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Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 27 (2): 192­199 (2012).

Copyright © 2012 by the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)

Regular Article
Genetic Polymorphisms in Metabolic and Cellular Transport Pathway
of Methotrexate Impact Clinical Outcome of Methotrexate Monotherapy
in Japanese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Tomomi K ATO 1 , Akinobu H AMADA 1,2, Shunsuke M ORI 3 and Hideyuki S AITO 1,2, *
Department of Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
Department of Pharmacy, Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan
Department of Rheumatology, Clinical Research Center for Rheumatic Disease,
Kumamoto Saishunso National Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan

Full text of this paper is available at

Summary: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of genetic polymorphisms in the metabolic
and cellular transport pathway of methotrexate (MTX) on the clinical outcome of MTX monotherapy in
Japanese rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Fifty-five patients were treated with MTX monotherapy at a
dose of 4­10 mg/week. The total concentration of MTX-polyglutamates (MTX-PGs) was measured at
steady-state in red blood cells (RBCs) by high performance liquid chromatography. The genotype at 16
polymorphic sites in 11 genes (ABCB1, ABCG2, ABCC2, RFC1, PCFT, SLCO1B1, MTHFR, GGH,
ATIC, MTR, and MTRR) was analyzed. No significant association between the total concentration of
MTX-PGs in RBCs and clinical outcome was found. However, patients with the ABCB1 3435TT genotype
had a significantly lower mean disease activity score (DAS) 28 than did patients with the ABCB1 3435CC
genotype (p = 0.02). Similarly, patients with the ABCB1 2677AA/AT/TT genotypes had a significantly
lower mean DAS28 than did patients with the ABCB1 2677GG/GA/GT genotypes (p = 0.04). The
patients with the MTHFR 1298AA genotype had a significantly lower mean DAS28 than those with the
MTHFR 1298AC/CC genotypes (p = 0.04). In conclusion, the ABCB1 3435C>T, ABCB1 2677G>A/T,
and MTHFR 1298A>C polymorphisms influenced the efficacy of MTX monotherapy.

Keywords: methotrexate; rheumatoid arthritis; pharmacogenetics; pharmacokinetics; ABCB

individual differences in a variety of enzyme and transporter

activities that are related to the response to MTX,5®8¥ and
Methotrexate ¤MTX¥ is currently a widely prescribed other patient-related factors such as body surface area ¤BSA¥,
disease-modifying antirheumatic drug ¤DMARD¥ for the renal function, and disease severity.
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ¤RA¥, and MTX is P-glycoprotein ¤P-gp, gene name ABCB1¥, which plays
regarded as a key drug for the management of RA.1¥ In an important role in the export of many drugs and
Japan, low-dose MTX, usually administered orally as a the acquisition of drug resistance, recognizes MTX as a
weekly pulse, is commonly used to treat RA that is substrate.9¥ Some studies indicate that ABCB1 polymorphisms
unresponsive to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with clinical responses to MTX,7,10®12¥ but
¤NSAIDs¥. The clinical response to low-dose MTX varies most of these studies included patients treated with a
widely between patients,2,3¥ and the factors that contribute combination of MTX and one or more other DMARDs.
to this variability remain unclear. The inter-patient Therefore, we chose to analyze patients receiving MTX
variability is thought to be correlated with intracellular monotherapy in order to evaluate clinical responses specific
concentrations of MTX-polyglutamates ¤MTX-PGs¥,4,5¥ to MTX.

Received July 4, 2011; Accepted October 16, 2011

J-STAGE Advance Published Date: November 22, 2011, doi:10.2133/dmpk.DMPK-11-RG-066
*To whom correspondence should be addressed: Hideyuki SAITO, Ph.D., Department of Pharmacy, Kumamoto University Hospital, 1-1-1 Honjo,
Kumamoto 860-8556, Japan. Tel. +81-96-373-5820, Fax. +81-96-373-5820, E-mail:
This work was supported by the Japan Research Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology.

