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Lisa Kurnia Ningsih


Summary Eltcd

Evaluations is : The term evaluation conveys several meanings in education and psychology.

Different authors have different notions of evaluation:

1. Encyclopedia of Education Research:

To measure means to observe or determine the magnitude of variate; evaluation means assessment or

2. James M. Bradfield:

Evaluation is the assignment of symbols to phenomenon, in order to characterise the worth or value of a
phenomenon, usually with reference to some social, cultural or scientific standards.

3. Gronlund and Linn:

Evaluation is a systematic process of collecting, analysing and interpreting information to determine the
extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives .

Type of evalution (formative)

1. Needs Assessment

Determines who needs the program, how great the need is, and what can be done to best meet the
need. An EE needs assessment can help determine what audiences are not currently served by programs
and provide insight into what characteristics new programs should have to meet these audiences’

For more information, Needs Assessment Training uses a practical training module to lead you through a
series of interactive pages about needs assessment.

2. Process or Implementation Evaluation

Examines the process of implementing the program and determines whether the program is operating
as planned. Can be done continuously or as a one-time assessment. Results are used to improve the
program. A process evaluation of an EE program may focus on the number and type of participants
reached and/or determining how satisfied these individuals are with the program.

type of evaluation (summative)

1. Outcome Evaluation

Investigates to what extent the program is achieving its outcomes. These outcomes are the short-term
and medium-term changes in program participants that result directly from the program. For example,
EE outcome evaluations may examine improvements in participants’ knowledge, skills, attitudes,
intentions, or behaviors.

2. Impact Evaluation

Determines any broader, longer-term changes that have occurred as a result of the program. These
impacts are the net effects, typically on the entire school, community, organization, society, or
environment. EE impact evaluations may focus on the educational, environmental quality, or human
health impacts of EE programs.


Evaluation plays a vital role in teaching learning experiences. It is an integral part of the instructional
programmes. It provides information’s on the basis of which many educational decisions are taken. We
are to stick to the basic function of evaluation which is required to be practiced for pupil and his learning


Identifying and Defining General Objectives:

The process of identifying and defining educational objectives is a complex one; there is no
simple or single procedure which suits all teachers. Some prefer to begin with the course content, some
with general aims, and some with lists of objectives suggested by curriculum experts in the area.

 Identifying and Defining Specific Objectives:

These specific objectives will provide direction to teaching-learning process. Not only that it will
also be useful in planning and organising the learning activities, and in planning and organising
evaluation procedures too.

Planning Suitable Learning Activities:

In the third step, the teacher will have to plan the learning activities to be provided to the pupils
and, at the same time, bear two things in mind the objectives as well as teaching points. The process
then becomes three dimensional, the three coordinates being objectives, teaching points and learning
activities. The teacher gets the objectives and content readymade.
Using the Results as Feedback:

The last, but not the least, important step is the use of results as feedback. If the teacher, after
testing his pupils, finds that the objectives have not been realised to a great extent, he will use the
results in reconsidering the objectives and in organising the learning activities.


Education has multifold programmes and activities to inculcate in students a sense of common values,
integrated approach, group feelings, community interrelationship leading to national integration and
knowledge to adjust in different situations.

Evaluation in education assesses the effectiveness of worth of an educational experience which is

measured against instructional objectives.

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