Karakteristik Fisikokimia Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Bubuk Nanopartikel Terisi Ekstrak Kopi

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Sari, dkk. Karakterstik Fisikokimia dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Nanopartikel . . . . . . . .


Phisicochemical Characteristic and Antioxidant Activity of Chitosan
Nanoparticles Filled With Coffee Extract
Puspita Sari, Sih Yuwanti, Dwi Putri Wulandari

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Jember 68121
Email: dwiputriwulandari22@gmail.com

Coffee beans are widely known to have two types, namely arabica and robusta. Coffee beans contain bioactive compounds such as
polyphenols and have antioxidant activity in them. This polyphenol compound has a weakness which is unstable. One effort that can be done
is by nano-encapsulation technology, but the resulting suspension has low stability, easily forms aggregation so that it forms sediments so
that it needs to be done by adding filling material to maltodextrin. The purpose of this study is to determine the physicochemical
characteristics and antioxidant activity of nanoparticle powder filled with robusta roasted coffee extract, roasted arabica coffee and arabica
coffee beans. The results showed that the nanoparticle powder filled with coffee extract without roasting had a yellowish-white appearance
and nanoparticle powder filled with roasted coffee extract had a brownish screening color and a morphological form that was rounded which
had wrinkles on its dominated side with a size of 5µm. The nanoperticle powder filled with analyzed coffee extracts included rendemen,
hygroscopicity, moisture content, color, morphology using SEM (Scaning Electrone Microscope), total polyphenol antioxidant activity
method DPPH (2,2-diphenil-1-picrylhydrazyl), FRAP (ferryc reducing antioxidant power) and hodroxyl radicals (OH *). The nanoparticle
powder filled with roasted arabica coffee extract, robusta sangrai and arabica seed coffee have a water content value of 6,121; 7,199;
6,712%, yield 1,280; 1,340; 1.35%, hygroscopicity 22,779; 23,761; 41,428 g water / 100g, total polyphenols 13,295; 17,898; 29,089 mg
GAE / g, antioxidant activity method DPPH 5,059; 5,565; 14,064 mmol TE / g, FRAP method 1,889; 2,473; 5,804 mmol TE / g, and radical
OH method 1,988; 3,940; 4,896 mmol TE / g.

Keywords :Green bean, roasted coffee, polyphenols, nanoparticle,


Kopi biji banyak diketahui terdapat dua jenis yaitu arabika dan robusta. Kopi biji memiliki kandungan senyawa bioaktif antara lain
polifenol dan memiliki aktivitas antioksidan didalamnya. Senyawa polifenol ini memiliki kelemahan yaitu bersifat tidak stabil. Salah satu
upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan teknologi nanoenkapsulasi, namun suspensi yang dihasilkan memiliki stabilitas yang rendah,
mudah membentuk agregasi sehingga membenuk endapan sehingga perlu dilakukan pengerimngan dengan menambakan bahan pengisi
maltodekstrin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisikokimia dan aktivitas antioksidan bubuk nanopartikel
terisi ekstrak kopi robusta sangrai, kopi arabika sangrai dan kopi biji arabika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bubuk nanopartikel
terisi ekstrak kopi tanpa penyangraian memiliki kenampakan warna putih kekuningan dan bubuk nanopartikel terisi esktrak kopi sangrai
memiliki warna kining kecoklatan dan bentuk morfologi yaitu bulat yang memiliki kerutan pada sisinya yang didominasi dengan ukuran
5µm. Bubuk nanopertikel terisi ekstrak kopi dianalisis meliputi rendemen, higroskopisitas, kadar air, warna, morfoligi menggunakan SEM
(Scaning Electrone Microscope), total polifenol aktivitas antioksidan metode DPPH (2,2-diphenil-1-picrylhydrazyl), FRAP (ferryc
reducing antioxydant power) dan radikal hodroksil (OH*). Bubuk nanopartikel terisi ekstrak kopi arabika sangrai, robusta sangrai dan kopi
biji arabika memiliki nilai kadar air berturut-turut yaitu 6,121; 7,199; 6,712%, rendemen 1,280; 1,340; 1,35%, higroskopisitas 22,779;
23,761; 41,428 g air/100g, total polifenol 13,295; 17,898; 29,089 mg GAE/g, aktivitas antioksidan metode DPPH 5,059; 5,565; 14,064
mmol TE/g, metode FRAP 1,889; 2,473; 5,804 mmol TE/g, dan metode radikal OH 1,988; 3,940; 4,896 mmol TE/g.

Keywords: Kopi biji, kopi sangrai, polifenol, nanopartikel, kitosan,

How to citate: Sari P, Yuwanti S, Wulandari D.P. 2019. Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Nanopartikel Terisi Ekstrak
Kopi. .Journal of Food Chemistry.

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