Pharmacogenetics of Methotrexate in Japanese Patients 193

Multiple transporters and enzymes were found to our study. RA was diagnosed according to American College
participate in the metabolism and transporting of of Rheumatology criteria.20¥ All patients were receiving a
MTX.9,13,14¥ Reduced folate carrier ¤RFC¥ 1 mediates most weekly pulse of MTX ¤oral administration 3 times every
intestinal absorption of MTX and uptake to target cells, 12 h¥. Any patient receiving biopharmaceutical therapy or
but proton-coupled folate transporter ¤PCFT¥ and organic another DMARD concomitantly during the 2-month period
anion transporting-polypeptide ¤OATP¥ 1B1 ¤gene name prior to enrollment in the study was excluded from the
SLCO1B1¥ also mediate these processes to a lesser extent. study. MTX treatment had been started at initial doses of
After absorption into the body and entering circulation, 2 mg to 10 mg per week. Thereafter, the dose of MTX had
MTX is rapidly converted to MTX-PGs by folylpoly- been maintained or increased according to the physicianös
glutamate synthetase ¤FPGS¥, which adds up to six sequential decisions. Usually, the dosage had been raised when the effect
glutamyl residues to MTX.9¥ MTX-PGs directly inhibit of MTX was not sufficient, as judged by the clinical response.
aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide transformylase All patients received folic acid ¤5®10 mg/week¥ to prevent
¤ATIC¥ and affect several enzymes in the folate metabolic adverse effects induced by MTX. For the present analysis,
pathway, including 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reduc- clinical data from the first 6 months of follow up were
tase ¤MTHFR¥, methionine synthase ¤MTR¥, and methionine defined. Response to MTX was evaluated according to the
synthase reductase ¤MTRR¥. È-Glutamyl hydrolase ¤GGH¥ is American College of Rheumatology criteria.20¥ Disease
a lysosomal peptidase that catalyses the removal of È-linked activity score ¤DAS¥ 28, C-reactive protein ¤CRP¥, eryth-
polyglutamates, converting long-chain MTX-PGs into short- rocyte sedimentation rate ¤ESR¥, mean corpuscular volume
chain MTX-PGs and ultimately to MTX, allowing folate to ¤MCV¥, and serum creatinine clearance ¤sCr¥ were recorded
be exported from the cell.15,16¥ Moreover, MTX is exported on day 0 and at 3 months after initiation of MTX therapy.
from the cells by ATP binding cassette ¤ABC¥ transporters, Adverse events of MTX were recorded at the time of a
including P-gp, breast cancer resistance protein ¤BCRP, gene patientös visit during treatment.
name ABCG2¥, and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 The Disease Activity Score in 28 joints ¤DAS28¥ was
¤MRP2, gene name ABCC2¥. calculated as follows using the tender joint count ¤maximum
MTX cannot be detected in plasma because more than 28¥, swollen joint count ¤maximum 28¥, CRP level ¤in
95% of the MTX administered at a low-dose is metabolized mg/L¥, and the patientös assessment of disease activity:21¥
within 24 h after administration.17¥ While there is little DAS28 © 0.56 ' ¤tender joint count¥1/2 ¦ 0.28 ' ¤swollen
value in monitoring low-dose MTX therapy using plasma joint count¥1/2 ¦ 0.36 ' ln¤CRP ¦ 1¥ ¦ 0.14 ' ¤patientös as-
concentrations, MTX is converted to MTX-PGs by FPGS sessment of disease activity¥ ¦ 0.96.
in cells, and MTX-PGs accumulate in red blood cells Data on age, sex, body weight, body height, date at
¤RBCs¥.14,18,19¥ As the concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs is which MTX administration was initiated, and clinical and
reported to reflect the concentration of MTX-PGs in target laboratory results ¤i.e., DAS28, CRP, ESR, MCV, and sCr¥
cells ¤mononuclear cells, lymphocytes, or synovial cells¥,4¥ were obtained from the medical records of each patient. This
the concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs is used as a study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Kumamoto
substitute for the concentration of MTX-PGs in target cells. Saishunso National Hospital and Kumamoto University.
Therefore, we hypothesized that the concentration of After receiving a detailed briefing on the purpose and
MTX-PGs in RBCs may be valuable as an indicator of the protocol of the study, each patient gave written informed
response to MTX treatment. Since it is difficult to measure consent.
individual MTX-PGs clinically, we measured the total Determination of total concentration of MTX-
concentration of MTX-PGs after conversion to MTX. PGs in RBCs: Total concentrations of MTX-PGs in
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence RBCs were measured after conversion to MTX by high
of genetic polymorphisms of transporters and metabolic performance liquid chromatography ¤HPLC¥ as described
enzymes in the metabolic and cellular transport pathway previously.22¥ In brief, to determine the total concentration
of MTX on the efficacy of MTX monotherapy in Japanese of MTX-PGs in RBCs, samples ¤5 mL¥ of heparinized
patients. peripheral whole blood were collected from RA patients
who achieved a steady-state in the concentration of
MTX-PGs in RBCs ¤concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs
Patients: The study was a retrospective study in reached a steady-state at 6®8 weeks23¥¥ 5 days after MTX
Japanese patients with RA who were naive to MTX administration. All collected blood samples were stored
treatment. Between October 1998 and May 2008, 150 immediately at 4ôC, and RBCs and plasma were separated
patients were diagnosed with RA from the Department of within 24 h. RBCs were cryopreserved until analysis. RBC
Rheumatology, Kumamoto Saishunso National Hospital, and samples were thawed at room temperature, and 150 µL of
71 patients were treated with MTX monotherapy. Sixteen buffer containing 100 mmol/L potassium phosphate and
patients were excluded because they proved poor compliance 150 mmol/L mercaptoethanol was added to each sample.
for MTX treatment. Therefore, we recruited 55 patients into Samples were incubated for 18 h in the dark at 37ôC. After
Copyright © 2012 by the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)
194 Tomomi KATO, et al.

