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Background of the Study

Artificial intelligence: The Future of Civilization or Downfall of Humankind?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of

intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers

with artificial intelligence are designed for include: Speech recognition, Learning,

Planning, and Problem-solving (Technopedia, n.d.). These machines often rely on

patterns to interpret or analyze an image, video, or concept.

Over the past millennia, the world has witnessed countless discoveries,

inventions, and innovations with AI as one of the most significant breakthroughs.

Internationally, simple Artificial Intelligence filters our incoming emails, diverting spam

from our inbox. AI powers our virtual assistants like Siri on Apple devices and Alexa on

Google Home devices. Companies now use AI to monitor for online fraud. Nationally,

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is powering all business sectors now. IMARK International,

the marketing arm of the world’s most innovative technology companies, introduced

several AI-powered products to the Philippine companies in Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao,

and CDO. Locally, A private community of business, technology, and start-up

enthusiasts, named TECHTALKS PH, has been urging the local government of Davao
Region in coming up with a start-up ecosystem canvass to level up the business process

outsourcing (BPO) services in the city. But with this scientific breakthrough, comes a

daunting consequence (Charlton, 2017).

Duncan Geere and Vaughn Highfield (2018) stated that "Once machines are as

intelligent as a human, a lot of worrying things can happen. There's little chance that AI

development would cease at that point (the AI would almost certainly begin working on

improving itself) and many brilliant people – including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk

– think that this situation would be terrifying indeed. “If I had to guess at what our

biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful,” said Musk

during a recent interview. Further up, Elon Musk described AI as an “existential threat”

to humanity, meaning that it could erase humanity from the universe entirely."

There are two possible outcomes when machines get more advanced than humans,

the positive and negative side. The positive side is where we hope that we'll one day

invent a superintelligence that solves every problem we can imagine and leads us into a

utopian future where all of humankind's needs are met, and everyone lives happily ever

after. Whereas the negative side is where we are concerned that one tiny mistake along

the way will lead to the swift end of the human race (Geere&Highfield, 2018).

Unintended and unforeseen consequences of artificial intelligence need attention today,

for the fate of humankind.

To gain a further understanding of Artificial Intelligence, the researchers

conducted a study on the prospects and implications of Artificial Intelligence in the

modern world. The study will serve as a tool to gain a thorough perception of whether

Artificial Intelligence serves as a benefit or a global risk.


The study aims to achieve the following:

1. To ascertain the prospects and implications of Artifical Intelligence.

2. To determine the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence.

3. To know the perspective of the 1st year students

Significance of the Study

Learners. This study will guide learners to venture on various prospects and implications

of Artificial Intelligence and help them establish a thorough understanding on the topic.

Teachers. This study will help teachers in a way that they can determine the implications

and prospects on the topic regarding Artificial Intelligence.

Parents. Parents will be of great benefit to this study as it will enlighten them the uses

and consequences of Artificial Intelligence.

Future Researchers and Investigators. This study will be of great benefit to the future

researchers and investigators since this will serve as their guide as to what variables are

needed to be further addressed. This will help them in their various research endeavors.

Statement of the problem

This study was undertaken to identify the perception employed by college

students on Artificial Intelligence. It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the prospects and implications of Artificial Intelligence as a student

Theoretical Framework

“AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,” is a quote by

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. On another perspective, Chris Bishop, Microsoft’s

director of research came to the conclusion of “how different the narrow intelligence of

AI today is from the general intelligence of humans.”

AI replacing the human workforce in the near future is a more credible possibility.

AI will not replace all the human work, but certainly will change the nature of the work.

AI automated machines take over repetitive and routine-based jobs. Supermarkets

without cashiers are the future and accounting jobs are decreasing year by year. (Zdnet,

2018) In 20 to 30 years, it is predicted that AI will replace nearly half of the current jobs.
Logistical work is already highly automated. Robots working in factories and warehouses

and automated healthcare robots working in the medical field are becoming a commodity.

AI increases the pace of technological and social change in the society. This is followed

by technological singularity in the long haul. This means that technology transforms the

world so strongly that we still cannot comprehend what kind of a world will follow the

change. (Chui, 2018)

The Creative Intelligence Matrix shows the process by which AI can benefit the

industry in two functions: a.) fully automated and b.) a human is working wit AI. AI is

already making customer experiences better and customers can benefit much of AI. With

the help of AI companies can target advertisements for a particular group of people, but

also design products that appeal to larger audiences as well. In Japan, in a test by a local

company, two advertisements were made for Clorets gum, one by AI and one by their

own creative director. Japanese public voted which one was better, and the one done by

the human director won but only by a 54 to 46 percent margin.

