)

Steps of the ASSURE model

1. Analyze learners characteristics

examine the learner in detail. Like
most things, without taking the time in
the beginning to examine the learner,
2. State objectives- stated objectives are
statements describing what the learner will do as a
result of instruction. In other words, objectives are
the learning outcomes.
3. Select, modify, or design materials -figure out what
which delivery method will be best for your instruction.

4. Utilize materials- utilize the technology, media, and materials

that you have selected. As with all of the instructional steps, you
must make sure that your plans contribute towards producing
the objectives that you have laid down.
5. Require learners response- it requires that you make plans to
how you are going to actively engage your students in the material
that you are teaching. This needs to be figured out both at the
class level and the individual level.
6. Evaluation- evaluate the impact of your teaching on student
learning. This includes an evaluation of your teaching strategies and
the technology, media, and materials that you used.
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4. Select a topic in your field of specialization. Prepare 2 learning objectives,

then suggest the instructional materials that you think would be best to
deliver the lesson effectively. Include your plan on how to utilize the
suggested instructional material/s? (18 points)

(Write your answers here)

Science III
Topic: Chemistry


a. Differentiate what is reuse, reduce and recycle

b. Develop a project on how to reuse, reduce and recycle using the materials available
in the community

The best instructional material to be use is the Hannafin and Peck model design

The Hannafin-Peck Model involves three essential stages that are each followed by a thorough
evaluation and revision process. First I will determine how to fill the performance gaps and fulfill
the needs and wants of your learners. Then, I will use real life situation to corporate environment,
on-the-job observations are also a valuable assessment method, as they can give a complete
picture of the tasks, job duties, and skills that your employees utilize on a daily basis. Lastly, if task
mastering is a main concern, then conduct tasks analysis to break each process or procedure into its
most basic components, then determine the best way to convey the information.

5. Give 3 key ideas about the Dick and Carey model. (3 points)

(Write your answers here)

1. Identify instructional goals

2. Develop instruction strategy
3. Develop and conduct evaluation
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