Table 1. Primer sets and probes for each gene

Gene Position ¤Applied Biosystems¥ Context sequence ªVIC/FAM«
Product assay ID db SNP ID
ABCB1 1236ChT Cð7586662ð10 rs1128503 TCAGGTTCAG ªA/G« CCCTTCAAGA
3435ChT Cð7586657ð20 rs1045642 CTGCCCTCAC ªA/G« ATCTCTTCCT
ABCG2 421ChA Cð15854163ð70 rs2231142 GCTGAGAACT ªG/T« TAAGTTTTCT
ABCC2 1249GhA Cðð22272980ð20 rs2273697 GGAGTACACC ªA/G« TTGGAGAAAC
3972ChT Cðð11214910ð20 rs3740066 CTTGTGACAT ªC/T« GGTAGCATGG
PCFT 928AhG Cð2536564ð1ð rs2239907 AGGCATCTCA ªC/T« TGTAGAATGT
SLCO1B1 388AhG Cð30633908ð10 rs56387224 ACTCTGTGAA ªA/G« ACAAATCAGT
521ThC Cð30633906ð10 rs4149056 TGGATATATG ªC/T« GTTCATGGGT
MTHFR 677ChT Cð1202883ð20 rs1801133 GATGAAATCG ªG/A« CTCCCGCAGA
1298AhC Cð850486ð20 rs1801131 AAAGACACTT ªG/T« CTTCACTGGT
GGH 452ChT Cð25623170ð10 rs11545078 ATCTGTGGCA ªA/G« TTAATAAGCA
ATIC 347ChG Cðð16218146ð10 rs2372536 CCAGGTGTAA ªC/G« TGTTGAGGA
MTR 2756AhG Cðð12005959ð10 rs1805087 ATTAGACAGG ªA/G« CCATTATGAG
MTRR 66AhG Cððð3068176ð10 rs1801394 CAGAAGAAAT ªA/G« TGTGAGCAAG
SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; ABC, ATP-binding cassette transporter; RFC, reduced folate carrier; PCFT, proton-coupled folate transporter; SLCO, solute carrier
organic anion transporter family; GGH, È-glutamyl hydrolase; MTHFR, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; ATIC, aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide
transformylase; MTR, methionine synthase; MTRR, methionine synthase reductase.