Companies need to make their working environments more open and attractive

for people who work with AI. AI will be the new employee in the company, rather than a

tool or a function which can be put aside when wanted. AI as the new employee will

increase productivity and human workers can spend more time on building relationships

and engaging within and outside companies. Companies need to think also that AI can

help cut costs. Or to drive new income growth and create a heightened level of

engagement with consumers. AI is evolving fast and leaders must educate themselves and

their colleagues on the potential of AI. (Bothun and Lancefield, 2017)



Research Design

The research is exploratory in nature. The subjective perceptions formed the core

data of the study; hence it needed the method that would deal with the topic in an

exploratory nature. For this study, the research paradigm that was followed is of a

qualitative nature. It is also believed that qualitative data gives large volumes of quality

data from a limited number of people. It is aimed at understanding the world of

participants from their frame of reference (Walker, 1985). It would have been impossible

to make a quantitative evaluation of this study because it is based on the perception of

people and cannot be scientifically measured.

Research Instruments

Survey questionnaires are to be used in this study as a tool for the collection of

data from the respondents. The drafted questionnaire was made based on the researcher's

gathered information.
Data gathering procedures

Selecting the respondents of the Study. The researchers randomly picked the

respondents of this study whom all will be from the 1st year students of the Pharmacy


Research tools used to gather data. The researchers used a descriptive-correlation

method of research. They made use of survey questionnaires for them to gather data.

Actual gathering of data. The researchers distributed their survey questionnaires

to their respondents. Then, they have analyzed the answers coming from their


Trustworthiness of the study

Trustworthiness. As stated by Lincoln and Guba (1985), the trustworthiness of a

research study is important in evaluating its worth. In qualitative research,

trustworthiness is a crucial concept because it allows the proponents of the research to

describe the virtues of qualitative terms outside of the parameters that are typically

applied in research. Hence, the trustworthiness of the study is a means of providing a

sound argument for the findings made by the researches of the study (Given, 2008).

Credibility. Credibility is the confidence in the truth of the findings based on the

research design, informants, and context. It is an adequate and believable representations

of the constructions of reality studied (Guba& Lincoln, 1985). According to Shenton

(2004), one of the key criteria addressed by positivist researchers is that of internal
validity or credibility, in which they seek to ensure that their study measures or tests what

is actually intended. Some techniques in enhancing the credibility of a research study are

the development of an early familiarity with the culture of participating organizations,

random sampling and triangulation.

Transferability. According to Lincoln and Guba (1985), transferability is the

extent to which the study can also be applied or employed in other contexts. Furthermore,

it is the manner on how the results are integrated or moved beyond the limitations of the

research. In this qualitative study, the researchers can use the findings of this study to

help the future civilization.

Dependability. As stated by Cohen and Crabtree (2008), dependability is when

the research findings are unchanging and can be repeated. Correspondingly, for Lincoln

and Guba (1985), dependability is the extent to which interpretation was constructed in a

way which avoids instability other than the inherent instability of a social phenomenon.

In addressing the issue of reliability, the researchers employ techniques to show that, if

the work were repeated, in the same context, with the same methods and with the same

participants, similar results would be obtained (Shenton, 2004).

Confirmability. The concept of confirmability is the qualitative investigator’s

comparable concern to objectivity. Here steps must be taken to help ensure as far as

possible that the work’s findings are the result of the experiences and ideas of the

informants, rather than the characteristics and preferences of the researcher (Shenton,

2004). In line with this, Lincoln and Guba (1985), states that confirmability in

quantitative research is founded on the acknowledgment that research should be objective

or neutral, meaning the findings of the study are not shaped by bias, motivation, or


Confidentially. As stated by Understanding Confidentiality and Anonymity

(2016). Confidentiality refers to a condition in which the researcher knows the identity of

a research subject, but takes steps to protect that identity from being discovered by others.

Most human subjects research requires collection of a sign consent agreement from

participants, amd thus researchers are aware of the identity of their subjects. In such

cases, maintaining confidentiality is a key measure to ensure the protection of private


Role of the Researchers

The role of the researchers is to gain a further understanding on the prospects and

implications of Artificial Intelligence. They will seek answers based on the answers from

the respondents.


This chapter presents the literature and studies which are relevant and related to this


Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot

to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently

applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes

characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or

learn from past experience (Copeland, n.d.). Vincent (2016) notes that one of the

difficulties in using the term artificial intelligence is that it is tricky to define. In fact, as

soon as machines have conquered a task that previously only humans could do —

whether that’s playing chess or recognizing faces — then it’s no longer considered to be

(a mark of) intelligence (known as the “AI Effect”).

Pros of Artificial Intelligence

As stated by Reddy (2018). Artificial intelligence is complex. It uses a very complicated

mixture of computer science, mathematics, and other complex sciences. Complex

programming helps these machines replicate the cognitive abilities of human beings.

