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Exercise 1.

7 The Making of a Hero

1.7.1 Define the following:

– is an admirable leader towering over her peers, who is serving a noble cause, possessing exceptional
talent, distinguish valor/and or hold enterprise, exercising a determinative influence over the spiritual life
of his people in a particular remarkable event.
- a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after death
- the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.

1.7.2 Cite and discuss three specific examples of the different factors which have influenced the
shaping of Dr Rizal's heroic personality.

Although Rizals life so many influence received just only for his family ancestor, there is some kind of
factors influence him or shapes his heroic personality.
One of the factors that shapes Dr Rizals heroic personality is the influence of his brother Paciano Rizal
indeed exemplifies the strong relationship between siblings and the importance of loyalty and unity in the
family. It shows how he is, in many ways, Jose Rizal’s unsung hero. Another factors that influence Rizal,
is the death of the three priests GOBURZA and lastly is the Cavity mutiny.

1.7.3 Describe your own personality.

I am a trustworthy, honest, and humble person. I am very meticulous and perfectionist with my work and
I work very hard. I am described as calm and relax person.

1.7.4 Do you need to improve your personality? How do you resolve to do it?

Yes, there is a need for me to improve my personality, and I’m going to this by citing my weaknesses to
see what am I going to improved.

Exercise 1.8 Rizal in the Eyes of the Filipino Youth (pp 87-90)

1.8.1 Write 5-10 various qualities of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

 being open-minded
 intelligent
 hardworking
 religious nature
 spirit of self sacrifice
 passion of arts and literature
 love for freedom
 innate desire to travel
 indomitable courage

1.8.2 Of the various qualities of Rizal, which do you think is the best? (Justify your answer)

I think the best of the qualities of Rizal is the love of freedom. Because this probably the reason why he
pursue his life just for the freedom of our county. And now being appreciated and enjoyed by the people
of the Philippines.

1.8.3 Is Dr Rizal an ideal role model for the Filipino youth

Explain your answer.

Yes, Dr. Jose Rizal is an ideal role model for the Filipino youth today. He is a role model for his values
that he held.
Exercise 1.9 Dr Jose P. Rizal: A fully functioning person

1.9.1 Define the following:

Fully functioning person – is “the concept of the fully functioning Person, it was an attempt to spell out the picture of the
person who would emerge if therapy were maximally successful” . And a person described who is in touch with his
deepest and innermost feelings and needs.

Healthy personality- is a way for a person to act, guided by intelligence and respect for life, so that the
person will grow in awareness, competence, and the capacity to love the self, the natural environment,
and other people.

1.9.2 Characterize Dr. Rizal as fully "functioning person" and with a "healthy personality"

 Awareness of all experience-Freshness of appreciation for all expaerience

 Trust in ones own behavior and feeling
 Freedom of choice, without inhibition
 Creativity and spontaneity

1.9.3 Compare your own personality characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning
person, and the characteristics of a healthy personality.

Fully function personality is kind of person have complete and competent personality. That compared to
my characteristics, it has a very huge difference. I have so many things to improve and develop for me to
become fully function person.

1.9.4 If your answer is "No". What do you intend to do it?

Exercise Exercise 10 Toward Becoming an Ideal Filipino Citizen

10. 1 In your opinion, What are the characteristics and how can one become a good Filipino citizen?

In my own opinion the characteristics of a Filipino are honest, spectfull, resourceful, hard-workingg,
passionate, and cheerful. And to become a good Filipino citizen, it is important to follow the rules that
being implemented by the state.

Exercise 11 Catching Positive Values

11.1 List down five values that you learned/caught from your family/parents. How were these
transmitted to you?

The five values I learned from my family/parents are the following:

 Family orientation.
 Joy and humor.
 Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity.
 Ability to survive.
 Hard work and industriousness
The following values are being transmitted to me in a very strict way of disciplined.

11.2 List down five Filipino subcultural values that you learned/ caught from your neighbors/-
How were these transmitted to you?

The five Filipino subcultural values that you learned from my neighbors/schoolmates are as follow:
 Respect for elders
 Empathy
 Deep regard for fellow humans
 Patriotism
 Cultural continuity

11.3 List down five Rizalian values that you have learned in order to increase your chances of
becoming good Filipino citizen.

The five Rizalian values I have learned are the following:

 Responsible
 Considerate
 Courteous
 Integrity
 Love of country

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