incubation, we added 25 µL of perchloric acid to the Statistical analysis: Relationships between the total
mixture, which was then vortex-mixed and centrifuged it at concentration of MTX-PGs and each clinical parameter were
3,000 ' g for 5 min. A sample of the supernatant ¤100 µL¥ analyzed using correlation analysis. Relationships between
was injected into the HPLC system. The chromatographic two groups were analyzed using Studentös t test or the non-
separation was performed on an Inertsil ODS, 4.6 ' parametric Mann-Whitney test. Relationships between three
150 mm C18 column ¤2.5 mm particle size; GL Sciences¥. groups were analyzed using one-factor analysis of variance
The mobile phase consisting of 6.25 g/L phosphate buffer ¤ANOVA¥ or the Kruskal-Wallis test. Relationships between
¤adjusted to pH 3.0 with phosphoric acid¥ and acetonitrile in genotypes, hepatotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity were analyzed
a 89.7% to 10.3% ratio was introduced at a flow rate of using 2 ' 2 cross-tabulations or m ' n cross-tabulations. A
1 mL/min. The MTX product was measured at 303 nm. p-value of less than 0.05 was considered to represent a
Genotyping: DNA was extracted using the MagNa statistically significant difference.
Pure LC DNA Isolation Kit I ¤Roche Diagnostics, Tokyo,
Japan¥ from peripheral blood samples taken from each
patient. Genotyping was performed using TaqMan SNP Patients: Characteristics of the group of 55 RA patients
genotyping assays ¤Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA¥, ¤11 male and 44 female¥ enrolled in this study are presented
polymerase chain reaction®restriction fragment length in Table 2. These patients did not receive biopharmaceutical
polymorphism ¤PCR-RFLP¥, or direct sequencing, depend- therapy prior to or during this study. All patients had
ing on the particular polymorphic site. TaqMan assay IDs received folic acid ¤5 mg/week¥ from the initiation of MTX
used for genotyping are listed in Table 1. To determine the therapy and continued to receive it throughout the study
genotype at the RFC1 80AhG polymorphism, the region period. The median patient age was 59 years, and the mean
encompassing the A80G polymorphic site was amplified MTX dose was 7.2 mg/week. All patients had normal liver
¤forward primer: 5$-AGCGGTGGAGAAGCAGGT-3$, re- function before treatment; however, hepatotoxicity was
verse primer: 5$-GGAGGTAGGGGGTGATGAAG-3$¥, and observed in 9 of 55 patients during the evaluation period. A
the PCR products were digested with HhaI ¤New England temporary elevation in creatinine to levels above the upper
BioLabs, Tokyo, Japan¥ as previously described.24¥ To normal limit was observed in three patients, but they each
determine the genotype at the ABCB1 2677GhA/T poly- continued to receive MTX treatment and to participate in
morphism, the region encompassing the 2677GhA/T the study.
polymorphic site was amplified by PCR ¤forward primer: Relationship between total concentration of
5$-TCTTAGCAATTGTACCCATCATTG-3$, reverse pri- MTX-PGs and MTX efficacy and toxicity: The
mer: 5$-CAGGTTCTTGACCGAAACGA-3$¥, and the re- relationship between MTX dose and total concentration of
sulting PCR products were analyzed by direct sequencing. MTX-PGs is shown in Figure 1. A total of 108 samples
Copyright © 2012 by the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)
Pharmacogenetics of Methotrexate in Japanese Patients 195

Table 2. Characteristics of patients 7 8

R2 = 0.044 7
R2 = 0.041
p = 0.32 p = 0.40
Age ¤years¥ 59 + 12 ¤32®84¥ 5

CRP (mg/dL)

BSA ¤m ¥2 a
1.52 + 0.18 ¤1.20®1.92¥ 3
MTX dose ¤mg/week¥ 7.2 + 1.2 ¤4®10¥ 2 2
1 1
DAS28 3.34 + 1.19 ¤1.39®6.01¥ 0 0
ESR ¤mm/h¥ 25 + 16 ¤0.08®69¥ 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
Total concentration of MTX-PGs Total concentration of MTX-PGs
CRP ¤mg/dL¥ 0.67 + 1.19 ¤0®7¥ in RBCs (µg/mL) in RBCs (µg/mL)

MCV ¤fL¥ 95.1 + 5.6 ¤66.4®109.3¥ 80

R2 = 0.016
SCr ¤mg/dL¥ 0.62 + 0.16 ¤0.27®0.98¥ 60
p = 0.49

ESR (mm/h)
Values are mean + SD ¤range¥. 40
BSA values were calculated by the DuBois formula. 30
BSA, body surface area; DAS, disease activity score; ESR, erythrocyte 20
sedimentation rate; CRP, C-reactive protein; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; 10
SCr, serum creatinine 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
Total concentration of MTX-PGs
in RBCs (µg/mL)

120 1.2
R2 = 0.072 R2 = 0.013
110 p = 0.14 1 p = 0.33

SCr (mg/dL)
100 0.8

MCV (fL)
60 0.2

50 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
Total concentration of MTX-PGs Total concentration of MTX-PGs
in RBCs (µ g/mL) µg/mL)
in RBCs (µ

