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Correlation and Regression Analysis and their interpretations.

1. Variables taken: Gender and Age

Correlation value:

Age 0.244525165

Correlation between Gender and Age: 0.2445.

Gender and Age are slightly positively correlated, but this value also is fairly close to zero so
there isn’t strong evidence for a significant association between these two variables. A
positive correlation–when the correlation coefficient is greater than 0–signifies that both
variables move in the same direction. So, it can be interpreted that rise of one variable will
definitely affect the other variable.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.244525165
R Square 0.059792556
Adjusted R Square 0.038424205
Standard Error 0.526174405
Observations 46

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.774703557 0.774704 2.798183 0.101468012
Residual 44 12.18181818 0.27686
Total 45 12.95652174

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 0.727272727 0.404473482 1.798073 0.079029 -0.087890014 1.542435 -0.087890014 1.542435468
X Variable 1 0.636363636 0.380423466 1.672777 0.101468 -0.130329482 1.403057 -0.130329482 1.403056754

R-square – is the coefficient of the determination. In our case – there is 0. 059, or 5.9%. This
means that the model parameters estimated at 5.9% explains the addiction between the
parameters which are studied. The higher the coefficient of determination, the better is the
model. Good - above 0. 8. Bad - less than 0. 5 (such an analysis can hardly be considered
reasonable). In our example – is «not bad».

0.727272 ratio shows how will be Age, if all the variables in the model will be equal to 0.
That is, the value of the analysed parameter is influenced by other factors.

Now, if our p- value is given by the significance f is less than 0.05 then the correlation is
statistically significant and since 0.101 is more than 0.05 that indicates that the correlation is
not significant. That means there’s no significant positive relationship between Gender and
r (45) =.059%, p< .05

2. Variables taken: Gender and frequency of shopping

Correlation value:

Frequency of shopping- 0.0202847163746602

Correlation between gender and frequency of shopping is .0203; r =0.0203

Gender and frequency of shopping are slightly positively correlated to each other, but this
value also is very close to 0, so there isn’t a significant association between these two
variables. When the correlation coefficient is greater than 0 it signifies that both variables are
moving in the same direction. So, it can be interpreted that rise of one variable will definitely
affect the other variable.

In our case r-square is 0.0004. This means that the model parameters estimated at 0.0004
explains the addiction between the parameters which are studied. The higher the coefficient
of determination, the better is the model. Good - above 0. 8. Bad - less than 0. 5 (such an
analysis can hardly be considered reasonable). In our example – is bad because it is less than
0.01 also.

2.38961 ratio shows how will be Gender, if all the variables in the model will be equal to 0.
That is, the value of the analysed parameter is influenced by other factors.

Now, if our p- value is given by the significance f is less than 0.05 then the correlation is
statistically significant and since our value is 0.89 which is so much higher than 0.05 that
indicates that the correlation is here is not significant. That means there’s no significant
positive relationship between Gender and frequency of shopping.

r (46) = 0.0004; p> .05

3. Variables taken: Occupation and mode of purchase

Correlation value:

Mode of Purchasing: 0.0688821458867712

Correlation between Occupation and mode of purchase is 0.068; r =0.068

The Occupation and mode of purchase are somewhat related to each other but they do not
change very frequently if there’s change in any one of them. The value is very close to 0, so
there isn’t a significant association between these two variables. When the correlation
coefficient is greater than 0 it signifies that both variables are moving in the same direction.
So, it can be interpreted that rise of one variable will definitely affect the other variable.

Here in our case the value of the r-square is 0.004. This means that the model parameters
estimated at 0.004 explains the addiction between the parameters which are studied. In our
case it is bad because it is less than 0.01 also.

2.63157 ratio shows how will be the Occupation, if all the variables in the model will be
equal to 0. That is, the value of the analysed parameter is influenced by other factors.

Now, if our p- value is given by the significance f is less than 0.05 then the correlation is
statistically significant and since our value is 0.64 which is much higher than 0.05 that
indicates that the correlation is here is not significant. That means there’s no significant
positive relationship between Occupation and mode of purchase

r (46) = 0.004; p> .05

4. Age and image towards cosmetic users

Image towards cosmetic users: 0.323669437485075

Correlation between Occupation and mode of purchase is 0.323; r =0.323

The Age and image towards cosmetic users are very much related to each other but this value
also is fairly close to zero so there isn’t strong evidence for a significant association between
these two variables but this value also signifies that there is a relation between these
variables. A positive correlation–when the correlation coefficient is greater than 0–signifies
that both variables move in the same direction. So, it can be interpreted that rise of one
variable will definitely affect the other variable.

Here in our case the value of the r-square is 0.104. This means that the model parameters
estimated at 0.104 explains the addiction between the parameters which are studied. In our
case it is not that bad.

0.6 ratio shows how will be the Age, if all the variables in the model will be equal to 0. That
is, the value of the analysed parameter is influenced by other factors.

Now, if our p- value is given by the significance f is less than 0.05 then the correlation is
statistically significant and since our value is 0.026 which is so much less than 0.05 that
indicates that the correlation is here is significant. That means there’s significant positive
relationship between Age and image towards cosmetic users

r (46) = 0.104; p< .05

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