[1]Error Reduction. Artificial intelligence helps us in reducing the error, and the chance

of reaching accuracy with a prominent degree of precision is a possibility. [2] Difficult

Exploration. Artificial intelligence and the science of robotics can be put to use in mining

and other fuel exploration processes. [3] Daily Application. Computed methods for

automated reasoning, learning and perception have become a common phenomenon in

our everyday lives. [4] Digital Assistants. Highly advanced organizations use ‘avatars’

which are replicas or digital assistants who can interact with the users, thus saving the

need for human resources.[5] Repetitive Jobs. Repetitive jobs which are monotonous in

nature can be carried out with the help of machine intelligence. [6] Medical Applications.
[7] No Breaks. Machines, unlike humans, do not require frequent breaks and


Cons of Artificial Intelligence

[1] High Cost. Creation of artificial intelligence requires huge costs as they are very

complex machines. Their repair and maintenance require huge costs. [2]No Replicating

Humans. Intelligence is believed to be a gift of nature. An ethical argument continues,

whether human intelligence is to be replicated or not.[3] No Improvement with

Experience. Unlike humans, artificial intelligence cannot be improved with experience.

With time, it can lead to wear and tear. It stores a lot of data but the way it can be

accessed and used is very different from human intelligence.[4] No Original

Creativity.These are not the forte of artificial intelligence. While they can help you

design and create, they are no match for the power of thinking that the human brain has

or even the originality of a creative mind.[5] Unemployment. Replacement of humans

with machines can lead to large-scale unemployment.



The researchers have distributed questionnaires, each containing 15 questions, to 5

chosen respondents.

All respondents similarly answered that Artificial Intelligence is for them is a smart

machine like talking robots and the like. 2 out of 5 respondents did not think that

Artificial Intelligence was safe. 3 out of 5 respondents agreed that AI would pose a global

threat to human resources. All respondents said that AI can truly imitate humans with two

of them further stating that there are already robots with human-like features and


Four respondents disagreed that AI would be able to replicate human consciousness in its

actuality. Three respondents said that AI can make the world a better place because it has

advanced our technology, 1 said that it generate a lot of income, while 1 stated that it can

make the workload lighter. Four respondents stated that AI is proof of our technological

advancement and should therefore likely exist while 1 remained undecided.

All 5 respondents agreed that AI is vital to human advancement; all respondents also

agreed that AI is the future of technology. Three respondents answered that AI is

integrated into their everyday lives by the gadgets they used, two answered that they use

Google, a web search engine, for most of their queries.

All of the respondents stated that were aware that Artificial Intelligence exists and that

they would all accept AI. Also, all five of them agreed that AI can benefit them. One

respondent stated that AI did not intimidate them while the other 4 stated that it did

intimidate them in some way.

One respondent stated that AI is beneficial to the economy. Two respondents stated that it

a very advanced technology. Two respondents stated that people must be careful in using

AI because there is a possibility that it will take over our lives someday. AI replacing the

human workforce in the near future is a more credible possibility. AI will not replace all

the human work, but certainly will change the nature of the work. AI automated machines

take over repetitive and routine-based jobs. Supermarkets without cashiers are the future

and accounting jobs are decreasing year by year. (Zdnet, 2018)


Artificial Intelligence is inevitable. It is proof mankind’s advancement throughout the

centuries. AI, being one of the biggest breakthroughs for the past decade, has been a hot

topic for debate. In this study, the researchers aimed to gather data about the implications

of Artificial Intelligence.
All respondents were aware of the existence of Artificial Intelligence. They stated that AI

was indeed beneficial in some aspects but also stated their hesitations about it especially

it’s safety and effectiveness. Reddy (2018) already stated that AI’s advantage in risk

reduction. Artificial intelligence helps us in reducing the error, and the chance of

reaching accuracy with a prominent degree of precision is a possibility.

Majority of the respondents agreed that AI would be able to replace the human workforce

sometimes in the future and would help in lessening the workload. AI would be able to

take on repetitive jobs. Some car manufacturers employ machines in their assembly lines,

ensuring precision and accuracy.

Artificial Intelligence can be intimidating. Hence, the respondents also stated being wary

about AI. Duncan Geere and Vaughn Highfield (2018) stated that "Once machines are as

intelligent as a human, a lot of worrying things can happen. There's little chance that AI

development would cease at that point (the AI would almost certainly begin working on

improving itself) and many brilliant people – including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk

– think that this situation would be terrifying indeed.


Please answer the ff. questions:

a) What is Artificial Intelligence for you?

b) Do you think Artificial Intelligence is safe?

c) Would Artificial Intelligence pose as a global threat to Human Resources?

d) Do you think AI can truly imitate humans?

e) Will AI be able to replicate human-like consciousness?

f) How can Artificial Intelligence make the world a better place?

g) Should Artificial Intelligence exist in the first place?

h) Do you think Artificial Intelligence is vital for human advancement?

i) Do you think AI is the future of technology?

j) How is integrated in your life?

k) Are you aware that Artificial Intelligence exists?

l) Would you accept AI?

m) Do you think AI could benefit you in anyway?

n) Does AI make you feel intimidated?

o) What are your views on Artificial Intelligence?


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