Fig. 2. Total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs compared with

individual clinical parameters
Fig. 1. MTX dose and total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs Correlation between MTX concentration and each parameter.
Horizontal bars represent the mean plasma concentration for each DAS28, CRP, and ESR relate to response to MTX; MCV and SCr
group. relate to MTX toxicity.

were collected ¤1®7 samples per patient¥ and the mean total with the ABCB1 3435TT genotype had a significantly lower
concentration of MTX-PGs was used to represent patients mean DAS28 than patients with the ABCB1 3435CC
that gave more than one sample. The total concentration of genotype ¤p © 0.02, Fig. 3B¥. Similarly, based on the
MTX-PGs ¤mean + SD¥ in RBCs was 0.11 + 0.07 µg/mL one-factor ANOVA, patients with the ABCB1 2677AA/AT/
¤range 0.03®0.35 µg/mL¥. Based on the correlation analysis, TT genotypes had a significantly lower mean DAS28 than
there was no significant association between the total patients with the ABCB1 2677GG/GA/GT genotypes
concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs and any of the ¤p © 0.04, Fig. 3A¥. In contrast, no significant differences
clinical parameters evaluated ¤DAS28, CRP, ESR, MCV, in mean DAS28 were observed between patients with
SCr¥ ¤Fig. 2¥. different genotypes at the ABCB1 1236ChT polymorphism.
Associations between genetic polymorphisms The patients with the MTHFR 1298AA genotype had a
and total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs: significantly lower mean DAS28 than those with the
The frequencies of each genotype at the 16 polymorphic MTHFR 1298AC/CC genotypes ¤p © 0.04, Studentös
sites in enrolled patients are presented in Table 3. Patients t test; Fig. 3C¥. There was no association between DAS28
with the MTR 2756GG genotype had a significantly higher and genotype at any other polymorphic site in eight genes
median total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs than did ¤ABCG2, ABCC2, RFC1, PCFT, SLCO1B1, GGH, ATIC, or
the patients with the MTR 2756AG genotype ¤p © 0.01, the MTRR¥ ¤Table 3¥.
non-parametric Mann-Whitney test¥ ¤Table 3¥. However,
based on the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test or Kruskal-
Wallis test, no significant association was observed between In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the
the total concentration of MTX-PGs and any other clinical response to MTX monotherapy in 55 Japanese RA
polymorphisms ¤ABCB1, ABCG2, ABCC2, RFC1, PCFT, patients and genetic variations in genes encoding transporters
SLCO1B1, GGH, MTHFR, ATIC, or MTRR¥. and metabolic enzymes in the metabolic and cellular
Effects of genetic polymorphisms on MTX transport pathway of MTX. MTX is often used concom-
efficacy: Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test, patients itantly with other DMARDs; therefore, it is difficult to
Copyright © 2012 by the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)
196 Tomomi KATO, et al.

Table 3. Distribution of gene polymorphism in relation to pharmacokinetics and DAS28

MTX concentration DAS28

Gene Position Genotype Frequency mean + SD ¤range¥ p value mean + SD ¤range¥ p value
ABCB1 1236ChT CC 11 0.12 + 0.11 ¤0.05®0.35¥ 3.56 + 1.14 ¤1.94®5.73¥
CT 23 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.25¥ 0.94 3.47 + 1.27 ¤1.68®6.01¥ 0.48
TT 21 0.10 + 0.05 ¤0.04®0.24¥ 3.09 + 1.16 ¤1.39®5.69¥
2677GhA/T GG 9 0.11 + 0.08 ¤0.05®0.32¥ 3.93 + 1.49 ¤1.68®5.73¥
GA 10
0.10 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 3.53 + 1.09 ¤2.09®6.01¥
GT 16
0.67 0.04
AT 9
AA 1 0.11 + 0.06 ¤0.04®0.25¥ 2.83 + 1.05 ¤1.39®5.69¥
TT 10
3435ChT CC 18 0.11 + 0.09 ¤0.05®0.35¥ 3.98 + 1.23 ¤1.94®6.01¥
CT 27 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.04®0.25¥ 0.98 3.12 + 1.07 ¤1.68®5.69¥ 0.02
TT 10 0.10 + 0.04 ¤0.03®0.16¥ 2.79 + 1.07 ¤1.39®5.00¥
ABCG2 421ChA CC 30 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.04®0.35¥ 3.22 + 1.01 ¤1.50®5.50¥
CA 20 0.11 + 0.08 ¤0.03®0.32¥ 0.96 3.51 + 1.39 ¤1.39®6.01¥ 0.71
AA 5 0.08 + 0.01 ¤0.07®0.10¥ 3.42 + 1.59 ¤1.99®5.69¥
ABCC2 1249GhA GG 37 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 3.51 + 1.23 ¤1.39®6.01¥
GA 17 0.47 0.14
0.11 + 0.08 ¤0.04®0.32¥ 3.00 + 1.08 ¤1.50®4.85¥
AA 1
3972ChT CC 37 0.10 + 0.07 ¤0.04®0.32¥ 3.29 + 1.21 ¤1.39®6.01¥
CT 17 0.86 0.60
0.11 + 0.08 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 3.45 + 1.20 ¤1.81®5.69¥
TT 1
RFC1 80AhG AA 13 0.12 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.24¥ 3.53 + 1.17 ¤2.09®5.69¥
AG 26 0.09 + 0.06 ¤0.04®0.32¥ 0.22 3.34 + 1.38 ¤1.39®6.01¥ 0.78
GG 16 0.12 + 0.09 ¤0.05®0.35¥ 3.21 + 0.94 ¤1.81®4.85¥
PCFT 928AhG AA 7 0.10 + 0.05 ¤0.04®0.21¥ 3.18 + 1.28 ¤1.50®4.66¥
AG 18 0.09 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.32¥ 0.06 3.42 + 1.23 ¤1.39®5.69¥ 0.90
GG 30 0.12 + 0.07 ¤0.05®0.35¥ 3.34 + 1.20 ¤1.81®6.01¥
SLCO1B1 388AhG AA 0 ¯ ¯
AG 55 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.35¥ ¯ 3.34 + 1.19 ¤1.39®6.01¥ ¯
GG 0 ¯ ¯
521ThC TT 40 0.11 + 0.08 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 3.17 + 1.15 ¤1.39®6.01¥
TC 12 0.09 + 0.03 ¤0.05®0.16¥ 0.22 3.84 + 1.26 ¤2.21®5.73¥ 0.21
CC 3 0.16 + 0.07 ¤0.09®0.24¥ 3.66 + 1.39 ¤2.09®4.71¥
GGH 452ChT CC 51 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 3.35 + 1.23 ¤1.39®6.01¥
CT 4 0.11 + 0.09 ¤0.05®0.24¥ 0.73 3.30 + 0.92 ¤2.09®4.30¥ 0.93
TT 0 ¯ ¯
MTHFR 677ChT CC 18 0.09 + 0.04 ¤0.04®0.21¥ 3.57 + 1.20 ¤1.39®6.01¥
CT 30 0.12 + 0.08 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 0.72 3.21 + 1.20 ¤1.50®5.69¥ 0.50
TT 7 0.12 + 0.09 ¤0.04®0.32¥ 3.34 + 1.29 ¤1.81®5.50¥
1298AhC AA 41 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.32¥ 3.15 + 1.15 ¤1.39®6.01¥
AC 13 0.88 0.04
0.11 + 0.09 ¤0.05®0.35¥ 3.92 + 1.20 ¤1.95®5.73¥
CC 1
ATIC 347ChG CC 33 0.11 + 0.07 ¤0.03®0.32¥ 3.54 + 1.25 ¤1.50®6.01¥
CG 19 0.10 + 0.08 ¤0.04®0.35¥ 0.40 3.02 + 1.11 ¤1.39®4.85¥ 0.32
GG 3 0.14 + 0.06 ¤0.09®0.21¥ 3.21 + 0.95 ¤2.29®4.18¥
Continued on next page:

Copyright © 2012 by the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)
Pharmacogenetics of Methotrexate in Japanese Patients 197

MTX concentration DAS28
Gene Position Genotype Frequency mean + SD ¤range¥ p value mean + SD ¤range¥ p value
MTR 2756AhG AA 0 ¯ ¯
AG 37 0.09 + 0.06 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 0.01 3.45 + 1.25 ¤1.39®6.01¥ 0.37
GG 18 0.14 + 0.08 ¤0.06®0.32¥ 3.12 + 1.08 ¤1.50®4.85¥
MTRR 66AhG AA 29 0.12 + 0.08 ¤0.03®0.35¥ 3.48 + 1.09 ¤1.95®5.69¥
AG 24 0.31 0.38
0.10 + 0.05 ¤0.04®0.24¥ 3.19 + 1.32 ¤1.39®6.01¥
GG 2

(A) (B) was observed. In the USA and European countries, the
recommended target dose of MTX is 15®20 mg/week, but
the approved maximum dose of MTX in Japan is 8 mg/week.
In fact, the patients enrolled in our study receive an MTX
dose of 4, 6, 8, or 10 mg/week ¤mean + SD, 7.2 + 1.2 mg/
week¥, and based on the Kruskal-Wallis test, there was no
difference in mean total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs
between patients receiving different doses ¤Fig. 1¥.
(C) ABCB1 2677GhA/T and 3435ChT did not influence total
MTX concentration in RBCs, but significantly affected the
DAS28 score. Because ABCB1 2677 and 3435 variants
reduced its expression or efflux-transporting activity in
target cells, these gene variants might be associated with
favorable clinical outcomes. In fact, a few studies indicate
that some ABCB1 variants correlate with the efficacy and
toxicity of MTX in RA patients.7,10®12¥ Previous reports
Fig. 3. Genotypes and DAS28 suggest that the ABCB1 T allele of the 3435ChT poly-
(A) ABCB1 2677GhA/T; p ¦ 0.04, one-factor ANOVA, (B) ABCB1 morphism was associated with MTX sensitivity.10,12¥ The
3435ChT; p ¦ 0.02, Kruskal-Wallis test, (C) MTHFR 1298AhC; results of this study were consistent with these reports; in
p ¦ 0.04, Student’s t test. The bottom and top of each box represent
the 25th and 75th percentile of the group, and the band near the
addition, our results indicated that the T and A alleles of
middle of each box represents the median value. the ABCB1 2677GhA/T polymorphism were associated with
higher efficacy of MTX monotherapy. Collectively, these
results suggest that some ABCB1 variants may potentiate the
effect of low-dose MTX in patients with RA.
assess the efficacy of MTX. We excluded the patients Genotype at the MTHFR 1298AhC polymorphic site also
receiving biopharmaceutical therapy or other DMARDs influenced DAS28. The influence of MTHFR 1298AhC on the
concomitantly because this study was designed to evaluate response to MTX treatment has been studied repeat-
the action of MTX monotherapy. Our results indicated that edly,6,8,11,25®29¥ and our results were consistent with previous
patients with the ABCB1 3435TT, ABCB1 2677AA/AT/TT, findings,28¥ in that patients with the MTHFR 1298AA geno-
and MTHFR 1298AA genotypes had better outcomes with type had a lower mean DAS28 than did carriers of the MTHFR
MTX monotherapy than did the patients with other 1298C allele. There are few reports on the relationship
genotypes at these sites. between MTR polymorphisms and MTX response.30¥ We
MTX cannot be detected in plasma because more than found that patients with the GG genotype at MTR 2756
95% of the MTX administered at a low-dose is metabolized had significantly higher total concentration of MTX-PGs in
within 24 h after administration.17¥ However, MTX is RBCs ¤p © 0.01, Table 3¥ and significantly lower serum
converted to MTX-PGs by FPGS in cells, and MTX-PGs CRP level ¤p © 0.01¥ than patients with the MTR 2756AG
accumulate in RBCs.14,18,19¥ Therefore, we assumed that the genotype. This result might become relevant to future studies
concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs might be valuable as on MTR polymorphisms and clinical responses to MTX.
an indicator of clinical response to MTX monotherapy. In general, it is very difficult to detect a clear association
Unexpectedly, total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs did between genetic polymorphisms and clinical outcomes of
not increase in a dose-dependent manner, and no association MTX treatment. We did not check the ABCB1 expression in
between total concentration of MTX-PGs in RBCs and RBC and target cells; however, it was thought that ABCB1
DAS28, ESR, CRP, MCV, hepatotoxicity or nephrotoxicity was expressed in target cells but not RBC. Therefore, ABCB1
Copyright © 2012 by the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)
198 Tomomi KATO, et al.

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